David Campion Acheson (b. 1921) —
of Washington,
Born in Washington,
D.C., November
4, 1921.
Attorney for the District of Columbia, 1961-65.
Member, American Bar Association.
Presumed deceased.
Burial location unknown.
Dean Gooderham Acheson (1893-1971) —
also known as Dean Acheson —
of Washington,
Born in Middletown, Middlesex
County, Conn., April
11, 1893.
Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War I; lawyer;
private secretary to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis
D. Brandeis, 1919-21; undersecretary of treasury, 1933; U.S.
Secretary of State, 1949-53.
ancestry. Member, American Bar Association; American
Academy of Arts and Sciences; Delta
Kappa Epsilon; Council on
Foreign Relations.
Received the Presidential
Medal of Freedom in 1964; received a Pulitzer
Prize in History, 1970, for his book Present At The Creation:
My Years In The State Department.
Died, probably from a heart
attack, over his desk in his study,
Sandy Spring, Montgomery
County, Md., October
12, 1971 (age 78 years, 184
Interment at Oak
Hill Cemetery, Washington, D.C.
Jesse Corcoran Adkins (1879-1955) —
of Chevy Chase, Montgomery
County, Md.; Washington,
Born in Knoxville, Knox
County, Tenn., April
13, 1879.
Republican. Lawyer; law
professor; justice of
District of Columbia supreme court, 1930-36; U.S.
District Judge for the District of Columbia, 1936-46; took senior
status 1946.
of Christ. Member, American Bar Association; Freemasons;
Alpha Delta.
Died in Washington,
D.C., March
29, 1955 (age 75 years, 350
Interment at Rock
Creek Cemetery, Washington, D.C.
Thurman Wesley Arnold (1891-1969) —
also known as Thurman W. Arnold —
of Laramie, Albany
County, Wyo.; New Haven, New Haven
County, Conn.; Washington,
D.C.; Alexandria,
Born in Laramie, Albany
County, Wyo., June 2,
Democrat. Lawyer;
served in the U.S. Army during World War I; member of Wyoming
state house of representatives, 1921; mayor
of Laramie, Wyo., 1923-24; dean,
College of Law, West Virginia University, 1927-30; professor of
law, Yale University, from 1931; Judge
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1943-45; resigned
Member, American Bar Association; Phi
Beta Kappa; Elks; Lions.
Suffered a heart
attack, and died two months later, in Alexandria,
Va., November
7, 1969 (age 78 years, 158
Interment at Greenhill
Cemetery, Laramie, Wyo.
Carl Clyde Atkins (1914-1999) —
also known as C. Clyde Atkins —
of Stuart, Martin
County, Fla.; Miami, Miami-Dade
County, Fla.; Coral Gables, Miami-Dade
County, Fla.
Born in Washington,
D.C., November
23, 1914.
founder-trustee, Lawyers Title
Guaranty Fund, 1948-66; U.S.
District Judge for the Southern District of Florida, 1966-99;
died in office 1999.
Member, American Bar Association; Kappa
Alpha Order; Phi
Kappa Tau; Phi
Alpha Delta; Tau
Kappa Alpha; Kiwanis.
Died in Miami, Miami-Dade
County, Fla., March
11, 1999 (age 84 years, 108
Burial location unknown.
William Augustus Ayres (1867-1952) —
also known as William A. Ayres —
of Wichita, Sedgwick
County, Kan.
Born in Elizabethtown, Hardin
County, Ill., April
19, 1867.
Democrat. Lawyer; Sedgwick
County Prosecuting Attorney, 1907-12; U.S.
Representative from Kansas, 1915-21, 1923-34 (8th District
1915-21, 1923-33, 5th District 1933-34); defeated, 1920; resigned
1934; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Kansas, 1924
(member, Platform
and Resolutions Committee); member, Federal Trade Commission,
1934-52; died in office 1952; chair, Federal Trade Commission, 1937,
1942, 1946.
ancestry. Member, American Bar Association; Freemasons;
Elks; Knights
of Pythias; Odd
Died in Washington,
D.C., February
17, 1952 (age 84 years, 304
Entombed in mausoleum at Old
Mission Cemetery, Wichita, Kan.
James Martin Barnes (1899-1958) —
also known as James M. Barnes —
of Jacksonville, Morgan
County, Ill.
Born in Jacksonville, Morgan
County, Ill., January
9, 1899.
Democrat. Served in the U.S. Marine Corps during World War I; lawyer;
county judge in Illinois, 1926-34; U.S.
Representative from Illinois 20th District, 1939-43; defeated,
1942; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, 1944.
Member, American Bar Association; American
Legion; Freemasons;
Elks; Kiwanis.
Died, of a liver
ailment, in Georgetown University Hospital,
D.C., June 8,
1958 (age 59 years, 150
Interment at Arlington
National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Walter Maximillian Bastian (1891-1975) —
of Washington,
Born in Washington,
D.C., November
16, 1891.
Republican. Lawyer;
served in the U.S. Army during World War I; U.S.
District Judge for the District of Columbia, 1950-54; Judge
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1954-65; took
senior status 1965.
Member, American Bar Association; Freemasons;
Died March
12, 1975 (age 83 years, 116
Interment somewhere
in Washington, D.C.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Charles Sandal Bastian and Katherine (Draeger) Bastian; married,
3, 1914, to Eva E. Alger. |
David Lionel Bazelon (1909-1993) —
also known as David L. Bazelon —
of Chicago, Cook
County, Ill.; Washington,
Born in Superior, Douglas
County, Wis., September
3, 1909.
Democrat. Lawyer;
alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois,
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1949-79; took
senior status 1979.
Member, American Bar Association; Federal
Bar Association; American
Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Died in Washington,
D.C., February
19, 1993 (age 83 years, 169
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Israel Bazelon and Lena (Krasnovsky) Bazelon; married, June 7,
1936, to Miriam M. Kellner. |
Ralph Elihu Becker (1907-1994) —
also known as Ralph E. Becker —
of Port Chester, Westchester
County, N.Y.; Washington,
Born in New York, New York
County, N.Y., January
29, 1907.
Republican. Lawyer;
delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, 1936;
served in the U.S. Army during World War II; Republican candidate for
Presidential Elector for District of Columbia, 1972;
U.S. Ambassador to Honduras, 1976-77.
later Episcopalian.
and Belarusian
ancestry. Member, American Bar Association; American
Judicature Society; Federal
Bar Association; National
Trust for Historic Preservation; Freemasons;
Elks; Jewish
War Veterans; American
Legion; B'nai
B'rith; American
Jewish Committee.
Donor of the Ralph E. Becker Collection of Political Americana to the
Smithsonian Institution; a sponsor of the Antarctic-South Pole
Operation Deep Freeze expedition, 1963.
Died, from congestive
heart failure, in George Washington University Hospital,
D.C., August
24, 1994 (age 87 years, 207
ashes interred at Arlington
National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Adam Benjamin Jr. (1935-1982) —
of Indiana.
Born in Gary, Lake
County, Ind., August
6, 1935.
Democrat. Served in the U.S. Marine Corps during the Korean conflict;
member of Indiana
state house of representatives, 1967; U.S.
Representative from Indiana 1st District, 1977-82; died in office
Orthodox. Member, American Bar Association; American
Legion; Veterans of
Foreign Wars; Elks; Freemasons;
Died, from heart
disease, in Washington,
D.C., September
7, 1982 (age 47 years, 32
Interment at Calumet
Park Cemetery, Merrillville, Ind.
Thomas Hale Boggs, Sr. (1914-1972) —
also known as Hale Boggs —
of New Orleans, Orleans
Parish, La.
Born in Long Beach, Harrison
County, Miss., February
15, 1914.
Democrat. Lawyer; U.S.
Representative from Louisiana 2nd District, 1941-43, 1947-72;
died in office 1972; delegate to Democratic National Convention from
Louisiana, 1948,
Parliamentarian, 1964;
chair, Resolutions and Platform Committee, chair, 1968;
candidate for Governor of
Louisiana, 1952; Vice-Chair
of Democratic National Committee, 1957; member, President's
Commission on the Assassination of President KNDY, 1963-64.
Member, American
Legion; Amvets;
War Veterans; Sons of
the American Revolution; Knights
of Columbus; American Bar Association; American
Judicature Society; Phi
Beta Kappa; Beta
Theta Pi; Omicron
Delta Kappa.
while on a campaign
flight from Anchorage to Juneau, and presumed killed in a plane
crash, somewhere in Alaska, October
16, 1972 (age 58 years, 244
days). The wreckage was never
Cenotaph at Congressional
Cemetery, Washington, D.C.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of William Robertson Boggs and Claire Josephine (Hale) Boggs;
married, January
22, 1938, to Corinne
Claiborne; father of Barbara
Boggs Sigmund, Thomas
Hale Boggs Jr. and Cokie Roberts. |
|  | Boggs Peak
in the Chugach Mountains, Anchorage,
Alaska, is named for
him. |
|  | See also congressional
biography — Govtrack.us
page — Wikipedia article — NNDB
dossier |
|  | Books about Thomas Hale Boggs: Gary
Boulard, The
Big Lie: Hale Boggs, Lucille May Grace, and Leander
Perez |
Alan Stephenson Boyd (b. 1922) —
also known as Alan S. Boyd —
of Washington,
Born in Jacksonville, Duval
County, Fla., July 20,
Democrat. Major in the U.S. Army during World War II; lawyer; U.S.
Secretary of Transportation, 1967-69; alternate delegate to
Democratic National Convention from Florida, 1968.
Member, American Bar Association; Kiwanis.
Still living as of 2018.
Ezra Brainerd Jr. (b. 1878) —
of Muskogee, Muskogee
County, Okla.; Washington,
Born in Middlebury, Addison
County, Vt., August
26, 1878.
Republican. Lawyer;
general counsel and vice-president, First National Bank of
Muskogee; director, Farmers National Bank of
Fort Gibson; director, First National Bank of
Braggs; member, Interstate Commerce Commission, 1927-33.
Member, American Bar Association; Chi Psi;
Templar; Shriners.
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Ezra Brainerd and Frances Viola (Rockwell) Brainerd; married, April
15, 1908, to Edith Maris Hubbard. |
Charles Franklin Brannan (1903-1992) —
also known as Charles F. Brannan —
of Denver,
Colo.; Washington,
Born in Denver,
Colo., August
23, 1903.
Secretary of Agriculture, 1948-53.
Member, Civitan;
Alpha Epsilon; Americans
for Democratic Action; American Bar Association.
Died in Denver,
Colo., July 2,
1992 (age 88 years, 314
Burial location unknown.
John Bayne Breckinridge (1913-1979) —
also known as John B. Breckinridge —
of Lexington, Fayette
County, Ky.
Born in Washington,
D.C., November
29, 1913.
Democrat. Lawyer;
colonel in the U.S. Army during World War II; member of Kentucky
state house of representatives 49th District, 1956-59; Kentucky
state attorney general, 1960-64, 1968-72; delegate to Democratic
National Convention from Kentucky, 1960;
Governor of Kentucky, 1971; defeated, 1963; U.S.
Representative from Kentucky 6th District, 1973-79; defeated in
primary, 1978.
Member, American Bar Association; American
Judicature Society; Veterans of
Foreign Wars; American
Legion; Kappa
Alpha Order.
Died in Lexington, Fayette
County, Ky., July 29,
1979 (age 65 years, 242
ashes interred at Lexington
Cemetery, Lexington, Ky.
David Gerald Bress (1908-1976) —
also known as David G. Bress —
of Washington,
Born in New York City (unknown
county), N.Y., June 7,
Attorney for the District of Columbia, 1965-69.
Member, American Bar Association; American
Jewish Committee; Phi
Beta Kappa.
Died in March, 1976
(age 67
years, 0 days).
Burial location unknown.
Edward William Brooke III (1919-2015) —
also known as Edward W. Brooke —
of Newton Center, Newton, Middlesex
County, Mass.
Born in Washington,
D.C., October
26, 1919.
Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; lawyer;
candidate for secretary
of state of Massachusetts, 1960; Massachusetts
state attorney general, 1963-67; U.S.
Senator from Massachusetts, 1967-79; defeated, 1978.
ancestry. Member, American Bar Association; American
Academy of Arts and Sciences; Amvets;
Phi Alpha.
Black U.S. Senator in the 20th century; recipient of the Spingarn
Medal in 1967.
Died in Coral Gables, Miami-Dade
County, Fla., January
3, 2015 (age 95 years, 69
Interment at Arlington
National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Joseph Melville Broughton (1888-1949) —
also known as J. Melville Broughton —
of Wake
County, N.C.
Born in Raleigh, Wake
County, N.C., November
17, 1888.
Democrat. School
teacher; lawyer;
member of North
Carolina state senate, 1927-29; Presidential Elector for North
Carolina, 1936;
of North Carolina, 1941-45; delegate to Democratic National
Convention from North Carolina, 1944,
(member, Credentials
Committee); candidate for Democratic nomination for Vice
President, 1944;
Senator from North Carolina, 1948-49; died in office 1949.
Member, American Bar Association; Freemasons;
Died, of a heart
attack, in Washington,
D.C., March 6,
1949 (age 60 years, 109
Interment at Montlawn
Memorial Park, Raleigh, N.C.
