The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
Pennsylvania: U.S. Senators

U.S. Senators from Pennsylvania, 1789-2022 (May be incomplete!)
William Maclay 1789-91 Robert Morris 1789-95 Albert Gallatin 1793-94 James Ross 1794-1803 William Bingham 1795-1801 John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg 1801 George Logan 1801-07 Samuel Maclay 1803-09 Andrew Gregg 1807-13 Michael Leib 1809-14 Abner Lacock 1813-19 Jonathan Roberts 1814-21 Walter Lowrie 1819-25 William Findlay 1821-27 William Marks 1825-31 Isaac D. Barnard 1827-31 William Wilkins 1831-34 George M. Dallas 1831-33 Samuel McKean 1833-39 James Buchanan 1834-45 Daniel Sturgeon 1840-51 Simon Cameron 1845-49 James Cooper 1849-55 Richard Brodhead 1851-57 William Bigler 1856-61 Simon Cameron 1857-61 Edgar Cowan 1861-67 David Wilmot 1861-63 Charles R. Buckalew 1863-69 Simon Cameron 1867-77 John Scott 1869-75 William A. Wallace 1875-81 J. Donald Cameron 1877-97 John I. Mitchell 1881-87 Matthew S. Quay 1887-99 Boies Penrose 1897-1921 Matthew S. Quay 1901-04 Philander C. Knox 1904-09 George T. Oliver 1909-17 Philander C. Knox 1917-21 William E. Crow 1921-22 George Wharton Pepper 1922-27 David A. Reed 1922-35 William S. Vare 1927-29 Joseph R. Grundy 1929-30 James J. Davis 1930-45 Joseph F. Guffey 1935-47 Francis J. Myers 1945-51 Edward Martin 1947-59 James H. Duff 1951-57 Joseph S. Clark, Jr. 1957-69 Hugh Scott 1959-77 Richard S. Schweiker 1969-81 H. John Heinz III 1977-91 Arlen Specter 1981-2011 Harris Wofford 1991-95 Rick Santorum 1995-2007 Bob Casey, Jr. 2007- Pat Toomey 2011-

Events and Candidates (may be incomplete!)

  • 1801 Jun 30: John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg, resigned.
  • 1809 Jan 4: Samuel Maclay, resigned.
  • 1814 Feb 14: Michael Leib, resigned.
  • 1831 Dec 6: Isaac D. Barnard, resigned.
  • 1834 Jun 30: William Wilkins, resigned.
  • 1845: George W. Woodward, defeated.
  • 1845 Mar 5: James Buchanan, resigned.
  • 1861 Mar 4: Simon Cameron, resigned.
  • 1877 Mar 3: Simon Cameron, resigned.
  • 1904 May 28: Matthew S. Quay, died in office.
  • 1909 Mar 3: Philander C. Knox, resigned.
  • 1914 Nov 3: Boies Penrose (Rep & Personal Liberty), elected; Gifford Pinchot (Roosevelt Progressive & Bull Moose & Washington), defeated; A. Mitchell Palmer (Dem), defeated; Frederick W. Whiteside (Socialist), defeated; Madison F. Larkin (Prohibition), defeated; A. S. Landis (Industrial), defeated.
  • 1916 Nov 7: Philander C. Knox (Rep & Roosevelt Progressive), elected; Ellis L. Orvis (Dem), defeated; Charles W. Ervin (Socialist), defeated; Herbert T. Ames (Prohibition), defeated; Robert C. Macauley (Single Tax), defeated; William H. Thomas (Industrial), defeated.
  • 1920 Nov 2: Boies Penrose (Rep), elected; John A. Farrell (Dem), defeated; Leah Cobb Marion (Prohibition), defeated; Birch Wilson (Socialist), defeated; Robert J. Wheeler (Labor), defeated; Joseph E. Jennings (Single Tax), defeated.
  • 1921 Oct 12: Philander C. Knox, died in office.
  • 1921 Dec 31: Boies Penrose, died in office.
  • 1922 Aug 2: William E. Crow, died in office.
