The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
Politicians in Real Estate and Development in Michigan

  Fred L. Andary (1926-2006) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio, March 29, 1926. Democrat. Real estate and insurance business; candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 1st District, 1950. Died December 18, 2006 (age 80 years, 264 days). Burial location unknown.
Lloyd L. Anderson Lloyd L. Anderson (1908-1980) — of Waterford Township, Oakland County, Mich.; Springfield Township, Oakland County, Mich. Born in Lapeer, Lapeer County, Mich., March 16, 1908. Republican. Real estate business; supervisor of Waterford Township, Michigan, 1951-57; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Oakland County 1st District, 1957-64; defeated, 1964. Methodist. Member, Freemasons; Order of the Eastern Star; Royal Arch Masons. Died in Springfield Township, Oakland County, Mich., November 17, 1980 (age 72 years, 246 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married, April 15, 1930, to Madelyn Kingsbury.
  Image source: Michigan Manual 1957-58
  George L. Argyros Sr. (b. 1937) — of Costa Mesa, Orange County, Calif.; Newport Beach, Orange County, Calif. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., 1937. Republican. Real estate investor; U.S. Ambassador to Spain, 2001-04; Andorra, 2001-04; delegate to Republican National Convention from California, 2008, 2012; Republican candidate for Presidential Elector for California, 2012 (on behalf of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan). Greek ancestry. Owner of the Seattle Mariners baseball team, 1981-89. Still living as of 2012.
  See also Wikipedia article — U.S. State Dept career summary
  Lyle B. Austin (1893-1981) — of Lansing, Ingham County, Mich.; East Lansing, Ingham County, Mich. Born in Mason, Ingham County, Mich., July 6, 1893. Republican. Purchasing agent, Olds Motor Works; real estate broker; Lansing city assessor; chair of Ingham County Republican Party, 1934-37, 1947-50; member of Michigan Republican State Central Committee, 1935-39; delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1936, 1948; Ingham County Treasurer, 1939; postmaster at Lansing, Mich., 1953-61 (acting, 1953-54). Baptist. Member, Freemasons; Scottish Rite Masons; Royal Arch Masons; Knights Templar; Shriners; Eagles; Odd Fellows. Died in Broward County, Fla., January 12, 1981 (age 87 years, 190 days). Interment at Evergreen Cemetery, Lansing, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Fred G. Austin and Flora (Bartlett) Austin; married, June 7, 1916, to Eva Marie Duncan; married to Ivy Wentz.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Paul J. Averill (1857-1943) — of Grand Rapids, Kent County, Mich. Born in Berlin (now Marne), Ottawa County, Mich., March 20, 1857. Republican. Real estate business; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Kent County 1st District, 1911-12, 1915-16; defeated, 1912. English ancestry. Member, Freemasons. Died in 1943 (age about 86 years). Burial location unknown.
Frank D. Beadle Francis D. Beadle (1899-1983) — also known as Frank D. Beadle — of St. Clair, St. Clair County, Mich.; Grand Rapids, Kent County, Mich. Born in Melvin, Sanilac County, Mich., February 16, 1899. Republican. Served in the U.S. Marine Corps during World War I; insurance and real estate business; justice of the peace; member of Michigan state senate, 1951-68 (11th District 1951-54, 34th District 1955-64, 28th District 1965-68); resigned 1968. Congregationalist. Member, Freemasons; Lions; American Legion. Died in East Grand Rapids, Kent County, Mich., June 2, 1983 (age 84 years, 106 days). Interment at Hillside Cemetery, St. Clair, Mich.
  Relatives: Married, June 17, 1920, to Isobel Menerey.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: Michigan Manual 1957-58
Junius E. Beal Junius Emery Beal (1860-1942) — also known as Junius E. Beal; Junius Emery Field — of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Mich. Born in Port Huron, St. Clair County, Mich., February 23, 1860. Republican. Newspaper editor and publisher; real estate broker; Republican Presidential Elector for Michigan, 1889; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Washtenaw County 1st District, 1905-06; member of University of Michigan board of regents, 1908-39; vice-president, Farmers and Merchants Bank; president, Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street Railway Co.; officer of gas and electric utilities. Methodist. English ancestry. Member, Beta Theta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa; Rotary; Freemasons; Knights Templar; Scottish Rite Masons; Shriners; Sons of the American Revolution. Died in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Mich., June 24, 1942 (age 82 years, 121 days). Interment at Forest Hill Cemetery, Ann Arbor, Mich.
  Relatives: Adoptive son of Phoebe Rhoda (Beers) Beal; son of James Edward Field and Loretta Jane (Beal) Field; married 1889 to Ella Travis; nephew and adoptive son of Rice Aner Beal; nephew of Eugene Emery Beal; first cousin of Emery Richard Beal; first cousin twice removed of Porter Beal; second cousin once removed of Joseph Lorenzo Beal; third cousin of Clarence Lapham Lathrop.
  Political family: Beal family of Michigan (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: Michigan Manual 1927
  Fred G. Beardsley (1883-1958) — of Oxford, Oakland County, Mich. Born in Springfield Township, Oakland County, Mich., June 30, 1883. Republican. Dairy farmer; real estate and insurance business; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Oakland County 1st District, 1949-56; defeated in primary, 1944. Member, Farm Bureau; Freemasons; Lions. Died in 1958 (age about 75 years). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Isadore Beardsley and Agelia M. Beardsley; married, March 1, 1905, to Mabel E. Snyder.
  Eugene H. Belden (1840-1898) — of Horton, Jackson County, Mich. Born in Spring Arbor Township, Jackson County, Mich., December 14, 1840. Socialist. Farmer; real estate business; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Jackson County 3rd District, 1881-82; Industrial candidate for Governor of Michigan, 1890. Died in 1898 (age about 57 years). Interment at Horton Cemetery, Horton, Mich.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Walter Bezz (1922-2003) — also known as Walter Bezruchka — of East Detroit (now Eastpointe), Macomb County, Mich.; Madison Heights, Oakland County, Mich. Born in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, July 14, 1922. Democrat. Tool and die maker; real estate broker; mayor of East Detroit, Mich., 1967-75; candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 14th District, 1972. Catholic. Member, Lions; Eagles; Knights of Columbus. Died in Warren, Macomb County, Mich., November 27, 2003 (age 81 years, 136 days). Burial location unknown.
  Joseph F. Bielawski (born c.1907) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born about 1907. Democrat. Restaurant owner; real estate agent; candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 1st District, 1950, 1952. Burial location unknown.
  William J. Bierd (b. 1872) — of near Auburn, Bay County, Mich. Born in Carrollton, Saginaw County, Mich., September 25, 1872. Republican. Farmer; real estate business; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Bay County 2nd District, 1907-14; member of Michigan state senate 24th District, 1919-20. Irish ancestry. Burial location unknown.
  George Birkhoff Jr. (1852-1914) — also known as Gerritt Birkhoff Jr. — of Chicago, Cook County, Ill. Born in Rotterdam, Netherlands, May 15, 1852. Real estate business; Consul for Netherlands in Chicago, Ill., 1888-1904. Died, from chronic nephritis and pulmonary edema, in Holland Township (part now in Park Township), Ottawa County, Mich., June 26, 1914 (age 62 years, 42 days). Interment at Graceland Cemetery, Chicago, Ill.