Garry Eldridge Brown (1923-1998) —
also known as Garry Brown —
of Schoolcraft, Kalamazoo
County, Mich.
Born in Schoolcraft, Kalamazoo
County, Mich., August
12, 1923.
Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; lawyer; delegate
to Michigan state constitutional convention from 6th Senatorial
District, 1961-62; member of Michigan
state senate, 1963-66 (6th District 1963-64, 21st District
1965-66); U.S.
Representative from Michigan 3rd District, 1967-79; defeated,
Member, American
Legion; American Bar Association; Elks; Jaycees.
Died in Washington,
D.C., August
27, 1998 (age 75 years, 15
Interment at Schoolcraft
Township Cemetery, Schoolcraft, Mich.
Thomas Chalmers Buchanan (1895-1958) —
also known as Thomas C. Buchanan —
of Beaver, Beaver
County, Pa.; Camp Hill, Cumberland
County, Pa.; Washington,
Born in Beaver, Beaver
County, Pa., November
12, 1895.
Democrat. Lawyer;
delegate to Democratic National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1940,
member, Federal Power Commission, 1948-53; chair, Federal Power
Commission, 1952-53.
Member, American Bar Association; American
Died in 1958
(age about
62 years).
Interment at Mill
Creek Hill Cemetery, Hookstown, Pa.
Warren Earl Burger (1907-1995) —
also known as Warren E. Burger —
of St. Paul, Ramsey
County, Minn.; Arlington, Arlington
County, Va.
Born in St. Paul, Ramsey
County, Minn., September
17, 1907.
Republican. Lawyer;
delegate to Republican National Convention from Minnesota, 1944,
(alternate), 1952
(member, Credentials
Committee; speaker);
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1956-69; Chief
Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, 1969-86; took senior status 1986.
Member, American Bar Association; American
Judicature Society; Federal
Bar Association.
Received the Presidential
Medal of Freedom in 1988.
Died, of congestive
heart failure, in Alexandria,
Va., June 25,
1995 (age 87 years, 281
Interment at Arlington
National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Harold Hitz Burton (1888-1964) —
also known as Harold H. Burton —
of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
County, Utah; Boise, Ada
County, Idaho; East Cleveland, Cuyahoga
County, Ohio.
Born in Jamaica Plain, Boston, Suffolk
County, Mass., June 22,
Republican. Lawyer;
assistant attorney, Utah Power &
Light Company and Utah Light &
Company, 1914-16; attorney, Idaho Power
Company and Boise Valley Traction
Company, 1916-17; served in the U.S. Army during World War I; member
of Ohio
state house of representatives, 1929; mayor
of Cleveland, Ohio, 1931-32, 1936-41; delegate to Republican
National Convention from Ohio, 1944;
speaker, 1936;
Senator from Ohio, 1941-45; Associate
Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, 1945-58; took senior status 1958.
Member, Freemasons;
American Bar Association; American
Legion; Veterans of
Foreign Wars; Phi
Beta Kappa; Delta
Kappa Epsilon; Phi
Alpha Delta; Knights
of Pythias; Moose; Eagles;
Died in Washington,
D.C., October
28, 1964 (age 76 years, 128
Interment at Highland
Park Cemetery, Highland Hills, Ohio.
Benjamin Louis Cardin (b. 1943) —
also known as Benjamin L. Cardin —
of Baltimore,
Born in Baltimore,
Md., October
5, 1943.
Democrat. Lawyer;
member of Maryland
state house of delegates, 1967-86 (District 5 1967-74, District
42 1975-86); Speaker of
the Maryland State House of Delegates, 1979-86; U.S.
Representative from Maryland 3rd District, 1987-; delegate to
Democratic National Convention from Maryland, 1988,
Member, American Bar Association.
Still living as of 2014.
Milton Robert Carr (1943-2024) —
also known as Bob Carr —
of East Lansing, Ingham
County, Mich.
Born in Janesville, Rock
County, Wis., March
27, 1943.
Democrat. Lawyer; U.S.
Representative from Michigan, 1975-81, 1983-95 (6th District
1975-81, 1983-93, 8th District 1993-95); defeated, 1972, 1980;
delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1980,
candidate for U.S.
Senator from Michigan, 1994.
Member, American Civil
Liberties Union; American Bar Association; Common
Cause; NAACP.
Died in Washington,
D.C., August
27, 2024 (age 81 years, 153
Burial location unknown.
Clifford Philip Case (1904-1982) —
also known as Clifford P. Case —
of Rahway, Union
County, N.J.
Born in Franklin Park, Somerset
County, N.J., April
16, 1904.
Republican. Lawyer;
member of New
Jersey state house of assembly from Union County, 1943-44; U.S.
Representative from New Jersey 6th District, 1945-53; resigned
1953; U.S.
Senator from New Jersey, 1955-79; defeated in primary, 1978;
delegate to Republican National Convention from New Jersey, 1956,
candidate for Republican nomination for President, 1968.
Member, Council on
Foreign Relations; American Bar Association; Elks; Phi
Beta Kappa; Delta
Upsilon; Phi
Delta Phi.
Died, from lung
cancer, in Georgetown University Hospital,
D.C., March 5,
1982 (age 77 years, 323
Interment at New Somerville Cemetery, Somerville, N.J.
Albert Benjamin Chandler III (b. 1959) —
also known as Ben Chandler; "Big
Ben" —
of Versailles, Woodford
County, Ky.
Born in Versailles, Woodford
County, Ky., September
12, 1959.
Democrat. Lawyer; Kentucky
auditor of public accounts, 1992-95; Kentucky
state attorney general, 1996-; candidate for Governor of
Kentucky, 2003; delegate to Democratic National Convention from
Kentucky, 2004,
Representative from Kentucky 6th District, 2004-.
Member, American Bar Association.
Still living as of 2014.
Ralph Edwin Church (1883-1950) —
also known as Ralph E. Church —
of Evanston, Cook
County, Ill.
Born near Catlin, Vermilion
County, Ill., May 5,
member of Illinois
state house of representatives 6th District, 1917-32; U.S.
Representative from Illinois, 1935-41, 1943-50 (10th District
1935-41, 1943-49, 13th District 1949-50); defeated (Independent),
1932; died in office 1950; candidate in Republican primary for U.S.
Senator from Illinois, 1940.
Member, American Bar Association; Freemasons;
Chi; Phi
Kappa Psi; American
Society for International Law.
Died in a committee
meeting in the House Office Building, Washington,
D.C., March
21, 1950 (age 66 years, 320
Interment at Memorial
Park Cemetery, Skokie, Ill.
Bennett Champ Clark (1890-1954) —
also known as Joel Bennett Clark —
of St.
Louis, Mo.
Born in Bowling Green, Caroline
County, Va., January
8, 1890.
Democrat. Lawyer;
colonel in the U.S. Army during World War I; delegate to Democratic
National Convention from Missouri, 1928,
(member, Committee
on Rules and Order of Business; speaker);
Senator from Missouri, 1931-45; defeated in primary, 1944; Judge
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1945.
Member, American
Legion; Veterans of
Foreign Wars; Freemasons;
Fellows; American Bar Association; Order of
the Coif; Phi
Beta Kappa; Delta
Tau Delta; Phi
Delta Phi; Delta
Sigma Rho.
Died in Gloucester, Essex
County, Mass., July 13,
1954 (age 64 years, 186
Interment at Arlington
National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
William Jefferson Clinton (b. 1946) —
also known as Bill Clinton; William Jefferson Blythe
IV; "Slick Willie"; "Bubba";
"Elvis"; "Eagle"; "The Big
Dog" —
of Arkansas; Chappaqua, Westchester
County, N.Y.
Born in Hope, Hempstead
County, Ark., August
19, 1946.
Democrat. Rhodes
scholar; candidate for U.S.
Representative from Arkansas 3rd District, 1974; Arkansas
state attorney general, 1977-79; Governor of
Arkansas, 1979-81, 1983-92; delegate to Democratic National
Convention from Arkansas, 1996,
speaker, 1984,
of the United States, 1993-2001; delegate to Democratic National
Convention from New York, 2004,
Democratic Presidential Elector for New York, 2016
(voted for Hillary
Clinton and Tim
Kaine); Democratic Presidential Elector for New York, 2020
(voted for Joseph
R. Biden, Jr. and Kamala
D. Harris).
Member, Trilateral
Commission; Council on
Foreign Relations; Phi
Beta Kappa; Pi
Sigma Alpha; Phi
Alpha Delta; American Bar Association.
On October 29, 1994, Francisco Duran fired 27 shots from the sidewalk
at the White House in an apparent assassination
attempt against President Clinton. Impeached
by the House of Representatives in December 1998 over allegations of
and obstruction
of justice in connection with his sexual
contact with a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky, but acquitted
by the Senate.
Still living as of 2025.
|  |
Step-son of Roger Clinton; son of William Jefferson Blythe II and
Virginia (Cassidy) Clinton; married, October
11, 1975, to Hillary
Diane Rodham (sister of Hugh
Edwin Rodham); father of Chelsea
Victoria Clinton (daughter-in-law of Edward
Maurice Mezvinsky and Marjorie
Margolies); third cousin twice removed of James
Alexander Lockhart. |
|  | Political family: Ashe
family of North Carolina (subset of the Four
Thousand Related Politicians). |
|  | Cross-reference: Abraham
J. Hirschfeld — Kenneth
W. Starr — Rahm
Emanuel — Henry
G. Cisneros — Maria
Echaveste — Thurgood
Marshall, Jr. — Walter
S. Orlinsky — Charles
F. C. Ruff — Sean
Patrick Maloney — Lanny
J. Davis |
|  | The William Jefferson Clinton Federal
Building (built 1934; renamed 2012) in Washington,
D.C., is named for
him. |
|  | See also National
Governors Association biography — Wikipedia
article — NNDB
dossier — Internet Movie Database
profile — OurCampaigns
candidate detail |
|  | Books by Bill Clinton: Between
Hope and History : Meeting America's Challenges for the 21st
Century (1996) — My
Life (2004) |
|  | Books about Bill Clinton: David
Maraniss, First
in His Class : The Biography of Bill Clinton — Joe
Conason, The
Hunting of the President : The Ten-Year Campaign to Destroy Bill and
Hillary Clinton — Gene Lyons, Fools
for Scandal : How the Media Invented Whitewater —
Sidney Blumenthal, The
Clinton Wars — Dewayne Wickham, Bill
Clinton and Black America — Joe Klein, The
Natural : The Misunderstood Presidency of Bill
Clinton — Nigel Hamilton, Bill
Clinton: An American Journey — Bob Woodward, The
Agenda: Inside the Clinton White House — George
Stephanopolous, All
Too Human — John F. Harris, The
Survivor : Bill Clinton in the White House — Mark
Katz, Clinton
& Me: A Real Life Political Comedy — Michael Takiff,
Complicated Man: The Life of Bill Clinton as Told by Those Who Know
Him — Tim O'Shei, Bill
Clinton (for young readers) |
|  | Critical books about Bill Clinton:
Barbara Olson, The
Final Days : The Last, Desperate Abuses of Power by the Clinton White
House — Meredith L. Oakley, On
the Make : The Rise of Bill Clinton — Robert
Patterson, Dereliction
of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Endangered
America's Long-Term National Security — Ambrose
Evans-Pritchard, The
Secret Life of Bill Clinton: The Unreported Stories —
Ann Coulter, High
Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill
Clinton — Dick Morris & Eileen McGann, Because
He Could — Jack Cashill, Ron
Brown's Body : How One Man's Death Saved the Clinton Presidency and
Hillary's Future — Christopher Hitchens, No
One Left To Lie To: The Values of the Worst Family —
Rich Lowry, Legacy:
Paying the Price for the Clinton Years — Richard
Miniter, Losing
Bin Laden : How Bill Clinton's Failures Unleashed Global
Terror |
|  | Image source: Congressional Pictorial
Directory, 105th Congress (1997) |
Bainbridge Colby (1869-1950) —
of Manhattan, New York
County, N.Y.; Washington,
Born in St.
Louis, Mo., December
22, 1869.
attorney for author Samuel L. Clemens ("Mark Twain"); member of New York
state assembly from New York County 29th District, 1902; among
the founders
of the Progressive ("Bull Moose") Party in 1912; Progressive
candidate for U.S.
Senator from New York, 1914, 1916; member, U.S. Shipping Board,
1917-19; resigned 1919; delegate to Democratic National Convention
from District of Columbia, 1920;
Secretary of State, 1920-21; law partner of Woodrow
Wilson 1921-23; delegate to Democratic National Convention from
New York, 1924.
Member, American Bar Association; Phi
Beta Kappa.
Died in Bemus Point, Chautauqua
County, N.Y., April
11, 1950 (age 80 years, 110
Interment at Bemus
Point Cemetery, Bemus Point, N.Y.
Edward Francis Colladay (b. 1877) —
also known as Edward F. Colladay —
of Washington,
Born in Virginia, Cass
County, Ill., February
15, 1877.
Republican. Lawyer;
member of Republican
National Committee from District of Columbia, 1917-40; delegate
to Republican National Convention from District of Columbia, 1948,
(alternate), 1956
Member, American Bar Association; Freemasons;
Burial location unknown.
