The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
Politicians by Age at Death

Politicians Who Died at Age 91

  91 years, 1 days: Herbert S. MacDonald (1907-1998)
  91 years, 2 days: Lee Loevinger (1913-2004)
  91 years, 5 days: John L. Saltonstall, Jr. (1916-2007)
  91 years, 7 days: Fred L. Allen (1866-1957)Joseph Francis Weis, Jr. (1923-2014)
  91 years, 8 days: James R. Hopley (1863-1954)T. A. 'Al' Larson (1910-2001)Henry A. Osborn (1858-1949)
  91 years, 9 days: Leo P. Carlin (1908-1999)William E. Freeland (1879-1970)
  91 years, 13 days: John T. Andrews (1803-1894)
  91 years, 15 days: John Cramer (1779-1870)Nita Ashcraft (1921-2012)
  91 years, 16 days: Thomas Jefferson Majors (1841-1932)Marc L. Marks (1927-2018)Stephen B. Fleming (1870-1961)
  91 years, 17 days: O. Clark Fisher (1903-1994)
  91 years, 20 days: Leonore Annenberg (1918-2009)
  91 years, 21 days: John T. Anas (1913-2004)
  91 years, 23 days: Nelson G. Tisdale (1901-1992)
  91 years, 25 days: Solomon Gilman Comstock (1842-1933)William A. Gleeson (1876-1967)
  91 years, 26 days: George F. Edmunds (1828-1919)
  91 years, 27 days: Bertram S. Varian (1872-1963)
  91 years, 28 days: Leonard Farbstein (1902-1993)Theron Metcalf (1784-1875)
  91 years, 31 days: Willard L. Beaulac (1899-1990)Emil J. Vlasak, Jr. (1904-1995)
  91 years, 33 days: Carlisle S. Abbott (1828-1919)
  91 years, 36 days: Stephen S. Nisbet (1895-1986)Rulon J. Schwendiman (1899-1990)
  91 years, 39 days: Sidney R. Yates (1909-2000)
  91 years, 40 days: Paul H. Maloney (1876-1967)
  91 years, 41 days: Ogle Marbury (1882-1973)
  91 years, 43 days: John Locke (1764-1855)
  91 years, 44 days: William J. Bulow (1869-1960)Thomas R. Byrne (1923-2014)
  91 years, 45 days: Samuel Breck (1771-1862)Dave Keyston (1925-2016)
  91 years, 46 days: Anne Burlak Timpson (1911-2002)Leona Scheunemann Witter (1914-2006)
  91 years, 49 days: Samuel Orr (1890-1981)
  91 years, 50 days: Horace G. Beedle (1868-1959)
  91 years, 51 days: Birch Bayh (1928-2019)J. Madison Wells (1808-1899)
  91 years, 54 days: F. Ryan Duffy (1888-1979)
  91 years, 55 days: Robert W. Kastenmeier (1924-2015)Gertrude Ord Chamberlain (1907-1998)
  91 years, 56 days: Ebenezer Elmer (1752-1843)Eli P. Pepper (1848-1939)
  91 years, 57 days: Harrison H. Atwood (1863-1954)
  91 years, 58 days: Judy Agnew (1921-2012)
  91 years, 59 days: Burder B. Bowman (1860-1951)
  91 years, 60 days: Odis W. Bertelsman (1900-1991)C. Raymond Brock (1896-1987)Ernest Untermann (1864-1956)William L. Steiner (1880-1971)James M. Guffey (1839-1930)
  91 years, 61 days: Edward Huggins Johnstone (1922-2013)
  91 years, 63 days: Lucien J. Maciora (1902-1993)Henry J. P. Graebner (1865-1957)
  91 years, 64 days: Chet Holifield (1903-1995)Abraham J. Gellinoff (1902-1994)James C. Turk (1923-2014)
  91 years, 65 days: A. Sherman Christensen (1905-1996)
  91 years, 66 days: John Q. Tilson, Jr. (1911-2002)
  91 years, 67 days: W. Arthur Winstead (1904-1995)Douglas A. Fraser (1916-2008)Samuel R. Thurman (1850-1941)
