The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
Ancient Order of United Workmen Politicians

Very incomplete list!

  G. W. Anderson (b. 1853) — of Manchester, Kingsbury County, S.Dak. Born in Sweden, November 24, 1853. Member of South Dakota state house of representatives 22nd District, 1895-98. Presbyterian. Swedish ancestry. Member, Ancient Order of United Workmen. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married, April 11, 1875, to Anna Nelson.
  William Brown Anderson (1861-1940) — also known as William B. Anderson; "Tall Pine of Minnesota" — of Winona, Winona County, Minn.; Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minn. Born in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa., August 4, 1861. Republican. Lawyer; member of Minnesota state house of representatives District 2, 1901-02, 1905-06; candidate for justice of Minnesota state supreme court, 1916; member of Minnesota state senate 33rd District, 1927-40; died in office 1940. Scotch-Irish ancestry. Member, Sigma Chi; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died in Hennepin County, Minn., September 26, 1940 (age 79 years, 53 days). Interment at Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Minn.
  Relatives: Married to Louise Man.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial — Minnesota Legislator record
  Harlan Page Andrews (1837-1909) — also known as Harlan P. Andrews — of Cuyler town, Cortland County, N.Y. Born in Fabius town, Onondaga County, N.Y., October 12, 1837. Republican. Dairy farmer; member of New York state assembly from Cortland County, 1885. Baptist; later Methodist. Member, Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died November 4, 1909 (age 72 years, 23 days). Interment at Keeney Settlement Cemetery, Fabius, N.Y.
  Relatives: Son of James Andrews and Esther (Clough) Andrews; married, December 4, 1861, to Phebe Peora Brown; married to Marian Bogardus; first cousin of George W. Clough; second cousin twice removed of Alva Esten Clough; third cousin of Darvin Pratt Clough; third cousin twice removed of Ruth Baker Pratt; fourth cousin of William Bradbury Small and William Rockwell Clough; fourth cousin once removed of David Kidder, Samuel Merrill, David Marston Clough and Clarence Ambrose Clough.
  Political families: Kidder-Wolcott family; Kidder family of Bangor, Maine (subsets of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  James Harrison Ashcraft (1840-1920) — also known as James H. Ashcraft — of Paducah, McCracken County, Ky. Born in Brandenburg, Meade County, Ky., May 4, 1840. Republican. Major in the Union Army during the Civil War; postmaster at Paducah, Ky., 1876-86. Member, Freemasons; Royal Arch Masons; Knights Templar; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Knights of Honor; Rotary; Grand Army of the Republic. Died in Paducah, McCracken County, Ky., January 19, 1920 (age 79 years, 260 days). Entombed in mausoleum at Oak Grove Cemetery, Paducah, Ky.
  Relatives: Son of Absalom Ashcraft and Delilah (Allen) Ashcraft; married 1865 to Mary Emerine Brown.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Thornton N. Babcock (1865-1944) — of Watertown, Codington County, S.Dak. Born in Winona County, Minn., December 29, 1865. Republican. Member of South Dakota state house of representatives 29th District, 1923-30. Methodist. Member, Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died in Codington County, S.Dak., April 26, 1944 (age 78 years, 119 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married, January 3, 1899, to Carlotta A. Hewitt.
Edward P. Barry Edward P. Barry (1864-1936) — of Boston, Suffolk County, Mass. Born in South Boston, Boston, Suffolk County, Mass., November 28, 1864. Democrat. Lawyer; newspaper editor; member of Massachusetts Governor's Council, 1907-09; Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, 1914-15; defeated, 1915, 1932; candidate for Massachusetts state attorney general, 1928; alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Massachusetts, 1932. Catholic. Irish ancestry. Member, Elks; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Order of Heptasophs; Knights of Columbus; Ancient Order of Hibernians. Died, from a heart attack, in Jamaica Plain, Boston, Suffolk County, Mass., September 1, 1936 (age 71 years, 278 days). Interment at Holyhood Cemetery, Brookline, Mass.
  Relatives: Son of Edward Washington Barry and Sarah (Shea) Barry; brother of Alice Estella Cram.
  Image source: Springfield (Mass.) Daily News, September 1, 1936
  Silas Reynolds Barton (1872-1916) — of Grand Island, Hall County, Neb. Born in New London, Henry County, Iowa, May 21, 1872. Republican. Nebraska state auditor, 1909-13; U.S. Representative from Nebraska 5th District, 1913-15. Member, Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died in Grand Island, Hall County, Neb., November 7, 1916 (age 44 years, 170 days). Interment at Aurora Cemetery, Aurora, Neb.
  Relatives: Son of Eli B. Barton and Teressa (Nugen) Barton; married to Ellen Metcalfe.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Robert Sharp Bean (1854-1931) — also known as Robert S. Bean — of Oregon. Born in Yamhill County, Ore., November 28, 1854. Republican. Lawyer; circuit judge in Oregon 2nd District, 1882-90; justice of Oregon state supreme court, 1890-1909; resigned 1909; chief justice of Oregon state supreme court, 1894-96, 1901-02, 1905-08; U.S. District Judge for Oregon, 1909-31; died in office 1931. Member, Freemasons; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Woodmen. Died in Portland, Multnomah County, Ore., January 7, 1931 (age 76 years, 40 days). Interment at River View Cemetery, Portland, Ore.
  Relatives: Son of O. R. Bean and Julia A. (Sharp) Bean; married, September 7, 1880, to Ina Elizabeth Condon.
  Fred Emery Beane (1853-1928) — also known as Fred E. Beane — of Hallowell, Kennebec County, Maine. Born in Readfield, Kennebec County, Maine, May 14, 1853. Democrat. Lawyer; banker; secretary of Maine Democratic Party, 1888-98; mayor of Hallowell, Maine, 1891, 1907; Maine Democratic state chair, 1908-09. Universalist. Member, Freemasons; Odd Fellows; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Redmen; Foresters; Knights of Pythias. Died in Hallowell, Kennebec County, Maine, 1928 (age about 75 years). Interment at Hallowell Cemetery, Hallowell, Maine.
  Relatives: Son of Elizabeth Huntoon (Craig) Beane and Emery Oliver Beane (1819-1904); married, September 14, 1876, to Orella Griffin McGilvery; father of Emery Oliver Beane (1883-1960); second cousin of Clarence Sidney Merrill.