Linton McGee Collins (1902-1972) —
also known as Linton M. Collins —
of Miami, Miami-Dade
County, Fla.; Washington,
Born in Reidsville, Tattnall
County, Ga., June 21,
of U.S. Court of Claims, 1964-72; died in office 1972.
Member, American Bar Association; Federal
Bar Association; Phi
Delta Theta; Rotary.
Died in Washington,
D.C., April
12, 1972 (age 69 years, 296
Interment at Crescent Hill Cemetery, Helen, Ga.
John Sherman Cooper (1901-1991) —
of Somerset, Pulaski
County, Ky.
Born in Somerset, Pulaski
County, Ky., August
23, 1901.
Republican. Member of Kentucky
state house of representatives, 1928-30; county judge in
Kentucky, 1930-38; candidate for Governor of
Kentucky, 1939; served in the U.S. Army during World War II; U.S.
Senator from Kentucky, 1946-49, 1952-55, 1956-73; defeated, 1948,
1954; delegate to Republican National Convention from Kentucky, 1948,
Vice-President; speaker),
(member, Resolutions
Committee), 1972
(delegation chair); U.S. Ambassador to India, 1955-56; Nepal, 1955-56; East Germany, 1974-76; member, President's Commission on the
Assassination of President KNDY, 1963-64.
or Episcopalian.
Member, American
Legion; Veterans of
Foreign Wars; Rotary;
American Bar Association; Beta
Theta Pi.
Died of heart
failure, in Washington,
D.C., February
21, 1991 (age 89 years, 182
Interment at Arlington
National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.; statue at Fountain
Square, Somerset, Ky.
Myron Melvin Cowen (1898-1965) —
also known as Myron M. Cowen —
of Des Moines, Polk
County, Iowa; Washington,
Born in Logan, Harrison
County, Iowa, January
25, 1898.
U.S. Ambassador to Australia, 1948-49; Philippines, 1949-51; Belgium, 1952-53.
Member, American Bar Association.
Died, in Georgetown University Hospital,
D.C., November
1, 1965 (age 67 years, 280
Interment at Rock
Creek Cemetery, Washington, D.C.
Homer Stillé Cummings (1870-1956) —
also known as Homer S. Cummings —
of Stamford, Fairfield
County, Conn.; Greenwich, Fairfield
County, Conn.
Born in Chicago, Cook
County, Ill., April
30, 1870.
Democrat. Lawyer;
delegate to Democratic National Convention from Connecticut, 1900,
(alternate), 1924
(member, Platform
and Resolutions Committee), 1932,
(member, Committee
on Rules and Order of Business; speaker),
member of Democratic
National Committee from Connecticut, 1900-25; Chairman
of Democratic National Committee, 1919-20; mayor
of Stamford, Conn., 1900-02, 1904-06; candidate for U.S.
Representative from Connecticut at-large, 1902; Vice-Chair
of Democratic National Committee, 1913-19; candidate for U.S.
Senator from Connecticut, 1916; candidate for Democratic
nomination for President, 1920;
Attorney General, 1933-39; Democratic Presidential Elector for
Connecticut, 1940;
Democratic Presidential Elector for Connecticut, 1944.
Member, American Bar Association; American
Judicature Society; Freemasons;
Templar; Odd
Fellows; Elks; Eagles.
Died September
10, 1956 (age 86 years, 133
Interment at Woodland
Cemetery, Stamford, Conn.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Uriah C. Cummings and Audie Schuyler (Stillé) Cummings;
married to Cecilia Waterbury. |
|  | See also Wikipedia
article — NNDB
dossier |
|  | Image source: Library of
Congress |
Edward Matthew Curran (b. 1903) —
also known as Edward M. Curran —
of Washington,
Born in Bangor, Penobscot
County, Maine, May 10,
police court judge, 1936-40; U.S.
Attorney for the District of Columbia, 1940-46; U.S.
District Judge for the District of Columbia, 1948.
Member, American Bar Association; Gamma
Eta Gamma.
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Michael Joseph Curran and Mary Agnes (Callinan) Curran; married,
6, 1934, to Katherine Cecilia Hand. |
John Anthony Danaher (1899-1990) —
also known as John A. Danaher —
of Hartford, Hartford
County, Conn.; Portland, Middlesex
County, Conn.
Born in Meriden, New Haven
County, Conn., January
9, 1899.
Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; lawyer; secretary
of state of Connecticut, 1933-35; U.S.
Senator from Connecticut, 1939-45; defeated, 1944; delegate to
Republican National Convention from Connecticut, 1944;
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1953-.
Member, American
Legion; Knights
of Columbus; American Bar Association; American
Judicature Society; Grange;
Theta Pi.
Died in Litchfield
County, Conn., September
22, 1990 (age 91 years, 256
Interment at Sacred
Heart Cemetery, Meriden, Conn.
Ewin Lamar Davis (1876-1949) —
also known as Ewin L. Davis —
of Tullahoma, Coffee
County, Tenn.
Born in Bedford
County, Tenn., February
5, 1876.
Democrat. Lawyer;
Democratic Presidential Elector for Tennessee, 1905;
circuit judge in Tennessee, 1910-18; U.S.
Representative from Tennessee 5th District, 1919-33; defeated,
1932; member, Federal Trade Commission, 1933-49; died in office 1949;
chair, Federal Trade Commission, 1935, 1940, 1945.
Member, American Bar Association; Federal
Bar Association; Alpha
Tau Omega; Phi
Delta Phi; Freemasons.
Died in Washington,
D.C., October
23, 1949 (age 73 years, 260
Interment at Oakwood
Cemetery, Tullahoma, Tenn.
Everett McKinley Dirksen (1896-1969) —
also known as Everett M. Dirksen; "The Wizard of
Ooze" —
of Pekin, Tazewell
County, Ill.
Born in Pekin, Tazewell
County, Ill., January
4, 1896.
Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; merchant;
Representative from Illinois 16th District, 1933-49; delegate to
Republican National Convention from Illinois, 1940
(alternate), 1948,
(member, Resolutions
Committee; speaker),
(member, Credentials
Committee), 1964
(delegation chair), 1968
(delegation chair); U.S.
Senator from Illinois, 1951-69; died in office 1969.
Reformed. Member, American
Legion; Veterans of
Foreign Wars; Freemasons;
Order of the
Eastern Star; Shriners;
Elks; Moose;
American Bar Association; Odd
Fellows; Izaak
Walton League.
Died, of lung
cancer, at the Walter
Reed Army Medical Center, Washington,
D.C., September
7, 1969 (age 73 years, 246
Interment at Glendale
Memorial Gardens, Pekin, Ill.
Wesley Ernest Disney (1883-1961) —
also known as Wesley E. Disney —
of Muskogee, Muskogee
County, Okla.; Tulsa, Tulsa
County, Okla.
Born in Richland, Shawnee
County, Kan., October
31, 1883.
Democrat. Lawyer; Muskogee
County Attorney, 1911-15; member of Oklahoma
state house of representatives, 1919-24; U.S.
Representative from Oklahoma 1st District, 1931-45; alternate
delegate to Democratic National Convention from Oklahoma, 1948.
Scientist. Member, Freemasons;
Fellows; Knights
of Pythias; American Bar Association.
Died in Washington,
D.C., March
26, 1961 (age 77 years, 146
Interment at Memorial
Park Cemetery, Tulsa, Okla.
Paul Rand Dixon (1913-1996) —
also known as Paul R. Dixon —
of Washington,
D.C.; Brentwood, Williamson
County, Tenn.
Born in Nashville, Davidson
County, Tenn., September
29, 1913.
Democrat. Lawyer;
served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; member, Federal Trade
Commission, 1961-81; chair, Federal Trade Commission, 1961-69, 1976.
Member, Phi
Delta Phi; Alpha
Tau Omega; American Bar Association; Freemasons.
Died May 2,
1996 (age 82 years, 216
Burial location unknown.
William Joseph Donovan (1883-1959) —
also known as William J. Donovan; "Wild
Bill" —
of Manhattan, New York
County, N.Y.
Born in Buffalo, Erie
County, N.Y., January
1, 1883.
Republican. Lawyer;
colonel in the U.S. Army during World War I; candidate for Lieutenant
Governor of New York, 1922; U.S.
Attorney for the Western District of New York, 1922-24; candidate
for Governor of
New York, 1932; general in the U.S. Army during World War II;
U.S. Ambassador to Thailand, 1953-54.
Member, American Bar Association; American
Legion; Phi
Kappa Psi; Phi
Delta Phi.
Received the Medal
of Honor for action during World War I. During World War II, he
founded and led the U.S. Office of Strategic Services, which later
became the Central Intelligence Agency.
Died at Walter
Reed Army Medical Center, Washington,
D.C., February
8, 1959 (age 76 years, 38
Interment at Arlington
National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
William Orville Douglas (1898-1980) —
also known as William O. Douglas —
of New Haven, New Haven
County, Conn.; Goose Prairie, Yakima
County, Wash.
Born in Maine, Otter Tail
County, Minn., October
16, 1898.
Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; lawyer; law
professor; member, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,
1936-39; chair, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 1937-39; Associate
Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, 1939-75; candidate for Democratic
nomination for President, 1948.
Member, Freemasons;
World Federalists; American Bar Association; Beta
Theta Pi; Phi
Alpha Delta; Delta
Sigma Rho; Phi
Beta Kappa.
Died in Washington,
D.C., January
19, 1980 (age 81 years, 95
Interment at Arlington
National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of William Douglas and Julia Bickford (Fiske) Douglas; married, August
16, 1923, to Mildred M. Riddle; married 1966 to
Kathleen Heffernan. |
|  | Cross-reference: Warren
Christopher — William
A. Norris |
|  | See also Wikipedia
article — NNDB
dossier — Arlington
National Cemetery unofficial website |
|  | Books by William O. Douglas: Of
Men and Mountains (1982) — My
wilderness: east to Katahdin (1961) — Go
East, Young Man (1974) — The
Court Years, 1939 to 1975: The Autobiography of William O.
Douglas (1980) |
|  | Books about William O. Douglas: Bruce
Allen Murphy, Wild
Bill : The Legend and Life of William O. Douglas —
Howard Ball & Phillip J. Cooper, Of
Power and Right: Hugo Black, William O. Douglas, and America's
Constitutional Revolution — James F. Simon, Independent
Journey: The Life of William O. Douglas |
Henry White Edgerton (1888-1970) —
of Washington,
Born in Rush Center, Rush
County, Kan., October
20, 1888.
professor; Judge
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1938-63.
Member, American Bar Association; Phi
Beta Kappa; Phi
Delta Phi.
Died February
23, 1970 (age 81 years, 126
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Charles Eugene Edgerton and Annie Benedict (White) Edgerton;
married, June 28,
1913, to Alice Durand. |
Harry Thomas Edwards (b. 1940) —
of District of Columbia.
Born in New York, New York
County, N.Y., November
3, 1940.
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1980-.
Member, American Bar Association; Alpha
Phi Alpha.
Still living as of 1991.
Leverett Edwards (b. 1902) —
of Oklahoma; Washington,
Born in New Cordell, Washita
County, Okla., January
20, 1902.
state attorney general, 1926-27.
Member, Phi
Delta Phi; Phi
Delta Theta; American Bar Association.
Burial location unknown.
Clyde Taylor Ellis (1908-1980) —
also known as Clyde T. Ellis —
of Bentonville, Benton
County, Ark.
Born near Garfield, Benton
County, Ark., December
21, 1908.
Democrat. Superintendent
of schools; lawyer;
member of Arkansas
state house of representatives, 1933-35; member of Arkansas
state senate, 1935-39; U.S.
Representative from Arkansas 3rd District, 1939-43; delegate to
Democratic National Convention from Arkansas, 1940;
candidate for U.S.
Senator from Arkansas, 1942; served in the U.S. Navy during World
War II.
Member, American Bar Association; Tau
Kappa Alpha; Blue
Key; Freemasons.
Died in Washington,
D.C., February
9, 1980 (age 71 years, 50
Interment at Arlington
National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Charles Fahy (1892-1979) —
of Santa Fe, Santa Fe
County, N.M.; Washington,
Born in Rome, Floyd
County, Ga., August
27, 1892.
served in the U.S. Navy during World War I; general counsel, National
Labor Relations Board, 1935; U.S. Solicitor General, 1941-45; legal
advisor to the military government of Germany, 1945-46; Judge
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1949-67.
ancestry. Member, American Bar Association.
Died, in Georgetown University Hospital,
D.C., September
17, 1979 (age 87 years, 21
Interment at Arlington
National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Duncan Upshaw Fletcher (1859-1936) —
also known as Duncan U. Fletcher —
of Jacksonville, Duval
County, Fla.
Born near Americus, Sumter
County, Ga., January
6, 1859.
Democrat. Lawyer;
member of Florida
state house of representatives, 1893; mayor
of Jacksonville, Fla., 1893-95, 1901-03; Florida
Democratic state chair, 1905-08; U.S.
Senator from Florida, 1909-36; died in office 1936.
Member, Freemasons;
American Bar Association.
Died in Washington,
D.C., June 17,
1936 (age 77 years, 163
Interment at Evergreen
Cemetery, Jacksonville, Fla.
Abe Fortas (1910-1982) —
also known as "Fiddlin' Abe Fortas" —
Born in Memphis, Shelby
County, Tenn., June 19,
Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, 1965-69.
Member, American Bar Association; Order of
the Coif; Federal
Bar Association.
