The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
Index to Politicians



  LYNCH: See also Frances Smith Adams — Arthur Benjamin Bean — Stanley C. Butler — James Jay Coogan — James Robert Cray — Lynch Davidson — William Emmett Dever — John B. Easton — Horace Hall Edwards — Marlene Lynch Ford — Frank L. Gilbert — Andrew Gleason — Virginia Lynch Graf — Edward Lynch Gross — John David Hanrahan — William J. Heffernan — Jesse Lynch Holman — Carroll Dudley Kearns — Nora Lynch Kearns — Jeremiah Edward O'Connell — James Blackwood Pearson — D. Lynch Pringle — James R. Quinn — Thomas Lynch Raymond Jr. — Joseph Rowan — Andrew J. Scully — Everett Starcher — Bryan Leonard Vaughn — Daniel Walker — Lucian Dallas Woodruff
  Lynch, (need first name) — of Atlantic County, N.J. Prohibition candidate for New Jersey state senate from Atlantic County, 1913. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, A. W. — of Middletown, New Castle County, Del. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Delaware, 1872. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Alexander — American Solidarity candidate for Presidential Elector for California, 2024 (on behalf of Peter Sonski and Lauren Onak). Still living as of 2024.
  Lynch, Alexander S. — of Orange, New Haven County, Conn.; West Haven, New Haven County, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Orange, 1918; secretary of Connecticut Democratic Party, 1922; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Connecticut, 1948. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Alice — of Westbrook, Middlesex County, Conn. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Connecticut, 1960. Female. Still living as of 1960.
  Lynch, Andrew — of Ottawa, La Salle County, Ill. Mayor of Ottawa, Ill., 1876-77, 1878-79. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Andrew Green (1902-1966) — also known as Andrew G. Lynch — of Barneveld, Oneida County, N.Y. Born in Utica, Oneida County, N.Y., October 3, 1902. Foreign Service officer; U.S. Vice Consul in Liverpool, 1927-28; Tientsin, 1928-29; Mukden, 1929-32; Bangkok, 1932-35; Teheran, 1937-40; U.S. Consul in Jerusalem, 1935-37; Montreal, 1940-43; Lagos, 1943-45; U.S. Ambassador to Somalia, 1960-62. Episcopalian. Died in 1966 (age about 63 years). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of James DePeyster Lynch and Julia Henrietta (Wright) Lynch; married, April 19, 1930, to Jean Adele Bidwell.
  See also U.S. State Dept career summary
  Lynch, Andrew J. — of Georgetown, Sussex County, Del. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Delaware, 1912 (member, Platform and Resolutions Committee), 1928 (alternate); candidate for Governor of Delaware, 1920. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Anita — also known as Nita Lynch — of Denver, Colo. Democrat. Democratic Presidential Elector for Colorado, 2020 (voted for Joseph R. Biden, Jr. and Kamala D. Harris); Democratic Presidential Elector for Colorado, 2024 (voted for Kamala D. Harris and Tim Walz). Female. Still living as of 2024.
  Lynch, Ann — Member of Minnesota state senate 30th District, 2007-10. Female. Still living as of 2010.
  See also Minnesota Legislator record
  Lynch, Anne (born c.1943) — of Phoenix, Maricopa County, Ariz. Born about 1943. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Arizona, 2004, 2008 (alternate). Female. Still living as of 2008.
  Lynch, Augustus See M. Augustus Lynch
  Lynch, Berk See G. Berk Lynch
  Lynch, Bill — of New York. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 2000. Still living as of 2000.
  Lynch, Bonnie See Wanda Lynch
  Lynch, Catherine S. — of Queens, Queens County, N.Y. Conservative. Candidate for borough president of Queens, New York, 1973. Female. Still living as of 1973.
  Lynch, Charles (1783-1853) — of Mississippi. Born in 1783. Member of Mississippi state senate, 1827, 1832-33; Governor of Mississippi, 1833, 1836-38. Died near Jackson, Hinds County, Miss., February 9, 1853 (age about 69 years). Interment at Greenwood Cemetery, Jackson, Miss.
  See also National Governors Association biography
  Lynch, Charles Francis (1884-1942) — also known as Charles F. Lynch — of Paterson, Passaic County, N.J. Born in Franklin, Sussex County, N.J., January 9, 1884. Democrat. Lawyer; U.S. Attorney for New Jersey, 1916-19; U.S. District Judge for New Jersey, 1919-25. Catholic. Member, Knights of Columbus; Elks. Died June 17, 1942 (age 58 years, 159 days). Interment at Calvary Cemetery, Paterson, N.J.
  Relatives: Son of Patrick H. Lynch and Margaret (Crawley) Lynch.
