The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
Politicians by Age at Death

Politicians Who Died at Age 87

  87 years, 0 days: Richard T. Hanna (1914-2001)George M. Adams (1872-1959)Gordon L. Willford (1919-2006)
  87 years, 1 days: Robert Hale (1889-1976)Benjamin Franklin White (1833-1920)Andrew E. Lee (1847-1934)
  87 years, 2 days: J. Bratton Davis (1917-2004)
  87 years, 3 days: William C. Lankford (1877-1964)
  87 years, 4 days: William G. Stratton (1914-2001)Waino E. Hendrickson (1896-1983)C. W. Heiskell (1836-1923)
  87 years, 5 days: Andrew Jackson Houston (1854-1941)Louise Day Hicks (1916-2003)Emma P. Dorman (1885-1972)Peyton Hawes (1903-1990)
  87 years, 6 days: William R. Poage (1899-1987)James P. Taliaferro (1847-1934)F. C. Digby-Roberts (1868-1955)
  87 years, 7 days: Teno Roncalio (1916-2003)
  87 years, 9 days: James A. Gary (1833-1920)Richard Boykin Kellam (1909-1996)
  87 years, 10 days: Ralph Plumb (1816-1903)Hanford N. Lockwood (1788-1875)June Lazenby Green (1914-2001)
  87 years, 11 days: Bernard W. Kearney (1889-1976)
  87 years, 12 days: Lindsay C. Warren (1889-1976)George H. Williams (1823-1910)
  87 years, 13 days: Harry Sauthoff (1879-1966)Earl H. Tate (1903-1990)
  87 years, 14 days: Roger Allin (1848-1936)William E. Ozzard (1915-2002)
  87 years, 16 days: Ogden H. Hammond (1869-1956)Frank Bell (1840-1927)
  87 years, 19 days: David W. Stewart (1887-1974)James E. Van Zandt (1898-1986)Orange Jacobs (1827-1914)James G. Jenkins (1834-1921)William McCoy, Jr. (1921-2008)Erwin Avery Hightower (1914-2001)
  87 years, 20 days: George Beach (1812-1899)
  87 years, 21 days: Charles Fahy (1892-1979)Edwin Farley (1842-1929)
  87 years, 24 days: Richard G. Lugar (1932-2019)George Archinal (1900-1987)James H. Ramey (1931-2018)Samuel A. Bell (1852-1940)
  87 years, 25 days: William J. Agusta (1912-1999)Addison Q. Thacher (1876-1963)William F. Ager, Jr. (1921-2008)
  87 years, 26 days: George W. Peck (1818-1905)George Chandler Holt (1843-1931)
  87 years, 27 days: Harlan Erwin Mitchell (1924-2011)
  87 years, 28 days: Frank W. Burke (1920-2007)De Witt C. Leach (1822-1909)
  87 years, 30 days: George S. Boutwell (1818-1905)
  87 years, 31 days: Walter J. Kennamer (1883-1970)
  87 years, 32 days: Michael A. Feighan (1905-1992)George Meader (1907-1994)William B. Rodman (1889-1976)S. Ralph Harlow (1885-1972)
  87 years, 33 days: William E. Andrews (1854-1942)
  87 years, 34 days: Warren F. Daniell (1826-1913)John Hogan (1805-1892)
  87 years, 35 days: Wellington Wells (1868-1955)
  87 years, 36 days: Joseph C. Hornblower (1777-1864)
  87 years, 37 days: Peter J. Pitchess (1912-1999)Joseph M. Callahan (1885-1973)Clarence S. Merrill (1858-1945)
  87 years, 38 days: Henry D. Hatfield (1875-1962)
  87 years, 39 days: Gordon P. Fought (1877-1964)
  87 years, 40 days: Frank W. Howbert (1858-1945)
  87 years, 41 days: Wayne M. Plymale (1912-1999)
  87 years, 42 days: Brandon Grove (1929-2016)Robert B. Blackwell (1921-2008)Walter W. Law, Jr. (1871-1958)
  87 years, 43 days: Thomas P. Gill (1922-2009)George W. Kingsbury (1837-1925)R. G. Storey (1893-1981)
  87 years, 44 days: S. Walter Stauffer (1888-1975)George C. Wortley (1926-2014)Magnus Snowfield (1857-1944)
  87 years, 45 days: Homer T. Bone (1883-1970)
  87 years, 46 days: Margaret M. Heckler (1931-2018)William Quinn (1919-2006)