Died in Washington,
D.C., April 5,
1982 (age 71 years, 290
Hampson Gary (1873-1952) —
of Tyler, Smith
County, Tex.; Washington,
Born in Tyler, Smith
County, Tex., April
23, 1873.
Democrat. Lawyer;
vice-president, Royall National Bank;
director, Guaranty State Bank;
served in the U.S. Army during the Spanish-American War; member of Texas
state house of representatives, 1901-02; member of Texas
Democratic State Executive Committee, 1902-04; delegate to
Democratic National Convention from Texas, 1908;
U.S. Diplomatic Agent to Egypt, 1917-18; U.S. Consul General in Cairo, 1917-20; U.S. Minister to Switzerland, 1920-21.
Member, American Bar Association; Phi
Beta Kappa; Alpha
Tau Omega; Sons of
the Revolution; Society
of Colonial Wars.
Died April
18, 1952 (age 78 years, 361
Interment at Arlington
National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Charles Waters Gilchrist (1936-1999) —
also known as Charles W. Gilchrist; Charlie
Gilchrist —
Born in Washington,
D.C., November
12, 1936.
member of Maryland
state senate 17th District, 1975-78; Montgomery
County Executive, 1978; Episcopal
Member, American Bar Association; Phi
Beta Kappa.
Died in Baltimore,
Md., June 24,
1999 (age 62 years, 224
Interment at Monocacy Cemetery, Beallsville, Md.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Eleanor Yates (Waters) Gilchrist and Ralph Alexander
Gilchrist. |
|  | See also Find-A-Grave
memorial |
Douglas Howard Ginsburg (b. 1946) —
of District of Columbia.
Born in Chicago, Cook
County, Ill., May 25,
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1986-.
Member, American Bar Association.
Still living as of 2014.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933-2020) —
also known as Joan Ruth Bader —
of Washington,
Born in Brooklyn, Kings
County, N.Y., March
15, 1933.
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1980-93; Associate
Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, 1993-.
Member, American Bar Association; Council on
Foreign Relations; American
Academy of Arts and Sciences; American Civil
Liberties Union; American
Jewish Congress; Phi
Alpha Delta.
Inducted, National
Women's Hall of Fame, 2002.
Died in Washington,
D.C., September
18, 2020 (age 87 years, 187
Interment at Arlington
National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Charles Ellsworth Goodell (1926-1987) —
also known as Charles E. Goodell —
of Jamestown, Chautauqua
County, N.Y.
Born in Jamestown, Chautauqua
County, N.Y., March
16, 1926.
Republican. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; served in
the U.S. Air Force during the Korean conflict; lawyer; chair of
Chautauqua County Republican Party, 1958-59; U.S.
Representative from New York, 1959-68 (43rd District 1959-63,
38th District 1963-68); delegate to Republican National Convention
from New York, 1964,
Senator from New York, 1968-71; defeated, 1970.
Member, American Bar Association; Phi
Beta Kappa.
Died in Washington,
D.C., January
21, 1987 (age 60 years, 311
Interment at Lake
View Cemetery, Jamestown, N.Y.
Peyton Gordon (b. 1870) —
of Washington,
Born in Washington,
D.C., April
30, 1870.
Republican. Lawyer;
served in the U.S. Army during World War I; U.S.
Attorney for the District of Columbia, 1921-28; justice of
District of Columbia supreme court, 1928-36.
Member, American Bar Association; American
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Malcolm Burkhead Gordon and Sarah (Thompson) Gordon; married, June 4,
1902, to Evelyn Briley. |
Robert S. Hale (1889-1976) —
also known as Robert Hale —
of Portland, Cumberland
County, Maine.
Born in Portland, Cumberland
County, Maine, November
29, 1889.
Republican. Rhodes
scholar; lawyer;
served in the U.S. Army during World War I; member of Maine
state house of representatives, 1923-30; Speaker of
the Maine State House of Representatives, 1929-30; U.S.
Representative from Maine 1st District, 1943-59; defeated, 1958.
Member, American Bar Association; Psi
Upsilon; Phi
Beta Kappa; American
Died in Washington,
D.C., November
30, 1976 (age 87 years, 1
Interment at Evergreen
Cemetery, Portland, Maine.
Robert Emmet Hannegan (1903-1949) —
also known as Robert E. Hannegan —
of St.
Louis, Mo.
Born in St.
Louis, Mo., June 30,
Democrat. Lawyer;
delegate to Democratic National Convention from Missouri, 1940;
speaker, 1944;
Collector of Internal Revenue at St. Louis, Missouri, 1942-43;
U.S. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1943; Chairman
of Democratic National Committee, 1944-47; U.S.
Postmaster General, 1945-47; part owner of the St. Louis
Cardinals baseball
team, 1947-49.
ancestry. Member, American Bar Association; Sigma
Nu Phi.
Died suddenly from a heart
ailment, in St.
Louis, Mo., October
6, 1949 (age 46 years, 98
Interment at Calvary
Cemetery, St. Louis, Mo.
John Marshall Harlan (1899-1971) —
of Manhattan, New York
County, N.Y.; Washington,
Born in Chicago, Cook
County, Ill., May 20,
scholar; lawyer;
served in the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II; Judge
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, 1954-55; Associate
Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, 1955-71.
Member, American Bar Association.
Died in Washington,
D.C., December
29, 1971 (age 72 years, 223
Interment at Emmanuel
Church Cemetery, Weston, Conn.
Harry Bartow Hawes (1869-1947) —
also known as Harry B. Hawes —
of St.
Louis, Mo.
Born in Covington, Kenton
County, Ky., November
15, 1869.
Democrat. Lawyer;
delegate to Democratic National Convention from Missouri, 1904,
member, Committee to Notify Presidential Nominee, 1904,
member of Missouri
state house of representatives from St. Louis City 3rd District,
1917-18; served in the U.S. Army during World War I; U.S.
Representative from Missouri 11th District, 1921-26; U.S.
Senator from Missouri, 1926-33; resigned 1933.
Member, Sons of
the American Revolution; Sons
of Confederate Veterans; American
Legion; Reserve
Officers Association; Military
Order of the World Wars; American Bar Association; American
Society for International Law; American
Economic Association; Izaak
Walton League; Audubon
Society; American
Forestry Association; National Rifle
Died in Washington,
D.C., July 31,
1947 (age 77 years, 258
ashes scattered in a private or family graveyard, Ripley County, Mo.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Smith Nicholas Hawes and Susan Elizabeth (Simrall) Hawes; married,
15, 1899, to Elizabeth Eppes Osborne Robinson; grandson of Richard
Hawes; grandnephew of Robert
Carter Nicholas (1787-1857) and Albert
Gallatin Hawes; great-grandson of George
Nicholas; great-grandnephew of Wilson
Cary Nicholas, John
Nicholas and Aylett
Hawes; second great-grandson of Robert
Carter Nicholas (1729-1780); first cousin twice removed of Peyton
Randolph; first cousin four times removed of Benjamin
Harrison (1726-1791) and William
Fitzhugh; second cousin once removed of Peter
Myndert Dox, Aylett
Hawes Buckner and Edmund
Randolph; second cousin thrice removed of John
Walker, Carter
Bassett Harrison, Francis
Walker and William
Henry Harrison; third cousin of Edmund
Randolph Cocke; third cousin once removed of Thomas
Marshall, James
Keith Marshall and Francis
Beverley Biddle; third cousin twice removed of John
Scott Harrison (1804-1878); third cousin thrice removed of Burwell
Bassett; fourth cousin once removed of Thomas
Walker Gilmer, Carter
Henry Harrison, Benjamin
Harrison (1833-1901), William
Henry Fitzhugh Lee, John
Breckinridge Castleman and John
Scott Harrison (1844-1926). |
|  | Political family: Livingston-Schuyler
family of New York (subset of the Four
Thousand Related Politicians). |
|  | Cross-reference: John
J. Cochran |
|  | See also congressional
biography — Govtrack.us
page |
|  | Image source: Missouri Official Manual
1921 |
Emil William Henry (b. 1929) —
also known as E. William Henry —
of Tennessee; Washington,
Born in Memphis, Shelby
County, Tenn., March 4,
Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during the Korean conflict; lawyer;
member, Federal Communications Commission, 1962-66; chair, Federal
Communications Commission, 1963-66.
Member, American Bar Association; Order of
the Coif; Phi
Delta Phi; Chi Psi.
Still living as of 1967.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of John Phillips Henry and Elizabeth (Tschudy) Henry; married, December
21, 1955, to Sherrye Eileen Patton. |
Christian Archibald Herter Jr. (1919-2007) —
also known as Christian A. Herter, Jr. —
of Newton, Middlesex
County, Mass.; Manhattan, New York
County, N.Y.; Washington,
Born in Brooklyn, Kings
County, N.Y., January
29, 1919.
Republican. Major in the U.S. Army during World War II; lawyer;
administrative assistant to U.S. Vice President Richard
M. Nixon, 1953-54; delegate to Republican National Convention
from Massachusetts, 1956,
candidate for Massachusetts
state attorney general, 1958; vice-president, Socony Mobil Oil
Company, 1961-67; director, Berkshire Life
Insurance Company; law
Member, American Bar Association; Council on
Foreign Relations; Phi
Beta Kappa.
Died, from chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, in Washington,
D.C., September
16, 2007 (age 88 years, 230
Burial location unknown.
Peter D. Hoagland (1941-2007) —
of Nebraska.
Born in Omaha, Douglas
County, Neb., November
17, 1941.
Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam war; lawyer; law
clerk for U.S. District Judge Oliver
Gasch, 1969-70; member of Nebraska
unicameral legislature 6th District, 1979-86; U.S.
Representative from Nebraska 2nd District, 1989-95; defeated,
Member, American Bar Association; Common
Died, from Parkinson's
disease, in Washington,
D.C., October
30, 2007 (age 65 years, 347
Burial location unknown.
Frank Joseph Hogan (1877-1944) —
also known as Frank J. Hogan —
of Washington,
Born in Brooklyn, Kings
County, N.Y., January
12, 1877.
Republican. Lawyer;
general counsel, Capital Traction
Company; general counsel, Riggs National Bank;
attorney for Albert
B. Fall, Edward
L. Doheny during the Teapot Dome trials; delegate to Republican
National Convention from District of Columbia, 1920
(member, Committee
on Permanent Organization; member, Resolutions
Committee); president, American Bar Association, 1938-39.
Member, American Bar Association.
Died in Washington,
D.C., May 15,
1944 (age 67 years, 124
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Maurice E. Hogan and Mary (McSwiney) Hogan; married 1899 to Mary
Cecile Adair; first cousin of James
Francis Byrnes. |
|  | Image source: Time Magazine, March 11,
1935 |
Ernest Frederick Hollings (1922-2019) —
also known as Ernest F. Hollings; Fritz Hollings;
"Foghorn Leghorn" —
of Charleston, Charleston
County, S.C.
Born in Charleston, Charleston
County, S.C., January
1, 1922.
Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; member of South
Carolina state house of representatives, 1949-55; Lieutenant
Governor of South Carolina, 1955-59; delegate to Democratic
National Convention from South Carolina, 1956,
of South Carolina, 1959-63; U.S.
Senator from South Carolina, 1966-2005; candidate for Democratic
nomination for President, 1984.
Member, American Bar Association; Freemasons;
Elks; American
Legion; Veterans of
Foreign Wars; Ancient
Order of Hibernians; Sertoma.
Died in Isle of Palms, Charleston
County, S.C., April 6,
2019 (age 97 years, 95
Interment at Bethany Cemetery, Charleston, S.C.
George Huddleston Jr. (1920-1971) —
of Birmingham, Jefferson
County, Ala.
Born in Birmingham, Jefferson
County, Ala., March
19, 1920.
Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; lawyer; U.S.
Representative from Alabama, 1955-65 (9th District 1955-63,
at-large 1963-65).
Member, American Bar Association; Phi
Beta Kappa; American
Died in Washington,
D.C., September
14, 1971 (age 51 years, 179
Interment at Elmwood
Cemetery, Birmingham, Ala.
Harold LeClair Ickes (1874-1952) —
also known as Harold L. Ickes —
of Hubbard Woods, Cook
County, Ill.; Winnetka, Cook
County, Ill.; Olney, Montgomery
County, Md.
Born in Frankstown, Blair
County, Pa., March
15, 1874.
reporter; lawyer;
delegate to Republican National Convention from Illinois, 1920;
Secretary of the Interior, 1933-46; delegate to Democratic
National Convention from Illinois, 1936,
and German
ancestry. Member, American Civil
Liberties Union; American Bar Association; Phi
Delta Theta; Phi
Delta Phi.
Died, in Emergency Hospital,
D.C., February
3, 1952 (age 77 years, 325
Interment at Sandy Spring Friends Cemetery, Sandy Spring, Md.
Daniel Ken Inouye (1924-2012) —
also known as Daniel K. Inouye —
of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Honolulu
County, Hawaii.
Born in Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Honolulu
County, Hawaii, September
7, 1924.
Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; lawyer;
member of Hawaii
territorial House of Representatives, 1954-58; delegate to
Democratic National Convention from Hawaii Territory, 1956;
member of Hawaii
territorial senate, 1958-59; U.S.