  Political families:Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Ole C. Beck (1856-1930) — of Moorhead, Clay County, Minn. Born in Vangs Prestegjaeld, Hedemarken, Norway, August 7, 1856. Mayor of Moorhead, Minn., 1913-15. Lutheran. Norwegian ancestry. Member, Freemasons; Elks; Ancient Order of United Workmen; United Commercial Travelers. Died of diabetes, in Moorhead, Clay County, Minn., March 26, 1930 (age 73 years, 231 days). Interment at Prairie Home Cemetery, Moorhead, Minn.
  M. Plin Beebe (1881-1941) — of Ipswich, Edmunds County, S.Dak. Born in Sandusky, Cattaraugus County, N.Y., September 7, 1881. Republican. Lawyer; banker; member of South Dakota state senate 37th District, 1915-16. Baptist. Member, Phi Delta Theta; Freemasons; Shriners; Elks; Odd Fellows; Woodmen; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died August 9, 1941 (age 59 years, 336 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Marcus P. Beebe and Leota (Fuller) Beebe; married to Alice Conklin.
  Cassius C. Bennett (b. 1856) — of Portland, Multnomah County, Ore.; Pierre, Hughes County, S.Dak. Born in Vermont, February 4, 1856. Republican. Banker; member of South Dakota state senate 24th District, 1895-96, 1903-04. Member, Freemasons; Knights Templar; Knights of Pythias; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Modern Woodmen of America. Burial location unknown.
  Presumably named for: Cassius Marcellus Clay
Albert W. Bigelow Albert W. Bigelow (b. 1864) — of Andover, Day County, S.Dak. Born in Winona County, Minn., April 14, 1864. Republican. Farmer; member of South Dakota state house of representatives 34th District, 1903-04. Member, Freemasons; Order of the Eastern Star; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Burial location unknown.
  Image source: South Dakota Legislative Manual, 1903
  Harvey Lincoln Boutwell (1860-1928) — of Malden, Middlesex County, Mass. Born in Meredosia, Morgan County, Ill., April 5, 1860. Republican. Lawyer; member of Massachusetts state house of representatives, 1895-98. Member, Ancient Order of United Workmen; Odd Fellows. Died in Malden, Middlesex County, Mass., February 4, 1928 (age 67 years, 305 days). Interment at Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden, Mass.
  Relatives: Son of Harriet Walker (Weeks) Boutwell and Eli Allen Boutwell; married, December 28, 1886, to Nellie Caroline Booth.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
Thomas C. Bridwell Thomas C. Bridwell (1841-1921) — of Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Ind. Born in Lawrence County, Ohio, February 18, 1841. Democrat. Druggist; gravel contractor; mayor of Evansville, Ind., 1880-86. Member, Knights of Pythias; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died in Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Ind., March 17, 1921 (age 80 years, 27 days). Interment at Oak Hill Cemetery, Evansville, Ind.
  Relatives: Son of Samuel Bridwell and Elizabeth (Combs) Bridwell; married, September 22, 1864, to Bettie McFarland.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: City of Evansville
  Charles Hillman Brough (1876-1935) — also known as Charles H. Brough — of Little Rock, Pulaski County, Ark. Born in Clinton, Hinds County, Miss., July 9, 1876. Democrat. College professor; Governor of Arkansas, 1917-21; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Arkansas, 1924. Baptist. Member, American Economic Association; American Political Science Association; Beta Theta Pi; Tau Kappa Alpha; Freemasons; Knights Templar; Shriners; Knights of Pythias; Elks; Woodmen of the World; Modern Woodmen of America; Columbian Woodmen; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Maccabees. Died, from a heart attack, December 26, 1935 (age 59 years, 170 days). Interment at Roselawn Memorial Park, Little Rock, Ark.
  Relatives: Son of Charles Milton Brough and Flora M. (Thompson) Brough; married, June 17, 1908, to Anne Wade Roark.
  See also National Governors Association biography — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Books about Charles Hillman Brough: Foy Lisenby, Charles Hillman Brough: A Biography
  Theodore Burchfield (b. 1842) — of Atwood, Armstrong County, Pa. Born in Juniata County, Pa., July 21, 1842. Republican. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; member of Pennsylvania state house of representatives, 1881-84; mayor of Altoona, Pa., 1890-93. Methodist. English and German ancestry. Member, Freemasons; Knights of Pythias; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Order of Heptasophs; Patriotic Order Sons of America; Grand Army of the Republic. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Robert Burchfield and Martha (Zelner) Burchfield; married, December 24, 1867, to Anna M. Gable.
Charles H. Burke Charles Henry Burke (1861-1944) — also known as Charles H. Burke — of Pierre, Hughes County, S.Dak. Born near Batavia, Genesee County, N.Y., April 1, 1861. Republican. Lawyer; real estate investor; member of South Dakota state house of representatives 26th District, 1895-98; U.S. Representative from South Dakota, 1899-1907, 1909-15 (at-large 1899-1907, 1909-13, 2nd District 1913-15); candidate for U.S. Senator from South Dakota, 1914; U.S. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1921-29. Episcopalian. Member, Elks; Freemasons; Knights Templar; Shriners; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died in Washington, D.C., April 7, 1944 (age 83 years, 6 days). Interment at Riverside Cemetery, Pierre, S.Dak.
  Relatives: Son of Walter Burke and Sarah T. (Beckwith) Burke; married, January 14, 1886, to Caroline Schlosser.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: South Dakota Legislative Manual, 1903
  Elmer Jacob Burkett (1867-1935) — also known as Elmer J. Burkett — of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Neb. Born near Glenwood, Mills County, Iowa, December 1, 1867. Republican. School principal; lawyer; member of Nebraska state house of representatives, 1897-98; U.S. Representative from Nebraska 1st District, 1899-1905; U.S. Senator from Nebraska, 1905-11; delegate to Republican National Convention from Nebraska, 1908; candidate for Republican nomination for Vice President, 1916; director, First National Bank; director, State Oil Company. Methodist. Member, American Bar Association; Freemasons; Scottish Rite Masons; Shriners; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Woodmen. Died in Lincoln, Lancaster County, Neb., May 23, 1935 (age 67 years, 173 days). Interment at Wyuka Cemetery, Lincoln, Neb.
