The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
Index to Politicians



  CHURCH: See also James Church Alvord — Jesse W. Barrett — Aaron Tyler Bliss — Ephraim Henry Cowles — James C. Cropsey — John Church Cruger — Edward Church Dubois — Joseph Church Helm — Church Howe — Nathan Keator — Luther Kidder — George Robert Lawton — Norman Kingsley Mailer — Georgana C. Miller — Eben Newton — William Church Osborn — James Otis — Frank Seth Ranson — George Myron Sabin — Judson Franklin Selleck — Solomon Chester Stahlman — Church R. Stidham
  Church, A. H. — of North Platte, Lincoln County, Neb. District judge in Nebraska, 1889-92; appointed 1889. Burial location unknown.
  Church, A. J. — of Maryland. Prohibition candidate for U.S. Representative from Maryland 4th District, 1902. Burial location unknown.
  Church, A. M. — of Alameda County, Calif. Member of California state assembly 9th District, 1867-69. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Alonzo — Vice-chancellor of New Jersey court of chancery, 1922-27. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Alonzo C. — of St. Louis, Mo. Member of Missouri state house of representatives from St. Louis City 3rd District, 1891-92. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Andrew H. — of South River, Middlesex County, N.J. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from New Jersey, 1900 (alternate), 1904. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Arthur B. — of Hallowell, Kennebec County, Maine. Republican. Member of Maine state house of representatives from Kennebec County (8th), 1931-32. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Audrey Lee — of Hundred, Wetzel County, W.Va. Republican. Member of West Virginia Republican State Executive Committee, 1949-55. Female. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Benjamin — of New Bedford, Bristol County, Mass. Member of Massachusetts state house of representatives from New Bedford; elected 1803. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Bethine — of Boise, Ada County, Idaho. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Idaho, 2000, 2004; Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for Idaho, 2012 (on behalf of Barack Obama and Joseph R. Biden, Jr.). Female. Still living as of 2012.
  Church, C. A. — of Westport, Bristol County, Mass. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Massachusetts, 1856. Burial location unknown.
  Church, C. M. — Farmer-Labor candidate for U.S. Representative from Iowa 8th District, 1934. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Carl See Carlton O. Church
  Church, Carlton O. (b. 1868) — also known as Carl Church — of Whiting, Addison County, Vt. Born in Leicester, Addison County, Vt., July 18, 1868. Member of Vermont state house of representatives, 1908; member of Vermont state senate from Addison County, 1923. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Charles A. — of Stockton, Cedar County, Mo. Republican. Chair of Cedar County Republican Party, 1934. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Charles F. (b. 1837) — of Whiting, Addison County, Vt. Born in Hancock, Addison County, Vt., February 14, 1837. Republican. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; farmer; member of Vermont state house of representatives from Whiting, 1888. Universalist. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Clarence E. — of Manhattan, New York County, N.Y. Prohibition candidate for New York state senate 17th District, 1908. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Clifton J. — of Chaplin, Windham County, Conn. Republican. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Chaplin; elected 1922. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Corbett (1922-1969) — of Yukon, McDowell County, W.Va. Born July 17, 1922. Democrat. School principal; member of West Virginia state house of delegates from McDowell County, 1965-69; died in office 1969. Member, Lions. Died in 1969 (age about 46 years). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Rufus C. Church and Pearl (Dale) Church; married, December 24, 1945, to Edith Wright.
  Church, Cornelius A. — of Morris, Otsego County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Otsego County 2nd District, 1862-63. Burial location unknown.
  Church, D. W. — of Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho. Mayor of Pocatello, Idaho; elected 1909. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Denver Samuel (1862-1952) — also known as Denver S. Church — of Fresno, Fresno County, Calif. Born in Folsom City, Sacramento County, Calif., December 11, 1862. Democrat. U.S. Representative from California, 1913-19, 1933-35 (7th District 1913-19, 9th District 1933-35); delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, 1916; superior court judge in California, 1924-30. Died in Fresno, Fresno County, Calif., February 21, 1952 (age 89 years, 72 days). Interment at Belmont Memorial Cemetery, Fresno, Calif.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
Earl T. Church Church, Earl Theodore (1835-1906) — also known as Earl T. Church — of Charlotte, Eaton County, Mich. Born in Seneca County, Ohio, January 26, 1835. Democrat. Banker; village president of Charlotte, Michigan, 1871-72; candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Eaton County, 1872. Member, Freemasons. Died February 14, 1906 (age 71 years, 19 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Earl Church and Calena (Titus) Church; married, February 24, 1894, to Stella F. (Shaw) Higby.