Representative from Hawaii at-large, 1959-63; delegate to
Democratic National Convention from Hawaii, 1960,
(delegation chair); Temporary Chair, 1968;
speaker, 1968;
Co-Chair, 1984;
Senator from Hawaii, 1963-.
ancestry. Member, American Bar Association; Disabled
American Veterans; Phi
Delta Phi; Lions.
his right arm as the result of a combat injury in Italy during
World War II. His Distinguished Service Cross was upgraded in 2000
to a Medal
of Honor. First
American of Japanese descent to serve in Congress.
Died, from respiratory
failure, in Walter
Reed Hospital, Bethesda, Montgomery
County, Md., December
17, 2012 (age 88 years, 101
Interment at National
Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Honolulu, Island of Oahu,
Robert Houghwout Jackson (1892-1954) —
also known as Robert H. Jackson —
of Jamestown, Chautauqua
County, N.Y.; McLean, Fairfax
County, Va.
Born in Spring Creek, Warren
County, Pa., February
13, 1892.
Democrat. Lawyer;
vice-president and general counsel, Jamestown Street
Railway Company; director and general counsel, Jamestown Telephone
Corporation; delegate to Democratic National Convention from New
York, 1936;
U.S. Solicitor General, 1938-40; U.S.
Attorney General, 1940-41; Associate
Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, 1941-54; died in office 1954.
Member, American Bar Association; American
Law Institute; Freemasons.
Died, from a heart
attack, in Washington,
D.C., October
9, 1954 (age 62 years, 238
Interment at Maple
Grove Cemetery, Frewsburg, N.Y.
Louis Arthur Johnson (1891-1966) —
also known as Louis A. Johnson —
of Clarksburg, Harrison
County, W.Va.
Born in Roanoke,
Va., January
10, 1891.
Democrat. Lawyer;
member of West
Virginia state house of delegates from Harrison County, 1917-18;
served in the U.S. Army during World War I; delegate to Democratic
National Convention from West Virginia, 1924;
National Commander, American Legion, 1932-33; Assistant Secretary of
War, 1937-40; U.S.
Secretary of Defense, 1949-50.
Member, American
Legion; American Bar Association; Federal
Bar Association; Sons of
the American Revolution; Delta
Chi; Delta
Sigma Rho; Tau
Kappa Alpha; Freemasons;
Elks; Rotary.
Died in Washington,
D.C., April
24, 1966 (age 75 years, 104
Interment at Elkview
Masonic Cemetery, Clarksburg, W.Va.
Nicholas de Belleville Katzenbach (1922-2012) —
also known as Nicholas de B. Katzenbach —
of North Haven, New Haven
County, Conn.; Washington,
D.C.; Princeton, Mercer
County, N.J.
Born in Philadelphia, Philadelphia
County, Pa., January
17, 1922.
Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II; Rhodes
scholar; lawyer; law
professor; U.S.
Attorney General, 1965-66; general counsel for IBM,
1969-86; director, MCI Communications,
2002-04; Democratic Presidential Elector for New Jersey, 1996.
Member, Council on
Foreign Relations; American Bar Association; American
Judicature Society.
Died in Skillman, Somerset
County, N.J., May 8,
2012 (age 90 years, 112
Frank Billings Kellogg (1856-1937) —
also known as Frank B. Kellogg —
of Rochester, Olmsted
County, Minn.; St. Paul, Ramsey
County, Minn.
Born in Potsdam, St.
Lawrence County, N.Y., December
22, 1856.
Republican. Lawyer; law
partner of Cushman
K. Davis; delegate to Republican National Convention from
Minnesota, 1904,
member of Republican
National Committee from Minnesota, 1904-12; U.S.
Senator from Minnesota, 1917-23; defeated, 1922; U.S. Ambassador
to Great Britain, 1923-25; U.S.
Secretary of State, 1925-29; received the Nobel
Peace Prize in 1929.
Member, American Bar Association.
Died in St. Paul, Ramsey
County, Minn., December
21, 1937 (age 80 years, 364
ashes interred at Washington
National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
Paul Joseph Kilday (1900-1968) —
also known as Paul J. Kilday —
of San Antonio, Bexar
County, Tex.; Washington,
Born in Sabinal, Uvalde
County, Tex., March
29, 1900.
Democrat. Lawyer; U.S.
Representative from Texas 20th District, 1939-61; delegate to
Democratic National Convention from Texas, 1956,
of U.S. Court of Military Appeals, 1961-67.
Member, American Bar Association; Knights
of Columbus.
Died October
12, 1968 (age 68 years, 197
Interment at Arlington
National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Jerris G. Leonard (1931-2006) —
also known as Jerris Leonard —
of Milwaukee, Milwaukee
County, Wis.; Washington,
D.C.; Bethesda, Montgomery
County, Md.
Born in Chicago, Cook
County, Ill., January
17, 1931.
Republican. Lawyer;
member of Wisconsin
state assembly from Milwaukee County 19th District, 1957-60;
member of Wisconsin
state senate 4th District, 1961-68; candidate for U.S.
Senator from Wisconsin, 1968; administrator, Law Enforcement
Assistance Administration, 1971; alternate delegate to Republican
National Convention from District of Columbia, 1984.
Member, American Bar Association.
Died in Washington,
D.C., July 27,
2006 (age 75 years, 191
Interment at Mt.
Olivet Cemetery, Washington, D.C.
Carl Milton Levin (b. 1934) —
also known as Carl Levin —
of Detroit, Wayne
County, Mich.
Born in Detroit, Wayne
County, Mich., June 28,
Democrat. U.S.
Senator from Michigan, 1979-; delegate to Democratic National
Convention from Michigan, 1984,
Member, American Bar Association.
Still living as of 2019.
Lee Loevinger (1913-2004) —
of Minnesota; Washington,
D.C.; Chevy Chase, Montgomery
County, Md.
Born in St. Paul, Ramsey
County, Minn., April
24, 1913.
Democrat. Lawyer;
served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; justice of
Minnesota state supreme court, 1960-61; member, Federal
Communications Commission, 1963-68.
Member, Phi
Beta Kappa; Delta
Sigma Rho; Sigma
Xi; Sigma
Delta Chi; Tau
Kappa Alpha; Federal
Bar Association; American Bar Association; American
Judicature Society; American
Academy of Political and Social Science.
Died April
26, 2004 (age 91 years, 2
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Gustavus Loevinger and Millie (Strouse) Loevinger; married, March 4,
1950, to Ruth E. Howe. |
Gillis William Long (1923-1985) —
also known as Gillis W. Long —
of Alexandria, Rapides
Parish, La.
Born in Winnfield, Winn
Parish, La., May 4,
Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; lawyer; U.S.
Representative from Louisiana 8th District, 1963-65, 1973-85;
died in office 1985; candidate for Governor of
Louisiana, 1963; delegate to Democratic National Convention from
Louisiana, 1964.
Member, American Bar Association; Veterans of
Foreign Wars; American
Legion; Omicron
Delta Kappa; Delta
Kappa Epsilon; Lions.
Died in Washington,
D.C., January
20, 1985 (age 61 years, 261
Interment at Alexandria
National Cemetery, Pineville, La.
Samuel Miller Breckinridge Long (1881-1958) —
also known as Breckinridge Long —
of St.
Louis, Mo.; Washington,
D.C.; Laurel, Prince
George's County, Md.
Born in St.
Louis, Mo., May 16,
Democrat. Lawyer;
member, Committee to Notify Vice-Presidential Nominee,
Democratic National Convention, 1916 ; Democratic candidate for U.S.
Senator from Missouri, 1920, 1922 (primary); delegate to
Democratic National Convention from District of Columbia, 1928;
U.S. Ambassador to Italy, 1933-36.
Member, American Bar Association; Phi
Delta Phi; Society
of the Cincinnati; American
Historical Association.
Died in Laurel, Prince
George's County, Md., September
26, 1958 (age 77 years, 133
Interment at Washington
National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
George Edward MacKinnon (1906-1995) —
also known as George E. MacKinnon —
of Minneapolis, Hennepin
County, Minn.; Potomac, Allegany
County, Md.
Born in St. Paul, Ramsey
County, Minn., April
22, 1906.
Republican. Lawyer;
member of Minnesota
state house of representatives District 29, 1935-42; served in
the U.S. Navy during World War II; U.S.
Representative from Minnesota 3rd District, 1947-49; U.S.
Attorney for Minnesota, 1953-58; candidate for Governor of
Minnesota, 1958; Judge
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1969-83, 1969-;
took senior status 1983.
Member, American Bar Association; Delta
Tau Delta; Phi
Delta Phi.
Died in Potomac, Montgomery
County, Md., May 1,
1995 (age 89 years, 9
Interment at Mound
Cemetery, Mound, Minn.
Charles Taylor Manatt (1936-2011) —
also known as Charles Manatt —
of Van Nuys, Los Angeles, Los
Angeles County, Calif.; Los Angeles, Los
Angeles County, Calif.
Born in Chicago, Cook
County, Ill., June 9,
Democrat. Lawyer;
Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for California, 1968
(on behalf of Hubert
H. Humphrey and Edmund
S. Muskie); California
Democratic state chair, 1971-73, 1975-77; delegate to Democratic
National Convention from California, 1972,
Temporary Chair, 1984;
member of Democratic
National Committee from California, 1976-82; Chairman
of Democratic National Committee, 1981-85; U.S. Ambassador to Dominican Republic, 1999-2001.
Member, American Bar Association; Federal
Bar Association; Phi
Delta Phi; Delta
Sigma Rho; Phi
Kappa Phi; Delta
Chi; Freemasons.
Died in 2011
(age about
75 years).
Burial location unknown.
John Marshall (b. 1881) —
of Parkersburg, Wood
County, W.Va.; Washington,
Born in New Cumberland, Hancock
County, W.Va., July 28,
Republican. Lawyer;
delegate to Republican National Convention from West Virginia, 1920,
of Christ. Member, American Bar Association; Beta
Theta Pi; Delta
Chi; Elks; Navy
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Oliver S. Marshall and Elizabeth Hammond (Tarr) Marshall; married,
25, 1905, to Rebecca Paull. |
Robert McClory (1908-1988) —
of Illinois.
Born in Riverside, Cook
County, Ill., January
31, 1908.
Republican. Member of Illinois
state house of representatives, 1951-52; member of Illinois
state senate, 1953-62; U.S.
Representative from Illinois, 1963-83 (12th District 1963-73,
13th District 1973-83).
Member, American Bar Association.
Died in Washington,
D.C., July 24,
1988 (age 80 years, 175
Burial location unknown.
William Moore McCulloch (1901-1980) —
also known as William M. McCulloch —
of Piqua, Miami
County, Ohio.
Born near Holmesville, Holmes
County, Ohio, November
24, 1901.
Republican. Member of Ohio
state house of representatives, 1933-44; served in the U.S. Army
during World War II; U.S.
Representative from Ohio 4th District, 1947-73; delegate to
Republican National Convention from Ohio, 1964.
Member, American Bar Association.
Died in Washington,
D.C., February
22, 1980 (age 78 years, 90
Interment at Arlington
National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Carl E. McGowan (1911-1987) —
of Washington,
Born in Hymera, Sullivan
County, Ind., May 7,
Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; Judge
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1963-81; took
senior status 1981.
Member, American Bar Association.
Died in Washington,
D.C., December
21, 1987 (age 76 years, 228
Burial location unknown.
Angus Wilton McLean (1870-1935) —
also known as Angus W. McLean —
of Lumberton, Robeson
County, N.C.
Born in Robeson
County, N.C., April
20, 1870.
Democrat. Lawyer; Robeson
County Attorney, 1892-1904; banker;
delegate to Democratic National Convention from North Carolina, 1904
(member, Committee
on Rules and Order of Business), 1912
(member, Committee
on Permanent Organization; speaker),
member of Democratic
National Committee from North Carolina, 1916-24; Governor of
North Carolina, 1925-29.
ancestry. Member, American Bar Association; American
Academy of Political and Social Science; Sons of
the Revolution; Knights
of Pythias; Sigma
Died in Washington,
D.C., June 21,
1935 (age 65 years, 62
Entombed at Meadowbrook
Cemetery, Lumberton, N.C.
Robert Hayes McNeill (b. 1877) —
also known as Robert H. McNeill —
of Jefferson, Ashe
County, N.C.; Washington,
Born in Wilkes
County, N.C., April
25, 1877.
Republican. Candidate for superior court judge in North Carolina,
1901; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from North
Carolina, 1904,
candidate for Governor of
North Carolina, 1940.
Member, American Bar Association; Sons of
the American Revolution.
Burial location unknown.
Abner Joseph Mikva (1926-2016) —
also known as Abner J. Mikva —
of Chicago, Cook
County, Ill.; Evanston, Cook
County, Ill.
Born in Milwaukee, Milwaukee
County, Wis., January
21, 1926.
Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II; lawyer;
member of Illinois
state house of representatives, 1956-66; U.S.
Representative from Illinois, 1969-73, 1975-79 (2nd District
1969-73, 10th District 1975-79); Judge
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1979-94; retired
1994; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, 2008.
Member, American Bar Association.
Died in Chicago, Cook
County, Ill., July 4,
2016 (age 90 years, 165
Burial location unknown.
Robert Justin Miller (1888-1973) —
also known as Justin Miller —
of Hanford, Kings
County, Calif.; Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, Los
Angeles County, Calif.