  • 1922 Nov 7: George Wharton Pepper (Rep), elected; Fred B. Kerr (Dem), defeated; Earl W. Thompson (Progressive), defeated; William J. Van Essen (Socialist), defeated; Frank G. Lewis (Prohibition), defeated; James A. Robinson (Single Tax), defeated.
  • 1922 Nov 7: David A. Reed (Rep), elected; Samuel E. Shull (Dem), defeated; William J. Burke (Progressive), defeated; Rachel C. Robinson (Prohibition), defeated; Charles Sehl (Socialist), defeated; Charles J. Schoales (Single Tax), defeated.
  • 1922 Nov 7: David A. Reed (Rep), elected; Rachel C. Robinson (Prohibition), defeated; William J. Van Essen (Socialist), defeated; Thomas J. Davis (Single Tax), defeated.
  • 1926 May 18: William B. Wilson (Dem), nominated unopposed.
  • 1926 May 18: William S. Vare (Rep), nominated; George Wharton Pepper (Rep), defeated in primary; Gifford Pinchot (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 1926 May 18: Elisha Kent Kane (Prohibition), nominated; Gifford Pinchot (Prohibition), defeated in primary.
  • 1926 May 18: Cora M. Bixler (Socialist), nominated unopposed, but withdrew.
  • 1926 Nov 2: William S. Vare (Rep), elected; William B. Wilson (Dem & Labor), defeated; Elisha Kent Kane (Prohibition), defeated; George W. Snyder (Socialist), defeated; A. J. Carey (Workers), defeated; Robert C. Macauley (Commonwealth Land), defeated.
  • 1928 Nov 6: David A. Reed (Rep), elected; William N. McNair (Dem), defeated; William J. Van Essen (Socialist), defeated; Elisha Kent Kane (Prohibition), defeated; Charles Kutz (Labor), defeated; W. J. White (Workers), defeated; William H. Thomas (Industrial), defeated.
  • 1930 Nov 4: James J. Davis (Rep), elected; Sedgwick Kistler (Dem), defeated; William J. Van Essen (Socialist), defeated; S. W. Bierer (Prohibition), defeated; Emmett P. Cush (Communist), defeated.
  • 1932 Apr 26: Lawrence H. Rupp (Dem), nominated; Lewis C. Cassidy (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1932 Apr 26: James J. Davis (Rep), nominated; Smedley Butler (Rep), defeated in primary; William S. Adams (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 1932 Apr 26: William J. Van Essen (Socialist), nominated unopposed.
  • 1932 Nov 8: James J. Davis (Rep & Liberal), elected; Lawrence H. Rupp (Dem), defeated; Edwin J. Fithian (Prohibition), defeated; William J. Van Essen (Socialist), defeated; Harry M. Wicks (Communist), defeated.
  • 1934 Nov 6: Joseph F. Guffey (Dem), elected; David A. Reed (Rep), defeated; James H. Maurer (Socialist), defeated; Edwin J. Fithian (Prohibition), defeated; Harry M. Wicks (Communist), defeated; George W. Ohls (Industrial Labor), defeated.
  • 1938: S. Davis Wilson (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1938 Nov 8: James J. Davis (Rep), elected; George H. Earle (Dem & Royal Oak), defeated; David H. H. Felix (Socialist), defeated; Forest S. Van Valin (Prohibition), defeated; Reginald B. Naugle (Pathfinders), defeated; Patrick Toohey (Communist), defeated.
  • 1940: Albert H. Ladner (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 1940 Nov 5: Joseph F. Guffey (Dem), elected; Jay Cooke (Rep), defeated; David H. H. Felix (Socialist), defeated; H. B. Mansell (Prohibition), defeated; Carl Reeve (Communist), defeated; Frank Knotek (Industrial Government), defeated.
  • 1944 Nov 7: Francis J. Myers (Dem), elected; James J. Davis (Rep), defeated; J. Henry Stump (Socialist), defeated; Charles Palmer (Prohibition), defeated; Frank Knotek (Industrial Government), defeated.