  Relatives: Son of Agatha (Van Putten) Birkhoff and George Birkhoff; married 1875 to Elizabeth Van Winden.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Abram Randolph Blakley (1841-1898) — also known as Abram R. Blakley — of Meridian Township, Ingham County, Mich.; Alpena, Alpena County, Mich. Born in New York, October 19, 1841. Supervisor of Meridian Township, Michigan, 1874-75, 1878-79; defeated (Greenback), 1879; real estate business; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Alpena District, 1893-94; resigned 1894. Died, from a gunshot wound, in Alpena, Alpena County, Mich., November 14, 1898 (age 57 years, 26 days). Interment at Evergreen Cemetery, Alpena, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of John Blakeley and Matilda (Randolph) Blakeley; married to Lydia P. Ballard.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
Charles S. Blondy Charles S. Blondy (1905-1982) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pa., January 29, 1905. Democrat. Constable; real estate business; member of Michigan state senate, 1941-64 (5th District 1941-54, 4th District 1955-64); defeated in primary, 1934, 1938; charged on July 20, 1946 (along with 18 other legislators) with accepting bribes to vote against a banking bill, but the entire case collapsed when the star prosecution witness, Charles F. Hemans, refused to testify; candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 1st District, 1964. Jewish. Member, B'nai B'rith. Died in Southfield, Oakland County, Mich., January 28, 1982 (age 76 years, 364 days). Interment at Hebrew Memorial Park, Clinton Township, Macomb County, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Goldie (Grodsky) Blondy and Hyman Blondy; married to Frances Goldberg.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: Michigan Manual 1957-58
Peter J. Boeye Peter J. Boeye (1883-1951) — of Windsor, Ontario. Born in Belgium, January 22, 1883. Builder; real estate business; served in the Belgian Army during World War I; Honorary Consul for Belgium in Detroit, Mich., 1919-51. Catholic. Belgian ancestry. Died, in Grace Hospital, Windsor, Ontario, March 13, 1951 (age 68 years, 50 days). Interment at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Detroit, Mich.
  Image source: Detroit Free Press, August 1, 1932
Andrew Bolt Andrew Bolt (1906-1971) — of Grand Rapids, Kent County, Mich. Born in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Mich., October 8, 1906. Republican. Real estate business; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Kent County 1st District, 1939-64; defeated in primary, 1964, 1966. Christian Reformed. Dutch ancestry. Member, Optimist Club; Jaycees. Died in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Mich., January 26, 1971 (age 64 years, 110 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Ralph D. Bolt and Anna (Klunder) Bolt.
  Image source: Michigan Manual 1957-58
Edward A. Borgman Edward A. Borgman (1894-1980) — of Grand Rapids, Kent County, Mich. Born in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Mich., June 28, 1894. Republican. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War I; automobile dealer; real estate broker; candidate for mayor of Grand Rapids, Mich., 1944; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Kent County 1st District, 1949-64. Christian Reformed. Died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Mich., June 7, 1980 (age 85 years, 345 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married, August 12, 1920, to Josephine Scherphorn; father of Marvin Edward Borgman.
  Image source: Michigan Manual 1957-58
  Ross K. Bower (1901-1988) — of Ypsilanti, Washtenaw County, Mich. Born October 27, 1901. Republican. Insurance and real estate business; mayor of Ypsilanti, Mich., 1940-46. Died August 14, 1988 (age 86 years, 292 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married to Florence L. Bower.
John T. Bowman John Thomas Bowman (1921-2005) — also known as John T. Bowman — of Roseville, Macomb County, Mich. Born in Monterey, Putnam County, Tenn., July 19, 1921. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; justice of the peace; real estate broker; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1952 (alternate), 1968; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Macomb County 2nd District, 1955-62; defeated in primary, 1950, 1952; member of Michigan state senate, 1963-77 (11th District 1963-64, 26th District 1965-74, 27th District 1975-77); resigned 1977; candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 12th District, 1976. Baptist. Member, Amvets; American Legion; Freemasons; Shriners; Eagles. Died in Fairfield Glade, Cumberland County, Tenn., 2005 (age about 83 years). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Grady Melton Bowman and Alice Gertrude (Norrod) Bowman; married 1940 to Mary Elizabeth Broderick.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: Michigan Manual 1957-58
James L. Boyd James L. Boyd, Sr. (b. 1909) — of Ecorse, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Princeton, Caldwell County, Ky., July 5, 1909. Democrat. Auto worker; school principal; supermarket manager; real estate broker; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 17th District, 1957-58; candidate for Michigan state senate 5th District, 1966. Methodist. Member, Freemasons; Elks; United Auto Workers. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married to Edna Louise Winston.
  Image source: Michigan Manual 1957-58
James Bradley James Bradley (1914-1997) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Hope, Hempstead County, Ark., January 9, 1914. Democrat. Real estate business; member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1955-73 (Wayne County 5th District 1955-64, 8th District 1965-72, 15th District 1973); resigned 1973. African ancestry. Member, Elks; Freemasons. Died in October, 1997 (age 83 years, 0 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Samuel Bradley and Bessie Bradley; married 1935 to Ethel Mallory.
  Image source: Michigan Manual 1957-58
  Walter B. Brady (b. 1870) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., March 10, 1870. Republican. Real estate business; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 1st District, 1927-32; defeated, 1932, 1934. Irish ancestry. Burial location unknown.
  William H. Bright (b. 1863) — of Ocean City, Cape May County, N.J.; Wildwood, Cape May County, N.J. Born in Bridgehampton, Sanilac County, Mich., October 21, 1863. Real estate and insurance business; Cape May County Sheriff, 1905-08; delegate to Republican National Convention from New Jersey, 1912 (alternate), 1920; chair of Cape May County Progressive Party, 1914; member of New Jersey state senate from Cape May County, 1919-27. Episcopalian. Member, Odd Fellows. Burial location unknown.
William S. Broomfield William S. Broomfield (1922-2019) — also known as Bill Broomfield — of Royal Oak, Oakland County, Mich.; Bloomfield Township, Oakland County, Mich.; Birmingham, Oakland County, Mich. Born in Royal Oak, Oakland County, Mich., April 28, 1922. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II; real estate business; insurance underwriter; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Oakland County 4th District, 1949-54; member of Michigan state senate 12th District, 1955-56; U.S. Representative from Michigan, 1957-93 (18th District 1957-73, 19th District 1973-83, 18th District 1983-93). Methodist; later Presbyterian. Member, Freemasons; Royal Arch Masons; Shriners; Optimist Club; Lions; Odd Fellows; American Legion; Elks. Died in Kensington, Montgomery County, Md., February 20, 2019 (age 96 years, 298 days). Interment at White Chapel Memorial Park Cemetery, Troy, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Dr. S. C. Broomfield and Fern Broomfield.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — NNDB dossier — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: Michigan Manual 1957-58
  Ernest E. Brown (born c.1886) — of Grosse Pointe, Wayne County, Mich. Born about 1886. Real estate agent; candidate for village president of Grosse Pointe, Michigan, 1926. Burial location unknown.
John L. Browne John L. Browne — of Aberdeen, Brown County, S.Dak. Born in Michigan. Republican. Real estate business; farmer; member of South Dakota state house of representatives, 1901-08, 1911-12 (35th District 1901-08, 38th District 1911-12); member of South Dakota state senate 35th District, 1915-16. Burial location unknown.
  Image source: South Dakota Legislative Manual, 1903
  George Charles Bubolz (1902-1996) — also known as George C. Bubolz — of East Lansing, Ingham County, Mich. Born in Cicero town, Outagamie County, Wis., February 22, 1902. Democrat. Pastor; insurance and real estate business; candidate for Michigan state house of representatives 59th District, 1964. Lutheran. German ancestry. Died in East Lansing, Ingham County, Mich., September 12, 1996 (age 94 years, 203 days). Interment at Evergreen Cemetery, Lansing, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Julius C. Bubolz and Emelie (Jeske) Bubolz; brother of Gordon August Bubolz; married, June 12, 1928, to Stella Mangold; married, August 28, 1971, to Margaret Jacobson.
  Epitaph: "But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness."
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Vincent H. Buck (1926-2005) — of Ypsilanti, Washtenaw County, Mich.; Ypsilanti Township, Washtenaw County, Mich.; Traverse City, Grand Traverse County, Mich. Born March 7, 1926. Republican. Realtor; mayor of Ypsilanti, Mich., 1964-65. Presbyterian. Died, of multiple sclerosis, in Traverse City, Grand Traverse County, Mich., March 20, 2005 (age 79 years, 13 days). Interment at Highland Cemetery, Ypsilanti, Mich.
  Relatives: Married to Suzanne Oakes.