  Relatives: Son of Henry W. Burkett and Catherine (Kearney) Burkett; married, September 1, 1891, to Fannie Fern Wright.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Charles J. Byrns (b. 1861) — of Ishpeming, Marquette County, Mich. Born in Altona, Clinton County, N.Y., January 6, 1861. Republican. Lumber business; insurance business; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Marquette County 2nd District, 1901-08. Catholic. Member, Woodmen; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Royal Arcanum; Maccabees; Elks; Knights of Columbus; Foresters. Burial location unknown.
  Frank Augustus Cady (1858-1904) — also known as Frank A. Cady — of Marshfield, Wood County, Wis.; Grand Rapids (now Wisconsin Rapids), Wood County, Wis. Born in Newport, Columbia County, Wis., December 31, 1858. Republican. Lawyer; member of Wisconsin state assembly from Wood County, 1901-04; died in office 1904. Member, Ancient Order of United Workmen; Elks. While suffering from liver disease, he left his hospital room, took the elevator to the top floor, leaped over the railing into the rotunda, and fell to his death on the stone floor five stories below, in St. James Infirmary, Hot Springs, Garland County, Ark., March 30, 1904 (age 45 years, 90 days). Interment at Spring Grove Cemetery, Wisconsin Dells, Wis.
  Relatives: Son of Charles A. Cady and Hellen (Blood) Cady; married to Elma M. Tyler.
  See also Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  John Fletcher Caples (1832-1908) — also known as John F. Caples — of Portland, Multnomah County, Ore. Born in Ashland County, Ohio, January 12, 1832. Republican. Lawyer; member of Oregon state house of representatives, 1873; Republican Presidential Elector for Oregon, 1893; Republican Presidential Elector for Oregon, 1897; U.S. Consul in Valparaiso, as of 1898. Methodist. English and German ancestry. Member, Freemasons; Scottish Rite Masons; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died in Portland, Multnomah County, Ore., July 17, 1908 (age 76 years, 187 days). Interment at River View Cemetery, Portland, Ore.
  Relatives: Son of Robert Francis Caples and Charlotte (Laffer) Caples; married 1854 to Sarah Jemima Morrison; grandfather of Lowell Caples Paget; great-grandfather of Eileen Paget.
  Political family: Paget family of Portland, Oregon.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
Arthur Capper Arthur Capper (1865-1951) — of Topeka, Shawnee County, Kan. Born in Garnett, Anderson County, Kan., July 14, 1865. Republican. Newspaper publisher; delegate to Republican National Convention from Kansas, 1908, 1928 (member, Committee on Rules and Order of Business), 1936; Governor of Kansas, 1915-19; defeated, 1912; U.S. Senator from Kansas, 1919-49. Quaker. Member, Freemasons; Order of the Eastern Star; Odd Fellows; Elks; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Anti-Saloon League. Died in Topeka, Shawnee County, Kan., December 19, 1951 (age 86 years, 158 days). Interment at Topeka Cemetery, Topeka, Kan.
  Relatives: Son of Herbert Capper and Isabella (McGrew) Capper; married, December 1, 1892, to Florence Crawford (daughter of Samuel Johnson Crawford).
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — National Governors Association biography — Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: American Review of Reviews, February 1922
John H. Carroll John H. Carroll (b. 1849) — of De Smet, Kingsbury County, S.Dak. Born in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pa., 1849. Republican. School teacher; postmaster; banker; member of South Dakota state house of representatives 22nd District, 1903-08. Member, Odd Fellows; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Maccabees. Burial location unknown.
  Image source: South Dakota Legislative Manual, 1903
  Andrew Bliss Chapin (1839-1902) — of Flint, Genesee County, Mich.; Mt. Clemens, Macomb County, Mich. Born in Shelby, Macomb County, Mich., April 5, 1839. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; physician; mayor of Mt. Clemens, Mich., 1891-92. Member, American Bar Association; Freemasons; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died in Mt. Clemens, Macomb County, Mich., March 9, 1902 (age 62 years, 338 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Elam Chapin and Lavancha (Davis) Chapin; married, July 3, 1862, to Josephine Rose; married 1890 to Nancy Jane Walsworth; second cousin twice removed of Daniel Chapin (1791-1878); second cousin thrice removed of Daniel Chapin (1761-1821); third cousin once removed of John Hall Brockway; third cousin twice removed of Graham Hurd Chapin; fourth cousin once removed of Chester William Chapin, Marshall Chapin and John Putnam Chapin.
  Political family: Chapin-Fish family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  Ray Park Chase (1880-1948) — also known as Ray P. Chase — of Anoka, Anoka County, Minn. Born in Anoka, Anoka County, Minn., March 12, 1880. Republican. Minnesota state auditor, 1921-31; candidate for Governor of Minnesota, 1930; U.S. Representative from Minnesota at-large, 1933-35; member of Minnesota railroad and warehouse commission, 1945-47. Methodist or Episcopalian. Member, Knights of Pythias; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Alpha Delta Phi; Delta Sigma Rho. Died in Anoka, Anoka County, Minn., September 18, 1948 (age 68 years, 190 days). Interment at Forest Hill Cemetery, Anoka, Minn.
  Relatives: Son of Charles Edwin Chase and Lena May (Giddings) Chase; married, November 30, 1910, to Lois McGaffey.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  John Brooks Compton (1835-1898) — also known as John B. Compton — Born in Mead Township, Crawford County, Pa., November 17, 1835. Republican. School teacher; served in the Union Army during the Civil War; Crawford County Prothonotary, 1864-65; lawyer; chair of Crawford County Republican Party, 1872; candidate for Pennsylvania state house of representatives, 1874. Presbyterian. Member, Ancient Order of United Workmen; Odd Fellows; Grand Army of the Republic. Died in 1898 (age about 62 years). Interment at Greendale Cemetery, Meadville, Pa.
  Relatives: Married, November 12, 1863, to Fannie E. Kingsley.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Chauncey Stewart Conger (1838-1916) — also known as Chauncey S. Conger — of Carmi, White County, Ill. Born in Strong Ridge, Wood County, Ohio, January 14, 1838. Civil engineer; lawyer; White County Superintendent of Schools, 1861-62; member of Illinois state house of representatives, 1863-64; circuit judge in Illinois, 1879. Presbyterian. Member, Freemasons; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died in Carmi, White County, Ill., July 24, 1916 (age 78 years, 192 days). Interment at Maple Ridge Cemetery, Carmi, Ill.