  Lynch, Charles L. — of Sussex County, Del. Republican. Member of Delaware state house of representatives from Sussex County 7th District, 1951-52. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Charles M. — of Erie, Erie County, Pa. Born in Pennsylvania. U.S. Collector of Internal Revenue at Erie, Pennsylvania, 1879. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Charles Stewart — also known as Charles S. Lynch — U.S. Attorney for Delaware, 1939-44. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Charles V. — of Buffalo, Erie County, N.Y. Democrat. Member of New York state assembly from Erie County 4th District, 1903-04, 1906; defeated, 1900. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Charles W. — of Woodsfield, Monroe County, Ohio. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Ohio, 1944. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
Charles W. Lynch Lynch, Charles Wesley (1851-1932) — also known as Charles W. Lynch — of Harrison County, W.Va. Born in Harrison County, Va. (now W.Va.), March 11, 1851. Republican. Superintendent of schools; lawyer; member of West Virginia state house of delegates, 1882-83, 1891-92; Harrison County Prosecuting Attorney, 1885-89, 1893-97; circuit judge in West Virginia for the 13th Judicial Circuit, 1905-12; judge of West Virginia supreme court of appeals, 1913-21; resigned 1921. Methodist. Member, Freemasons; Scottish Rite Masons. Died in Clarksburg, Harrison County, W.Va., September 9, 1932 (age 81 years, 182 days). Interment at Elkview Masonic Cemetery, Clarksburg, W.Va.
  Relatives: Son of James Lynch and Catherine (Stout) Lynch.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: West Virginia Blue Book 1917
  Lynch, Dan — of Douglas County, Neb. Candidate for Nebraska unicameral legislature 13th District, 2000. Still living as of 2000.
  Lynch, Dana L. — of Webster Springs, Webster County, W.Va. Democrat. Member of West Virginia state house of delegates 44th District; elected 2012. Still living as of 2012.
  Lynch, Daniel — of Geneva, Ontario County, N.Y. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1928. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Daniel J. — U.S. Vice Consul in Singapore, as of 1926. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Daniel J. — of Belmont, Middlesex County, Mass. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Massachusetts, 1956. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, David — of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa. Democrat. Postmaster at Pittsburgh, Pa., 1833-40. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, David J. — of Michigan. Democrat. Candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 10th District, 1920. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Dean — of Washington. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Washington, 2000. Still living as of 2000.
  Lynch, Deborah — of New Brunswick, Middlesex County, N.J. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New Jersey, 1988; Democratic Presidential Elector for New Jersey, 2000 (voted for Al Gore and Joseph I. Lieberman). Female. Still living as of 2000.
  Relatives: Married to John A. Lynch Jr..
  Political family: Lynch family of New Brunswick, New Jersey.
  Lynch, Dennis P. — of Chemung County, N.Y. Democrat. Candidate for New York state assembly from Chemung County, 1900. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Diane — of North Brunswick, Middlesex County, N.J. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from New Jersey, 1988. Female. Still living as of 1988.
  Lynch, Donald J. — of Indiana. Republican. Candidate for U.S. Representative from Indiana 2nd District, 1986. Still living as of 1986.
  Lynch, Ed J. — of Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Ohio, 1928. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Edith — of Grosse Pointe Park, Wayne County, Mich. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1940. Female. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Edward A. — of Titusville, Crawford County, Pa. Democrat. Postmaster at Titusville, Pa., 1961-69 (acting, 1961-62). Still living as of 1969.
  Lynch, Edward D. — of Manchester, Hartford County, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Manchester, 1906. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Edward J. — of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minn. U.S. Collector of Internal Revenue at St. Paul, Minnesota, 1917-19. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Edward J. — of Essex County, N.J. Democrat. Candidate for New Jersey state house of assembly District 11-D, 1969. Still living as of 1969.
  Lynch, Edward P. — of Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, N.Y. Democrat. Mayor of Ogdensburg, N.Y., 1921-25; delegate to New York convention to ratify 21st amendment, 1933; candidate for New York state senate 34th District, 1936. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Edward W. — of Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Ohio, 1924. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Edwin — of Annandale, Fairfax County, Va. Democrat. Member of Virginia state house of delegates, 1950. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Ellis — of McConnellsburg, Fulton County, Pa. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1924. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Emmett — Democrat. Candidate for U.S. Representative from California 12th District, 1982. Still living as of 1982.
  Lynch, Erva — of Bloomfield, San Juan County, N.M. Mayor of Bloomfield, N.M., 1982-86; appointed 1982. Female. Still living as of 1990.
  Lynch, Eugene A. — of Holyoke, Hampden County, Mass. Democrat. Candidate for U.S. Representative from Massachusetts 1st District, 1926; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Massachusetts, 1928. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Florence Herndon — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Republican. Candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 9th District, 1962. Female. Still living as of 1962.
  Lynch, Florence Mary (b. 1891) — also known as Florence Lynch; Florence Mary Coddington — of Le Mars, Plymouth County, Iowa. Born in Le Mars, Plymouth County, Iowa, February 17, 1891. Democrat. Newspaper reporter; linotype operator; secretary of Iowa Democratic Party, 1936-40; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Iowa, 1936, 1940, 1944 (member, Platform and Resolutions Committee), 1948, 1952 (co-chair, Credentials Committee); member of Democratic National Committee from Iowa, 1949. Female. Catholic. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Daughter of Fred Coddington and Catherine (Willmas) Coddington; married, June 1, 1910, to William Lynch.
  Lynch, Francis See J. Francis Lynch
  Lynch, Francis See J. Francis Lynch
  Lynch, Francis J. — of Middlebury, New Haven County, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Middlebury, 1946. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Francis J. — of Park Forest, Cook County, Ill. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, 1964; member of Illinois Democratic State Central Committee, 1967. Still living as of 1967.