  Noah Whittier Burdick (b. 1855) — also known as Noah W. Burdick — of Milbrook, Mecosta County, Mich.; Traverse City, Grand Traverse County, Mich.; Mancelona, Antrim County, Mich. Born in Dexter, Penobscot County, Maine, September 6, 1855. Republican. Harness manufacturer; real estate business; member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1899-1900, 1907-10 (Antrim District 1899-1900, Antrim County 1907-10). Burial location unknown.
  Axel G. Burnam (1851-1905) — of Cadillac, Wexford County, Mich. Born in 1851. Real estate business; candidate for mayor of Cadillac, Mich., 1903. Died in Cadillac, Wexford County, Mich., February 10, 1905 (age about 53 years). Interment at Maple Hill Cemetery, Cadillac, Mich.
  Ralph A. Camirand (b. 1930) — of Bay City, Bay County, Mich. Born in Bay City, Bay County, Mich., 1930. Real estate business; mayor of Bay City, Mich., 1967-68. Still living as of 1968.
  William Campbell (born c.1859) — of Wyandotte, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., about 1859. Republican. Real estate business; banker; mayor of Wyandotte, Mich., 1889-92, 1901-02. Burial location unknown.
  David Carpenter (1815-1891) — Born in Potsdam, St. Lawrence County, N.Y., April 19, 1815. Republican. Real estate business; banker; member of Michigan state board of agriculture, 1861-71. Methodist. Died in Mt. Dora, Lake County, Fla., December 22, 1891 (age 76 years, 247 days). Interment at Pleasant View Cemetery, Blissfield, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Clement Carpenter and Sarah (Gilmore) Carpenter; married 1834 to Tibza Pease; married 1840 to Mary L. Ellis; married 1848 to Hepsibeth Worth.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  James P. Casey — of Fordson (now part of Dearborn), Wayne County, Mich. Real estate business; candidate for mayor of Fordson, Mich., 1926, 1928; candidate in primary for mayor of Dearborn, Mich., 1928. Burial location unknown.
  Clyde C. Chittenden (1860-1953) — of Cadillac, Wexford County, Mich.; Lake City (now part of Seattle), King County, Wash. Born in New York, 1860. Republican. Lawyer; sawmill owner; real estate business; member of Michigan state senate 27th District, 1895-96; circuit judge in Michigan 28th Circuit, 1900-09. Died in Lake City (now part of Seattle), King County, Wash., April 12, 1953 (age about 92 years). Cremated; ashes interred at Acacia Memorial Park, Lake Forest Park, Wash.
  Relatives: Son of William Fletcher Chittenden and Mary Jane (Wheeler) Chittenden; married to Grace Guild.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  William Alfred Comstock (1877-1949) — also known as William A. Comstock; Bill Comstock — of Alpena, Alpena County, Mich.; Detroit, Wayne County, Mich.; Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Mich. Born in Alpena, Alpena County, Mich., July 2, 1877. Democrat. Builder and operator of electric railways, 1899-1922; president, State Savings Bank (Alpena), 1906-09; real estate business; mayor of Alpena, Mich., 1914; member of University of Michigan board of regents, 1914-16; defeated, 1913, 1925; member of Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 1915; Michigan Democratic state chair, 1921-25; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1924, 1928, 1932; member of Democratic National Committee from Michigan, 1924-30; Governor of Michigan, 1933-34; defeated, 1926, 1928, 1930, 1934. Episcopalian. Member, Zeta Psi; Freemasons; Elks; Eagles. Died June 16, 1949 (age 71 years, 349 days). Interment at Evergreen Cemetery, Alpena, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of William B. Comstock and Myra (Rapelji) Comstock; married, April 22, 1919, to Josephine White.
  Cross-reference: Rudolph G. Tenerowicz — Willis M. Brewer
  See also National Governors Association biography
  William M. Connelly (b. 1881) — of Spring Lake, Ottawa County, Mich. Born in Moundsville, Marshall County, W.Va., January 15, 1881. Republican. Real estate business; member of Michigan state senate 23rd District, 1919-20, 1923-24; defeated in primary, 1924; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1920. Irish and English ancestry. Burial location unknown.
  John Patrick Connors (b. 1892) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., June 23, 1892. Democrat. Electrical engineer; employed by Ford Motor Company for 16 years; real estate sales; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 1st District; elected 1932. Burial location unknown.
  William L. Cook (born c.1923) — of Wyandotte, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Sagamore, Armstrong County, Pa., about 1923. Real estate business; mayor of Wyandotte, Mich., 1977-79. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Sovarro Cramer (1853-1930) — of Ames, Story County, Iowa; Hancock, Houghton County, Mich. Born in Pennsylvania, 1853. Real estate agent; mayor of Ames, Iowa, 1898-99. Died November 20, 1930 (age about 77 years). Interment at Evergreen Cemetery, Shullsburg, Wis.
  Relatives: Son of Andrew Cramer and Susan (Arnold) Cramer; married, February 23, 1884, to Mary Ann George.
  William Frederick Dannemiller (1927-2001) — also known as William F. Dannemiller; Bill Dannemiller — of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Mich. Born in Saginaw, Saginaw County, Mich., August 9, 1927. Democrat. Lawyer; real estate developer; candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Washtenaw County 2nd District, 1960; candidate for Michigan state senate 18th District, 1964. Presbyterian. German ancestry. Died, of heart failure, in University of Michigan Hospital, Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Mich., December 5, 2001 (age 74 years, 118 days). Cremated; ashes interred at Forest Hill Cemetery, Ann Arbor, Mich.
  Richard Hector Deadman (1872-1962) — also known as Richard H. Deadman — of Alpena, Alpena County, Mich. Born in Clandeboye, Ontario, September 20, 1872. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during the Spanish-American War; real estate business; Alpena County Clerk, 1909-12; Alpena County Treasurer, 1917-21; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Alpena District, 1939-50; defeated in primary, 1936, 1950, 1954. Episcopalian. English and Scottish ancestry. Member, Odd Fellows; Grange; Elks. Died in Alpena, Alpena County, Mich., January 13, 1962 (age 89 years, 115 days). Interment at Evergreen Cemetery, Alpena, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of William Henry Deadman and Christina (McKay) Deadman; brother of John Flanigan Deadman; married 1901 to Lillie M. Rea.
  Peter Bienvenu DeLisle (1846-1908) — also known as Peter B. DeLisle — of Springwells Township (now part of Detroit), Wayne County, Mich. Born in Wayne County, Mich., January 21, 1846. Democrat. Builder; grocer; real estate and insurance business; supervisor of Springwells Township, Michigan; elected 1901; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 4th District, 1903-04; candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 6th District, 1906. Died January 8, 1908 (age 61 years, 352 days). Interment at Woodmere Cemetery, Detroit, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Peter Bienvenu 'Welcome' DeLisle and Zoe (Riopelle) DeLisle; married to Adelaide Catherine Payette.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Clarence B. Dell (1899-1998) — of Ozark, Mackinac County, Mich.; St. Ignace, Mackinac County, Mich. Born in Fibre, Chippewa County, Mich., May 11, 1899. Republican. Postmaster; realtor; Mackinac County Treasurer, 1931-55, 1957-62; chair of Mackinac County Republican Party, 1940-54; secretary to U.S. Rep. Victor A. Knox; delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention from Chippewa District, 1961-62. Episcopalian. Member, Freemasons. Died September 17, 1998 (age 99 years, 129 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of John Dell and Clarice (King) Dell; married to Irene A. Davis.
  James Del Rio (b. 1924) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., January 30, 1924. Democrat. Real estate and insurance business; candidate for Michigan state senate 6th District, 1964; member of Michigan state house of representatives 24th District, 1965-72. Baptist. African ancestry. Member, NAACP; Urban League. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Andrew L. Deuel (1850-1926) — of Harbor Springs, Emmet County, Mich. Born in Oakland County, Mich., August 23, 1850. Republican. School teacher; lawyer; real estate and insurance business; Emmet County Prosecuting Attorney; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1904; delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention 29th District, 1907-08; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Emmet County, 1917-20. Died in 1926 (age about 75 years). Interment at Lakeview Cemetery, Harbor Springs, Mich.