  91 years, 70 days: Joseph Johnson (1785-1877)
  91 years, 71 days: Henry D. Owen (1920-2011)
  91 years, 72 days: John MacCrate (1885-1976)
  91 years, 73 days: Laurie E. Carlson (1908-1999)
  91 years, 75 days: David Blackwell (1919-2010)
  91 years, 76 days: Solomon Blatt (1895-1986)
  91 years, 77 days: Everett V. Bidwell (1899-1991)
  91 years, 79 days: Franklin W. Judson (1887-1978)
  91 years, 80 days: Robert Donald Blue (1898-1989)Theodore Bikel (1924-2015)
  91 years, 81 days: Mary S. Kelleher (1887-1979)
  91 years, 83 days: Martha W. Griffiths (1912-2003)Augustus O. Stanley (1867-1958)Dennis J. Roberts (1903-1994)
  91 years, 84 days: William K. Van Pelt (1905-1996)Joseph G. Minish (1916-2007)Afton McHenry Smith (1908-1999)
  91 years, 85 days: Enoch A. Holtwick (1881-1972)
  91 years, 86 days: Joseph Mruk (1903-1995)
  91 years, 87 days: Arthur S. Flemming (1905-1996)
  91 years, 88 days: John Chaney (1790-1881)Howard W. Alcorn (1901-1992)
  91 years, 89 days: Daniel Burrows (1766-1858)
  91 years, 90 days: William J. Brennan, Jr. (1906-1997)William H. Chew (1871-1962)
  91 years, 91 days: Gabriel Duvall (1752-1844)Patrick B. O'Sullivan (1887-1978)Alvah Sabin (1793-1885)Orval H. Hansen (1926-2017)William H. Hunt (1857-1949)
  91 years, 92 days: Pearle Wates (1909-2001)
  91 years, 93 days: Carl Djerassi (1923-2015)
  91 years, 94 days: George W. Welsh (1883-1974)
  91 years, 96 days: Jehu F. Camper (1897-1989)
  91 years, 99 days: Glenn Cunningham (1912-2003)Ambrose Kennedy (1875-1967)
  91 years, 101 days: Alice Sachs (1905-1997)Fred Agnich (1913-2004)
  91 years, 107 days: Nolan Frizzelle (1921-2013)
  91 years, 108 days: Michael J. Faherty (1858-1950)James M. Baley, Jr. (1912-2003)Tom Hsieh (1931-2023)
  91 years, 109 days: Dagmar Anderson (1898-1989)Theodore Meriam (1910-2001)H. Rex Lee (1910-2001)
  91 years, 111 days: Lewis G. Christman (1888-1979)
  91 years, 112 days: Courtney W. Hamlin (1858-1950)Sid McMath (1912-2003)
  91 years, 115 days: John D. Vanderhoof (1922-2013)
  91 years, 116 days: Edna F. Kelly (1906-1997)
  91 years, 117 days: Lucien Sanial (1835-1927)
  91 years, 118 days: Cecil F. White (1900-1992)John W. Blodgett (1860-1951)William A. Searfus (1866-1957)
  91 years, 120 days: Henry H. Fowler (1908-2000)Bond Almand (1894-1985)W. Ray Adams (1901-1993)
  91 years, 121 days: George H. Stearns (1838-1929)
  91 years, 123 days: Ralph H. Demmler (1904-1995)
  91 years, 126 days: Walter W. Bankhead (1897-1988)Daniel E. Button (1917-2009)
  91 years, 127 days: William H. McMaster (1877-1968)
  91 years, 128 days: Frank E. Moss (1911-2003)Emery D. Potter (1804-1896)
  91 years, 129 days: Leona A. Munk (1911-2003)Ronald Norwood Davies (1904-1996)
  91 years, 131 days: George B. Roberts, Jr. (1930-2021)J. Riley Stone (1886-1978)
  91 years, 132 days: Berry N. Beaman (1890-1981)Edward J. Fontana (1908-1999)
  91 years, 135 days: Herman Dehnke (1887-1979)