  Lynch, Francis J. — of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pa. Democrat. Member of Pennsylvania state senate 2nd District, 1973-94. Still living as of 1994.
  Lynch, Frank — of Dallas, Paulding County, Ga. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Georgia, 1896. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Frank B. — Prohibition candidate for Presidential Elector for Pennsylvania, 1896. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Frank M. — of New Haven, New Haven County, Conn. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Connecticut, 1952. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Frank T. — of Leavenworth, Leavenworth County, Kan. Democrat. Postmaster at Leavenworth, Kan., 1885-90. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Fred B. — of Minnesota. Democrat. Member of Democratic National Committee from Minnesota, 1912-16. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, G. Berk — of Raleigh County, W.Va. Republican. Candidate for West Virginia state house of delegates from Raleigh County, 1952. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, George — of Calhoun County, W.Va. Member of West Virginia state house of delegates from Calhoun County, 1870, 1881. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, George T., Jr. — of Sussex County, Del. Republican. Member of Delaware state house of representatives from Sussex County 9th District, 1947-48. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Gerald F. — of Waterport, Orleans County, N.Y. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, 1972. Still living as of 1972.
  Lynch, Gerald R. — of East Providence, Providence County, R.I. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Rhode Island, 1992. Still living as of 1992.
  Lynch, Gertrude D. — of Providence, Providence County, R.I. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Rhode Island, 1956 (member, Credentials Committee). Female. Still living as of 1956.
  Lynch, Gove S. — of Sussex County, Del. Member of Delaware state senate from Sussex County 5th District, 1927-30. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Gregory See J. Gregory Lynch
  Lynch, Gwendolyn B. — of Elmsford, Westchester County, N.Y. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1984. Female. Still living as of 1984.
  Lynch, Helen — of Tyrone, Grant County, N.M. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from New Mexico, 1956 (member, Resolutions Committee). Female. Still living as of 1956.
  Lynch, Helen G. — of Manhattan, New York County, N.Y.; Bronx, Bronx County, N.Y. Communist. Candidate for New York state assembly, 1932 (New York County 8th District), 1934 (Bronx County 1st District). Female. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Henry W. — of Peoria, Peoria County, Ill. Republican. Postmaster at Peoria, Ill., 1906-13. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Hugh B. — of Chester, Hancock County, W.Va. Democrat. Postmaster at Chester, W.Va., 1947. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Humphrey J. — of White Plains, Westchester County, N.Y. Democrat. Justice of New York Supreme Court 9th District, 1926-27; appointed 1926; defeated, 1927; delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1928. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, J. A. — of Wayne County, Mich. Candidate for circuit judge in Michigan 3rd Circuit, 1905. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, J. C. — of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Utah, 1920 (member, Committee on Permanent Organization). Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, J. C. — of Reserve, Catron County, N.M. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from New Mexico, 1948. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, J. D. — Democrat. Democratic Presidential Elector for California, 1893 (voted for Grover Cleveland and Adlai E. Stevenson). Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, J. Francis — of Erie County, N.Y. Democrat. Candidate for New York state assembly from Erie County 8th District, 1914. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, J. Francis — of Canton, Hartford County, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Canton, 1940. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, J. Gregory — of Waterbury, New Haven County, Conn. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Connecticut, 1940; member of Connecticut Democratic State Central Committee, 1940; candidate for U.S. Representative from Connecticut 5th District, 1950. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, J. J. — of Boise, Ada County, Idaho. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Idaho, 1952. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, J. R. — of Round Lake Beach, Lake County, Ill. Village president of Round Lake Beach, Illinois, 1937. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, J. Robert — of Lowville, Lewis County, N.Y. Republican. Chair of Lewis County Republican Party, 1955; delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, 1956; Justice of New York Supreme Court 5th District; elected 1959. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, J. William — of Harpers Ferry, Jefferson County, W.Va. Democrat. Chair of Jefferson County Democratic Party, 1940-42. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, James — of Oneida County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Oneida County, 1813-16. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, James — of Hudson County, N.J. Member of New Jersey state house of assembly from Hudson County, 1863-64. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, James (d. 1870) — of Mississippi. Secretary of state of Mississippi, 1869-70; died in office 1870. Methodist. African ancestry. Died in 1870. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery, Jackson, Miss.
  Lynch, James — of Michigan. Democrat. Candidate for Michigan state senate 14th District, 1902. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, James — of Ithaca, Tompkins County, N.Y. Democrat. Postmaster at Ithaca, N.Y., 1914-16. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, James — of Wisconsin Rapids, Wood County, Wis. Candidate for mayor of Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., 1926. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, James C. — of Hudson County, N.J. The New Frontier candidate for New Jersey state senate District 12, 1965. Still living as of 1965.