  Michael Devereaux — of Mt. Pleasant, Isabella County, Mich. Born in Irondequoit, Monroe County, N.Y. Democrat. School teacher; lawyer; real estate business; Isabella County Prosecuting Attorney, 1879-80; mayor of Mt. Pleasant, Mich., 1890-92, 1896-98, 1907-08; candidate for Michigan state board of education, 1894. Burial location unknown.
  Henry C. DeYonker — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Republican. Real estate broker; candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 1st District, 1962. Still living as of 1962.
  Joshua B. Dickinson (1811-1879) — of Mt. Clemens, Macomb County, Mich. Born in Orange County, Vt., December 9, 1811. Merchant; real estate business; Macomb County Treasurer, 1852; mayor of Mt. Clemens, Mich., 1879. Died in Mt. Clemens, Macomb County, Mich., 1879 (age about 67 years). Interment at Clinton Grove Cemetery, Clinton Township, Macomb County, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Joshua Dickinson and Prudence Dickinson; married to Catherine Lee; father of Katherine Lee Dickinson (who married George Martin Crocker).
  Gilbert J. DiNello (1935-1996) — of East Detroit (now Eastpointe), Macomb County, Mich.; Clinton Township, Macomb County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., February 28, 1935. Real estate broker; member of Michigan state house of representatives 73rd District, 1973-78; member of Michigan state senate 26th District, 1979-94; defeated (Republican), 1994; candidate in Republican primary for U.S. Representative from Michigan 10th District, 1996. Catholic. Member, Knights of Columbus; Eagles; Lions. Died of a heart attack, on an escalator at the Somerset Mall shopping center, Troy, Oakland County, Mich., 1996 (age about 61 years). Burial location unknown.
  Roscoe D. Dix (1839-1912) — of Berrien Springs, Berrien County, Mich. Born in Jefferson County, N.Y., June 11, 1839. Republican. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; permanently disabled by injuries suffered in the battle at Knoxville, November 24, 1863; barber; real estate business; banker; Michigan land commissioner, 1887-90; Michigan state auditor general, 1897-1900. Member, Grand Army of the Republic. Died in Berrien Springs, Berrien County, Mich., September 5, 1912 (age 73 years, 86 days). Interment at Rose Hill Cemetery, Berrien Springs, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Dexter Ozias Dix and Mary Elizabeth (Rudd) Dix; married, January 2, 1867, to Virginia M. Kephart; sixth great-grandnephew of Robert Treat; second cousin of John Alden Dix.
  Political families:Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Leslie B. Donnelly — of Cadillac, Wexford County, Mich. Real estate business; mayor of Cadillac, Mich., 1940-41; defeated, 1921, 1923, 1927, 1941, 1943, 1947, 1951. Burial location unknown.
  Albert Martin Doyle (b. 1892) — also known as Albert M. Doyle — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Chatham, Ontario, September 3, 1892. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; naturalized U.S. citizen; newspaper reporter; school teacher; real estate agent; probation officer; U.S. Vice Consul in Amsterdam, 1922-25; U.S. Consul in Rotterdam, 1926-29; Brisbane, 1929-31; Sydney, 1931-40; U.S. Consul General in Amsterdam, 1944-47. Member, Delta Theta Phi. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Michael Doyle and Catherine (Dillon) Doyle; married, June 14, 1924, to Odette Lebosse.
  Bradford Kirk Durfee (1838-1916) — also known as Bradford K. Durfee — of Decatur, Macon County, Ill. Born in Marshall, Calhoun County, Mich., March 25, 1838. Democrat. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; real estate and insurance business; member of Illinois state house of representatives 29th District, 1879-83; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, 1892. Episcopalian. Member, Freemasons; Knights Templar; Knights of Pythias. Died in Glen Arbor, Leelanau County, Mich., July 19, 1916 (age 78 years, 116 days). Interment at Greenwood Cemetery, Decatur, Ill.
  Relatives: Son of Nathan Durfee and Margaret (Kirk) Durfee; married 1868 to Lucy Hamilton; first cousin of Charles W. Durfee; fourth cousin once removed of Job Durfee, Elias Durfee, Elihu Durfee, Nathaniel Briggs Durfee and Daniel Parrish Witter.
  Political families:Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Arthur G. Elliott Jr. (b. 1916) — of Royal Oak, Oakland County, Mich.; Pleasant Ridge, Oakland County, Mich.; Birmingham, Oakland County, Mich. Born in Indianapolis, Marion County, Ind., October 17, 1916. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; realtor; appraiser; member of Michigan Republican State Central Committee, 1955-58; chair of Oakland County Republican Party, 1957-61; delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1960, 1964; delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention from Oakland County 5th District, 1961-62; Michigan Republican state chair, 1963-65. Christian Scientist. Member, Rotary; Delta Chi. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Arthur G. Elliott, Sr. and Geraldine (Neidlinger) Elliott; married to Elizabeth Ann Vining.
  Daisy L. Elliott (1917-2015) — also known as Daisy Elizabeth Lenoir — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Filbert, McDowell County, W.Va., November 26, 1917. Democrat. Realtor; delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention from Wayne County 4th District, 1961-62; member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1963-78, 1981-82 (Wayne County 4th District 1963-64, 22nd District 1965-72, 8th District 1973-78, 1981-82); defeated in primary, 1950 (Wayne County 1st District), 1954 (Wayne County 11th District), 1956 (Wayne County 4th District), 1958 (Wayne County 4th District), 1960 (Wayne County 4th District), 1982 (8th District); delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1968 (alternate), 1976; co-author of the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act; candidate for Michigan state senate 5th District, 1978; arrested in April 1982 for driving a stolen 1977 Cadillac deVille automobile; arraigned on a charge of receiving and concealing stolen property; she claimed she had bought the car from a dealer, but the firm had no record of this, and the document she presented had been faked; lost renomination as State Representatve in August 1982, while under indictment; convicted in November 1982 and sentenced to 60 days in jail. Female. African ancestry. Member, NAACP; League of Women Voters; Junior League. Died, in DMC Sinai-Grace Hospital, Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., December 22, 2015 (age 98 years, 26 days). Interment at Woodlawn Cemetery, Detroit, Mich.
  Relatives: Daughter of Robert Lenoir and Daisy (Dorm) Lenoir.
  The Elliott-Larsen Building (housing state offices; built 1919-21; burned 1951 and rebuilt; previously named for Lewis Cass; given present name in 2020), in Lansing, Michigan, is partly named for her.
  See also Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Benjamin Alden Faunce (1874-1941) — also known as Benjamin A. Faunce — of East Lansing, Ingham County, Mich. Born in Fremont, Newaygo County, Mich., March 3, 1874. Republican. Real estate broker; mayor of East Lansing, Mich., 1929-31; resigned 1931; postmaster at East Lansing, Mich., 1931-35. Died, from coronary thrombosis and myocarditis, in East Lansing, Ingham County, Mich., September 25, 1941 (age 67 years, 206 days). Interment at Evergreen Cemetery, Lansing, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Daniel Myron Faunce and Samantha Lucretia (Alton) Faunce; married, April 20, 1898, to Blanche Louise Weldon; father of Norma Fern Faunce (who married Albert Ray Krider); fourth cousin of George Hamilton Garfield.
  Political family: Faunce-Garfield-Krider family of East Lansing, Michigan.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
Max Fisher Max Martin Fisher (1908-2005) — also known as Max Fisher — of Franklin, Oakland County, Mich. Born in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa., July 15, 1908. Republican. Oil business; real estate developer; delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1964, 1968, 1976, 1984, 1988 (alternate), 1992. Jewish. Died in Franklin, Oakland County, Mich., March 3, 2005 (age 96 years, 231 days). Interment at Clover Hill Park Cemetery, Birmingham, Mich.
  See also NNDB dossier — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Books about Max M. Fisher: Peter Golden, Quiet Diplomat : A Biography of Max M. Fisher
  Image source: Crain's Detroit Business
  William B. Fitzgerald (1914-1970) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Troy, Rensselaer County, N.Y., February 3, 1914. Democrat. Real estate sales; member of Michigan state house of representatives 4th District, 1965-70; died in office 1970. Catholic. Member, Delta Theta Phi; AFSCME. Died December 7, 1970 (age 56 years, 307 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Brother of George S. Fitzgerald; father of William B. Fitzgerald Jr..