  91 years, 137 days: Charles H. Kimmerle (1859-1950)
  91 years, 140 days: John Sheldon Doud Eisenhower (1922-2013)
  91 years, 141 days: James C. Oliver (1895-1986)
  91 years, 142 days: M. T. Lillehaugen (1881-1972)
  91 years, 146 days: Harry M. McAdams (1916-2008)
  91 years, 147 days: A. Frederick Meyerson (1918-2009)
  91 years, 148 days: Charles Andrews (1827-1918)James P. Vreeland (1910-2001)
  91 years, 150 days: Lucien B. Caswell (1827-1919)Victor Atiyeh (1923-2014)
  91 years, 151 days: Rufus Switzer (1855-1947)
  91 years, 152 days: MacNeil Mitchell (1905-1996)Robert S. Cockrell (1866-1957)Edward P. Anderson (1885-1977)
  91 years, 153 days: Herbert E. Crouter (1885-1977)
  91 years, 154 days: Donald H. McLean (1884-1975)
  91 years, 155 days: David Fisher (1794-1886)Elizur S. Goodrich (1834-1926)
  91 years, 156 days: George E. Waldo (1851-1942)
  91 years, 157 days: Lloyd M. Calkin (1893-1985)Andrew Wylie (1814-1905)
  91 years, 160 days: Robert D. Fleming (1903-1994)
  91 years, 161 days: Robert P. Griffin (1923-2015)Silas C. Swallow (1839-1930)
  91 years, 162 days: William Lehman (1913-2005)
  91 years, 164 days: Elijah Babbitt (1795-1887)
  91 years, 165 days: Stanley Julian Roszkowski (1923-2014)
  91 years, 166 days: James Helmick Beatty (1836-1927)
  91 years, 167 days: Robert L. Owen (1856-1947)
  91 years, 170 days: James Y. Joyner (1862-1954)
  91 years, 171 days: Peter B. Nelson (1869-1960)
  91 years, 172 days: James A. Rhodes (1909-2001)Otto Bogner (1883-1975)John D. Merwin (1921-2013)Joseph C. Hutzell (1878-1969)
  91 years, 176 days: Bernard Newman (1907-1999)E. E. Johnson (1906-1998)
  91 years, 177 days: George W. Cornell (1896-1988)Samuel Jordan Graham (1859-1951)
  91 years, 180 days: William Plumer (1759-1850)
  91 years, 183 days: Bruce Sundlun (1920-2011)Ernest R. Hinman (1887-1979)
  91 years, 185 days: R. F. Griffin (1819-1911)
  91 years, 186 days: John William Keefe (1915-2006)
  91 years, 193 days: Ferris H. Fitch (1893-1984)Donald R. Ross (1922-2013)George Allison MacKenzie, Sr. (1857-1948)
  91 years, 194 days: Bertha H. Mailly (1869-1960)
  91 years, 198 days: W. R. Hopkins (1869-1961)
  91 years, 199 days: Stan Stephens (1929-2021)Parsons K. Johnson (1816-1907)
  91 years, 201 days: Loren M. Berry (1888-1980)
  91 years, 202 days: Perry R. Bass (1914-2006)
  91 years, 204 days: George A. Morgan (1905-1997)
  91 years, 205 days: Perry Mayo (1829-1921)
  91 years, 207 days: Rolland W. Redlin (1920-2011)Roszel Cathcart Thomsen (1900-1992)
  91 years, 208 days: Ransom A. Breuer (1870-1961)
  91 years, 209 days: Charles F. Baldwin (1902-1993)Carl E. Gainer (1915-2006)
  91 years, 212 days: Frank Schwartz (1893-1984)Ashur Ware (1782-1873)
  91 years, 213 days: Timothy P. Sheehan (1909-2000)
  91 years, 215 days: Floyd R. Gibson (1910-2001)
  91 years, 216 days: Arthur Sidney Demarest (1921-2013)
  91 years, 218 days: Gerry W. Hazelton (1829-1920)Stanley F. Withe (1892-1984)