  Lynch, James D. — of New York, New York County, N.Y. Democrat. Gold Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for New York, 1896. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, James F. — of New York, New York County, N.Y. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1916. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, James H. — of New York, New York County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from New York County 8th District, 1858. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, James H. — of Butte, Silver Bow County, Mont. Democrat. Postmaster at Butte, Mont., 1894-98. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, James H. — of Pontiac, Oakland County, Mich. Democrat. Member of Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 1915-19; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1924, 1932; candidate for circuit judge in Michigan 6th Circuit, 1935; Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan, 1940. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, James J. (c.1872-1931) — of Yonkers, Westchester County, N.Y. Born in Ireland, about 1872. Republican. Builder; business partner of Thomas F. Larkin; banker; candidate for mayor of Yonkers, N.Y., 1921. Member, Elks. Died in Yonkers, Westchester County, N.Y., November 24, 1931 (age about 59 years). Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, James M. — of Waterbury, New Haven County, Conn. Democrat. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Waterbury; elected 1912. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, James M. — Democrat. Candidate for delegate to New York state constitutional convention at-large, 1914. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, James P. — of St. Louis, Mo. Member of Missouri state house of representatives from St. Louis City 4th District, 1893-96. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, James T., Jr. — Candidate for Governor of Maryland, 2002. Still living as of 2002.
  Lynch, Jane Pierpoint — also known as Jane Lynch — of Phoenix, Maricopa County, Ariz. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Arizona, 2008; Republican Presidential Elector for Arizona, 2016 (voted for Donald Trump and Mike Pence). Female. Still living as of 2016.
  Lynch, Jaylee — of Garden City, Wayne County, Mich. Mayor of Garden City, Mich., 2005. Still living as of 2005.
  Lynch, Jeff R. — of Great Falls, Cascade County, Mont. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Montana, 1996. Still living as of 1996.
  Lynch, Jerome — Libertarian. Candidate for Pennsylvania state house of representatives 4th District, 1980. Still living as of 1980.
  Lynch, Jerry — Democrat. Delegate to Gold Democrat National Convention from California, 1896. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Jesse — of Oneida County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Oneida County, 1823. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John — of California. Member of California state assembly 8th District, 1863-65. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John (1825-1892) — of Portland, Cumberland County, Maine; Washington, D.C. Born in Portland, Cumberland County, Maine, February 19, 1825. Republican. Newspaper manager; member of Maine state house of representatives, 1862-64; U.S. Representative from Maine 1st District, 1865-73; brick and clay tile manufacturer. Died in Portland, Cumberland County, Maine, July 21, 1892 (age 67 years, 153 days). Interment at Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Maine.
  Relatives: Married to Ellen Clements Barker; married 1885 to Anne (Spring) Weston (daughter of Samuel Evans Spring; niece of Isaac Spring; first cousin of Andrew Spring).
  Political family: Spring family of Brownfield and Portland, Maine.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Lynch, John (1843-1910) — of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pa. Born in Providence, Providence County, R.I., November 1, 1843. Democrat. U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania 12th District, 1887-89; common pleas court judge in Pennsylvania, 1892-1910. Died in Atlantic City, Atlantic County, N.J., August 17, 1910 (age 66 years, 289 days). Interment at St. Mary's Cemetery, Hanover Township, Luzerne County, Pa.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Lynch, John — Democrat. Alternate delegate to Gold Democrat National Convention from New Mexico Territory, 1896. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John — of St. Louis, Mo. Member of Missouri state house of representatives from St. Louis City 4th District, 1901-02. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John — of Montville, New London County, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Montville, 1926. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John — of Winsted, Litchfield County, Conn. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Connecticut, 1944. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John — of Mt. Pleasant, Isabella County, Mich. Democrat. Member of Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 1949. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Mrs. John — of Moberly, Randolph County, Mo. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Missouri, 1956. Female. Still living as of 1956.
  Lynch, John — of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1964. Still living as of 1964.
  Lynch, John (b. 1952) — of Hopkinton, Merrimack County, N.H. Born in Waltham, Middlesex County, Mass., November 25, 1952. Democrat. Lawyer; president and CEO of Knoll, Inc., furniture manufacturer; Governor of New Hampshire, 2005-13; delegate to Democratic National Convention from New Hampshire, 2008. Catholic. Still living as of 2014.
  See also National Governors Association biography — Wikipedia article — NNDB dossier
  Lynch, John — of Rumford, East Providence, Providence County, R.I. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Rhode Island, 2008. Still living as of 2008.
  Lynch, John — Libertarian. Candidate for Texas state house of representatives 44th District, 2008. Still living as of 2008.
John A. Lynch Lynch, John A. — of Buffalo, Erie County, N.Y. Democrat. Lawyer; member of New York state assembly from Erie County 5th District, 1916-17. Burial location unknown.
  Image source: New York Red Book 1917
  Lynch, John A. — of West New Brighton, Staten Island, Richmond County, N.Y. Democrat. Member of New York state senate 24th District, 1919-20; defeated, 1920; borough president of Richmond, New York, 1922-33; defeated, 1933 (Independent), 1945. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John A. (1908-1978) — of New Brunswick, Middlesex County, N.J. Born in New Brunswick, Middlesex County, N.J., March 10, 1908. Democrat. Lawyer; Middlesex County Prosecutor of the Pleas, 1941-46; mayor of New Brunswick, N.J., 1951-55; member of New Jersey state senate, 1956-77 (Middlesex County 1956-65, District 7 1966-73, 17th District 1974-77). Died, of cancer, in Whitestone Hospital, Queens, Queens County, N.Y., March 3, 1978 (age 69 years, 358 days). The John A. Lynch Memorial Bridge, which takes Route 18 across the Raritan River, is named for him. Interment at Resurrection Burial Park, Piscataway, N.J.