  Image source: Past and Present of Eaton County, Michigan (1906)
  Church, Edgar Lee — of Ingham County, Mich. Democrat. Candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Ingham County 1st District, 1950. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Edward — of Georgia. Born in Fayal, Azores, possibly of American parents. U.S. Consul in Lisbon, 1792-97. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Edwin F. — of Steuben County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Steuben County 1st District, 1850. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Elihu — of Monroe County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Monroe County, 1834. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Elihu C. — of Jefferson County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly, 1842-43, 1858 (Jefferson County 1842-43, Jefferson County 2nd District 1858). Burial location unknown.
  Church, Emerson G. — of Tenafly, Bergen County, N.J. Republican. Mayor of Tenafly, N.J.; elected 1945. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Ezra P. — of Bainbridge Centre, Chenango County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Chenango County 2nd District, 1848. Burial location unknown.
  Church, F. P. — of San Leandro, Alameda County, Calif. Postmaster at San Leandro, Calif., 1901. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Felix Wesley (d. 1939) — of Oklahoma. Member of Oklahoma state senate, 1937-39; died in office 1939. Died in 1939. Interment at Grand Army of the Republic Cemetery, Miami, Okla.
  Church, Frank B. — of Wellsville, Allegany County, N.Y. Delegate to New York state constitutional convention 32nd District, 1894. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Frank E. — of Lansing Township, Ingham County, Mich. Republican. Supervisor of Lansing Township, Michigan, 1921-22, 1923-25; defeated (Independent), 1925. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Frank Forrester (1924-1984) — also known as Frank Church; "Senator Sunday School"; "Frank Cathedral" — of Boise, Ada County, Idaho. Born in Boise, Ada County, Idaho, July 25, 1924. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; U.S. Senator from Idaho, 1957-81; defeated, 1980; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Idaho, 1960; candidate for Democratic nomination for President, 1976. Member, American Legion; United World Federalists. Died, of pancreatic cancer, in Bethesda, Montgomery County, Md., April 7, 1984 (age 59 years, 257 days). Interment at Morris Hill Cemetery, Boise, Idaho.
  Relatives: Son of Frank Forrester Church and Laura (Bilderback) Church; married, June 21, 1947, to Bethine Clark (daughter of Chase Addison Clark; niece of Barzilla Worth Clark).
  Political family: Clark #3 family of Boise and Idaho Falls, Idaho.
  Cross-reference: Larry LaRocco — Jerry Brady — Betty H. Richardson
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article — NNDB dossier — Internet Movie Database profile
  Books about Frank Church: F. Forrester Church, Father and Son : A Personal Biography of Senator Frank Church of Idaho
  Church, Frank J. (born c.1872) — of Pleasant Valley, Barkhamsted, Litchfield County, Conn. Born in Barkhamsted, Litchfield County, Conn., about 1872. Republican. Farmer; member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Barkhamsted, 1921-24, 1937-40. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Frank S. — Progressive. Candidate for Michigan state senate 11th District, 1914. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Frederic C. — Republican. Republican Presidential Elector for Massachusetts, 1956 (voted for Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard M. Nixon). Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Frederick — Member of Minnesota state house of representatives District 6, 1891-92. Burial location unknown.
  See also Minnesota Legislator record
  Church, Gaylord (1811-1869) — of Meadville, Crawford County, Pa. Born in Otsego, Otsego County, N.Y., August 11, 1811. Democrat. Lawyer; member of Pennsylvania state house of representatives, 1840-42; burgess of Meadville, Pennsylvania, 1842; justice of Pennsylvania state supreme court, 1858. Episcopalian. English ancestry. Died September 29, 1869 (age 58 years, 49 days). Interment at Greendale Cemetery, Meadville, Pa.