  91 years, 220 days: Gordon S. Clinton (1920-2011)
  91 years, 223 days: Warren Keith Urbom (1925-2017)
  91 years, 224 days: Preston Smith (1912-2003)
  91 years, 225 days: James H. Morrison (1908-2000)
  91 years, 227 days: Wendell Wyatt (1917-2009)
  91 years, 228 days: Warren M. Anderson (1915-2007)
  91 years, 229 days: Robert T. Van Horn (1824-1916)Joseph S. Hoff (1868-1960)
  91 years, 231 days: Raymond S. McKeough (1888-1979)Charles E. Swanson (1879-1970)John B. Mullan (1863-1955)
  91 years, 232 days: Edward Abramson (1920-2012)Frederick Alvin Daugherty (1914-2006)
  91 years, 233 days: Vaughn C. Soffe (1913-2004)Harold C. Ristow (1917-2009)
  91 years, 234 days: Maurice F. Ahearn (1880-1971)Osro Cobb (1904-1996)
  91 years, 235 days: Oran K. Gragson (1911-2002)
  91 years, 240 days: Walter F. Brown (1869-1961)
  91 years, 241 days: Verne G. Staten (1890-1982)
  91 years, 242 days: Mark Alexander (1792-1883)Roger W. Babson (1875-1967)Leo E. Anderson (1902-1993)
  91 years, 244 days: J. Quigg Newton (1911-2003)
  91 years, 245 days: John Brown Moore (1835-1926)
  91 years, 248 days: Edward F. Arn (1906-1998)
  91 years, 250 days: J. J. 'Jake' Pickle (1913-2005)Allen Burroughs Hannay (1892-1983)
  91 years, 251 days: Lucie Reavis Royall (1867-1959)
  91 years, 252 days: Ripley N. Baylies (1845-1937)
  91 years, 253 days: Jennie Tuttle Hobart (1849-1941)
  91 years, 254 days: Maxwell M. Rabb (1910-2002)
  91 years, 255 days: Georgia Daniel Irvine (1882-1974)
  91 years, 256 days: John A. Danaher (1899-1990)
  91 years, 257 days: James C. Auchincloss (1885-1976)
  91 years, 258 days: Irene Dunne (1898-1990)
  91 years, 259 days: Alpheus Felch (1804-1896)
  91 years, 261 days: Charles L. Stuckey (1852-1944)Samuel Schulman (1864-1955)
  91 years, 264 days: Clay Le Grand (1911-2002)
  91 years, 266 days: Arch A. Moore, Jr. (1923-2015)George F. Heege (1891-1983)
  91 years, 268 days: Frank L. Willison (1861-1953)
  91 years, 269 days: Earl A. McCain (1880-1972)
  91 years, 270 days: Carl Albert (1908-2000)Caro Dawes (1866-1957)
  91 years, 273 days: William B. Baum (1856-1947)William W Schwarzer (1925-2017)
  91 years, 277 days: Franklin S. Billings, Jr. (1922-2014)Samuel Hugh Dillin (1914-2006)
  91 years, 279 days: Charles R. Eckert (1868-1959)William Worrall Mayo (1819-1911)
  91 years, 280 days: Mildred E. Kallman (1925-2016)Jacqueline White (1887-1979)L. Hebert Wall (1891-1983)
  91 years, 281 days: Maurice Black (1903-1995)Theron Strinden (1919-2011)
  91 years, 283 days: Frederick B. Fancher (1852-1944)
  91 years, 284 days: Alonzo B. Garrett (1847-1938)
  91 years, 286 days: Oliver H. Cross (1868-1960)Emilio Q. Daddario (1918-2010)Don H. Clausen (1923-2015)
  91 years, 287 days: Theodore S. Fay (1807-1898)
  91 years, 288 days: Israel Washburn (1784-1876)
  91 years, 289 days: Clark M. Clifford (1906-1998)Carl F. Bloker (1879-1970)
  91 years, 290 days: Elmer E. Rasmuson (1909-2000)