  87 years, 47 days: Kemp P. Battle (1831-1919)Aron Steuer (1898-1985)
  87 years, 48 days: William H. McNichols (1910-1997)Albert Joseph McCartney (1878-1965)
  87 years, 51 days: Ed H. Campbell (1882-1969)Mary Pickford Rogers (1892-1979)Charles R. Erdman, Jr. (1897-1984)
  87 years, 52 days: Benjamin Chew (1722-1810)
  87 years, 53 days: T. G. Matney (1889-1976)Bernie F. Hampton (1888-1975)Edgar C. Nelson (1883-1970)
  87 years, 54 days: J. F. Bedell, Jr. (1905-1992)Nelson Burdick (1820-1908)
  87 years, 55 days: Bertrand H. Snell (1870-1958)Lucius H. Foote (1826-1913)Edith Roosevelt (1861-1948)
  87 years, 56 days: Daniel Chapin (1791-1878)Howard Cattle (1904-1992)
  87 years, 57 days: Paul H. Todd, Jr. (1921-2008)Bertram L. Baker (1898-1985)Samuel L. Kilbourne (1838-1925)Jedediah Sabin (1774-1861)
  87 years, 58 days: Camilo Osias (1889-1976)Marie H. Katzenbach (1882-1970)
  87 years, 59 days: Asahel W. Parkhurst (1816-1903)
  87 years, 60 days: Leon F. Nadrowski (1923-2010)Elva Thurman (1899-1986)John R. Murdock (1826-1913)
  87 years, 61 days: Wilburn Cartwright (1892-1979)Claude Weaver (1867-1954)William J. Beer (1909-1996)
  87 years, 63 days: David Hogg (1886-1973)James M. Hawkins (1847-1934)
  87 years, 64 days: Egbert Benson (1746-1833)C. Norris Poulson (1895-1982)Donald R. Heath (1894-1981)Charles A. Standiford (1866-1954)
  87 years, 65 days: Dolph Briscoe (1923-2010)Alvah Nash (1793-1880)
  87 years, 66 days: Henry Chapman (1804-1891)
  87 years, 69 days: Evan C. Siggelkow (1909-1997)
  87 years, 70 days: George T. Cochran (1877-1965)
  87 years, 71 days: John E. Miles (1884-1971)George E. White (1848-1935)
  87 years, 72 days: William S. Wysong (1876-1963)
  87 years, 73 days: Arthur C. MacKinnon (1870-1957)Harvey Wesley Hardy (1825-1913)Harold B. Hoogasian (1918-2005)
  87 years, 74 days: Grant Furlong (1886-1973)William James Moxley (1851-1938)Ether Shepley (1789-1877)
  87 years, 75 days: Luther Jewett (1772-1860)Edward M. Sharpe (1887-1975)
  87 years, 76 days: James Wadsworth (1730-1817)
  87 years, 77 days: Frank W. Fries (1893-1980)Nathaniel Gilman (1759-1847)Harry W. Hutton (1853-1940)Fred A. Beckwith (1865-1952)
  87 years, 78 days: Fountain L. Thompson (1854-1942)George W. Buckner (1855-1943)
  87 years, 79 days: Alexander Caldwell (1830-1917)
  87 years, 82 days: Earl Hogan (1920-2007)Livingston A. Lydiard (1867-1954)Kevin Thomas Duffy (1933-2020)
  87 years, 83 days: Roy G. Fitzgerald (1875-1962)
  87 years, 85 days: John C. Chaney (1853-1940)Everis A. Hayes (1855-1942)James B. Angell (1829-1916)Morris Goldwater (1852-1939)James J. Jakway (1862-1949)Alton G. Parker (1887-1974)
  87 years, 86 days: Ralph B. Guy (1901-1988)
  87 years, 87 days: Rufus Hardy (1855-1943)Abraham Bruyn Hasbrouck (1791-1879)
  87 years, 88 days: John L. Duvall (1874-1962)John S. Twells (1833-1921)
  87 years, 90 days: Joseph Pitman (1788-1875)C. W. Wendte (1844-1931)Neal Pickett (1902-1990)
  87 years, 91 days: Kent E. Keller (1867-1954)
  87 years, 92 days: Marion Biggs (1823-1910)William H. Upson (1823-1910)Lemuel Hough (1778-1866)
  87 years, 94 days: Oswald West (1873-1960)
  87 years, 95 days: Patrick Henry (1843-1930)Grant M. Hudson (1868-1955)Reuben May (1815-1902)William F. Phares (1886-1973)
  87 years, 97 days: Leonard Sergeant (1793-1880)Julian Beck (1905-1992)Naomi Bowsher (1912-2000)Lansing Leroy Mitchell (1914-2001)