  Relatives: Son of William Church and Wealthy (Palmer) Church; married 1837 to Anna B. Pearson; father of Pearson Church.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Church, Georgana See Georgana C. Miller
  Church, George — of Indiana. Prohibition candidate for U.S. Representative from Indiana 4th District, 1900. Burial location unknown.
  Church, George — of Bates County, Mo. Member of Missouri state house of representatives from Bates County, 1905-06. Burial location unknown.
  Church, George L. (b. 1828) — of West Fairlee, Orange County, Vt. Born in Vershire, Orange County, Vt., 1828. Farmer; member of Vermont state house of representatives from West Fairlee, 1886-88. Spiritualist. Burial location unknown.
  Church, George L. — Democrat. Candidate for U.S. Representative from New York 30th District, 1904. Burial location unknown.
  Church, H. M. — of Holly, Oakland County, Mich. Postmaster at Holly, Mich., 1887. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Hollis F. — of South Windsor, Hartford County, Conn. Republican. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from South Windsor; elected 1928, 1930, 1934; defeated, 1936. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Ira A. — of Texarkana, Miller County, Ark. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Arkansas, 1888. Burial location unknown.
  Church, James A. — of Sheridan, Sheridan County, Wyo. Mayor of Sheridan, Wyo., 1916-17. Burial location unknown.
  Church, James B. — of New Cumberland, Cumberland County, Pa. Democrat. Postmaster at New Cumberland, Pa., 1858-61. Burial location unknown.
  Church, James C. — of Brooklyn, Kings County, N.Y. Independence League candidate for Justice of New York Supreme Court 2nd District, 1906. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Jarvis S. — Prohibition candidate for Governor of Nebraska, 1874. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Jeannette — of Greenwood, Johnson County, Ind. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Indiana, 1972. Female. Still living as of 1972.
  Church, Jesse T. (b. 1949) — of Lincoln Park, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Drummond Island, Chippewa County, Mich., November 14, 1949. Republican. Business owner; candidate for Michigan state house of representatives 25th District, 2000. Member, Moose; National Rifle Association. Still living as of 2000.
  Church, John — U.S. Consul in Cork, 1797-1815. Burial location unknown.
  Church, John — of Virginia City, Storey County, Nev. Republican. Postmaster at Virginia City, Nev., 1863-65. Burial location unknown.
  Church, John F. — of Winona, Shannon County, Mo. Republican. Republican candidate for Presidential Elector for Missouri, 1912; chair of Shannon County Republican Party, 1916. Burial location unknown.
  Church, John H. C. — of Great Barrington, Berkshire County, Mass. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Massachusetts, 1904. Burial location unknown.
  Church, John J. — of St. Louis, Mo. Republican. Candidate for Missouri state senate 6th District, 1950. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Church, John S. — of Hundred, Wetzel County, W.Va. Republican. Republican candidate for Presidential Elector for West Virginia, 1960. Still living as of 1960.
  Church, Jonathan — of Granby, Hartford County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Granby, 1828. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Josiah W. — of Wylie, Collin County, Tex. Postmaster at Wylie, Tex., 1901. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Karen (born c.1948) — of Grand Marsh, Adams County, Wis. Born about 1948. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Wisconsin, 2004. Female. Still living as of 2004.
  Church, Lawrence Smith (1820-1870) — also known as Lawrence S. Church — of Woodstock, McHenry County, Ill. Born in Nunda, Livingston County, N.Y., March 8, 1820. Republican. Colonel in the Union Army during the Civil War; postmaster at Woodstock, Ill., 1867; delegate to Illinois state constitutional convention 54th District, 1869-70. Died in Woodstock, McHenry County, Ill., July 21, 1870 (age 50 years, 135 days). Interment at Oakland Cemetery, Woodstock, Ill.
  Relatives: Married, June 28, 1844, to Elizabeth Larraby Nixon.
  Church, Lawrence W. — Democrat. Candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Eaton District, 1958, 1960. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Leman — of Canaan, Litchfield County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Canaan, 1834-35. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Leslie G. — of Crystal City, Jefferson County, Mo. Democrat. Mayor of Crystal City, Mo., 1967. Still living as of 1967.