  Relatives: Son of John T. Lynch and Margaret (Corrigan) Lynch; married, October 13, 1934, to Evelyn Rooney; father of John A. Lynch Jr..
  Political family: Lynch family of New Brunswick, New Jersey.
  The John A. Lynch, Sr. Bridge (completed 1983), which takes Route 18 over the Raritan River, between Piscataway & New Brunswick, New Jersey, is named for him.
  See also Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Lynch, John A., Jr. (b. 1938) — of New Brunswick, Middlesex County, N.J. Born in New Brunswick, Middlesex County, N.J., 1938. Democrat. Mayor of New Brunswick, N.J., 1979-91; member of New Jersey state senate 17th District, 1982-2001; delegate to Democratic National Convention from New Jersey, 1996; pleaded guilty in 2006 to tax evasion and mail fraud over failing to report $150,000 in income; sentenced to prison; released in 2009. Still living as of 2009.
  Relatives: Son of John A. Lynch and Evelyn (Rooney) Lynch; married to Deborah Lynch.
  Political family: Lynch family of New Brunswick, New Jersey.
  See also Wikipedia article
  Lynch, John C. — of San Bernardino County, Calif.; San Francisco, Calif. Born in Ohio. U.S. Collector of Internal Revenue at San Francisco, California, 1905-07. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John D. — of Massachusetts. Independent candidate for U.S. Representative from Massachusetts 8th District, 1920. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John D. — of Wayne County, Mich. Democrat. Candidate for circuit judge in Michigan 3rd Circuit, 1935. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John D. — of Cambridge, Middlesex County, Mass. Mayor of Cambridge, Mass., 1936-38, 1946-47. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John E. — of Moberly, Randolph County, Mo. Democrat. Contractor; chair of Randolph County Democratic Party, 1903; member of Missouri state house of representatives from Randolph County, 1909-12; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Missouri, 1912. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John E. — of Ashtabula, Ashtabula County, Ohio. Democrat. Postmaster at Ashtabula, Ohio, 1962-78. Still living as of 1978.
  Lynch, John F. (born c.1888) — of West Haven, New Haven County, Conn. Born in West Haven, New Haven County, Conn., about 1888. Republican. Civil engineer; member of Connecticut state house of representatives, 1923-29, 1939-40 (Orange 1923-29, Orange and West Haven 1939-40); delegate to Republican National Convention from Connecticut, 1928 (alternate), 1936; member of Connecticut state senate 14th District, 1931-35; candidate for U.S. Representative from Connecticut 3rd District, 1936; member of Connecticut Republican State Central Committee, 1940. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John H. — of Ellington, Tolland County, Conn. First selectman of Ellington, Connecticut, 1907-15. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John H. — of Fonda, Montgomery County, N.Y. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1920. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John J. — of Maine. Democrat. Candidate for U.S. Representative from Maine 1st District, 1900. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John J. — of Little Falls, Herkimer County, N.Y. Democrat. Acting postmaster at Little Falls, N.Y., 1934-35. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John J. — of Brooklyn, Kings County, N.Y. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1944 (alternate), 1948, 1952, 1956 (alternate), 1960, 1964, 1968; chair of Kings County Democratic Party, 1955-65; Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for New York, 1956. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John J. — of Hatboro, Montgomery County, Pa. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1948. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John J. — of Western Springs, Cook County, Ill. Village president of Western Springs, Illinois; elected 2005. Still living as of 2005.
  Lynch, John K. — of Oswego County, N.Y. Democrat. Candidate for New York state assembly from Oswego County, 1920. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John M. — of Somerville, Middlesex County, Mass. Democrat. Mayor of Somerville, Mass., 1938-40, 1953; defeated, 1953; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Massachusetts, 1940, 1952, 1956, 1960; Massachusetts Democratic state chair, 1958. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John Owen — of Alexandria, Va. Democrat. Postmaster at Alexandria, Va., 1935-45 (acting, 1935). Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John R. — of Douglas County, Wis. Democrat. Candidate for Wisconsin state assembly from Douglas County 2nd District, 1956. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
John R. Lynch Lynch, John Roy (1847-1939) — also known as John R. Lynch — of Natchez, Adams County, Miss. Born in slavery in Concordia Parish, La., September 10, 1847. Republican. Member of Mississippi state house of representatives, 1869-73; Speaker of the Mississippi State House of Representatives, 1871-73; Mississippi Republican state chair, 1871-89; delegate to Republican National Convention from Mississippi, 1872, 1884 (Temporary Chair), 1888, 1892; U.S. Representative from Mississippi 6th District, 1873-77, 1882-83; major in the U.S. Army during the Spanish-American War. African ancestry. Died in 1939 (age about 91 years). Interment at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
  Relatives: Son of Patrick Lynch and Catharine Lynch; married, December 18, 1884, to Ella W. Somerville.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Image source: James G. Blaine, Twenty Years of Congress, vol. 2 (1886)
  Lynch, John T. — of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. Republican. Postmaster at Salt Lake City, Utah, 1877-86. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John W. — of Kent County, Del. Member of Delaware state house of representatives from Kent County 8th District, 1913-14. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, John W. — of Tulare, Tulare County, Calif. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, 1960. Still living as of 1960.