  87 years, 98 days: Marcus H. Holcomb (1844-1932)Daniel I. Demarest (1836-1923)
  87 years, 100 days: Coke R. Stevenson (1888-1975)Arthur W. Lueck (1885-1972)Homer Hush (1889-1976)
  87 years, 102 days: Alonzo Tubbs (1840-1927)Louis J. Garner (1852-1940)
  87 years, 105 days: Barratt O'Hara (1882-1969)William Strong (1808-1895)Verne C. Johnson (1925-2012)
  87 years, 106 days: James M. Cox (1870-1957)Gerald P. Culkin (1906-1993)
  87 years, 107 days: Chester Ackley (1794-1882)
  87 years, 108 days: John J. Burns (1913-2000)
  87 years, 109 days: William E. Barton (1868-1955)Paul M. Cox (1914-2001)
  87 years, 110 days: John Conness (1821-1909)David E. Zweifel (1934-2022)
  87 years, 111 days: Doyle E. Carlton (1885-1972)
  87 years, 112 days: Harlan Mathews (1927-2014)Squire L. Vanpelt (1819-1907)Bailey Brown (1917-2004)
  87 years, 113 days: John Henshaw (1869-1957)
  87 years, 114 days: John M. Bailey (1859-1946)
  87 years, 115 days: Sarah A. Schaeffer (1911-1998)
  87 years, 118 days: Katherine G. Howard (1898-1986)
  87 years, 119 days: Benton McMillin (1845-1933)Axel John Beck (1894-1981)Marion S. Boyd (1900-1988)
  87 years, 120 days: Daniel A. Perry (1878-1965)
  87 years, 121 days: Curtis Dwight Wilbur (1867-1954)
  87 years, 122 days: Alexander Samuel Diven (1809-1896)Marshall Francis McComb (1894-1981)Arthur U. Odell (1868-1955)
  87 years, 125 days: Knute Hill (1876-1963)Scott Leavitt (1879-1966)William McCoy (1878-1965)
  87 years, 126 days: E. Homer White, Jr. (1911-1998)Augustus Washington Graham (1849-1936)
  87 years, 127 days: Rose M. Turk (1898-1986)
  87 years, 128 days: Robert Lee Brokenburr (1886-1974)Charles A. Storke (1911-1998)
  87 years, 130 days: Edmund N. Carpenter (1865-1952)Charles E. Lobdell, Sr. (1861-1949)George R. McClelland (1816-1904)
  87 years, 131 days: Paul G. Rogers (1921-2008)Mitchell Melich (1912-1999)
  87 years, 132 days: Edwin F. Sweet (1847-1935)W. B. Gaither (1864-1952)James M. Magness (1890-1977)
  87 years, 133 days: Jefferson Caffery (1886-1974)C. S. Amsden (1856-1943)
  87 years, 134 days: Hassan Jeru-Ahmed (1924-2011)Hiram Roswell Steele (1842-1929)
  87 years, 138 days: Lindley H. Hadley (1861-1948)Blair Lee (1857-1944)
  87 years, 139 days: John F. Collin (1802-1889)Frederick L. Zimmermann (1906-1993)
  87 years, 140 days: Ernest Gruening (1887-1974)Hiram Price (1814-1901)William Hillhouse (1728-1816)Evelyn Atwood (1881-1968)George W. Clough (1824-1912)
  87 years, 141 days: Columbus Delano (1809-1896)John Miller (1774-1862)
  87 years, 143 days: Herbert Tenzer (1905-1993)James E. Nash (1875-1962)William H. Robertson (1863-1950)
  87 years, 146 days: H. Freeman Matthews (1899-1986)J. W. McGavock (1846-1934)
  87 years, 148 days: John A. T. Hull (1841-1928)Wilbur G. Manchester (1860-1947)
  87 years, 149 days: Jorge Luis Cordova=Diaz (1907-1994)Fannie A. Hall (1848-1936)
  87 years, 150 days: Harvey H. Johnson (1808-1896)Daniel K. Edwards (1914-2001)Polito Martinez, Jr. (1906-1993)
  87 years, 153 days: John L. Cable (1884-1971)Henry Cruger (1739-1827)
  87 years, 154 days: James Crawford Biggs (1872-1960)Hugh P. Gaston (1910-1998)
  87 years, 155 days: Thomas L. Ashley (1923-2010)Helen M. Marshall (1929-2017)
  87 years, 156 days: George T. Beck (1856-1943)Mary S. Coleman (1914-2001)Jack Oakes (1913-2001)