  Relatives: Son of Enoch Conger and Esther (West) Conger; brother of Omar Dwight Conger; married, November 28, 1861, to Ellen Stewart; father of Chauncey Stewart Conger (1882-1963); uncle of Franklin Barker Conger; first cousin once removed of Hugh Conger and Edwin Hurd Conger; second cousin of Moore Conger and Frederick Ward Conger; second cousin thrice removed of Ralph Waldo Hungerford; third cousin of Anson Griffith Conger and Harmon Sweatland Conger; third cousin twice removed of Edward Augustus Conger; third cousin thrice removed of Robert John Conger; fourth cousin of James Lockwood Conger and Charles Franklin Conger; fourth cousin once removed of Abraham Bogart Conger, James W. Conger and Benn Conger.
  Political family: Conger family of New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Grafton Fleener Cookerly (1815-1885) — of Terre Haute, Vigo County, Ind. Born in Frederick County, Md., February 4, 1815. Democrat. Member of Indiana state house of representatives, 1845-48; candidate for U.S. Representative from Indiana, 1849; delegate to Indiana state constitutional convention, 1850-51; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Indiana, 1856; mayor of Terre Haute, Ind., 1867-71. Member, Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died in Terre Haute, Vigo County, Ind., July 5, 1885 (age 70 years, 151 days). Interment at Woodlawn Cemetery, Terre Haute, Ind.
  Relatives: Uncle of William Edward McLean.
  Political family: Hughes-McLean-Cookerly family of Terre Haute, Indiana.
  Frederic Danforth (1848-1913) — of Gardiner, Kennebec County, Maine. Born in Gardiner, Kennebec County, Maine, February 8, 1848. Republican. Civil engineer; worked on many railroads; member, Maine Board of Railway Commissioners, 1894-1900; mayor of Gardiner, Maine, 1901-02. Congregationalist. Member, Ancient Order of United Workmen; American Society of Civil Engineers. Died in Southport, Lincoln County, Maine, June 6, 1913 (age 65 years, 118 days). Interment at Oak Grove Cemetery, Gardiner, Maine.
  Relatives: Son of Julia (Dinsmore) Danforth and Charles Danforth; married, December 6, 1880, to Caroline A. Stevens.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  William Aiken Davenport (b. 1869) — also known as William A. Davenport — of Greenfield, Franklin County, Mass. Born in Wilmington, Windham County, Vt., October 23, 1869. Lawyer; vice-chair of Massachusetts Democratic Party, 1899; member of Massachusetts state house of representatives, 1899-1900; alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Massachusetts, 1908; member of Massachusetts state senate Franklin & Hampshire District, 1935-36; Independent Tax Reform candidate for Governor of Massachusetts, 1938. Member, Odd Fellows; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Moose; Eagles. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Stephen Tabor Davenport and Alice S. (Warner) Davenport; married 1894 to Belle M. Shearer.
  Harlan Eugene English (1843-1900) — also known as H. Eugene English — of Albion, Orleans County, N.Y. Born December 16, 1843. Democrat. Village president of Albion, N.Y., 1891-94. Member, Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died, from heart disease, in Clarendon, Orleans County, N.Y., October 29, 1900 (age 56 years, 317 days). Interment at Mt. Albion Cemetery, Albion, N.Y.
  Adolph W. Ewert (b. 1865) — of Pierre, Hughes County, S.Dak. Born in La Crosse County, Wis., June 18, 1865. Republican. Banker; delegate to Republican National Convention from South Dakota, 1908; member of South Dakota state senate 24th District, 1909-10; South Dakota state treasurer, 1913-17. Baptist. Member, Odd Fellows; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Maccabees; Knights of Pythias; Elks; Kiwanis. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Edward Ewert and Mina (Haberman) Ewert; married, September 30, 1890, to Carrie E. Dutcher.
  Francis A. Freer (1843-1908) — also known as Frank A. Freer — of Galesburg, Knox County, Ill. Born in Pennsylvania, April 6, 1843. Republican. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; school teacher; postmaster at Galesburg, Ill., 1889-93, 1897-1908. Presbyterian. French Huguenot and Scotch-Irish ancestry. Member, Grand Army of the Republic; Good Templars; Sons of Temperance; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Odd Fellows; Freemasons. Died, from heart disease, in Galesburg, Knox County, Ill., December 16, 1908 (age 65 years, 254 days). Interment at Hope Cemetery, Galesburg, Ill.
  Relatives: Son of Abram Freer and Mary (McKimens) Freer; married, December 26, 1871, to Jennie E. Christy.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Charles Frederick Gallenkamp (1859-1917) — also known as Charles F. Gallenkamp — of Union, Franklin County, Mo. Born in Washington, Franklin County, Mo., January 10, 1859. Republican. Lawyer; Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney, 1885-1890; Franklin County Probate Judge, 1891-1902; delegate to Republican National Convention from Missouri, 1896; U.S. Surveyor of Customs at St. Louis, Mo., Missouri, 1902-13. Member, Freemasons; Knights of Pythias; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died, from hemorrhage of the brain, in Union, Franklin County, Mo., August 8, 1917 (age 58 years, 210 days). Interment at Wildey Cemetery, Washington, Mo.
  Relatives: Son of William Gallenkamp; married 1887 to Alice C. Ruge.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Newton Whiting Gilbert (1862-1939) — also known as Newton W. Gilbert — of Fort Wayne, Allen County, Ind. Born in Worthington, Franklin County, Ohio, May 24, 1862. Republican. Member of Indiana state senate, 1897-99; served in the U.S. Army during the Spanish-American War; Lieutenant Governor of Indiana, 1901-05; U.S. Representative from Indiana 12th District, 1905-06; resigned 1906; Governor-General of the Philippine Islands, 1913; delegate to Republican National Convention from Philippine Islands, 1916. Episcopalian. Member, Freemasons; Odd Fellows; Knights of Pythias; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Phi Kappa Psi. Died in Santa Ana, Orange County, Calif., July 5, 1939 (age 77 years, 42 days). Interment at Circle Hill Cemetery, Angola, Ind.