Born in Crescent City, Del Norte
County, Calif., November
17, 1888.
County District Attorney, 1915-18; law
professor; Associate
Justice of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1937-45;
resigned 1945; chairman and general counsel, National Association of
Radio and
Television Broadcasters.
Member, American Bar Association; Federal
Bar Association; American
Judicature Society; Order of
the Coif; Delta
Sigma Rho; Delta
Chi; Alpha
Pi Zeta; Phi
Delta Phi; Phi
Kappa Phi; Pi
Sigma Alpha; Omicron
Delta Kappa; Phi
Beta Kappa; Pi Gamma
Mu; Sigma
Nu Phi.
Died, in a hospital
at Santa Monica, Los Angeles
County, Calif., January
17, 1973 (age 84 years, 61
Interment at Grangeville
Cemetery, Armona, Calif.
John Newton Mitchell (1913-1988) —
also known as John N. Mitchell —
of New York; Washington,
Born in Detroit, Wayne
County, Mich., September
15, 1913.
served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; U.S.
Attorney General, 1969-72.
Member, American Bar Association.
A central figure in the Watergate scandal.
in 1973, along with Maurice
Stans, for perjury
and obstruction
over a contribution
from fugitive
financier Robert Vesco to President Richard
M. Nixon's re-election campaign; tried
and acquitted. Convicted
in February 1975 of conspiracy, obstruction
of justice and perjury,
over his role in the Watergate
break-in, and sentenced
to two and a half to eight years in prison;
served 19 months.
Suffered a heart
attack, and died later the same day, at George Washington
University Hospital,
D.C., November
9, 1988 (age 75 years, 55
Interment at Arlington
National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
Ralph Nader (b. 1934) —
of Winsted, Litchfield
County, Conn.
Born in Winsted, Litchfield
County, Conn., February
27, 1934.
professor; consumer advocate; candidate for President
of the United States, 1996 (Green), 2000 (Green), 2004
(Independent), 2008 (Independent).
ancestry. Member, American Bar Association; Phi
Beta Kappa.
Still living as of 2024.
Harry Whinna Nice (1877-1941) —
also known as Harry W. Nice —
of Baltimore,
Born in Washington,
D.C., December
5, 1877.
Republican. Lawyer;
delegate to Republican National Convention from Maryland, 1920;
member, Committee to Notify Presidential Nominee, 1936;
of Maryland, 1935-39; defeated, 1919, 1938; candidate for
Republican nomination for Vice President, 1936;
candidate for U.S.
Senator from Maryland, 1940.
Member, American Bar Association; Freemasons;
Templar; Shriners;
of Pythias; Odd
Fellows; Moose; Junior
Order; Elks; Patriotic
Order Sons of America; Knights
of Khorassan.
Died in Richmond,
Va., February
25, 1941 (age 63 years, 82
Interment at Green
Mount Cemetery, Baltimore, Md.
John Lord O'Brian (1874-1974) —
of Buffalo, Erie
County, N.Y.; Washington,
Born in Buffalo, Erie
County, N.Y., October
14, 1874.
Republican. Lawyer;
member of New York
state assembly from Erie County 2nd District, 1907-09; U.S.
Attorney for the Western District of New York, 1909-14; delegate
to New York state constitutional convention at-large, 1915;
delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, 1916,
(member, Resolutions
Committee); candidate for U.S.
Senator from New York, 1938.
Member, American Bar Association; Delta
Upsilon; Phi
Delta Phi.
Died in 1974
(age about
99 years).
Entombed at Washington
National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
Joseph Patrick O'Hara (1895-1975) —
also known as Joseph P. O'Hara —
of Glencoe, McLeod
County, Minn.
Born in Tipton, Cedar
County, Iowa, January
23, 1895.
Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; lawyer; McLeod
County Attorney, 1934-38; U.S.
Representative from Minnesota 2nd District, 1941-59.
Member, American Bar Association; American
Died in Bethesda, Montgomery
County, Md., March 4,
1975 (age 80 years, 40
Interment at Gate
of Heaven Cemetery, Silver Spring, Md.
Alexander Mitchell Palmer (1872-1936) —
also known as A. Mitchell Palmer; "The Fighting
Quaker" —
of Stroudsburg, Monroe
County, Pa.; Washington,
Born in Moosehead, Luzerne
County, Pa., May 4,
Democrat. Lawyer; bank
director; U.S.
Representative from Pennsylvania 26th District, 1909-15; member
of Democratic
National Committee from Pennsylvania, 1912-20; delegate to
Democratic National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1912
(member, Platform
and Resolutions Committee); candidate for U.S.
Senator from Pennsylvania, 1914; U.S. Alien Property Custodian,
1917-19; U.S.
Attorney General, 1919-21; target of assassination
attempts in 1919; instigator of the "Palmer Raids" in 1919-20, in
which over 10,000 legal immigrants were arrested and held for
deportation; most were eventually released; candidate for Democratic
nomination for President, 1920;
delegate to Democratic National Convention from District of Columbia,
Member, American Bar Association; Phi
Kappa Psi; Phi
Beta Kappa.
Died, from a heart
condition following surgery for appendicitis,
in Emergency Hospital,
D.C., May 11,
1936 (age 64 years, 7
Interment at Laurelwood
Cemetery, Stroudsburg, Pa.
John Johnston Parker (1885-1958) —
also known as John J. Parker —
of Monroe, Union
County, N.C.; Charlotte, Mecklenburg
County, N.C.
Born in Monroe, Union
County, N.C., November
20, 1885.
Republican. Lawyer;
candidate for Governor of
North Carolina, 1920; delegate to Republican National Convention
from North Carolina, 1924;
member of Republican
National Committee from North Carolina, 1924; Judge
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit, 1925-58; died in
office 1958.
Member, American Bar Association; American
Judicature Society; Phi
Beta Kappa; Phi
Delta Phi; Omicron
Delta Kappa; Order of
the Coif; Freemasons;
Died in Washington,
D.C., March
17, 1958 (age 72 years, 117
Interment at Elmwood
Cemetery, Charlotte, N.C.
John Barton Payne (1855-1935) —
of Kingwood, Preston
County, W.Va.; Chicago, Cook
County, Ill.; Washington,
Born in Pruntytown, Taylor
County, Va. (now W.Va.), January
26, 1855.
Democrat. Lawyer; chair of
Preston County Democratic Party, 1877-82; superior court judge in
Illinois, 1893-98; member, U.S. Shipping Board, 1919-20; resigned
1920; chair, U.S. Shipping Board, 1919-20; U.S.
Secretary of the Interior, 1920-21.
Member, American Bar Association.
Died January
24, 1935 (age 79 years, 363
Interment at Oak
Hill Cemetery, Washington, D.C.
Endicott Peabody (1920-1997) —
also known as "Chub" —
of Cambridge, Middlesex
County, Mass.; Washington,
D.C.; Hollis, Hillsborough
County, N.H.
Born in Lawrence, Essex
County, Mass., February
15, 1920.
Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; lawyer;
member of Massachusetts
Governor's Council 3rd District, 1955-56; candidate for Massachusetts
state attorney general, 1956, 1958; delegate to Democratic
National Convention from Massachusetts, 1960,
of Massachusetts, 1963-65; defeated, 1960; candidate for U.S.
Senator from Massachusetts, 1966; candidate for U.S.
Senator from New Hampshire, 1986.
Member, American Bar Association; Federal
Bar Association; American
Legion; Elks.
Died, from leukemia,
in Hollis, Hillsborough
County, N.H., December
1, 1997 (age 77 years, 289
Interment at Groton
Cemetery, Groton, Mass.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Rev. Malcolm Endicott Peabody and Mary Elizabeth (Parkman)
Peabody; brother of Marietta
Peabody Tree; married, June 24,
1944, to Barbara Welch 'Toni' Gibbons; grandnephew of Richard
Wayne Parker and Charles
Wolcott Parker; great-grandson of John
Cortlandt Parker; second great-grandson of James
Parker; fourth great-grandnephew of George
Cabot, Chauncey
Goodrich and Elizur
Goodrich; fifth great-grandson of Stephanus
Van Cortlandt; fifth great-grandnephew of Pieter
Schuyler (1657-1724), Jacobus
Van Cortlandt, Johannes
Schuyler (1668-1747) and Timothy
Pickering; cousin *** of William
P. Homans Jr.; first cousin twice removed of John
Lee Saltonstall; first cousin thrice removed of William
Crowninshield Endicott; first cousin five times removed of Stephanus
Bayard, Pierre
Van Cortlandt, Philip
John Schuyler and Stephen
John Schuyler; first cousin six times removed of John
Livingston, Robert
Livingston (1688-1775), Gilbert
Livingston and Johannes
Schuyler (1697-1746); first cousin seven times removed of David
Davidse Schuyler and Myndert
Davidtse Schuyler; second cousin once removed of Leverett
Saltonstall, Richard
Saltonstall, William
Gurdon Saltonstall and John
Lee Saltonstall Jr.; second cousin twice removed of William
Caleb Loring and Augustus
Peabody Gardner; second cousin four times removed of Nicholas
Bayard, Pieter
Schuyler (1746-1792), Philip
Van Cortlandt, Pierre
Van Cortlandt Jr. and Philip
Jeremiah Schuyler; second cousin five times removed of Robert
Livingston (1708-1790), Peter
Van Brugh Livingston, Robert
Gilbert Livingston, Henry
Gilbert Livingston, Philip
Livingston, Robert
R. Livingston, William
Livingston, James
Jay, Philip
P. Schuyler, John
Jay, Frederick
Jay, Judah
Dana and Dudley
Leavitt Pickman; third cousin of William
Lawrence Saltonstall; third cousin thrice removed of Stephen
Van Rensselaer, Philip
Schuyler Van Rensselaer, Henry
Walter Livingston, Philip
Schuyler, James
Alexander Hamilton and Henry
Cabot Lodge; fourth cousin of William
Amory Gardner Minot and John
Forbes Kerry; fourth cousin once removed of William
Goodrich Morrell Jr.. |
|  | Political family: Tree-Parker-Peabody
family of Morristown and Perth Amboy, New Jersey (subset of the
Thousand Related Politicians). |
|  | See also National
Governors Association biography — Wikipedia
article — NNDB
dossier — Find-A-Grave
memorial — OurCampaigns
candidate detail |
Claude Denson Pepper (1900-1989) —
also known as Claude Pepper —
of Tallahassee, Leon
County, Fla.; Miami, Dade County (now Miami-Dade
County), Fla.
Born near Dudleyville, Chambers
County, Ala., September
8, 1900.
Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; lawyer;
member of Florida
state house of representatives, 1929-30; U.S.
Senator from Florida, 1936-51; delegate to Democratic National
Convention from Florida, 1940
(alternate), 1944
(alternate), 1948
(alternate), 1960
(alternate), 1964,
(alternate); member, Platform and Resolutions Committee, 1944;
speaker, 1944,
candidate for Democratic nomination for Vice President, 1944;
Representative from Florida, 1963-89 (3rd District 1963-67, 11th
District 1967-73, 14th District 1973-83, 18th District 1983-89); died
in office 1989.
Member, Moose; Woodmen;
Legion; Forty and
Eight; Freemasons;
Elks; Kiwanis;
American Bar Association; Phi
Beta Kappa; Omicron
Delta Kappa; Phi
Alpha Delta; Sigma
Upsilon; Kappa
Alpha Order; United
World Federalists.
Received the Presidential
Medal of Freedom in 1989.
Died in Washington,
D.C., May 30,
1989 (age 88 years, 264
Interment at Oakland
Cemetery, Tallahassee, Fla.
Philip B. Perlman (1890-1960) —
of Baltimore,
Born in Baltimore,
Md., March 5,
Democrat. Newspaper
reporter; lawyer; secretary
of state of Maryland, 1920-23; delegate to Democratic National
Convention from Maryland, 1932,
U.S. Solicitor General, 1947-52.
Member, American Bar Association; Federal
Bar Association; Order of
the Coif.
Died, of an apparent heart
attack, in his room at the Shoreham Hotel, Washington,
D.C., July 31,
1960 (age 70 years, 148
Burial location unknown.
Elijah Barrett Prettyman (1891-1971) —
of District of Columbia.
Born in Lexington,
Va., August
23, 1891.
Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; Judge
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1945-62.
Member, American Bar Association.
Died August
4, 1971 (age 79 years, 346
Interment at Rockville
Cemetery, Rockville, Md.
Christian William Ramseyer (1875-1943) —
also known as C. William Ramseyer —
of Bloomfield, Davis
County, Iowa.
Born near Collinsville, Butler
County, Ohio, March
13, 1875.
Republican. School
teacher; lawyer; Davis
County Attorney, 1911-15; U.S.
Representative from Iowa 6th District, 1915-33.
Member, American Bar Association; American
Political Science Association.
Died in Washington,
D.C., November
1, 1943 (age 68 years, 233
Interment at Odd
Fellows Cemetery, Bloomfield, Iowa.
Stanley Forman Reed (1884-1980) —
also known as Stanley F. Reed —
of Maysville, Mason
County, Ky.; Washington,
Born in Minerva, Mason
County, Ky., December
31, 1884.