  91 years, 291 days: Charles M. Caldwell (1866-1958)
  91 years, 292 days: Francis H. Appleton (1847-1939)
  91 years, 293 days: John Frank Boyd (1853-1945)Elizabeth B. Andrews (1911-2002)John Larkin, Jr. (1804-1896)Enoch G. Fletcher (1899-1990)
  91 years, 294 days: Callan Graham (1914-2006)
  91 years, 295 days: Stephen M. Mitchell (1743-1835)
  91 years, 296 days: Horace W. Gilmore (1918-2010)
  91 years, 297 days: Vincent J. Dellay (1907-1999)Herbert C. Schenk (1880-1972)Thomas J. Baldrige (1872-1964)
  91 years, 298 days: William G. Bowdler (1924-2016)Oliver D. Kessel (1901-1992)
  91 years, 300 days: Julian H. Bagby (1899-1990)
  91 years, 302 days: Ada L. Buckman (1890-1982)
  91 years, 304 days: George F. Kribbs (1846-1938)J. Carlton Loser (1892-1984)
  91 years, 305 days: Richard H. Fulton (1927-2018)Howard M. Teeter (1907-1998)Perkins T. Shelton (1911-2003)
  91 years, 307 days: John L. Kennedy (1854-1946)G. Ross Anderson, Jr. (1929-2020)
  91 years, 308 days: Mary Rockefeller (1907-1999)
  91 years, 310 days: Frederick I. Cox (1870-1962)
  91 years, 313 days: Nels H. Smith (1884-1976)
  91 years, 314 days: Earl Hamblin Carroll (1925-2017)James R. Ford (1925-2017)
  91 years, 315 days: Edward Dumbauld (1905-1997)
  91 years, 319 days: David S. King (1917-2009)
  91 years, 322 days: Porter Hardy, Jr. (1903-1995)
  91 years, 323 days: Roy L. Black (1878-1970)
  91 years, 324 days: Floyd W. Lee (1895-1987)Bland Ballard (1761-1853)
  91 years, 325 days: George V. Gutjahr (1892-1984)
  91 years, 327 days: J. Nicholas Udall (1913-2005)
  91 years, 330 days: Alexander W. Acheson (1842-1934)
  91 years, 334 days: E. Brooke Lee (1892-1984)
  91 years, 338 days: Henrik E. Stafseth (1919-2011)
  91 years, 342 days: Carleton P. Merrill (1870-1962)
  91 years, 343 days: George Sprague (1871-1963)
  91 years, 344 days: Sebastian Leone (1924-2016)
  91 years, 345 days: Frances P. Bolton (1885-1977)William H. Bobbitt (1900-1992)Tom Surprise (1907-1999)Wade Reavis (1876-1968)
  91 years, 348 days: George P. Miller (1891-1982)
  91 years, 349 days: Henry Potter (1766-1857)T. M. Saraw (1835-1927)
  91 years, 350 days: Paul Dillingham, Jr. (1799-1891)Frederick Jacob Reagan Heebe (1922-2014)
  91 years, 351 days: Joseph H. Choate, Jr. (1876-1968)
  91 years, 352 days: Joshua W. Swartz (1867-1959)
  91 years, 353 days: Claude A. Fuller (1876-1968)Barbara F. Vucanovich (1921-2013)Louis J. Lefkowitz (1904-1996)William L. Burns (1913-2005)
  91 years, 354 days: Jesse J. Finley (1812-1904)
  91 years, 355 days: Charles H. Percy (1919-2011)Wendell Phillips Stafford (1861-1953)
  91 years, 357 days: Walter Knott (1889-1981)
  91 years, 358 days: Elihu Root (1845-1937)
  91 years, 359 days: Harry Darby (1895-1987)George H. Williams (1871-1963)
  91 years, 360 days: Charles A. Bay (1886-1978)
  91 years, 361 days: Charles W. Adair, Jr. (1914-2006)Clifton B. Batchelder (1909-2001)
  91 years, 362 days: Ben S. Paulen (1869-1961)
  91 years, 363 days: Peter T. Farrell (1900-1992)