  Political family: Fitzgerald family of Detroit, Michigan.
  James B. Furber (c.1868-1930) — of Rahway, Union County, N.J.; Linden, Union County, N.J. Born in Allegan, Allegan County, Mich., about 1868. Traveling salesman for National Cash Register Company; newspaper publisher; real estate developer; lawyer; mayor of Rahway, N.J., 1906, 1922-24; resigned 1906; charged with assault in connection with his participation in a Socialist rally in Rahway, N.J., May 31, 1919, which was ended by spraying the speaker and audience with a fire hose; Socialist candidate for U.S. Representative from New Jersey 5th District, 1920; Progressive candidate for Presidential Elector for New Jersey, 1924; elected (Democratic) mayor of Linden, N.J. 1930, but died before taking office. Suffered a paralytic stroke, while addressing a meeting of the Parent Democratic Club, and died soon after in St. Elizabeth Hospital, Elizabeth, Union County, N.J., November 12, 1930 (age about 62 years). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Father of Helen Josephine Furber (niece by marriage of George McGillivray).
  James H. Gardner (b. 1904) — of Flint, Genesee County, Mich. Born in Marion, Marion County, Ohio, August 20, 1904. Republican. Realtor; builder; Republican candidate for Michigan state senate 13th District, 1938 (primary), 1944, 1948, 1950, 1958, 1960 (primary); member of Michigan state house of representatives from Genesee County 1st District, 1947-48; defeated, 1954; candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 6th District, 1952, 1956. Burial location unknown.
  Joel H. Gillette (b. 1851) — of Niles, Berrien County, Mich. Born in Bertrand Township, Berrien County, Mich., March 22, 1851. Republican. School teacher; farmer; real estate business; Berrien County Register of Deeds, 1893-96; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Berrien County 2nd District, 1899-1902. Burial location unknown.
John S. Haggerty John Strong Haggerty (1866-1950) — also known as John S. Haggerty — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich.; Plymouth, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Springwells (now part of Dearborn), Wayne County, Mich., August 22, 1866. Republican. President, Haggerty Brick Co. and Campbell Land Co.; Wayne County Road Commissioner, 1907; delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1912, 1916, 1924 (alternate), 1928; member of Michigan Republican State Central Committee, 1915-19, 1927; secretary of state of Michigan, 1927-30; treasurer of Michigan Republican Party, 1927-29. Presbyterian. Member, Freemasons; Odd Fellows. Died in 1950 (age about 83 years). Entombed in mausoleum at Grand Lawn Cemetery, Detroit, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Lorenzo D. Haggerty and Elizabeth (Strong) Haggerty; nephew of John Strong Jr.; grandson of John Strong Sr..
  Political family: Buhl-Strong family of Detroit, Michigan.
  Image source: Michigan Manual 1927
  Francis Marion Hamilton (1839-1914) — also known as Francis M. Hamilton — of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Mich. Born in Indiana, 1839. Republican. Real estate business; mayor of Ann Arbor, Mich., 1905-07; defeated, 1907. Died, of peritonitis, in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Mich., May 2, 1914 (age about 74 years). Burial location unknown.
  Presumably named for: Francis Marion
  Relatives: Son of James Hamilton and Elizabeth (Walker) Hamilton.
  John F. Hamilton (1898-1971) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., January 18, 1898. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; real estate business; builder; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 1st District, 1937-40. Member, Freemasons; Veterans of Foreign Wars. Died in 1971 (age about 73 years). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married 1926 to Olive Kreger.
  Fred W. Harding (1876-1966) — of Grosse Pointe, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Michigan, 1876. Republican. Real estate business; member of Michigan state senate 1st District, 1929-32; defeated, 1932. Died in 1966 (age about 90 years). Burial location unknown.
  Bernard E. Harkins (d. 1987) — of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Mich. Republican. Realtor; insurance business; member of Michigan Republican State Central Committee, 1947. Died May 10, 1987. Burial location unknown.
  George Arthur Hart (1848-1925) — also known as George A. Hart — of Manistee, Manistee County, Mich. Born in Lapeer, Lapeer County, Mich., 1848. Republican. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; real estate business; mayor of Manistee, Mich., 1894-95. Member, Grand Army of the Republic; Elks; Knights of Pythias. Died in Manistee, Manistee County, Mich., August 2, 1925 (age about 77 years). Interment at Oak Grove Cemetery, Manistee, Mich.
  John Hawley (b. 1860) — of Ontonagon, Ontonagon County, Mich. Born in Ontonagon, Ontonagon County, Mich., November 11, 1860. Democrat. Lumber business; real estate business; Village president of Ontonagon, Mich.; alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1924. Catholic. Member, Knights of Columbus. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Michael Hawley and Mary (Whelan) Hawley; married, January 12, 1893, to Isabell Welsch.
  Charles B. Hays (1862-1958) — of Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Mich. Born in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Mich., November 15, 1862. Democrat. Builder; real estate developer; paper manufacturer; mayor of Kalamazoo, Mich., 1912. Died in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Mich., May 31, 1958 (age 95 years, 197 days). Interment at Mountain Home Cemetery, Kalamazoo, Mich.
  Relatives: Married 1889 to Luella Phillips.
  Perley C. Heald (b. 1849) — of Midland, Midland County, Mich. Born in Lovell, Oxford County, Maine, May 5, 1849. Republican. Civil engineer; real estate business; mayor of Midland, Mich., 1887-88; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1888, 1896; member of Michigan state senate 24th District, 1899-1900. Member, Freemasons. Burial location unknown.
  James N. Heaney — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Republican. Lawyer; real estate broker; director, Detroit School of Real Estate; candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 17th District, 1962; candidate in primary for mayor of Detroit, Mich., 1965. Still living as of 1965.
  David B. Hermelin (1936-2000) — of Michigan. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., December 26, 1936. Real estate owner and developer; co-owner of the Palace of Auburn Hills, venue for the Detroit Pistons professional basketball team; U.S. Ambassador to Norway, 1997-2000. Jewish. Died, of brain cancer, November 22, 2000 (age 63 years, 332 days). Burial location unknown.
  See also U.S. State Dept career summary
  Ray Lyman Hewlett (1879-1943) — also known as Ray L. Hewlett — of Jackson, Jackson County, Mich. Born in Jackson, Jackson County, Mich., May 14, 1879. Democrat. Real estate and insurance business; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Jackson County 1st District, 1923-24; defeated, 1924, 1932. Died in Jackson, Jackson County, Mich., September 3, 1943 (age 64 years, 112 days). Interment at St. John's Cemetery, Jackson, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Frank Edson Hewlett and Mary Ann (Tobin) Hewlett; married, November 14, 1907, to Alma R. Howard.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Louis N. Hilsendegen (b. 1856) — of Grosse Pointe Park, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., March 29, 1856. Republican. Real estate business; village president of Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan, 1912-15; member of Michigan state senate 1st District, 1915-16. German ancestry. Burial location unknown.
  Henry H. Hinds (b. 1840) — of Stanton, Montcalm County, Mich. Born near Montrose, Susquehanna County, Pa., October 9, 1840. Republican. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; dry goods merchant; real estate business; lumber business; member of Michigan state senate 27th District, 1873-74. Burial location unknown.
  Wendell W. Hobbs — of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Mich. Republican. Realtor; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1964, 1968; member of Michigan Republican State Central Committee, 1965; treasurer of Michigan Republican Party, 1969. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married to Ruth Hobbs.
  John Holland (b. 1861) — of Bessemer, Gogebic County, Mich. Born in Fall River, Bristol County, Mass., January 14, 1861. Blacksmith; grocer; real estate business; mayor of Bessemer, Mich., 1906-08; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Gogebic County, 1911-14, 1919-30; defeated (Democratic), 1896 (Dickinson District), 1914 (Gogebic County); acting postmaster at Bessemer, Mich., 1929-31. Irish ancestry. Burial location unknown.