Democrat. Lawyer;
counsel, Burley Tobacco
Growers Cooperative Association; member of Kentucky
state house of representatives, 1912-16; served in the U.S. Army
during World War I; delegate to Democratic National Convention from
Kentucky, 1920,
U.S. Solicitor General, 1935-38; Associate
Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, 1938-57.
Member, American
Legion; Freemasons;
American Bar Association; Society
of Colonial Wars; Sons of
the American Revolution; Delta
Died in Huntington, Suffolk
County, Long Island, N.Y., April 2,
1980 (age 95 years, 93
Interment at Maysville
Cemetery, Maysville, Ky.
George Hughes Revercomb (1929-1993) —
of District of Columbia.
Born in Charleston, Kanawha
County, W.Va., June 3,
superior court judge in District of Columbia, 1970-85; U.S.
District Judge for the District of Columbia, 1985-93; died in
office 1993.
Member, American Bar Association.
Died, of cancer,
at Sibley Memorial Hospital,
D.C., August
1, 1993 (age 64 years, 59
Burial location unknown.
Marion Edwards Rhodes (1868-1928) —
also known as Marion E. Rhodes —
of Potosi, Washington
County, Mo.
Born near Glenallen, Bollinger
County, Mo., January
4, 1868.
Republican. School
teacher; lawyer; Washington
County Prosecuting Attorney, 1900-04; member of Missouri
Republican State Committee, 1902-04; U.S.
Representative from Missouri 13th District, 1905-07, 1919-23;
defeated, 1906, 1916, 1922; mayor of Potosi, Mo., 1908-09; delegate
to Republican National Convention from Missouri, 1908;
member of Missouri
state house of representatives from Washington County, 1909-10.
Member, American Bar Association; Freemasons.
Died in Washington,
D.C., December
25, 1928 (age 60 years, 356
Interment at Masonic
Cemetery, Potosi, Mo.
Charles Robert Richey (1923-1997) —
of District of Columbia.
Born in Middleburg, Logan
County, Ohio, October
16, 1923.
District Judge for the District of Columbia, 1971-97; died in
office 1997.
Member, American
Judicature Society; American Bar Association; Freemasons.
Died, of cancer,
in the Washington Home Hospice,
D.C., March
19, 1997 (age 73 years, 154
Burial location unknown.
Spottswood William Robinson III (1916-1998) —
also known as Spottswood W. Robinson III —
of Richmond,
Va.; Washington,
Born in Richmond,
Va., July 26,
professor; member, U.S. Civil Rights Commission, 1961-63; U.S.
District Judge for the District of Columbia, 1964-66; Judge
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1966-89; took
senior status 1989; senior judge, 1989-98.
Member, American Bar Association.
Died in Richmond,
Va., October
11, 1998 (age 82 years, 77
Burial location unknown.
Richard Brevard Russell Jr. (1897-1971) —
also known as Richard B. Russell, Jr. —
of Winder, Barrow
County, Ga.
Born in Winder, Barrow
County, Ga., November
2, 1897.
Democrat. Lawyer;
member of Georgia
state house of representatives from Barrow County, 1921-31; Speaker of
the Georgia State House of Representatives, 1927-31; Governor of
Georgia, 1931-33; U.S.
Senator from Georgia, 1933-71; died in office 1971; candidate for
Democratic nomination for President, 1952;
delegate to Democratic National Convention from Georgia, 1952;
member, President's Commission on the Assassination of President
KNDY, 1963-64.
Member, Freemasons;
Fellows; Kiwanis;
Alpha Epsilon; American
Legion; Forty and
Eight; American Bar Association.
Died in Washington,
D.C., January
21, 1971 (age 73 years, 80
Interment at Russell
Memorial Park, Winder, Ga.; statue at State
Capitol Grounds, Atlanta, Ga.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Richard
Brevard Russell and Ina (Dillard) Russell; brother of Robert
Lee Russell; uncle of Robert
Lee Russell Jr.. |
|  | Political family: Russell
family of Winder, Georgia. |
|  | The Russell Senate Office
Building (built 1903-08; named 1972), in Washington,
D.C., is named for
him. — The Richard B. Russell Federal
Building and Courthouse
(built 1978-79), in Atlanta,
Georgia, is named for
him. |
|  | See also congressional
biography — Govtrack.us
page — National
Governors Association biography — Wikipedia
article — NNDB
dossier — OurCampaigns
candidate detail |
|  | Books about Richard B. Russell, Jr.:
Gilbert C. Fite, Richard
B. Russell, Jr., Senator from Georgia — Sally Russell,
Brevard Russell, Jr.: A Life of Consequence |
Paul Spyros Sarbanes (b. 1933) —
also known as Paul S. Sarbanes —
of Baltimore,
Born in Salisbury, Wicomico
County, Md., February
3, 1933.
Democrat. Lawyer;
member of Maryland
state house of delegates, 1967-70; U.S.
Representative from Maryland, 1971-77 (4th District 1971-73, 3rd
District 1973-77); U.S.
Senator from Maryland, 1977-; delegate to Democratic National
Convention from Maryland, 1988,
Orthodox. Greek
ancestry. Member, American Bar Association.
Still living as of 2014.
Lewis Baxter Schwellenbach (1894-1948) —
also known as Lewis B. Schwellenbach —
of Neppel (now Moses Lake), Grant
County, Wash.
Born in Superior, Douglas
County, Wis., September
20, 1894.
Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; lawyer; chair of
King County Democratic Party, 1928-30; candidate for Governor of
Washington, 1932; U.S.
Senator from Washington, 1935-40; U.S.
District Judge for the Eastern District of Washington, 1940-45;
resigned 1945; U.S.
Secretary of Labor, 1945-48; died in office 1948.
Member, American
Legion; American
Society for International Law; American
Academy of Political and Social Science; American Bar
Association; Rotary;
Elks; Eagles.
Died in Walter
Reed Hospital, Washington,
D.C., June 10,
1948 (age 53 years, 264
Interment at Evergreen-Washelli
Memorial Park, Seattle, Wash.
Thomas Jenkins Semmes (1824-1899) —
also known as Thomas J. Semmes —
of Louisiana.
Born in Georgetown, Washington,
D.C., December
16, 1824.
Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana, 1857-59; member
of Louisiana state legislature, 1850; Louisiana
state attorney general, 1860; delegate
to Louisiana secession convention, 1861; Senator
from Louisiana in the Confederate Congress, 1862-65; delegate
to Louisiana state constitutional convention, 1879.
Member, American Bar Association.
Died in New Orleans, Orleans
Parish, La., June 23,
1899 (age 74 years, 189
Interment at Metairie
Cemetery, New Orleans, La.
Laurence Hirsch Silberman (b. 1935) —
of District of Columbia.
Born in York, York
County, Pa., October
12, 1935.
U.S. Ambassador to Yugoslavia, 1975-77; Judge
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1985-2000; took
senior status 2000.
Member, American Bar Association; Council on
Foreign Relations.
Still living as of 2014.
Samuel Spencer (b. 1910) —
of Washington,
Born in Washington,
D.C., December
8, 1910.
Republican. Lawyer;
served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; member
District of Columbia board of commissioners, 1953-56; President
of the District of Columbia Board of Commissioners, 1953-56;
delegate to Republican National Convention from District of Columbia,
(member, Resolutions
Committee); president and chairman, Tennessee Railroad
Co.; director, Riggs National Bank;
director, Garfield Hospital
and Children's Hospital;
president, Washington Hospital.
Member, American Bar Association; Society
of the Cincinnati; Phi
Beta Kappa.
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Henry Benning Spencer and Katharine (Price) Spencer; married, June 28,
1935, to Dora White. |
Stephen J. Spingarn (b. 1908) —
of Washington,
Born in Bedford, Westchester
County, N.Y., September
1, 1908.
Democrat. Lawyer;
served in the U.S. Army during World War II; administrative assistant
to President Harry
Truman, 1949-50; member, Federal Trade Commission, 1950-53.
Member, Phi
Alpha Delta; American Bar Association; Federal
Bar Association; Sons of
the American Revolution; American
Political Science Association.
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of J. E. Spingarn and Amy Judith Spingarn. |
Harley Orrin Staggers Jr. (b. 1951) —
also known as Harley O. Staggers, Jr. —
of Keyser, Mineral
County, W.Va.
Born in Washington,
D.C., February
22, 1951.
Democrat. Lawyer;
member of West
Virginia state senate 16th District, 1980-82; appointed 1980;
resigned 1982; U.S.
Representative from West Virginia 2nd District, 1983-93.
Member, American Bar Association; Association
of Trial Lawyers of America; Moose; Lions; Jaycees.
Still living as of 2014.
Kenneth Winston Starr (b. 1946) —
also known as Kenneth W. Starr —
of Washington,
Born in Vernon, Wilbarger
County, Tex., July 21,
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1983-89; resigned
1989; U.S. Solicitor General, 1989-93.
Member, American Bar Association; Order of
the Coif; Phi
Delta Phi; Delta
Phi Epsilon; Federalist
Independent counsel appointed to investigate President Bill
Clinton's involvement in the Whitewater land deal and the Monica
Lewinsky scandal.
Still living as of 2014.
Thomas Sterling (1851-1930) —
of Springfield, Sangamon
County, Ill.; Redfield, Spink
County, S.Dak.; Vermillion, Clay
County, S.Dak.
Born near Amanda, Fairfield
County, Ohio, February
20, 1851.
Republican. Lawyer; delegate
to South Dakota state constitutional convention, 1889; member of
Dakota state senate 30th District, 1889-90; dean,
college of law, University of South Dakota, 1901-11; U.S.
Senator from South Dakota, 1913-25; delegate to Republican
National Convention from South Dakota, 1916.
Member, Freemasons;
Templar; Shriners;
Fellows; Ancient
Order of United Workmen; American Bar Association; American
Political Science Association.
Died in 1930
(age about
79 years).
Interment at Cedar
Hill Cemetery, Suitland, Md.
John Berchmans Sullivan (1897-1951) —
also known as John B. Sullivan —
of St.
Louis, Mo.
Born in Sedalia, Pettis
County, Mo., October
10, 1897.
Democrat. Lawyer; U.S.
Representative from Missouri 11th District, 1941-43, 1945-47,
1949-51; defeated, 1942, 1946; died in office 1951.
Member, American Bar Association; Federal
Bar Association; American
Arbitration Association; American
Legion; Forty and
Eight; Delta
Sigma Phi; Delta
Theta Phi; Elks.
Died in Washington,
D.C., January
29, 1951 (age 53 years, 111
Interment at Calvary
Cemetery, St. Louis, Mo.
Robert Taft Jr. (1917-1993) —
of Indian Hill, Hamilton
County, Ohio.
Born in Cincinnati, Hamilton
County, Ohio, February
26, 1917.
Republican. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; lawyer;
member of Ohio
state house of representatives, 1955-62; delegate to Republican
National Convention from Ohio, 1956,
Representative from Ohio, 1963-65, 1967-71 (at-large 1963-65, 1st
District 1967-71); U.S.
Senator from Ohio, 1971-76; defeated, 1964, 1976.
Member, American Bar Association.
Died December
7, 1993 (age 76 years, 284
Interment at Indian
Hill Episcopal Church Cemetery, Indian Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio.
William Howard Taft (1857-1930) —
also known as William H. Taft; "Big
Bill" —
of Cincinnati, Hamilton
County, Ohio; New Haven, New Haven
County, Conn.; Washington,
Born in Cincinnati, Hamilton
County, Ohio, September
15, 1857.
Republican. Lawyer; U.S.
Collector of Internal Revenue at Cincinnati, Ohio, 1882-83;
superior court judge in Ohio, 1887-90; U.S. Solicitor General,
1890-92; Judge
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit, 1892-1900; resigned
1900; law
professor; Governor-General
of the Philippine Islands, 1901-04; U.S.
Secretary of War, 1904-08; President
of the United States, 1909-13; defeated, 1912; Chief
Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, 1921-30; resigned 1930.
ancestry. Member, Freemasons;
Upsilon; Skull
and Bones; Phi
Alpha Delta; American Bar Association.
Died in Washington,
D.C., March 8,
1930 (age 72 years, 174
Interment at Arlington
National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Alphonso
Taft and Louisa Maria (Torrey) Taft; half-brother of Charles
Phelps Taft; brother of Henry
Waters Taft; married, June 19,
1886, to Helen
Louise Herron (daughter of John
Williamson Herron; sister-in-law of Henry
Frederick Lippitt; niece of William
Collins; aunt of Frederick
Lippitt; granddaughter of Ela
Collins); father of Robert
Alphonso Taft and Charles
Phelps Taft II; uncle of Walbridge
S. Taft; grandson of Peter
Rawson Taft; grandfather of William
Howard Taft III, Robert
Taft Jr. and Seth
Chase Taft; great-grandfather of Robert
Alphonso Taft III; second cousin twice removed of Willard
J. Chapin; fourth cousin once removed of William
Warner Hoppin, John
Milton Thayer, Edward
M. Chapin and George
Franklin Chapin. |
|  | Political family: Taft
family (subset of the Four
Thousand Related Politicians). |
|  | Cross-reference: Walter
P. Johnson — Fred
Warner Carpenter — Charles
D. Hilles |
|  | The former community
of Taft, now part of Lincoln
City, Oregon, was named for
him. — William Howard Taft High
School, in San
Antonio, Texas, is named for
him. — William Howard Taft High
School, in Bronx, New
York (closed 2008), was named for
him. — Taft High
School, in Chicago,
Illinois, is named for
him. — William Howard Taft High
School (opened 1960; became charter school 2013-14), in Los
Angees, California, is named for
him. |
|  | Epitaph: "#S#(1908) Progress and
Prosperity." |
|  | See also Wikipedia
article — Ballotpedia article — NNDB
dossier — Find-A-Grave
memorial — OurCampaigns
candidate detail — Biographical
Directory of Federal Judges — Arlington
National Cemetery unofficial website |
|  | Books about William Howard Taft: Paolo
Enrico Coletta, The
Presidency of William Howard Taft — James Chace, 1912
: Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft and Debs : The Election that Changed the
Country — Alpheus Thomas Mason, William
Howard Taft — Lewis L. Gould, The
William Howard Taft Presidency — Mike Resnick, ed., Alternate
Presidents [anthology] |
|  | Critical books about William Howard
Taft: Nathan Miller, Star-Spangled
Men : America's Ten Worst Presidents |
|  | Image source: American Monthly Review
of Reviews, August 1901 |
Joseph Edward Talbot (1901-1966) —
also known as Joseph E. Talbot —
of Naugatuck, New Haven
County, Conn.