  87 years, 158 days: Norman J. Gould (1877-1964)George B. Grigsby (1874-1962)Peter R. Legg (1859-1946)
  87 years, 159 days: Arphaxed Loomis (1798-1885)
  87 years, 161 days: John S. Kindrick (1810-1898)Fannie M. Witherspoon (1886-1973)
  87 years, 162 days: La Fayette Grover (1823-1911)Louis Westcott Myers (1872-1960)
  87 years, 163 days: Henry C. Stuart (1864-1952)
  87 years, 165 days: Ralph Bellamy (1904-1991)
  87 years, 168 days: Julius W. Waring (1880-1968)
  87 years, 169 days: Peleg Sprague (1793-1880)James Lee Rankin (1846-1933)
  87 years, 171 days: Stuart Symington (1901-1988)Murray P. McCluskey (1915-2003)Loretta Amley (1919-2006)
  87 years, 173 days: LaMar Baker (1915-2003)
  87 years, 174 days: Sewall C. Strout (1827-1914)Luke Lea (1810-1898)
  87 years, 175 days: Frank M. Clark (1915-2003)James W. Marshall (1822-1910)Ernest R. James (1881-1968)
  87 years, 176 days: Henry J. Bean (1853-1941)George M. Sullivan (1922-2009)
  87 years, 177 days: Charles Phelps (1852-1940)William B. Mershon (1856-1943)C. E. Anderson (1886-1973)John F. Dittbrender (1878-1966)
  87 years, 178 days: John C. Lodge (1862-1950)Alvan V. Burch (1886-1973)
  87 years, 180 days: Gerald W. McEntee (1935-2022)
  87 years, 181 days: Oscar S. Heizer (1869-1956)DuVal West (1861-1949)
  87 years, 182 days: Edward Martin (1879-1967)John E. McGeehan (1880-1968)
  87 years, 183 days: Peter H. Burnett (1807-1895)
  87 years, 184 days: Aaron Benedict (1785-1873)William Clark O'Kelley (1930-2017)
  87 years, 185 days: Charles McC. Mathias (1922-2010)John H. Clarke (1857-1945)James B. Edwards (1927-2014)
  87 years, 187 days: Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933-2020)
  87 years, 188 days: Richard B. Parker (1923-2011)Wellington R. Burt (1831-1919)Otto Rachals (1897-1984)John C. Doerfer (1904-1992)
  87 years, 189 days: Wayne N. Aspinall (1896-1983)Eugene F. Black (1903-1990)Robert J. Danhof (1925-2013)F. W. Bartling (1896-1984)Nellie Connally (1919-2006)
  87 years, 190 days: Lyle B. Austin (1893-1981)
  87 years, 191 days: Otto W. Balgemann (1874-1962)Asbury W. Lee (1840-1927)
  87 years, 192 days: William H. Stafford (1869-1957)
  87 years, 193 days: William P. Rogers (1913-2001)Elijah Allen Cox (1887-1974)
  87 years, 195 days: Mary I. Bunting (1910-1998)H. P. Meadows (1905-1993)
  87 years, 196 days: Linneus F. Turner (1856-1944)
  87 years, 197 days: Robert Ernest Keeton (1919-2007)Charles C. Whitaker (1866-1953)
  87 years, 198 days: Dighton Corson (1827-1915)Richard Hartshorne (1888-1975)
  87 years, 199 days: Nathaniel H. Goldstick (1893-1981)
  87 years, 201 days: George W. Alexander (1904-1992)Samuel F. Pryor, Jr. (1898-1985)William H. Fallon (1893-1981)
  87 years, 202 days: F. Ray Keyser, Jr. (1927-2015)
  87 years, 203 days: Joseph Tyree Sneed III (1920-2008)
  87 years, 204 days: Henry Daniel (1786-1873)
  87 years, 205 days: Harry W. Musselwhite (1868-1955)Charles S. Meredith (1868-1956)
  87 years, 206 days: Mason Turner (1891-1978)
  87 years, 207 days: Joseph Holt (1807-1894)Ralph E. Becker (1907-1994)James Bruce (1892-1980)Charles H. Anderson (1930-2018)
  87 years, 209 days: Roger B. Taney (1777-1864)
  87 years, 210 days: Thomas C. Hennings, Sr. (1874-1962)
  87 years, 211 days: Nathaniel Niles (1741-1828)William H. Bliss (1844-1932)
  87 years, 212 days: Wallace H. Savage (1912-2000)Walter S. Clark (1867-1955)