  Lynch, Joseph See T. Joseph Lynch
  Lynch, Joseph L. — of Oak Park, Cook County, Ill. Democrat. Postmaster at Oak Park, Ill., 1935-45 (acting, 1935). Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Joseph R. — of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa. Member of Pennsylvania state house of representatives from Allegheny County 1st District; elected 1922, 1926; defeated, 1934 (New Deal). Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Judi — of Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Va. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Virginia, 2008. Female. Still living as of 2008.
  Lynch, Judy — of Erie, Erie County, Pa. Democrat. Democratic Presidential Elector for Pennsylvania, 1996; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Pennsylvania, 2008. Female. Still living as of 2008.
  Lynch, Judy — of Wellsville, Allegany County, N.Y. Mayor of Wellsville, N.Y., 2013. Female. Still living as of 2014.
  Lynch, Julia M. — of Lidgerwood, Richland County, N.Dak. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from North Dakota, 1944. Female. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Leon — of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1984, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008; member of Democratic National Committee from Pennsylvania, 2004-08. Still living as of 2008.
  Lynch, Levin D. — of Ocean City, Worcester County, Md. Democrat. Postmaster at Ocean City, Md., 1934-44 (acting, 1934-36). Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Louis C. — of Gainesville, Alachua County, Fla. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Florida, 1912 (alternate), 1916. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, M. Augustus — of Danbury, Fairfield County, Conn. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Connecticut, 1928, 1932; member of Connecticut Democratic State Central Committee, 1928-30. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, M. L. — of Indiana. U.S. Consul in Dublin, 1853-54. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, M. W. — of Stroud, Lincoln County, Okla. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Oklahoma, 1916. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Margaret — of Keene, Cheshire County, N.H. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from New Hampshire, 1980. Female. Still living as of 1980.
  Lynch, Margee — of Spokane, Spokane County, Wash. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Washington, 1996. Female. Still living as of 1996.
  Lynch, Marie — of Queens, Queens County, N.Y. Republican. Candidate for New York state senate 12th District, 2002. Female. Still living as of 2002.
  Lynch, Mark — of Storm Lake, Buena Vista County, Iowa. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Iowa, 1972. Still living as of 1972.
  Lynch, Marvel L. — of Sussex County, Del. Republican. Candidate for Delaware state senate from Sussex County 3rd District, 1942. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Mary C. — Conservative. Candidate for U.S. Representative from New York 21st District, 1974. Female. Still living as of 1974.
  Lynch, Mary E. — of Providence, Providence County, R.I. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Rhode Island, 1940. Female. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Mary J. — of Providence, Providence County, R.I. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Rhode Island, 1924. Female. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Michael — U.S. Consular Agent in Dublin, 1853-54; U.S. Consul in Dublin, 1855-58. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Michael J. — of Providence, Providence County, R.I. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Rhode Island, 1916. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Neil — of Maple Grove, Hennepin County, Minn. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Minnesota, 2012. Still living as of 2012.
  Lynch, Nita See Anita Lynch
  Lynch, Nora Mary See Nora Lynch Kearns
  Lynch, P. J. — of West Grove, Chester County, Pa. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1904. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Parker J. — of Suffolk County, N.Y. Democrat. Candidate for New York state assembly from Suffolk County 2nd District, 1932. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Patricia Gates (b. 1926) — of Washington, D.C. Born in 1926. U.S. Ambassador to Madagascar, 1986-89; Comoros, 1986-89. Female. Still living as of 1991.
  See also U.S. State Dept career summary
  Lynch, Patrick C. — of Providence, Providence County, R.I. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Rhode Island, 2000 (alternate), 2008; member of Democratic National Committee from Rhode Island, 2008. Still living as of 2008.
  Lynch, Paul T. — Libertarian. Libertarian candidate for Presidential Elector for Massachusetts, 2024 (on behalf of Chase R. Oliver and Michael ter Maat). Still living as of 2024.
  Lynch, Pete — Republican. Candidate for Texas state house of representatives 60th District, 1992. Still living as of 1992.
  Lynch, Peter C. — Member of Minnesota state house of representatives District 47, 1905-06. Burial location unknown.
  See also Minnesota Legislator record
  Lynch, Philip — of California. Member of California state assembly 17th District, 1859-60. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Philip — of Fitchburg, Worcester County, Mass. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Massachusetts, 1940. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Philip L. — of Wayne County, Mich. Democrat. Candidate for Michigan state senate 2nd District, 1954, 1956. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Philip L., Jr. — of Michigan. Democrat. Candidate for Michigan state senate 2nd District, 1958. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, R. J. — of West Hoboken (now part of Union City), Hudson County, N.J. Democrat. Mayor of West Hoboken, N.J.; elected 1909. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Ralph N. — of Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Iowa, 1936 (alternate), 1944 (member, Committee on Rules and Order of Business); candidate for U.S. Representative from Iowa 5th District, 1944. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Randall M. — of Sussex County, Del. Democrat. Member of Delaware state house of representatives from Sussex County, 1893-94. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Raymond J. — of Wayne County, Mich. Republican. Candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 1st District, 1950, 1952; candidate for Michigan state senate 1st District, 1954. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Richard A. — of Essex County, N.J. Democrat. Member of New Jersey state house of assembly from Essex County, 1958-59, 1962-65; defeated, 1959. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Richard J. — of Milwaukee County, Wis. Democrat. Candidate for Wisconsin state assembly from Milwaukee County 21st District, 1956. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Richard J. — of Moorestown, Burlington County, N.J. Independent candidate for Governor of New Jersey, 1993. Still living as of 1993.