Born in Naugatuck, New Haven
County, Conn., March
18, 1901.
Republican. Lawyer;
candidate for Connecticut
state house of representatives from Naugatuck, 1932, 1934; county
judge in Connecticut, 1935-37; Connecticut
state treasurer, 1939-41; U.S.
Representative from Connecticut 5th District, 1942-47; candidate
for Governor of
Connecticut, 1946; candidate for U.S.
Senator from Connecticut, 1950.
Member, American Bar Association; Rotary;
Elks; Eagles;
of Columbus.
Died in Washington,
D.C., April
30, 1966 (age 65 years, 43
Interment at St.
James' Cemetery, Naugatuck, Conn.
Sidney Fletcher Taliaferro (1885-1971) —
also known as Sidney F. Taliaferro —
of Washington,
Born in Salem,
Va., March 4,
Democrat. Lawyer; law
professor; banker; member
District of Columbia board of commissioners, 1926-30; director,
Washington Gas
Light Co. and Georgetown Gas
Light Co.; board member, Columbia Hospital.
Member, American Bar Association; Delta
Chi; Freemasons.
Died in Washington,
D.C., June 21,
1971 (age 86 years, 109
Interment at Rock
Creek Cemetery, Washington, D.C.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Van Tromp Taliaferro and Sallie (Pendleton) Taliaferro; married,
3, 1916, to Elizabeth Kirkwood Fulton; grandson of Albert
Gallatin Pendleton; grandnephew of John
Strother Pendleton; third great-grandnephew of Edmund
Pendleton; first cousin twice removed of Aylett
Hawes Buckner; first cousin four times removed of John
Pendleton Jr. and Nathaniel
Pendleton; first cousin five times removed of William
Grayson; second cousin twice removed of Philip
Coleman Pendleton; second cousin thrice removed of Philip
Clayton Pendleton, Zachary
Taylor, Edmund
Henry Pendleton and Nathanael
Greene Pendleton; second cousin four times removed of John
Penn, James
Madison, William
Taylor Madison, George
Madison, Alfred
William Grayson and Beverly
Robinson Grayson; second cousin five times removed of John
Walker, John
Tyler and Francis
Walker; third cousin once removed of Charles
Rittenhouse Pendleton; third cousin twice removed of Henry
Gaines Johnson, George
Hunt Pendleton and Joseph
Henry Pendleton; fourth cousin once removed of William
Barret Pendleton, Francis
Key Pendleton, John
Overton Pendleton and Bickerton
Lyle Winston. |
|  | Political families: Pendleton
family of Maryland; Pendleton
family of Virginia (subsets of the Four
Thousand Related Politicians). |
|  | See also Find-A-Grave
memorial |
Morris King Udall (1922-1998) —
also known as Morris K. Udall; Mo Udall —
of Tucson, Pima
County, Ariz.
Born in St. Johns, Apache
County, Ariz., June 15,
Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II; played
professional basketball
with the Denver Nuggets, 1948-49; lawyer;
co-founder and director, Bank of
Tucson; Pima
County Attorney, 1953-54; delegate to Democratic National
Convention from Arizona, 1956,
speaker, 1984,
Representative from Arizona 2nd District, 1961-91; candidate for
Democratic nomination for President, 1976.
Member, American Bar Association; American
Judicature Society; American
Legion; Phi
Kappa Phi; Phi
Delta Phi.
an eye in an accident when he was a boy. Received the Presidential
Medal of Freedom in 1996.
Died, of Parkinson's
disease, in the Veterans Administration Hospital,
D.C., December
12, 1998 (age 76 years, 180
ashes scattered in a
private or family graveyard, Pima County, Ariz.; cenotaph at St.
Johns Cemetery, St. Johns, Ariz.
Frederick Moore Vinson (1890-1953) —
also known as Fred M. Vinson —
of Louisa, Lawrence
County, Ky.; Ashland, Boyd
County, Ky.
Born in Louisa, Lawrence
County, Ky., January
22, 1890.
Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; lawyer; U.S.
Representative from Kentucky, 1924-29, 1931-38 (9th District
1924-29, 1931-33, at-large 1933-35, 8th District 1935-38); defeated,
1928; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Kentucky, 1936;
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1938-43; U.S.
Secretary of the Treasury, 1945-46; Chief
Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, 1946-53; died in office 1953.
Member, American Bar Association; Freemasons;
Delta Theta.
Died in Washington,
D.C., September
8, 1953 (age 63 years, 229
Interment at Pinehill
Cemetery, Louisa, Ky.
Patricia McGowan Wald (b. 1928) —
also known as Patricia Ann McGowan —
of Chevy Chase, Montgomery
County, Md.; Washington,
Born in Torrington, Litchfield
County, Conn., September
16, 1928.
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1979-.
Member, American Bar Association.
Still living as of 1991.
|  |
Daughter of Joseph F. McGowan and Margaret (O'Keefe) McGowan;
married, June 22,
1952, to Robert Lewis Wald. |
Daniel Walker (b. 1922) —
of Deerfield, Lake
County, Ill.
Born in Washington,
D.C., August
6, 1922.
Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; served in the U.S. Navy
during the Korean conflict; lawyer;
administrative assistant to Gov. Adlai
E. Stevenson, 1952; Governor of
Illinois, 1973-77.
Member, American Bar Association; American
Society for International Law; Order of
the Coif.
Still living as of 2014.
Earl Warren (1891-1974) —
also known as "Superchief" —
of Oakland, Alameda
County, Calif.
Born in Los Angeles, Los Angeles
County, Calif., March
19, 1891.
Republican. Lawyer;
served in the U.S. Army during World War I; Alameda
County District Attorney, 1925-39; delegate to Republican
National Convention from California, 1928
(alternate), 1932;
Temporary Chair, 1944;
Republican state chair, 1934-36; member of Republican
National Committee from California, 1936-38; California
state attorney general, 1939-43; Governor of
California, 1943-53; Republican candidate for Presidential
Elector for California, 1944;
candidate for Vice
President of the United States, 1948; candidate for Republican
nomination for President, 1952;
Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, 1953-69; chair, President's
Commission on the Assassination of President KNDY, 1963-64.
ancestry. Member, American Bar Association; Freemasons;
Elks; American
Academy of Arts and Sciences; American
Philosophical Society; Phi
Delta Phi; Sigma
Phi; Exchange
Awarded the Presidential
Medal of Freedom posthumously in 1981.
Died in Washington,
D.C., July 9,
1974 (age 83 years, 112
Interment at Arlington
National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Methias H. Warren and Chrystal (Hernlund) Warren; married, October
14, 1925, to Nina Palmquist Meyers. |
|  | Cross-reference: William
S. Mailliard |
|  | See also National Governors
Association biography — Wikipedia
article — NNDB
dossier — Internet Movie Database
profile — Arlington
National Cemetery unofficial website |
|  | Books about Earl Warren: Ed Cray, Chief
Justice: A Biography of Earl Warren — G. Edward White,
Warren : A Public Life — Bernard Schwartz, Super
Chief, Earl Warren and His Supreme Court — Jim Newton,
for All: Earl Warren and the Nation He Made — Mike
Resnick, ed., Alternate
Presidents [anthology] |
|  | Image source: Eminent Americans
(1954) |
George Thomas Washington (1908-1971) —
of Santa Barbara, Santa
Barbara County, Calif.
Born in Cuyahoga Falls, Summit
County, Ohio, June 24,
scholar; lawyer; Judge
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1949-65.
Member, Society
of the Cincinnati; American Bar Association; Phi
Beta Kappa; Order of
the Coif.
Died August
21, 1971 (age 63 years, 58
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of William Morrow Washington and Janet Margaret (Thomas) Washington;
married 1953 to Helen
Goodner. |
Seth Paul Waxman (b. 1951) —
also known as Seth P. Waxman —
of Washington,
Born in Hartford, Hartford
County, Conn., November
28, 1951.
Democrat. U.S. Solicitor General, 1997-2001.
Member, American Bar Association.
Still living as of 2014.
Henry Horatio Wells (1823-1900) —
also known as Henry H. Wells —
of Richmond,
Va.; Washington,
Born in Rochester, Monroe
County, N.Y., September
17, 1823.
Republican. Lawyer;
member of Michigan
state house of representatives, 1854-56; colonel in the Union
Army during the Civil War; Governor of
Virginia, 1868-69; U.S.
Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, 1870-74; delegate
to Republican National Convention from Virginia, 1872;
member of Republican
National Committee from Virginia, 1872-; U.S.
Attorney for the District of Columbia, 1875-80.
Member, American Bar Association.
Died in Palmyra, Wayne
County, N.Y., February
12, 1900 (age 76 years, 148
Interment at Rock
Creek Cemetery, Washington, D.C.
Kenneth Spicer Wherry (1892-1951) —
also known as Kenneth S. Wherry —
of Pawnee City, Pawnee
County, Neb.
Born in Liberty, Gage
County, Neb., February
28, 1892.
Republican. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War I; furniture
merchant; funeral
director; automobile
dealer; member of Nebraska
state senate, 1929-31; Nebraska
Republican state chair, 1939-42; U.S.
Senator from Nebraska, 1943-51; died in office 1951; speaker, Republican National Convention, 1948.
Member, American Bar Association; American
Legion; Freemasons;
Theta Pi.
Died in Washington,
D.C., November
29, 1951 (age 59 years, 274
Interment at Pawnee
City Cemetery, Pawnee City, Neb.
Robert Ellsworth Wise Jr. (b. 1948) —
also known as Bob Wise —
of Charleston, Kanawha
County, W.Va.; Clendenin, Kanawha
County, W.Va.; Washington,
Born in Washington,
D.C., January
6, 1948.
Democrat. Lawyer;
member of West
Virginia state senate 17th District, 1981-82; resigned 1982; U.S.
Representative from West Virginia, 1983-2001 (3rd District
1983-93, 2nd District 1993-2001); delegate to Democratic National
Convention from West Virginia, 1996,
of West Virginia, 2001-05.
Member, American Bar Association.
In 2003, he was accused
of having an extramarital
affair with a married female state employee; he admitted
the affair, and dropped
his campaign for re-election.
Still living as of 2014.
Clifton Alexander Woodrum III (b. 1938) —
also known as Clifton A. Woodrum III; Chip
Woodrum —
of Roanoke,
Born in Washington,
D.C., July 23,
Democrat. Lawyer;
delegate to Democratic National Convention from Virginia, 1972;
Democratic state chair, 1972-76; member of Virginia
state house of delegates 16th District, 1980-.
Member, American Bar Association; Association
of Trial Lawyers of America; Sigma
Alpha Epsilon; Phi
Alpha Delta.
Still living as of 2001.
James Skelly Wright (b. 1911) —
also known as J. Skelly Wright —
of District of Columbia.
Born in New Orleans, Orleans
Parish, La., January
14, 1911.
Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana, 1948-49; Judge
of U.S. District Court, 1949-62; Judge
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, 1962-.
Member, American Bar Association.
Burial location unknown.
Ronald Lee Wyden (b. 1949) —
also known as Ron Wyden —
of Portland, Multnomah
County, Ore.
Born in Wichita, Sedgwick
County, Kan., May 3,
Democrat. U.S.
Representative from Oregon 3rd District, 1981-96; U.S.
Senator from Oregon, 1996-; delegate to Democratic National
Convention from Oregon, 1996
(delegation chair), 2000,
Member, American Bar Association.
Still living as of 2014.
Sidney Richard Yates (1909-2000) —
also known as Sidney R. Yates —
of Chicago, Cook
County, Ill.
Born in Chicago, Cook
County, Ill., August
27, 1909.
Democrat. Lawyer;
served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; U.S.
Representative from Illinois 9th District, 1949-63, 1965-99;
candidate for U.S.
Senator from Illinois, 1962; delegate to Democratic National
Convention from Illinois, 1964,
Member, Council on
Foreign Relations; American Bar Association.
Died, of kidney
failure and complications of pneumonia,
in Sibley Hospital,
D.C., October
5, 2000 (age 91 years, 39
Interment at Memorial
Park Cemetery, Skokie, Ill.