  • 1946 Nov 5: Edward Martin (Rep), elected; Joseph F. Guffey (Dem), defeated; Dale H. Learn (Prohibition), defeated; Frank Knotek (Socialist Labor), defeated.
  • 1950: John C. Kunkel, defeated for nomination.
  • 1952 Nov 4: Edward Martin (Rep), elected; Guy K. Bard (Dem), defeated; Ira S. Sassaman (Prohibition), defeated; William J. Van Essen (Socialist), defeated; Anna Chester (Militant Workers), defeated; Frank Knotek (Industrial Government), defeated.
  • 1956 Apr 24: Joseph S. Clark, Jr. (Dem), nominated unopposed.
  • 1956 Apr 24: James H. Duff (Rep), nominated; Paul E. Sanger (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 1956 Nov 6: Joseph S. Clark, Jr. (Dem), elected; James H. Duff (Rep), defeated; George S. Taylor (Socialist Labor), defeated; Herbert Lewin (Militant Workers), defeated.
  • 1958 May 20: George M. Leader (Dem), nominated; Clarence P. Bowers (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1958 May 20: Hugh Scott (Rep), nominated; Weldon B. Heyburn (Rep), defeated in primary; Harrison A. Moyer (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 1958 Nov 4: Hugh Scott (Rep), elected; George M. Leader (Dem), defeated; George S. Taylor (Socialist Labor), defeated; Ethel Peterson (Workers), defeated.
  • 1962 May 15: Joseph S. Clark, Jr. (Dem), nominated unopposed.
  • 1962 May 15: James E. Van Zandt (Rep), nominated unopposed.
  • 1962 Nov 6: Joseph S. Clark, Jr. (Dem), elected; James E. Van Zandt (Rep), defeated; Arla A. Albaugh (Socialist Labor), defeated.
  • 1964 Apr 28: Genevieve Blatt (Dem), nominated; Michael A. Musmanno (Dem), defeated in primary; David B. Roberts (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1964 Apr 28: Hugh Scott (Rep), nominated; J. Henry MacFarland (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 1964 Nov 3: Hugh Scott (Rep), elected; Genevieve Blatt (Dem), defeated; Morris Chertov (Militant Workers), defeated; George S. Taylor (Socialist Labor), defeated.
  • 1968 Nov 5: Richard S. Schweiker (Rep), elected; Joseph S. Clark, Jr. (Dem), defeated; Frank W. Gaydosh (Constitutional), defeated; Benson Perry (Socialist Labor), defeated; Pearl Chertov (Militant Workers), defeated.
  • 1970 Nov 3: Hugh Scott (Rep), elected; William G. Sesler (Dem), defeated; Frank W. Gaydosh (Constitutional), defeated; W. Henry MacFarland (American Independent), defeated; Herman A. Johansen (Socialist Labor), defeated; Robin Maisel (Socialist Workers), defeated; William R. Mimms (Consumer), defeated.
  • 1974 Nov 5: Richard S. Schweiker (Rep), elected; Peter F. Flaherty (Dem), defeated; George W. Shankey, Jr. (Constitutional), defeated.
  • 1976 Nov 2: H. John Heinz III (Rep), elected; William J. Green III (Dem), defeated; Andrew J. Watson (Constitutional), defeated; Frederick W. Stanton (Socialist Workers), defeated; Bernard Salera (Labor), defeated; Frank Kinces (Communist), defeated.
  • 1980: C. DeLores Tucker (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1980 Nov 4: Arlen Specter (Rep), elected; Peter F. Flaherty (Dem), defeated; Linda Mohrbacher (Socialist Workers), defeated; David K. Walter (Libertarian), defeated; Lee Frissell (Consumer), defeated; Frank Kinces (Communist), defeated.
  • 1982 Nov 2: H. John Heinz III (Rep), elected; Cyril H. Wecht (Dem), defeated; Barbara I. Karkutt (Libertarian), defeated; Kipp M. Dawson (Socialist Workers), defeated; Liane Norman (Consumer), defeated.