  91 years (number of days undetermined): George K. Batt (1894-1986)Floyd D. Boner (1878-1969)Milen C. Dempster (1900-1991)Harlan Bell (1895-1986)Walter Hubbell (1888-1979)Lillian M. S. Frink (1882-1974)Sam M. Bason (1894-1986)Walter A. Adams (1887-1979)Thomas Franklin Watkins (1881-1973)Leon Henderson (1895-1986)Ethel Andrews (1898-1989)Edward Kennedy Stall (1840-1932)
  Approximately 91 years: John R. Lynch (1847-1939)Mark Trafton (1810-1901)James M. Tyler (1835-1926)J. Ernest Wharton (1899-1990)Jacob Stout (1764-1855)John D. Hickerson (1898-1989)William H. Standley (1872-1963)Joseph Coy Green (1887-1978)George E. Hinman (1870-1961)George L. Hinman (c.1906-1997)Harry B. Frank (c.1905-1996)Preston W. Slosson (1892-1984)Stanley Nowak (1903-1994)George L. Griffiths (1929-2020)Joseph Scott (1867-1958)Earl C. Pugsley (1885-1976)Daniel Adams (1773-1864)Karla Parker (1894-1986)Clarrise Haberfelde Reavis (c.1898-1989)Sido L. Ridolfi (1913-2004)Walter L. Anderson (1868-1959)C. W. Kiker (1879-1971)William J. Smith (c.1909-2000)Dorothy Norman (1905-1997)Merle C. Hufford (c.1909-2000)Jesse Carr (1783-1874)Abraham Emerson (1800-1891)Daniel Sheehan (1860-1951)R. W. Oglesby (c.1872-1963)Inez M. Scholl (1890-1982)Edwin A. Jones (1899-1990)O. L. Teagarden (1896-1987)Guy H. Waring (1875-1966)Duncan B. Hubbard (1880-1971)Robert Douma (1883-1974)Hubert Thomas Braselton (1901-1992)Lafayette Holbrook (1850-1941)Lloyd L. Cullimore (1895-1986)Mary V. Metschan (1878-1969)Jan Jansen Bleecker (1641-1732)Royal William Calkins (1870-1961)Henry L. Schmidt (1891-1982)Miles S. Curtis (1852-1943)John Y. Wills (1897-1988)David Englestein (c.1905-1996)Horatio H. Larned (1845-1936)Bennett Van Syckel (c.1831-1922)James C. Allen (1863-1954)J. W. Sanford, Jr. (1866-1957)William N. Stevens (1813-1904)Frank C. Zisa (c.1920-2011)C. Robert Hatheway (1866-1957)Jeremiah Fenton (1845-1936)Richard Le Bert (1850-1942)Luther D. Greene (1867-1959)

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
The Political Graveyard

The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
  The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
  The listings are incomplete; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.  
  Information on this page — and on all other pages of this site — is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.  
  The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/death/age/91.html.  
  Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.  
  If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the alphabetical index of politicians.  
Copyright notices: (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see Feist v. Rural Telephone. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute fair use under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are © 1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a Creative Commons License.
What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.