  Relatives: Son of Theodore Gilbert and Ellen L. Gilbert; married to Della R. Gale.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Wilbur S. Glass (b. 1852) — of Watertown, Codington County, S.Dak. Born in Genesee County, N.Y., April 27, 1852. Lawyer; member of South Dakota state house of representatives 28th District, 1895-1900, 1907-08; U.S. Consul in Kehl, 1897-98. Congregationalist. Member, Knights of Pythias; Modern Woodmen of America; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Chester F. Glass and Mary (Brown) Glass; married, October 3, 1899, to Kathryn Garner.
  Alfred Ernest Goddard (1847-1911) — also known as Alfred E. Goddard — of Essex, Middlesex County, Conn. Born in Lowell, Middlesex County, Mass., July 28, 1847. Republican. Postmaster at Essex, Conn., 1892-96, 1900-11. Baptist. Member, Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died, from stomach trouble, in St. Raphael's Hospital, New Haven, New Haven County, Conn., June 11, 1911 (age 63 years, 318 days). Interment at Prospect Hill Cemetery, Essex, Conn.
  Relatives: Father of Grace Walton Goddard.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  William Thomas Haines (1854-1919) — also known as William T. Haines — of Waterville, Kennebec County, Maine. Born in Levant, Penobscot County, Maine, August 7, 1854. Republican. Lawyer; lumber business; Kennebec County Attorney, 1883-87; member of Maine state senate, 1889-93; member of Maine state house of representatives, 1895; Maine state attorney general, 1897-1900; member of Maine Governor's Council, 1901-05; Governor of Maine, 1913-15; defeated, 1914. Unitarian. Member, Freemasons; Scottish Rite Masons; Knights Templar; Shriners; Odd Fellows; Elks; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died in Augusta, Kennebec County, Maine, June 4, 1919 (age 64 years, 301 days). Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery, Waterville, Maine.
  Relatives: Son of Thomas J. Haines and Maria L. (Eddy) Haines.
  See also National Governors Association biography — Find-A-Grave memorial
Philo Hall Philo Hall (1865-1938) — of Brookings, Brookings County, S.Dak. Born in Wilton, Waseca County, Minn., December 31, 1865. Republican. Lawyer; mayor of Brookings, S.Dak., 1894-95; Brookings County State's Attorney, 1895-98; member of South Dakota state senate 20th District, 1901-02; South Dakota state attorney general, 1903-07; U.S. Representative from South Dakota at-large, 1907-09; Republican Presidential Elector for South Dakota, 1924. Member, Freemasons; Odd Fellows; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died in Brookings, Brookings County, S.Dak., October 7, 1938 (age 72 years, 280 days). Interment at Greenwood Cemetery, Brookings, S.Dak.
  Relatives: Son of Philo Hall (died 1883) and Mary E. (Greene) Hall; married, April 27, 1890, to Mary A. Cooke.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: South Dakota Legislative Manual, 1903
  Halvor Langdon Halvorson (b. 1881) — also known as Halvor L. Halvorson — of Minot, Ward County, N.Dak. Born in Henning, Otter Tail County, Minn., August 15, 1881. Democrat. Lawyer; mayor of Minot, N.Dak., 1911-15; candidate for U.S. Representative from North Dakota, 1912 (3rd District), 1942 (Democratic, at-large); delegate to Democratic National Convention from North Dakota, 1916 (member, Credentials Committee), 1944 (member, Committee to Notify Presidential Nominee; speaker), 1948; candidate for Governor of North Dakota, 1924. Lutheran. Member, Freemasons; Scottish Rite Masons; Shriners; Elks; Knights of Pythias; Odd Fellows; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Sons of Norway; Izaak Walton League; Lions; American Bar Association. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of John C. Halvorson and Juliana (Christenson) Halvorson; married to Nina C. Knudson.
Charles Harrington Charles Harrington (c.1859-1919) — of Essex, Middlesex County, Conn. Born in Essex, Middlesex County, Conn., about 1859. Democrat. Postmaster at Essex, Conn., 1888-92, 1896-1900, 1915-19. Member, Freemasons; Royal Arch Masons; Ancient Order of United Workmen. After a shortage of $1,250 was discovered in his post office accounts, he died from self-inflicted gunshot, in Essex, Middlesex County, Conn., September 24, 1919 (age about 60 years). Burial location unknown.
  Image source: Hartford Courant, September 30, 1919
Dennis J. Harte Dennis J. Harte (1866-1917) — of Long Island City, Queens, Queens County, N.Y. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., August 5, 1866. Democrat. Member of New York state assembly from Queens County 1st District, 1906; member of New York state senate 2nd District, 1907-12; defeated, 1914. Catholic. Irish ancestry. Member, Royal Arcanum; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Knights of Columbus. Died in Long Island City, Queens, Queens County, N.Y., February 19, 1917 (age 50 years, 198 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Patrick Harte and Joanna Harte; married to Clara Aschenbach.
  Image source: New York Red Book 1907
  Louis Cameron Hughes (1842-1915) — also known as Louis C. Hughes — of Arizona. Born in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pa., May 15, 1842. Democrat. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; lawyer; Arizona territory attorney general, 1873-74; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Arizona Territory, 1892 (member, Resolutions Committee); Governor of Arizona Territory, 1893-96. Member, Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died, from chronic nephritis, in Tucson, Pima County, Ariz., November 24, 1915 (age 73 years, 193 days). Interment at Evergreen Memorial Park, Tucson, Ariz.
  Buell Fay Jones (b. 1892) — also known as Buell F. Jones — of Britton, Marshall County, S.Dak. Born in Spain, Marshall County, S.Dak., November 25, 1892. Republican. Lawyer; served in the U.S. Army during World War I; South Dakota state attorney general, 1923-29; candidate for Governor of South Dakota, 1928. Presbyterian. Member, American Bar Association; American Legion; Forty and Eight; Freemasons; Order of the Eastern Star; Shriners; Odd Fellows; Delta Theta Phi; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Even N. Jones and Ellen (Hughes) Jones; married to Florence Bockler.
  Henry Lee Jost (1873-1950) — also known as Henry L. Jost — of Kansas City, Jackson County, Mo. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., December 6, 1873. Democrat. Lawyer; mayor of Kansas City, Mo., 1912-16; U.S. Representative from Missouri 5th District, 1923-25. Episcopalian. Member, Freemasons; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died July 13, 1950 (age 76 years, 219 days). Interment at Mt. Moriah Cemetery, Kansas City, Mo.