  Lynch, Robert See J. Robert Lynch
  Lynch, Robert — of West Covina, Los Angeles County, Calif. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, 1968. Still living as of 1968.
  Lynch, Robert E. — of Green Bay, Brown County, Wis. Born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill. Democrat. Player and manager for professional baseball teams; public relations officer for Kewaunee Shipbuilding and Engineering Corporation; member of Wisconsin state assembly, 1933-36, 1943-58 (Brown County 1st District 1933-36, 1943-54, Brown County 2nd District 1955-58). Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Russell — of Hollis, Harmon County, Okla. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Oklahoma, 1952. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Russell H. — of Republic, Greene County, Mo. Mayor of Republic, Mo., 1945. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Sandra — Judge of U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit, 1995-. Female. Still living as of 1997.
  Lynch, Sara Blair — of Leavenworth, Leavenworth County, Kan. Democrat. Postmaster at Leavenworth, Kan., 1894-98. Female. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Stacy — Democrat. Democratic Presidential Elector for New York, 2024 (appointed to fill vacancy; voted for Kamala D. Harris and Tim Walz). Female. Still living as of 2024.
  Lynch, Stephen F. (b. 1955) — of South Boston, Boston, Suffolk County, Mass. Born in Boston, Suffolk County, Mass., March 31, 1955. Democrat. Member of Massachusetts state house of representatives, 1995-96; member of Massachusetts state senate First Suffolk District, 1997-2001; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Massachusetts, 2000, 2004, 2008; U.S. Representative from Massachusetts 9th District, 2001-. Still living as of 2014.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — NNDB dossier
  Lynch, Steve — Republican. Elected Missouri state house of representatives 122nd District 2012. Still living as of 2012.
  Lynch, Susan — of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minn. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Minnesota, 1996. Female. Still living as of 1996.
  Lynch, T. Joseph — of New York. Democrat. Candidate for New York state senate 53rd District, 1954; candidate for U.S. Representative from New York, 1956 (43rd District), 1958 (43rd District), 1960 (43rd District), 1962 (38th District). Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  See also OurCampaigns candidate detail
  Lynch, Teresa — Member of Minnesota state house of representatives, 1989-96 (District 50-A 1989-92, District 50-B 1993-96). Female. Still living as of 1996.
  See also Minnesota Legislator record
  Lynch, Thomas, Sr. (1727-1776) — of South Carolina. Born in Berkeley County, S.C., 1727. Delegate to Continental Congress from South Carolina, 1774; member of South Carolina state legislature, 1776. Died in Maryland, 1776 (age about 49 years). Interment at St. Anne's Churchyard, Annapolis, Md.
  Relatives: Father of Thomas Lynch Jr..
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Lynch, Thomas, Jr. (1749-1779) — of South Carolina. Born in South Carolina, August 5, 1749. Member of South Carolina state legislature, 1776; Delegate to Continental Congress from South Carolina, 1776; signer, Declaration of Independence, 1776. While on an ocean voyage to France, was lost at sea, in the North Atlantic Ocean, 1779 (age about 29 years). His remains were not recovered. Memorial monument at Constitution Gardens, Washington, D.C.
  Relatives: Son of Thomas Lynch Sr..
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article
  Lynch, Thomas — of McKeesport, Allegheny County, Pa. Burgess of McKeesport, Pennsylvania, 1855. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Thomas (1844-1898) — of Chilton, Calumet County, Wis.; Antigo, Langlade County, Wis. Born in Granville, Milwaukee County, Wis., November 21, 1844. Democrat. Lawyer; member of Wisconsin state assembly, 1873-74, 1883-84; mayor of Antigo, Wis., 1885, 1888; U.S. Representative from Wisconsin 9th District, 1891-95. Died in Antigo, Langlade County, Wis., May 4, 1898 (age 53 years, 164 days). Interment at St. John's Cemetery, Antigo, Wis.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Lynch, Thomas — of Greensburg, Westmoreland County, Pa. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1892, 1916 (alternate). Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Thomas A. — of Lowville, Lewis County, N.Y. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1944. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Thomas C. (1904-1986) — of San Francisco, Calif. Born May 20, 1904. Democrat. Lawyer; delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, 1960, 1964; California state attorney general, 1964-71. Died May 29, 1986 (age 82 years, 9 days). Burial location unknown.
  See also Wikipedia article
  Lynch, Thomas H. — of Watertown, Jefferson County, N.Y. Socialist. Candidate for New York state assembly from Jefferson County 2nd District, 1901; candidate for U.S. Representative from New York, 1908 (28th District), 1910 (28th District), 1926 (32nd District). Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Thomas J. — of Augusta, Kennebec County, Maine. Democrat. Postmaster at Augusta, Maine, 1894-98. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Thomas J. — of Chicago, Cook County, Ill. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, 1912 (alternate), 1936, 1944 (alternate); criminal court judge in Illinois, 1940. Interment at Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Hillside, Ill.