  Church, Lewis W. — of Oxford, New Haven County, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Oxford, 1912. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Lloyd (c.1890-1948) — also known as "Lulu Lloyd" — of Manhattan, New York County, N.Y. Born in Norfolk, Va., about 1890. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; lawyer; Justice of New York Supreme Court 1st District, 1935-41, 1942-48; resigned 1941; died in office 1948; candidate for New York City Controller, 1941. Episcopalian. Member, Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Alpha Delta; Friendly Sons of St. Patrick; Elks; Tammany Hall. Died, from a cerebral hemorrhage, on board the ocean liner President Cleveland, en route from Yokohama to Shanghai, in the North Pacific Ocean, August 2, 1948 (age about 58 years). Interment at Long Island National Cemetery, East Farmingdale, Long Island, N.Y.
  Relatives: Father of Lloyd Church, Jr.
  Church, Louis K. — of Queens County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Queens County 1st District, 1883-85. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Louis K. (d. 1897) — Justice of Dakota territorial supreme court, 1885-87; Governor of Dakota Territory, 1887-89. Died in 1897. Interment at Evergreen Cemetery, Everett, Wash.
  Church, Lucius B. — of Montana. Republican. Member of Republican National Committee from Montana Territory, 1872-. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Lyle S. — of Flint, Genesee County, Mich. Republican. Candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Genesee County 1st District, 1940. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Marguerite Stitt (1892-1990) — also known as Marguerite S. Church; Marguerite Stitt; Mrs. Ralph E. Church — of Evanston, Cook County, Ill. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., September 13, 1892. Republican. Psychologist; U.S. Representative from Illinois 13th District, 1951-63; delegate to Republican National Convention from Illinois, 1964; speaker, 1952, 1956, 1960. Female. Methodist. Member, League of Women Voters; Phi Beta Kappa; American Association of University Women; Delta Kappa Gamma; Zonta; Beta Sigma Phi; American Legion Auxiliary. Died May 26, 1990 (age 97 years, 255 days). Interment at Memorial Park Cemetery, Skokie, Ill.
  Relatives: Daughter of William James Stitt and Adelaide (Forsythe) Stitt; married, December 21, 1918, to Ralph Edwin Church.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Church, Martin A. — of Ypsilanti Township, Washtenaw County, Mich. Republican. Candidate for supervisor of Ypsilanti Township, Michigan, 1992. Still living as of 1992.
  Church, Myron E. (b. 1845) — of Waterville, Lamoille County, Vt. Born in Waterville, Lamoille County, Vt., May 13, 1845. Farmer; member of Vermont state house of representatives from Waterville, 1888. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Pearson (born c.1838) — of Meadville, Crawford County, Pa. Born in Mercer County, Pa., about 1838. Democrat. Lawyer; delegate to Pennsylvania state constitutional convention, 1872-73; district judge in Pennsylvania 30th District, 1877. Episcopalian. Member, Freemasons; Royal Arch Masons; Knights Templar. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Gaylord Church and Church; married 1868 to Kate Law.
  Church, Mrs. Ralph E. See Marguerite Stitt Church
  Church, Ralph Edwin (1883-1950) — also known as Ralph E. Church — of Evanston, Cook County, Ill. Born near Catlin, Vermilion County, Ill., May 5, 1883. Lawyer; member of Illinois state house of representatives 6th District, 1917-32; U.S. Representative from Illinois, 1935-41, 1943-50 (10th District 1935-41, 1943-49, 13th District 1949-50); defeated (Independent), 1932; died in office 1950; candidate in Republican primary for U.S. Senator from Illinois, 1940. Methodist. Member, American Bar Association; Freemasons; Shriners; Kiwanis; Delta Chi; Phi Kappa Psi; American Society for International Law. Died in a committee meeting in the House Office Building, Washington, D.C., March 21, 1950 (age 66 years, 320 days). Interment at Memorial Park Cemetery, Skokie, Ill.
  Relatives: Son of Henry George Church and Lola (Douglas) Church; married, December 21, 1918, to Marguerite Stitt.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Church, Richard C., Jr. — of Miamisburg, Montgomery County, Ohio. Mayor of Miamisburg, Ohio, 2011-13. Still living as of 2014.