  Relatives: Son of Simeon Jost and Lena (Bahr) Jost; married 1911 to Alice Hanks.
  Cross-reference: Roger C. Slaughter
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Albert C. Kamp (1837-1927) — of Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Ind. Born in Germany, June 6, 1837. Member of Indiana state house of representatives, 1893-95. Lutheran. German ancestry. Member, Freemasons; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died December 10, 1927 (age 90 years, 187 days). Interment at Kamp Cemetery, Cypress, Ind.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  John Flint Kidder (1830-1901) — also known as John F. Kidder — of El Dorado County, Calif.; Grass Valley, Nevada County, Calif. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., July 2, 1830. Republican. Civil engineer; railroad builder; member of California state assembly 15th District, 1865-67; delegate to Republican National Convention from California, 1892. Member, Freemasons; Royal Arch Masons; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died in Grass Valley, Nevada County, Calif., April 10, 1901 (age 70 years, 282 days). Original interment at Odd Fellows Masonic Cemetery, Grass Valley, Calif.; reinterment at Cypress Lawn Memorial Park, Colma, Calif.
  Relatives: Son of Levi Kidder and Elvira (Parker) Kidder; married 1873 to Sarah Ann Clark.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Hiram Knowles (1834-1911) — of Nevada; Butte, Silver Bow County, Mont.; Missoula, Missoula County, Mont. Born in Hampden, Penobscot County, Maine, January 18, 1834. Republican. Lawyer; probate judge in Nevada, 1864; justice of Montana territorial supreme court, 1868-69; candidate for Delegate to U.S. Congress from Montana Territory, 1884; delegate to Montana state constitutional convention, 1889; U.S. District Judge for Montana, 1890-1904. Member, Freemasons; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died April 6, 1911 (age 77 years, 78 days). Burial location unknown.
  Levi J. Law (1854-1909) — of Cadillac, Wexford County, Mich. Born in Salem, Essex County, Mass., December 1, 1854. Democrat. Clothing merchant; mayor of Cadillac, Mich., 1889-90; defeated, 1895; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1892; postmaster at Cadillac, Mich., 1894-98; member of Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 1899. Presbyterian. English and Scottish ancestry. Member, Odd Fellows; Knights of Pythias; Royal Arcanum; Woodmen; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Maccabees. Died in Cadillac, Wexford County, Mich., 1909 (age about 54 years). Interment at Maple Hill Cemetery, Cadillac, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of George D. Law.
  James L. Lowden (b. 1840) — of Ypsilanti Township, Washtenaw County, Mich. Born in Washtenaw County, Mich., July 30, 1840. Democrat. School teacher; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Washtenaw County 2nd District, 1889-92; candidate for supervisor of Ypsilanti Township, Michigan, 1899. Member, Ancient Order of United Workmen; Grange. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of James L. Lowden (died 1881) and Rachel (Lyon) Lowden; married, March 18, 1868, to Sarah J. Sherwood.
  Richard Nathaniel Lower (1850-1933) — also known as R. N. Lower — of Longwood Township, Pettis County, Mo. Born in Oldham County, Ky., January 15, 1850. Republican. Farmer; banker; member of Missouri state senate 15th District, 1925-28. Presbyterian. Member, Woodmen; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Struck by a train and killed, at the Missouri Pacific railroad station, in Sedalia, Pettis County, Mo., March 29, 1933 (age 83 years, 73 days). Interment at Longwood Cemetery, Longwood, Mo.
  Relatives: Son of George Lower and Margaret Lower; brother-in-law of Fred MacChesney (nephew by marriage of James Peter Walker); married to Nancy Margaret Godby; married, June 15, 1892, to Anna Jane McChesney.
  Halleck Jonas Mantz (1877-1958) — also known as Halleck J. Mantz; H. J. Mantz — of Audubon, Audubon County, Iowa. Born in Koszta, Iowa County, Iowa, September 23, 1877. Republican. Lawyer; Audubon County Attorney, 1908-11; Mayor of Audubon, Iowa, 1913-17; member of Iowa state house of representatives, 1917-21; member of Iowa state senate, 1921-25; district judge in Iowa 15th District, 1925-43; justice of Iowa state supreme court, 1943-53. Presbyterian. Member, Freemasons; Royal Arch Masons; Order of the Eastern Star; Lions; Modern Woodmen; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died in Iowa, November 14, 1958 (age 81 years, 52 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Samuel L. Mantz and Harriett (Eddy) Mantz; married, August 27, 1910, to Dorothy A. Sandberg.
  Arthur D. Markley (1832-1896) — of Hatboro, Montgomery County, Pa. Born in Columbia, Lancaster County, Pa., April 28, 1832. Democrat. Physician; served in the Union Navy during the Civil War; member of Pennsylvania state house of representatives, 1865-67; president, Perkiomen Railroad; paper manufacturer; postmaster at Hatboro, Pa., 1886-88; member of Pennsylvania state senate 12th District, 1891-94. Member, Freemasons; Scottish Rite Masons; Knights Templar; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Grand Army of the Republic. Died April 19, 1896 (age 63 years, 357 days). Interment at Hatboro Cemetery, Hatboro, Pa.
  Relatives: Son of Jacob F. Markley; married, November 10, 1859, to Juliet Eyre; married, November 16, 1882, to Hannah Jarrett Penrose.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
James W. McCarter James Wallace McCarter (1872-1939) — also known as James W. McCarter — of Ipswich, Edmunds County, S.Dak. Born in Jarvis, Ontario, July 29, 1872. Democrat. Lawyer; county judge in South Dakota, 1910-13; candidate for Governor of South Dakota, 1914; candidate for U.S. Representative from South Dakota 2nd District, 1918. Presbyterian. Member, Modern Woodmen of America; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died in 1939 (age about 66 years). Burial location unknown.