  87 years, 213 days: James Irvine Dungan (1844-1931)John H. Kedzie (1815-1903)
  87 years, 215 days: Francis J. Heft (1911-1999)Jacob Tome (1810-1898)
  87 years, 216 days: Robert Eachus Doan (1831-1919)
  87 years, 217 days: Morris B. Hogan (1902-1989)William H. Reynolds (1847-1935)
  87 years, 218 days: John James Pearson (1800-1888)C. Farris Bryant (1914-2002)
  87 years, 220 days: John P. Thomson (1854-1942)Ed L. Abington (1867-1955)
  87 years, 222 days: Clem L. Shaver (1867-1954)William J. Behan (1840-1928)
  87 years, 224 days: Bill Barrett (1929-2016)William Fleming (1736-1824)L. V. Anderson (1900-1987)
  87 years, 225 days: Barbara W. Snelling (1928-2015)
  87 years, 226 days: Alexander Ramsey (1815-1903)Charles E. Beatley (1916-2003)James Huntington (1797-1885)Daniel Haymond (1787-1874)
  87 years, 227 days: Irving A. Caswell (1870-1957)Frederick W. Easton (1852-1940)
  87 years, 230 days: Aaron A. Carpenter (1826-1914)Robert W. Woolley (1871-1958)Nicholas Low (1739-1826)
  87 years, 231 days: Herbert J. McGlinchey (1904-1992)Dan E. Garvey (1886-1974)James N. Bradley (1826-1914)
  87 years, 233 days: John F. Fitzgerald (1863-1950)
  87 years, 234 days: Joseph D. Sayers (1841-1929)Charles W. Allen (1883-1970)
  87 years, 235 days: William H. Fleming (1856-1944)Ed Jones (1912-1999)Charles A. Reynolds (1848-1936)Solva Converse (1790-1877)
  87 years, 236 days: Samuel S. Brown (1922-2010)
  87 years, 237 days: John T. Wait (1811-1899)M. Ransom Doyon (1845-1933)
  87 years, 238 days: Eldon Mahon (1918-2005)Ewing Cockrell (1874-1962)Warren John Ferguson (1920-2008)
  87 years, 239 days: Wade H. Kitchens (1878-1966)Matthew Francis McGuire (1898-1986)
  87 years, 242 days: Mary H. Armor (1863-1950)
  87 years, 244 days: John A. Lafore, Jr. (1905-1993)Thomas S. Kleppe (1919-2007)
  87 years, 245 days: William P. Kellogg (1830-1918)George F. Beneke (1914-2001)
  87 years, 246 days: John H. Avis (1845-1933)
  87 years, 247 days: Elmer E. Robinson (1894-1982)
  87 years, 248 days: Philip N. Schuyler (1819-1907)
  87 years, 249 days: Hazel T. Kump (1914-2002)
  87 years, 250 days: Agnes Baggett (1905-1992)
  87 years, 252 days: Richard Harding Poff (1923-2011)
  87 years, 257 days: Charles C. Simons (1876-1964)Levi H. Bancroft (1860-1948)Balthasar H. Meyer (1866-1954)Owen D. Young (1874-1962)
  87 years, 258 days: Nicholas V. V. Franchot (1855-1943)John V. Atteberry (1863-1950)
  87 years, 259 days: Joe Foss (1915-2003)William F. Glasby (1825-1912)M. M. Crane (1855-1943)William N. Demarest (1849-1937)
  87 years, 260 days: Henry F. Ashurst (1874-1962)Millard F. Caldwell, Jr. (1897-1984)William Terry Jackson (1794-1882)Winifred McDonald (1888-1976)
  87 years, 262 days: John D. Voelker (1903-1991)John T. Wilder (1830-1917)
  87 years, 263 days: Charles Gordon McGowan (1911-1999)Gordon A. Hanson (1887-1974)
  87 years, 265 days: George W. Wingate (1840-1928)
  87 years, 266 days: Robert O. Blood (1887-1975)
  87 years, 268 days: Lester Maddox (1915-2003)
  87 years, 270 days: Ellis E. Patterson (1897-1985)Clarence A. Barnes (1882-1970)Willard B. Tanner (1858-1946)Charles W. Ricker (1891-1979)Hugh D. Auchincloss III (1927-2015)Matthew A. Henkel (1890-1978)
  87 years, 272 days: William R. Williams (1884-1972)Ray Thornton (1928-2016)
  87 years, 274 days: James Oneal (1875-1962)
  87 years, 275 days: Mildred L. Lillie (1915-2002)