  Church, Robert R. — of Memphis, Shelby County, Tenn. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Tennessee, 1900, 1912, 1916, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940; speaker, 1920; member, Committee to Notify Presidential Nominee, 1928. African ancestry. One of the founders, in 1916, of the Lincoln League, an African-American political organization in western Tennessee. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Rosemarie — of Glen Burnie, Anne Arundel County, Md. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Maryland, 1988. Female. Still living as of 1988.
  Church, S. M. — of Rockport, Pike County, Ill. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Illinois, 1856. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Samuel (1785-1854) — of Salisbury, Litchfield County, Conn. Born in Salisbury, Litchfield County, Conn., February 4, 1785. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Salisbury, 1820-21, 1823-24, 1829, 1831; member of Connecticut state senate at-large, 1825-27; superior court judge in Connecticut, 1833-54; died in office 1854. Died in Newtown, Fairfield County, Conn., September 15, 1854 (age 69 years, 223 days). Interment at Salisbury Cemetery, Salisbury, Conn.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Church, Samuel Harden — also known as Samuel H. Church — of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1904; delegate to Pennsylvania convention to ratify 21st amendment, 1933. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Sanford E. (1815-1880) — of Albion, Orleans County, N.Y. Born April 18, 1815. Democrat. Member of New York state assembly from Orleans County, 1842; Lieutenant Governor of New York, 1851-54; New York state comptroller, 1858-59; delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1860, 1864 (member, Credentials Committee; speaker); chief judge of New York Court of Appeals, 1870-80; died in office 1880. Died May 13, 1880 (age 65 years, 25 days). Interment at Mt. Albion Cemetery, Albion, N.Y.
  Relatives: First cousin of William Fitch Allen.
  Church, Sanford T. — of Albion, Orleans County, N.Y. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1920; Justice of New York Supreme Court 8th District, 1927-28; defeated, 1921; appointed 1927; defeated, 1928. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Seldon M. — of Rockford, Winnebago County, Ill. Whig. Postmaster at Rockford, Ill., 1841-43; delegate to Illinois state constitutional convention from Winnebago County, 1847. Burial location unknown.
Stanley W. Church Church, Stanley W. (born c.1901) — of New Rochelle, Westchester County, N.Y. Born about 1901. Democrat. Candidate for New York state senate 25th District, 1934; mayor of New Rochelle, N.Y., 1940-55, 1960-63, 1970; defeated, 1935, 1955; delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1960; candidate for U.S. Representative from New York 26th District, 1962. Baptist. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of William E. Church and Florence (Carson) Church; married, October 9, 1937, to Eleanor Cederholm; married, November 15, 1952, to Dorothy Lee Budhazy; married, August 8, 1970, to Rita (Diehl) Bobbing.
  Image source: New York Times, November 8, 1939
  Church, Thomas B. — of Grand Rapids, Kent County, Mich. Democrat. Delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention, 1850; mayor of Grand Rapids, Mich., 1853-54; candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan, 1858 (3rd District), 1860 (3rd District), 1862 (4th District). Burial location unknown.
  Church, Uri T. — of Torrington, Litchfield County, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Torrington, 1902. Burial location unknown.
  Church, William — of Chenango County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Chenango County, 1840. Burial location unknown.
  Church, William Edgar (1841-1917) — Born in Brooklyn, Kings County, N.Y., December 7, 1841. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; justice of Dakota territorial supreme court, 1883-86. Died April 18, 1917 (age 75 years, 132 days). Interment at Graceland Cemetery, Chicago, Ill.
  Church, William S. — of Monroe County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Monroe County 3rd District, 1888. Burial location unknown.
  Church, William T. — of Aledo, Mercer County, Ill. Circuit judge in Illinois 14th Circuit, 1919-25. Burial location unknown.
  Church, Zala A. — of Jefferson, Greene County, Iowa. District judge in Iowa 16th District, 1895-1910. Burial location unknown.

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
The Political Graveyard

The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
  The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
  The listings are incomplete; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.  
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  The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/church.html.  
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What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.