  See also Wikipedia article
  Image source: Library of Congress
  James Henry McCoy (b. 1855) — also known as James H. McCoy — of Britton, Marshall County, S.Dak.; Webster, Day County, S.Dak.; Aberdeen, Brown County, S.Dak.; Huron, Beadle County, S.Dak. Born in Oakley, Macon County, Ill., July 14, 1855. Republican. Lawyer; Secret Service agent; Marshall County Auditor, 1887-88; county judge in South Dakota, 1889-93; circuit judge in South Dakota, 1902-09; judge of South Dakota state supreme court 5th District, 1909-21. Presbyterian. Member, Freemasons; Elks; Modern Woodmen of America; Knights of Pythias; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Burial location unknown.
John E. McDougall John E. McDougall (b. 1860) — of Britton, Marshall County, S.Dak. Born in Prince Edward Island, February 24, 1860. Republican. Stockman; lawyer; member of South Dakota state house of representatives 32nd District, 1901-02; member of South Dakota state senate 32nd District, 1903-04; Lieutenant Governor of South Dakota, 1905-07. Member, Freemasons; Odd Fellows; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Modern Woodmen of America. Burial location unknown.
  Image source: South Dakota Legislative Manual, 1903
  Daniel P. McMullen (b. 1852) — of Cheboygan, Cheboygan County, Mich. Born in Canada, September 8, 1852. Republican. Newspaper publisher; farmer; mayor of Cheboygan, Mich., 1892; member of Michigan state senate 29th District, 1899-1902; postmaster at Cheboygan, Mich., 1903-11. Member, Knights of Pythias; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Woodmen; Maccabees. Burial location unknown.
Henry Montgomery Henry Montgomery (b. 1858) — of Alexandria, Hanson County, S.Dak. Born in Columbia County, Wis., June 16, 1858. Democrat. Farmer; member of South Dakota state house of representatives 12th District, 1903-06. Member, Ancient Order of United Workmen. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married to Caroline Douglas.
  Image source: South Dakota Legislative Manual, 1903
  Isom H. Newby (1853-1929) — of Parker, Turner County, S.Dak. Born in Fort Madison, Lee County, Iowa, June 10, 1853. Republican. Merchant; member of South Dakota state senate 6th District, 1893-94. Baptist. Member, Ancient Order of United Workmen; Modern Woodmen of America. Died in Parker, Turner County, S.Dak., May 3, 1929 (age 75 years, 327 days). Interment at Rosehill Cemetery, Parker, S.Dak.
  Relatives: Son of Isom H. Newby and Catherine (Hoskins) Newby; married, December 27, 1877, to Elizabeth Amelia 'Libbie' Harrington.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  George H. Newhall (1850-1923) — of Lynn, Essex County, Mass. Born in Lynn, Essex County, Mass., October 24, 1850. Republican. Real estate and insurance business; shoe manufacturer; president, Lynn Street Railway Company; member of Massachusetts state house of representatives, 1894-95, 1906-08, 1923 (Seventeenth Essex District 1894-95, Twelfth Essex District 1906-08, Fourteenth Essex District 1923); died in office 1923; mayor of Lynn, Mass., 1913-17. Member, Freemasons; Odd Fellows; Redmen; Knights of Pythias; Royal Arcanum; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died in Lynn, Essex County, Mass., November 4, 1923 (age 73 years, 11 days). Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery, Lynn, Mass.
  Relatives: Married to Martha Louise Nourse.
  See also Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Isaac Lee Patterson (1859-1929) — also known as I. L. Patterson — of Salem, Marion County, Ore. Born in Benton County, Ore., September 17, 1859. Republican. Farmer; chair of Marion County Republican Party, 1892; member of Oregon state senate, 1895-98, 1919-21; Oregon Republican state chair, 1924-26; Governor of Oregon, 1927-29; died in office 1929; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Oregon, 1928. Member, Freemasons; Elks; Moose; Woodmen; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Rotary. Died, from pneumonia, in Marion County, Ore., December 21, 1929 (age 70 years, 95 days). Entombed at Mount Crest Abbey Mausoleum, Salem, Ore.
  Relatives: Son of Francis Austin Patterson and Caroline (Tatom) Patterson; married, May 12, 1886, to Mary Elizabeth Woodworth.
  See also National Governors Association biography — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Robert E. Roach (b. 1907) — of New Cumberland, Hancock County, W.Va. Born in Chester, Hancock County, W.Va., June 20, 1907. Democrat. School teacher; athletic coach; member of West Virginia state house of delegates from Hancock County, 1945-50; defeated, 1950. Presbyterian. Member, Moose; Lions; Phi Kappa Tau; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Burial location unknown.
  Edgar Backus Schermerhorn (1851-1923) — also known as Edgar B. Schermerhorn — of Galena, Cherokee County, Kan. Born in Channahon, Will County, Ill., November 19, 1851. Organizer, Citizens Bank of Galena; member of Kansas state house of representatives, 1903-05; Chairman, Kansas Board of Control, 1905-11. Episcopalian. Dutch ancestry. Member, Freemasons; Scottish Rite Masons; Knights Templar; Shriners; Elks; Knights of Pythias; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died, of heart failure, in Galena, Cherokee County, Kan., February 1, 1923 (age 71 years, 74 days). Entombed at Mt. Hope Cemetery, Webb City, Mo.
  Relatives: Son of Isaac B. Schermerhorn and Jane B. Schermerhorn; married, November 21, 1878, to Abbie Brown Simpson; married, November 19, 1919, to Ella Marie Brace Sumner.
  Schermerhorn Park, in Galena, Kansas, is named for him.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Andrew N. Shepard (b. 1862) — of Portland, Middlesex County, Conn. Born in Portland, Middlesex County, Conn., May 5, 1862. Republican. Tobacco dealer; bank director; member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Portland, 1901-02; member of Connecticut state senate 34th District, 1907-08; delegate to Republican National Convention from Connecticut, 1908; candidate for U.S. Representative from Connecticut 2nd District, 1910. Episcopalian. Member, Freemasons; Shriners; Odd Fellows; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Elks. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Nelson Shepard and Elizabeth (Tryon) Shepard; married to Harriet Stockwell.