  87 years, 276 days: Thomas S. Hogan (1869-1957)
  87 years, 278 days: John C. Mackie (1920-2008)Sherman W. Tribbitt (1922-2010)
  87 years, 279 days: James F. Fielder (1867-1954)Clarence G. Galston (1876-1964)
  87 years, 281 days: Warren E. Burger (1907-1995)George Egbert (1820-1908)
  87 years, 282 days: Helen R. Parisi (1912-1999)Henry F. Sarman (1857-1945)
  87 years, 284 days: Eugene Lammot (1899-1987)Frank Aranow (1883-1971)Robert Alexander Inch (1873-1961)
  87 years, 285 days: Richard T. Rives (1895-1982)
  87 years, 286 days: James B. Whitfield (1860-1948)
  87 years, 288 days: Joseph Capser (1832-1919)Elwood F. Melson, Jr. (1914-2001)
  87 years, 291 days: Ate Dykstra (1865-1953)Francis P. Phelps (1799-1886)
  87 years, 292 days: Sherman Adams (1899-1986)Rodney Marvin Love (1908-1996)Othneil Looker (1757-1845)Willmore D. Ashley (1886-1974)
  87 years, 293 days: George Lloyd Spencer (1893-1981)Edward D. Ziegler (1844-1931)
  87 years, 294 days: John N. Williamson (1855-1943)Henry Farrington (1837-1925)
  87 years, 295 days: James H. Quillen (1916-2003)Emory R. Roraback (1900-1988)
  87 years, 296 days: Robert D. Nesen (1918-2005)A. J. Sherwood (1871-1959)Friend W. Smith, Jr. (1829-1917)
  87 years, 298 days: Harley J. Crane (1875-1963)
  87 years, 302 days: Glenn S. Allen, Jr. (1914-2001)
  87 years, 303 days: J. Lindsay Almond, Jr. (1898-1986)Christian J. Emhardt (1883-1971)D. Jo Ferguson (1922-2010)
  87 years, 304 days: Walter H. Jobe (1872-1960)
  87 years, 305 days: James Latane Noel, Jr. (1909-1997)
  87 years, 306 days: Emanuel B. Hart (1809-1897)George E. Rowe (1862-1950)John J. Pershing (1860-1948)Floyd H. Roberts (1879-1967)
  87 years, 307 days: George Sylvester Taylor (1822-1910)O. C. Barton (1850-1938)
  87 years, 309 days: Eugenie Anderson (1909-1997)
  87 years, 310 days: Justus S. Stearns (1845-1933)Moy Back Hin (1848-1935)Olin Hatfield Chilson (1903-1991)
  87 years, 311 days: Mount Etna Morris (1900-1988)William W. Weinstone (1897-1985)J. D. Frisbee (1873-1961)
  87 years, 312 days: Charles Francis Adams (1866-1954)
  87 years, 313 days: Albert S. Callan, Jr. (1918-2005)
  87 years, 314 days: James R. Sowards (1892-1980)Charles D. Caffery (1856-1943)
  87 years, 316 days: Norman Hall (1829-1917)Samuel Ashe (1725-1813)
  87 years, 317 days: Thomas J. Halsey (1863-1951)George M. Gosman (1893-1981)
  87 years, 318 days: Albert Johnson (1869-1957)John H. Small (1858-1946)
  87 years, 319 days: William Cullen (1826-1914)Abraham A. Ribicoff (1910-1998)Stuart Warren Kallman (1931-2018)Richard Leroy Williams (1923-2011)
  87 years, 322 days: Arthur Naftalin (1917-2005)
  87 years, 323 days: Joseph R. Chandler (1792-1880)
  87 years, 324 days: David Baird (1839-1927)
  87 years, 326 days: Barclay Martin (1802-1890)
  87 years, 327 days: Joseph M. Ballouz (1913-2001)
  87 years, 328 days: John Hans Krebs (1926-2014)
  87 years, 331 days: Vincent R. Panaro (1910-1998)
  87 years, 332 days: Lamar Williamson (1887-1974)
  87 years, 333 days: William Wright McEwen (1853-1941)
  87 years, 334 days: Malcolm G. Dade (1903-1991)Theodore M. Bowers (1907-1995)
  87 years, 336 days: Edmund H. Lewis (1884-1972)Aaron Spainhour (1928-2016)
  87 years, 337 days: Norbert T. Tiemann (1924-2012)
  87 years, 338 days: Allen Miller (1906-1994)Jalmer T. Johnson (1912-2000)
  87 years, 340 days: John J. Marchi (1921-2009)