  • 1986 Nov 4: Arlen Specter (Rep), elected; Bob Edgar (Dem), defeated; Lance S. Haver (Consumer), defeated.
  • 1988 Nov 8: H. John Heinz III (Rep), elected; Joseph C. Vignola (Dem), defeated; Darcy G. Richardson (Consumer), defeated; Henry Haller (Libertarian), defeated; Samuel Cross (Populist), defeated; Sam Blancato (New Alliance), defeated.
  • 1991 Apr 4: H. John Heinz III, died in office.
  • 1991 May 8: Harris Wofford, appointed.
  • 1991 Nov 5: Harris Wofford (Dem), elected; Richard L. Thornburgh (Rep), defeated.
  • 1992 Apr 28: Lynn Yeakel (Dem), nominated; Phillip Valenti (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1992 Nov 3: Arlen Specter (Rep), elected; Lynn Yeakel (Dem), defeated; John F. Perry III (Libertarian), defeated.
  • 1994 Nov 8: Rick Santorum (Rep), elected; Harris Wofford (Dem), defeated; Diane Blough (Patriot), defeated; Donald C. Ernsberger (Libertarian), defeated.
  • 1998 Nov 3: Arlen Specter (Rep), elected; Bill Lloyd (Dem), defeated; Dean Snyder (Constitutional), defeated; Jack Iannantuono (Libertarian), defeated.
  • 2000 Apr 4: Ronald Klink (Dem), nominated; Allyson Y. Schwartz (Dem), defeated in primary; Tom Foley (Dem), defeated in primary; Robert A. Rovner (Dem), defeated in primary; Murray Levin (Dem), defeated in primary; Philip J. Berg (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 2000 Apr 4: Rick Santorum (Rep), nominated unopposed.
  • 2000 Nov 7: Rick Santorum (Rep), elected; Ronald Klink (Dem), defeated; John J. Featherman (Libertarian), defeated; Lester B. Searer (Constitution), defeated; Robert E. Domske (Reform), defeated.
  • 2004 Apr 27: Joseph M. Hoeffel (Dem), nominated unopposed.
  • 2004 Apr 27: Arlen Specter (Rep), nominated; Pat Toomey (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 2004 Nov 2: Arlen Specter (Rep), elected; Joseph M. Hoeffel (Dem), defeated; James N. Clymer (Constitution), defeated; Elizabeth C. Summers (Libertarian), defeated.
  • 2006 May 16: Bob Casey, Jr. (Dem), nominated; Chuck Pennacchio (Dem), defeated in primary; Alan Sandals (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 2006 May 16: Rick Santorum (Rep), nominated unopposed.
  • 2006 Nov 7: Bob Casey, Jr. (Dem), elected; Rick Santorum (Rep), defeated.
  • 2010 May 18: Joe Sestak (Dem), nominated; Arlen Specter (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 2010 May 18: Pat Toomey (Rep), nominated; Peg Luksik (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 2010 Nov 2: Pat Toomey (Rep), elected; Joe Sestak (Dem), defeated.
  • 2012 Apr 24: Bob Casey, Jr. (Dem), nominated; Joseph John Vodvarka (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 2012 Apr 24: Tom Smith (Rep), nominated; Sam Rohrer (Rep), defeated in primary; Steven D. Welch (Rep), defeated in primary; David A. Christian (Rep), defeated in primary; Marc A. Scaringi (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 2012 Nov 6: Bob Casey, Jr. (Dem), elected; Tom Smith (Rep), defeated; Rayburn Douglas Smith (Libertarian), defeated.
  • 2022: Malcolm Kenyatta (Dem), defeated in primary.

  • "Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
    Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
    The Political Graveyard

    The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
      The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
      The listings are incomplete; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.  
      Information on this page — and on all other pages of this site — is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.  
      The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/geo/PA/ofc/ussen.html.  
      Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.  
      If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the alphabetical index of politicians.  
    Copyright notices: (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see Feist v. Rural Telephone. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute fair use under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are © 1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a Creative Commons License.
    What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
    Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.