  Lynch, Thomas M. — of Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, N.Y. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1932. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Thomas P. — of Bronx, Bronx County, N.Y. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1952. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Tom — of West Salem, La Crosse County, Wis. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Wisconsin, 2008. Still living as of 2008.
  Lynch, Vincent J. — of Rockaway Beach, Queens, Queens County, N.Y. Member of New York American Labor Party Executive Committee, 1945. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Vollie M. — of Sussex County, Del. Democrat. Candidate for Delaware state house of representatives from Sussex County 7th District, 1954. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, W. A. — of Sturgis, Meade County, S.Dak. Member of South Dakota state house of representatives 46th District, 1893-94. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, W. B. — of Glenville, Gilmer County, W.Va. Democrat. Chair of Gilmer County Democratic Party, 1954-55. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, W. D. — of LaMoure, LaMoure County, N.Dak. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from North Dakota, 1936. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, W. P. — Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, 1908. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Walter A. — Democrat. Candidate for U.S. Representative from New York 2nd District, 1958. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, Walter Aloysius (1894-1957) — also known as Walter A. Lynch — of Bronx, Bronx County, N.Y. Born in New York, New York County (part now in Bronx, Bronx County), N.Y., July 7, 1894. Democrat. Lawyer; delegate to New York state constitutional convention 21st District, 1938; U.S. Representative from New York, 1940-51 (22nd District 1940-45, 23rd District 1945-51); delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1944, 1948, 1952 (member, Committee on Rules and Order of Business); candidate for Governor of New York, 1950; New York Democratic state chair, 1953; Justice of New York Supreme Court 1st District, 1955-57; died in office 1957. Catholic. Irish ancestry. Member, Knights of Columbus; American Bar Association; Catholic Lawyers Guild; Elks; Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. Died, from a heart attack, in Belle Harbor, Queens, Queens County, N.Y., September 10, 1957 (age 63 years, 65 days). Interment at Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Hawthorne, N.Y.
  Relatives: Son of Joseph B. Lynch and Katherine (Joyce) Lynch; married to Claire R. Mitchell.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article
  Lynch, Wanda — also known as Bonnie Lynch — of Kentucky. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Kentucky, 2000. Female. Still living as of 2000.
  Lynch, Wilbur H. — of Amsterdam, Montgomery County, N.Y. Republican. Mayor of Amsterdam, N.Y., 1944-45. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, William — Republican. Candidate for U.S. Representative from Kentucky 2nd District, 1900. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, William — of Bay County, Mich. Republican. Candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Bay County 2nd District, 1928. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, William See J. William Lynch
  Lynch, William — of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pa. Republican. Candidate for Pennsylvania state senate 7th District, 1960. Still living as of 1960.
  Lynch, William, Jr. — of Manhattan, New York County, N.Y. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1984, 1996, 2008. Still living as of 2008.
  Lynch, William C. — of Stamford, Fairfield County, Conn. Democrat. Police officer; candidate for mayor of Stamford, Conn., 1951. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, William F. (b. 1892) — of New Haven, New Haven County, Conn. Born in New Haven, New Haven County, Conn., August 30, 1892. Democrat. Pharmacist; member of Connecticut state senate 10th District, 1945-46. Catholic. Member, American Legion; Disabled American Veterans; Knights of Columbus. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of William J. Lynch and Mary A. Lynch.
  Lynch, William F. — of Somerset, Bristol County, Mass. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Massachusetts, 1940. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, William F. — of Keene, Cheshire County, N.H. Mayor of Keene, N.H., 1994-95. Still living as of 1995.
  Lynch, William G. — of Boston, Suffolk County, Mass. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Massachusetts, 1928. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, William J. — Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1900. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, William J. — of Danbury, Fairfield County, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Danbury, 1926. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, William J. (1908-1976) — of Chicago, Cook County, Ill. Born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., June 6, 1908. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, 1932 (alternate), 1936 (alternate), 1940 (alternate), 1956, 1960, 1964; served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; member of Illinois state senate, 1950-57; U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of Illinois, 1966. Member, American Bar Association. Died August 9, 1976 (age 68 years, 64 days). Interment at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Chicago, Ill.
  Lynch, William J. — of Pawtucket, Providence County, R.I. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Rhode Island, 2000, 2004, 2008; member of Democratic National Committee from Rhode Island, 2004; Rhode Island Democratic state chair, 2008. Still living as of 2008.
  Lynch, William K. — of Traverse City, Grand Traverse County, Mich. Mayor of Traverse City, Mich., 1969-71. Still living as of 1971.
  Lynch, William M. — of Lackawanna County, Pa. Republican. Member of Pennsylvania state senate 22nd District, 1915-18. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, William P. — of Onondaga County, N.Y. Democrat. Candidate for New York state assembly from Onondaga County 2nd District, 1934, 1944. Burial location unknown.
  Lynch, William R. — U.S. Vice Consul in Shanghai, as of 1926-38; Cairo, as of 1943. Burial location unknown.

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
The Political Graveyard

The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
  The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
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  Information on this page — and on all other pages of this site — is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.  
  The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/lynch.html.  
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Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.