  87 years, 342 days: Edward R. Burke (1880-1968)Preston Hopkins Leslie (1819-1907)Charles Albidress, Sr. (1900-1988)
  87 years, 343 days: Jonathan Chace (1829-1917)Lithgow Osborne (1892-1980)
  87 years, 344 days: Francis W. Beedon (1902-1990)Hugh Martin Morris (1878-1966)David William Dyer (1910-1998)Sarah Polk (1803-1891)
  87 years, 348 days: Wilson Lumpkin (1783-1870)Paul Franzenburg (1916-2004)Richard H. Chambers (1906-1994)
  87 years, 349 days: Joseph L. Carrigg (1901-1989)Richard H. Austin (1913-2001)Alvan V. Burch, Jr. (1918-2005)
  87 years, 350 days: Theodore Legrand Burnett (1829-1917)
  87 years, 352 days: Merlin Wiley (1875-1963)Mercedes McCambridge (1916-2004)
  87 years, 353 days: John T. Myers (1927-2015)James E. Defebaugh (1926-2014)
  87 years, 354 days: James M. Seibert (1847-1935)
  87 years, 356 days: Mortimer C. Addoms (1842-1930)Marcy B. Darnall (1872-1960)
  87 years, 357 days: John Neilson (1745-1833)
  87 years, 358 days: Laurie C. Battle (1912-2000)Rabe Ferguson Marsh, Jr. (1905-1993)
  87 years, 359 days: Julius Jennings Hoffman (1895-1983)Richard Earl Robinson (1903-1991)
  87 years, 360 days: Leonard v. B. Sutton (1914-2002)
  87 years, 361 days: Christella Baldwin (1893-1981)Stanley A. Enebo (1924-2012)Norma Levy Shapiro (1928-2016)
  87 years, 362 days: Edward Joseph Schwartz (1912-2000)
  87 years, 363 days: Gideon Hard (1797-1885)Clarence V. Smazel (1902-1990)Lyman A. Mills (1841-1929)Edmund V. Ludwig (1928-2016)William Lenoir (1751-1839)
  87 years, 364 days: Ruth Baker Pratt (1877-1965)
  87 years (number of days undetermined): Joseph T. Ferguson (1892-1979)Wilbur M. Alter (1879-1967)Edward H. Butler (1841-1928)Raymond Blake (1896-1984)Berta E. Baker (1876-1964)Julia Hoge Spencer Ardery (1889-1977)Theodore A. Alexander (1892-1979)Nicholas L. Hubbard (1895-1983)Alfred Tweedy (1880-1967)John E. Livingood (1889-1977)George M. Haight (1879-1967)Frank Bell (1883-1970)Harold H. Smedley (1893-1980)Claude Agate (1895-1983)John K. Davis (1882-1969)W. Sheffield Cowles (1898-1986)Gilbert L. Anderberg (1890-1978)Svea M. Beiswenger (1891-1978)Willis H. Jenkins (1861-1949)Western Bascome (1834-1922)
  Approximately 87 years: James Duncan (1756-1844)James T. Igoe (1883-1971)Samuel Moore (1774-1861)John B. Robinson (1846-1933)Fred Schwengel (1906-1993)William Paine Sheffield (1820-1907)Hugh Ike Shott (1866-1953)Eugene Siler (1900-1987)Thetus W. Sims (1852-1939)Winifred C. Stanley (1909-1996)Martin Russell Thayer (1819-1906)Edward W. Townsend (1855-1942)Daniel Wardwell (1791-1878)John Watts (1749-1836)Otha D. Wearin (1903-1990)James L. Whitley (1872-1959)John Duncan Young (1823-1910)Stanton Griffis (1887-1974)Frederic J. Stimson (1855-1943)Robert L. Larson (1898-1986)John W. Caldwell (1809-1896)William H. Heard (1850-1937)Gustavus Koerner (1809-1896)William W. Thomas, Jr. (1839-1927)Julius A. Schmahl (1867-1955)William E. DeCourcy (1894-1981)Charles H. Manly (1843-1930)Robinson McIlvaine (1913-2001)Harold H. Tittmann, Jr. (1893-1980)John G. Hurd (1914-2001)Elijah P. Gates (1827-1915)George S. Marshall (1869-1956)John Butrovich, Jr. (1910-1997)Lorenzo A. Kelsey (1803-1890)William C. Vandenberg (1884-1971)Leonard Freeman (1867-c.1954)Charles R. Feenstra (1894-1981)Milo A. Johnson (1883-1970)Dorothy W. Glisson (c.1914-2001)Peter White (1820-1908)Marie B. Bailey (1901-1988)Paul