  Samuel Whaley Hopkins (1845-1923) — also known as Samuel W. Hopkins — of Coventry, Tolland County, Conn.; Mt. Pleasant, Isabella County, Mich. Born in Exeter, Washington County, R.I., April 1, 1845. School teacher; lawyer; real estate developer; Isabella County Prosecuting Attorney, 1875-76; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Isabella District, 1877-80; candidate for village president of Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, 1877; chair of Isabella County Republican Party, 1878-84; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1884; president, Mount Pleasant Sugar Company; member of Michigan state senate 25th District, 1893-94; defeated, 1898 (Democratic), 1914 (Progressive). Unitarian. English ancestry. Died in Mt. Pleasant, Isabella County, Mich., August 20, 1923 (age 78 years, 141 days). Interment at Riverside Cemetery, Mt. Pleasant, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Samuel Hopkins and Freelove Burlingame (Arnold) Hopkins; married, December 10, 1873, to Margaretta Vedder.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Donald W. Howe (born c.1928) — of Ypsilanti Township, Washtenaw County, Mich. Born about 1928. Democrat. Real estate broker; candidate for supervisor of Ypsilanti Township, Michigan, 1959. Still living as of 1959.
  William P. Huizenga (b. 1969) — also known as Bill Huizenga — of Zeeland, Ottawa County, Mich. Born in Zeeland, Ottawa County, Mich., January 31, 1969. Republican. Co-owner, Huizenga Gravel Company; realtor; staff member for U.S. Rep Peter Hoekstra, 1996-2002; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 2000; member of Michigan state house of representatives 90th District, 2003-08; U.S. Representative from Michigan 2nd District, 2011-. Still living as of 2014.
  See also congressional biography — Wikipedia article — NNDB dossier
  William Francis James (1873-1945) — also known as W. Frank James — of Hancock, Houghton County, Mich. Born in Morristown, Morris County, N.J., May 23, 1873. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during the Spanish-American War; real estate and insurance business; Houghton County Treasurer, 1901-04; mayor of Hancock, Mich., 1908-10; member of Michigan state senate 32nd District, 1911-14; U.S. Representative from Michigan 12th District, 1915-35; defeated, 1934, 1936. Methodist. Cornish ancestry. Member, United Spanish War Veterans; Freemasons; Order of the Eastern Star; Odd Fellows; Knights of Pythias; Maccabees; Foresters; Eagles. Died in Arlington, Arlington County, Va., November 17, 1945 (age 72 years, 178 days). Interment at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
  Relatives: Son of William F. James and Elizabeth A. (Williams) James; married, March 18, 1904, to Jennie M. Mingay.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  John T. Kelsey (1921-2002) — of Warren, Macomb County, Mich. Born in Hamtramck, Wayne County, Mich., December 22, 1921. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; tool and die maker; real estate sales; municipal judge in Michigan, 1958-61; delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention from Macomb County 1st District, 1961-62; member of Michigan state house of representatives 70th District, 1965-82; defeated in primary, 1992. Catholic. Member, Knights of Columbus; Disabled American Veterans; Polish Legion of American Veterans; Eagles; Exchange Club; Sigma Nu Phi. Died in Warren, Macomb County, Mich., December 15, 2002 (age 80 years, 358 days). Interment at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Detroit, Mich.
  Relatives: Married 1945 to Anne T. Ambrowski.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial — Michigan Legislative Biography
  Fred L. Kircher (1891-1960) — of Lansing, Ingham County, Mich. Born in Cissna Park, Iroquois County, Ill., November 18, 1891. Republican. Railway yardmaster; oil business; real estate business; candidate for mayor of Lansing, Mich., 1932, 1933, 1934, 1941 (primary); member of Michigan state house of representatives from Ingham County 1st District, 1939-46; defeated in primary, 1946, 1950, 1952, 1954; candidate for Michigan state senate 14th District, 1957. Congregationalist. Member, Freemasons; Eagles; Odd Fellows. Died in 1960 (age about 68 years). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Brother of Samuel W. Kircher; married 1918 to Ada P. Maher.
  Peter Kok (b. 1919) — of Grand Rapids, Kent County, Mich. Born in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Mich., October 24, 1919. Republican. Realtor; appraiser; member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1965-78 (93rd District 1965-72, 91st District 1973-78). Christian Reformed. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Rudolph Lamfrom (1874-1943) — of North Baltimore, Wood County, Ohio; Scottsdale, Maricopa County, Ariz. Born in Owosso, Shiawassee County, Mich., February 11, 1874. Democrat. Shoe merchant; citrus grower; real estate and insurance business; acting postmaster at Scottsdale, Ariz., 1933-35. German ancestry. Member, Elks. Died in Scottsdale, Maricopa County, Ariz., July 30, 1943 (age 69 years, 169 days). Interment at Greenwood Memory Lawn Cemetery, Phoenix, Ariz.
  Relatives: Son of Samuel Lamfrom and Mary (Mendelsohn) Lamfrom; married to Etta McClosky; married, April 18, 1916, to Josephine Orell Worthington.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Rufus Wharton Landon (1815-1886) — also known as Rufus W. Landon — of Niles, Berrien County, Mich. Born in Salisbury, Litchfield County, Conn., May 3, 1815. Democrat. Postmaster at Niles, Mich., 1839-41; real estate business; Berrien County Treasurer, 1843-52; banker; mayor of Niles, Mich., 1860-62, 1865; member of Michigan state senate 18th District, 1863-64; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1864. Episcopalian. Member, Freemasons. Died in Niles, Berrien County, Mich., December 26, 1886 (age 71 years, 237 days). Interment at Silverbrook Cemetery, Niles, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Luther Landon and Martha (Hoyt) Landon; married 1843 to Margaret Gray; married 1867 to Matilda McOmber; married 1877 to Linda Eoline Vought.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  James E. Lawson (1879-1945) — of Royal Oak, Oakland County, Mich. Born in Michigan, 1879. Republican. Real estate business; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Oakland County 1st District, 1925-30; member of Michigan state senate 12th District, 1931-32; defeated in primary, 1932. Died in 1945 (age about 66 years). Burial location unknown.
  Norman B. Lawson — of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Mich. Democrat. Real estate and insurance business; mayor of Muskegon, Mich.; elected 1906; defeated, 1913, 1915, 1916, 1917. Burial location unknown.
  John Lesinski (1885-1950) — of Dearborn, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Erie, Erie County, Pa., January 3, 1885. Democrat. Real estate business; lumber business; banker; U.S. Representative from Michigan 16th District, 1933-50; died in office 1950; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Died in Dearborn, Wayne County, Mich., May 27, 1950 (age 65 years, 144 days). Interment at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Detroit, Mich.
  Relatives: Father of John Lesinski Jr..
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Joseph Arthur Long (b. 1885) — also known as Joseph A. Long — of Commerce Township, Oakland County, Mich. Born in Commerce, Oakland County, Mich., May 28, 1885. Republican. Farmer; real estate developer; auctioneer; supervisor of Commerce Township, Michigan, 1928-34; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Oakland County 2nd District, 1935-36; defeated, 1936. Methodist. Member, Freemasons; Order of the Eastern Star. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Joseph Wallace Long and Clara C. (Horton) Long; married, March 18, 1915, to Mabel J. Hays.
  Matthew Max — also known as Matt Max — of Ypsilanti, Washtenaw County, Mich. Democrat. Real estate and insurance business; shoe merchant; mayor of Ypsilanti, Mich., 1929-34; postmaster. Member, Kiwanis. Burial location unknown.
  Matthew Duly McCone (1859-1944) — also known as Duly McCone — of Homer, Calhoun County, Mich. Born in Marshall, Calhoun County, Mich., November 23, 1859. Real estate dealer; Prohibition candidate for University of Michigan board of regents, 1927; Prohibition candidate for U.S. Senator from Michigan, 1928; Prohibition candidate for Governor of Michigan, 1930; Commonwealth candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 3rd District, 1938; Prohibition candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan, 1940. Methodist. Died in Homer, Calhoun County, Mich., May 7, 1944 (age 84 years, 166 days). Interment at Fairview Cemetery, Homer Township, Calhoun County, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Polly (Griswold) McCone and Isaac McCone; brother of George James McCone; married, January 1, 1901, to Lillian 'Lily' Vandybogaurt.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Daniel F. McInerney (born c.1938) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born about 1938. Real estate sales; candidate in primary for mayor of Detroit, Mich., 1969. Still living as of 1969.