  Carl G. Sherwood (1855-1938) — of Clark, Clark County, S.Dak. Born in Broome County, N.Y., January 18, 1855. Republican. Lawyer; member of South Dakota state senate 29th District, 1889-90; delegate to Republican National Convention from South Dakota, 1896 (member, Committee on Rules and Order of Business); South Dakota Republican state chair, 1912; circuit judge in South Dakota, 1912-17; judge of South Dakota state supreme court 3rd District, 1922-31. Methodist. Member, Freemasons; Knights Templar; Shriners; Odd Fellows; Knights of Pythias; Elks; Modern Woodmen of America; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Kiwanis. Died in Clark, Clark County, S.Dak., August 17, 1938 (age 83 years, 211 days). Interment at Rose Hill Cemetery, Near Clark, Clark County, S.Dak.
  Relatives: Son of George Isaac Sherwood and Mary Ann (Jeffords) Sherwood; married, February 10, 1885, to Nellie Cornelia Fountain; nephew of David B. Sherwood; seventh great-grandnephew of Thomas Welles; third cousin of David Huestis Budlong; third cousin twice removed of Francis William Kellogg; third cousin thrice removed of George Champlin; fourth cousin once removed of Rollin Morse Severance.
  Political family: Sherwood family of New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  A. C. Shoup (c.1853-1904) — of Jefferson City, Cole County, Mo. Born about 1853. Mayor of Jefferson City, Mo., 1902. Member, Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died in Jefferson City, Cole County, Mo., 1904 (age about 51 years). Burial location unknown.
  Thomas Sterling (1851-1930) — of Springfield, Sangamon County, Ill.; Redfield, Spink County, S.Dak.; Vermillion, Clay County, S.Dak. Born near Amanda, Fairfield County, Ohio, February 20, 1851. Republican. Lawyer; delegate to South Dakota state constitutional convention, 1889; member of South Dakota state senate 30th District, 1889-90; dean, college of law, University of South Dakota, 1901-11; U.S. Senator from South Dakota, 1913-25; delegate to Republican National Convention from South Dakota, 1916. Congregationalist. Member, Freemasons; Knights Templar; Shriners; Odd Fellows; Ancient Order of United Workmen; American Bar Association; American Political Science Association. Died in 1930 (age about 79 years). Interment at Cedar Hill Cemetery, Suitland, Md.
  Relatives: Son of Charles Sterling and Anna (Kessler) Sterling; brother of John Allen Sterling; married to Anna Dunn and Emma R. Rowe-Thayer.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Howard Sutherland (1865-1950) — of Elkins, Randolph County, W.Va. Born near Kirkwood, St. Louis County, Mo., September 8, 1865. Republican. Newspaper editor; member of West Virginia state senate 13th District, 1909-12; U.S. Representative from West Virginia at-large, 1913-17; U.S. Senator from West Virginia, 1917-23; defeated, 1922; delegate to Republican National Convention from West Virginia, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936 (member, Committee on Permanent Organization). Presbyterian. Member, Knights of Pythias; Odd Fellows; Freemasons; Knights Templar; Shriners; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Royal Arcanum. Died March 12, 1950 (age 84 years, 185 days). Interment at Maplewood Cemetery, Elkins, W.Va.
  Relatives: Son of John Webster Sutherland.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — NNDB dossier
  George Washington Sutton (1843-1917) — also known as George W. Sutton — of Kansas; Oklahoma. Born in Ohio County, Ind., August 5, 1843. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; member of Kansas state house of representatives, 1881-84; member of Oklahoma territorial legislature, 1890. Methodist. Member, Freemasons; Knights Templar; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died in Cleveland, Pawnee County, Okla., May 17, 1917 (age 73 years, 285 days). Burial location unknown.
  Presumably named for: George Washington
  Relatives: Granduncle of Milo W. Sutton.
  Herbert James Taft (b. 1860) — also known as Herbert J. Taft — of Greenville, Hillsborough County, N.H. Born in Mason, Hillsborough County, N.H., September 1, 1860. Republican. Lawyer; member of New Hampshire state house of representatives, 1890-91; member of New Hampshire state senate 15th District, 1905-06. Congregationalist. Member, Freemasons; Odd Fellows; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Grange. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of James Taft and Mary (Wilson) Taft; married, October 21, 1887, to Ida F. Chamberlin.
  James Thorington (1816-1887) — of Davenport, Scott County, Iowa. Born in Wilmington, New Hanover County, N.C., May 7, 1816. Republican. Lawyer; mayor of Davenport, Iowa, 1843-47; U.S. Representative from Iowa 2nd District, 1855-57; delegate to Republican National Convention from Iowa, 1856; Scott County Sheriff, 1861-65; U.S. Commercial Agent (Consul) in Aspinwall, 1872-82. Member, Odd Fellows; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Freemasons; Royal Arch Masons. Died in Santa Fe, Santa Fe County, N.M., June 12, 1887 (age 71 years, 36 days). Interment at Oakdale Memorial Gardens, Davenport, Iowa.
  Relatives: Son of John H. Thorington; married to Mary Parker.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Joseph Everett Warner (b. 1884) — also known as Joseph E. Warner — of Taunton, Bristol County, Mass. Born in Taunton, Bristol County, Mass., May 16, 1884. Republican. Lawyer; member of Massachusetts state house of representatives Fourth Bristol District, 1913-20; Speaker of the Massachusetts State House of Representatives, 1919-20; delegate to Republican National Convention from Massachusetts, 1920; Massachusetts state attorney general, 1928-35; superior court judge in Massachusetts, 1940-49. Episcopalian. Member, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Freemasons; Odd Fellows; Moose; Knights of Pythias; Elks; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Richard Everett Warner and Ida Evelyn (Briggs) Warner.
  Fred C. Wetmore (1867-1953) — of Wexford County, Mich. Born in Rock Island, Rock Island County, Ill., November 23, 1867. Republican. Lawyer; Wexford County Prosecuting Attorney, 1901-06; member of Michigan state senate 27th District, 1907-10; U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Michigan, 1910-14, 1930-33, 1937. Member, Knights of Pythias; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died in 1953 (age about 85 years). Interment at Maple Hill Cemetery, Cadillac, Mich.
  Edward Armstrong Wilson (b. 1862) — also known as Edward A. Wilson — of Absecon, Atlantic County, N.J. Born in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pa., July 2, 1862. Paper bag manufacturer; mayor, Absecon, N.J.; member of New Jersey state senate from Atlantic County, 1908-10. Member, Freemasons; Elks; Eagles; Redmen; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Burial location unknown.

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
The Political Graveyard

The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
  The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
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What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.