G. Goebel (1901-1988)Anita Whitney (c.1868-1955)Darwin Clark (1812-1899)Hayden Harriss (1889-1976)Violet McDougall Pollard (1889-1977)John C. Porter (1871-1959)Arthur H. Breed, Sr. (c.1866-1953)Robert Alcock (c.1743-1830)Cyril H. Root (1896-1983)Alfred E. Steers (c.1861-1948)Frank S. Ranson (1857-1944)A. H. Letzler (1884-1972)James Wellborn (1767-1854)William V. Weber (1901-1989)Raymond Motley (c.1912-1999)Joseph Aram (1810-1898)Arthur E. Reimer (1882-1969)Jacob Wilson Reed (c.1850-1937)John L. Powell (c.1859-1946)T. J. Smith (1846-1934)H. E. 'Nick' Nichols (c.1913-2000)Anthony F. Crissalli (c.1892-1979)Henry G. Munger (1846-1933)Bernard F. Bemis (1868-1956)Daniel Tomlinson (1776-1863)Raymond J. Devlin (1898-1986)Roger Wolcott (1679-1767)Tracy D. Mygatt (1886-1973)Benjamin F. Manierre (1822-1910)Ben E. Douglas (1894-1982)William Golden (1799-1887)Alma Van Wagenen (1872-1959)Sidney C. Gray (1900-1987)Christian Christenson (1858-1946)Andrew Campbell (1832-1920)Peter Jensen (1863-1950)Jesse Miller (1885-1972)Owen McGivern (c.1911-1998)Herman H. Korthauer (1852-1939)Horace Frierson (1849-1936)Leo Allen Bergholz (1857-1945)Hugh Keenan (c.1795-1882)John H. Lathrop (1880-1967)Silas S. Main (1867-1954)James Orr Denby (1896-1983)Arthur McCain (1865-1952)Philemon J. Miller (1885-1972)Henry W. Ault (1903-1991)Glen Miller (c.1875-1962)H. Bryan Branner (1851-1938)John T. O'Connor (1881-1968)E. E. Patton (1874-1961)Frank T. Singleton (1863-1950)Austin A. Chapman (1828-1915)Charles Austin (1834-1921)Edward R. Galloway (1855-1942)Theron Wilson Atwood (1893-1980)Jacob A. Vanden Heuvel (1787-1874)William Ezzard (1799-1887)Frank N. Graass (1885-1973)Thomas A. Appleby (1843-1930)John A. Monteleone (c.1923-2010)Robert Kennedy (1801-1889)William Bancroft Hill (c.1858-1945)Anne C. Longstreth (c.1921-2008)J. Woodrow Lewis (c.1912-1999)Parker B. Burleigh (c.1812-1899)Cornelius DeYoung (1860-1947)Jacob Sleeper (c.1802-1889)Stephen Gregory (1773-1860)Edward E. King (1862-1950)Joseph Barten (1864-1952)Henry M. Hard (1842-1929)Frederick H. Parmelee (1833-1920)George R. Beach, Jr. (1903-1990)John Johnson (1816-1903)Charles F. Boughton (1870-1957)Benjamin Mudge (c.1787-1874)Joseph Ireland (1826-1913)Llewellyn Libby (1841-1928)Mathias Naphtali (1899-1987)John T. Scott (1872-1960)Lemuel Williams (1782-1869)Charles E. Messerly (1851-1938)

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
The Political Graveyard

The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
  The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
  The listings are incomplete; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.  
  Information on this page — and on all other pages of this site — is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.  
  The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/death/age/87.html.  
  Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.  
  If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the alphabetical index of politicians.  
Copyright notices: (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see Feist v. Rural Telephone. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute fair use under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are © 1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a Creative Commons License.
What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.