  Isaac E. Messmore (1821-1902) — of La Crosse, La Crosse County, Wis.; Washington, D.C.; Grand Rapids, Kent County, Mich.; Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Calif. Born in Ontario, August 21, 1821. Democrat. Lawyer; member of Wisconsin state assembly, 1861; circuit judge in Wisconsin 6th Circuit, 1861-62; colonel in the Union Army during the Civil War; assistant commissioner, U.S. Revenue Bureau; real estate developer; newspaper editor and publisher; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1880 (member, Credentials Committee); candidate for U.S. Representative from California 6th District, 1894. Died, from pneumonia, in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Calif., January 8, 1902 (age 80 years, 140 days). Interment at Angelus-Rosedale Cemetery, Los Angeles, Calif.
  Relatives: Son of John Messmore and Jane (Moat) Messmore; married 1848 to Editha McKenney; married to Margaret A. (Hull) Jones.
  See also Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
Carol Vining Moore Carol Vining Moore — of Marquette, Marquette County, Mich. Democrat. Real estate broker; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1988, 2000. Female. Still living as of 2014.
  Image source: Century 21 Real Estate
  Algeron S. Munger (b. 1821) — of Bay City, Bay County, Mich. Born in New York, 1821. Merchant; real estate investor; mayor of Bay City, Mich., 1870. Burial location unknown.
  Presumably named for: Algernon Sidney
  Joseph F. Nagel (1902-1984) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., July 14, 1902. Democrat. Insurance agent; real estate broker; vice-president, Cadillac Awning Co., Detroit; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 1st District, 1935-46; candidate for Michigan state senate 1st District, 1946. Member, Eagles. Died in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., February 24, 1984 (age 81 years, 225 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married 1941 to Carolyn Ott.
  Monroe Nichols (1859-1908) — of Duluth, St. Louis County, Minn.; Battle Creek, Calhoun County, Mich. Born in Clinton, Worcester County, Mass., January 15, 1859. Republican. Real estate broker; lawyer; delegate to Republican National Convention from Minnesota, 1896 (member, Committee to Notify Presidential Nominee). Died, from locomotor ataxia, in Battle Creek, Calhoun County, Mich., September 16, 1908 (age 49 years, 245 days). Interment at West Thompson Cemetery, Thompson, Conn.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Walter H. Nill (1891-1964) — of Muskegon Heights, Muskegon County, Mich. Born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., April 13, 1891. Democrat. Patternmaker; real estate sales; Muskegon County Register of Deeds, 1937-46; member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1949-62 (Muskegon County 2nd District 1949-54, Muskegon County 1st District 1955-62); Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan, 1956. Catholic. Member, Elks; Eagles; Moose; Woodmen; Foresters. Died in 1964 (age about 73 years). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married, September 25, 1911, to Anna Neis.
  Maurice Obermeyer — of Ypsilanti, Washtenaw County, Mich. Contractor; automobile dealer; real estate business; mayor of Ypsilanti, Mich., 1962-63. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Bernard Francis O'Brien (b. 1904) — also known as Bernard F. O'Brien — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in County Leitrim, Ireland, August 15, 1904. Democrat. Real estate and insurance business; Democratic candidate for Michigan state senate, 1940 (18th District), 1954 (primary, 5th District); member of Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 1st District, 1945-46; defeated, 1946, 1950, 1952. Catholic. Irish ancestry. Member, Knights of Columbus. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Bernard Francis O'Brien and Ann (McHugh) O'Brien; married, June 1, 1934, to Madeleine O'Donnel; father of Bernard Francis O'Brien Jr..
  Bernard Francis O'Brien Jr. (b. 1934) — also known as Bernard F. O'Brien, Jr. — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born November 11, 1934. Democrat. Real estate and insurance business; member of Michigan state senate 5th District, 1965-66; defeated in primary, 1960, 1966. Catholic. Member, Knights of Columbus. Still living as of 1967.
  Relatives: Son of Bernard Francis O'Brien.
  Thomas Cornelius O'Brien (1879-1951) — also known as Thomas C. O'Brien — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Creagh, County Clare, Ireland, November 26, 1879. Democrat. Worked for the Wabash Railroad; police officer; beer, wine, and liquor business; real estate broker; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 1st District, 1945-46, 1949-51; defeated, 1942, 1946; died in office 1951. Catholic. Irish ancestry. Died September 2, 1951 (age 71 years, 280 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Michael M. O'Brien and Bridget (Markham) O'Brien; married 1904 to Mary Ellen Downey; father of Michael J. O'Brien; grandfather of Michael J. O'Brien Jr..
  Political family: O'Brien family of Detroit, Michigan.
Frank L. Palmer Frank L. Palmer (born c.1863) — of Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Mich.; North Dakota; Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minn. Born in Jackson County, Mich., about 1863. Postal worker; real estate and insurance business; member of Minnesota state house of representatives, 1911-14; member of Minnesota state senate 29th District, 1915-22. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married 1882 to Mary A. Hogle.
  Image source: Minnesota Legislative Manual 1917
Thomas W. Palmer Thomas Witherell Palmer (1830-1913) — also known as Thomas W. Palmer — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., January 25, 1830. Republican. Merchant; real estate business; lumber business; member of Michigan state senate 2nd District, 1879-80; U.S. Senator from Michigan, 1883-89; U.S. Minister to Spain, 1889-90. Unitarian. Member, Freemasons; Sons of the American Revolution. Died in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., June 1, 1913 (age 83 years, 127 days). Entombed at Elmwood Cemetery, Detroit, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Thomas Palmer and Mary Amy (Witherell) Palmer; married, October 16, 1855, to Elizabeth Pitts 'Lizzie' Merrill; nephew of Benjamin Franklin Hawkins Witherell; grandson of James Witherell.
  Political family: Witherell family of Detroit, Michigan.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article — U.S. State Dept career summary — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: The Parties and The Men (1896)
  Benjamin Franklin Partridge (1822-1892) — also known as Benjamin F. Partridge — of Portsmouth Township, Bay County, Mich. Born in Shelby, Macomb County, Mich., April 19, 1822. Republican. Lumber business; real estate business; farmer; historian; Bay County Sheriff; general in the Union Army during the Civil War; Michigan land commissioner, 1877-78; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Bay County 2nd District, 1881-82. Member, Freemasons; Odd Fellows; Grand Army of the Republic; Grange. Died in Portsmouth Township, Bay County, Mich., October 19, 1892 (age 70 years, 183 days). Interment at Elm Lawn Cemetery, Bay City, Mich.
  Presumably named for: Benjamin Franklin
  Relatives: Son of Asa Partridge and Sarah C. Partridge; married, September 13, 1845, to Olive Miranda Wright.
  John Paul (b. 1849) — of East Grand Rapids, Kent County, Mich. Born in Whithorn, Wigtownshire, Scotland, April 1, 1849. Republican. Farmer; real estate and insurance business; Kent County Treasurer; member of Michigan state senate 17th District, 1915-16. Burial location unknown.
  Don R. Pears (1899-1992) — of Buchanan, Berrien County, Mich. Born in Buchanan, Berrien County, Mich., September 18, 1899. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; school principal; real estate broker; partner, Hollywood Theater, Buchanan, Mich.; Berrien County Register of Deeds, 1927-32; Berrien County Clerk, 1941-42, 1945-48; served in the U.S. Army during World War II; member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1951-62, 1965-70 (Berrien County 1st District 1951-62, 43rd District 1965-70); defeated, 1932, 1934; Speaker of the Michigan State House of Representatives, 1959-62; candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 4th District, 1962. Protestant. Member, American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Amvets; Reserve Officers Association; Elks; Eagles; Moose; Odd Fellows. Died in Niles, Berrien County, Mich., July 17, 1992 (age 92 years, 303 days). Interment at Oak Ridge Cemetery, Buchanan, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Charles Frederick Pears and Lura Grace (Rose) Pears; married, February 18, 1931, to Gladys Seidlitz.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Thomas Reardon Peirsol (1894-1959) — also known as T. Reardon Peirsol — of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Mich. Born in Monroe City, Monroe County, Mo., November 1, 1894. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; insurance and real estate business; Republican Presidential Elector for Michigan, 1940 (voted for Wendell L. Willkie and Charles L. McNary). Died, from an aortic aneurysm and cardiac tamponade, in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Mich., February 24, 1959 (age 64 years, 115 days). Interment at Forest Hill Cemetery, Ann Arbor, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Harry A. Peirsol and Minnie (Reardon) Peirsol; married to Rea Covert.
  John J. Perren (b. 1848) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Buffalo, Erie County, N.Y., April 21, 1848. Democrat. Real estate business; member of Michigan state senate 1st District, 1899-1900. Burial location unknown.
  Alexander James Polk (1883-1950) — also known as Alex J. Polk — of River Rouge, Wayne County, Mich.; Grosse Pointe Park, Wayne County, Mich.; Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Alpena, Alpena County, Mich., April 23, 1883. Republican. Insurance agent; real estate broker; lawyer; justice of the peace; candidate for Michigan state senate 5th District, 1922; delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1944; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 1st District, 1947-48; defeated, 1926, 1928, 1930, 1932, 1934, 1944; candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 16th District, 1948. Polish ancestry. Died in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., January 23, 1950 (age 66 years, 275 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Bartek 'Bartholomew' Polk and Tekla 'Tillie' (Witkowski) Polk; married, June 11, 1906, to Mary Eva LeBlanc; married, February 11, 1918, to Laura Matilda (Strock) Beam; married, October 13, 1927, to Grace K. Knapp; married, December 18, 1929, to Helen M. Gernt; married, July 3, 1935, to Marian Pardee Mathews.
  Glenn M. Porter — of Muskegon Heights, Muskegon County, Mich. Republican. Real estate dealer; mayor of Muskegon Heights, Mich., 1916-17. Burial location unknown.
Charles T. Prescott Charles Test Prescott (1884-1961) — also known as Charles T. Prescott — of Prescott, Ogemaw County, Mich. Born in Tawas City, Iosco County, Mich., October 1, 1884. Republican. Merchant; lumber business; real estate broker; rancher; cattle breeder; member of Michigan state senate 28th District, 1947-61; died in office 1961; delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1952. Baptist. Member, Freemasons; Delta Kappa Epsilon. Died, from a pulmonary embolism, in University of Michigan Hospital, Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Mich., October 24, 1961 (age 77 years, 23 days). Interment at Memory Gardens Cemetery, Tawas City, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Effie (Test) Prescott and George Allen Prescott (1862-1927); brother of George Allen Prescott Jr.; married, October 3, 1906, to Mary Dulany Fitzhugh; uncle of George Allen Prescott (1913-1988).
  Political family: Prescott family of Tawas City, Michigan (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  Image source: Michigan Manual 1957-58
  George Allen Prescott (1913-1988) — also known as George A. Prescott — of Tawas City, Iosco County, Mich. Born in Tawas City, Iosco County, Mich., March 6, 1913. Republican. Real estate broker; Iosco County Clerk, 1951-66; member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1967-78 (102nd District 1967-72, 105th District 1973-78). Baptist. Member, Farm Bureau. Died in February, 1988 (age 74 years, 0 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of George Allen Prescott Jr. and Lois Edna (Taylor) Prescott; nephew of Charles Test Prescott; grandson of George Allen Prescott (1862-1927).
  Political family: Prescott family of Tawas City, Michigan (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  Addison G. Proctor (1838-1925) — of Emporia, Lyon County, Kan.; St. Joseph, Berrien County, Mich. Born in Gloucester, Essex County, Mass., July 29, 1838. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Kansas, 1860; hotel proprietor; real estate business; speaker, Republican National Convention, 1924. Died in St. Joseph, Berrien County, Mich., March 17, 1925 (age 86 years, 231 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Joseph J. Proctor and Eliza (GFilbert) Proctor; married, July 10, 1860, to Eliza B. Calef.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Henry C. Rankin (1843-1915) — of Ypsilanti, Washtenaw County, Mich. Born in Reading, Berks County, Pa., December 1, 1843. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; superintendent of schools; land agent; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Washtenaw County 2nd District, 1911-12; defeated (Progressive), 1912. Member, Grand Army of the Republic. Died July 15, 1915 (age 71 years, 226 days). Interment at Highland Cemetery, Ypsilanti, Mich.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Richard W. Reading (1882-1952) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., February 7, 1882. Republican. Newspaper business manager; real estate business; Detroit city clerk, 1926-37; mayor of Detroit, Mich., 1938-40; defeated, 1939. Died, from a heart ailment, in Mellus Hospital, Brighton, Livingston County, Mich., December 9, 1952 (age 70 years, 306 days). Interment at Grand Lawn Cemetery, Detroit, Mich.
  Relatives: Married to Blanche White; father of Richard W. Reading Jr..
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial — OurCampaigns candidate detail
  J. Gottlieb Reutter (1868-1954) — of Lansing, Ingham County, Mich. Born in Germany, October 26, 1868. Democrat. Naturalized U.S. citizen; meat merchant; real estate business; president, Lansing Ice and Fuel; vice-president, Weissinger Paper Co.; mayor of Lansing, Mich., 1912-18; alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1940. German ancestry. Member, Freemasons. Struck by a car, badly injured, and died two weeks later, in a hospital at Lansing, Ingham County, Mich., October 20, 1954 (age 85 years, 359 days). Interment at Mt. Hope Cemetery, Lansing, Mich.
  Relatives: Married to Mary Anna Schoettle and Blanche M. Bennett.
  Reutter Park, in Lansing, Michigan, is named for him.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Alton T. Roberts (b. 1880) — of Marquette, Marquette County, Mich. Born in Stockton, Waldo County, Maine, March 9, 1880. Republican. Real estate business; publishing business; delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1912 (alternate), 1924; member of Michigan state senate 31st District, 1915-18. Burial location unknown.
  Joseph C. Roosevelt (1900-1987) — also known as Joe Roosevelt — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., October 8, 1900. Democrat. Real estate and insurance business; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 1st District, 1933-36; member of Michigan state senate 21st District, 1937-38; defeated in primary, 1938, 1940, 1942; implicated in the Michigan legislative bribery scandal in 1944 as a go-between providing bribes to legislators; granted immunity from prosecution, and testified against others. Died in 1987 (age about 86 years). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married, August 24, 1926, to Catherine Miller.
Leo H. Roy Leo H. Roy (1908-1968) — of Hancock, Houghton County, Mich. Born in Houghton, Houghton County, Mich., May 6, 1908. Republican. Insurance and real estate business; member of Michigan state senate 32nd District, 1949-58; defeated, 1960. Catholic. Member, Elks; Knights of Columbus; Eagles; Lions. Died in 1968 (age about 60 years). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married 1932 to Dorothy McDonald.
  Image source: Michigan Manual 1957-58
  George W. Rulison (b. 1834) — of Hancock, Houghton County, Mich. Born in New York, 1834. Republican. Real estate business; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Houghton County 2nd District, 1897-1902. Burial location unknown.
  George Gregory Sadowski (1903-1961) — also known as George G. Sadowski — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., March 12, 1903. Democrat. Lawyer; real estate business; member of Michigan state senate 2nd District, 1931-32; defeated, 1928; member of Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 1929; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948; U.S. Representative from Michigan 1st District, 1933-39, 1943-51; defeated in primary, 1938, 1940, 1950, 1952. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance. Died in Utica, Macomb County, Mich., October 9, 1961 (age 58 years, 211 days). Interment at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Detroit, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Charles Sadowski and Ludwika (Jurkiewitz) Sadowski; married, October 10, 1928, to Eleanor Leppek.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Henry M. Schmidt (b. 1866) — of Saginaw, Saginaw County, Mich. Born in Michigan, 1866. Democrat. Real estate business; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Saginaw County 1st District, 1899-1900. Burial location unknown.
  Peter Finley Secchia (1937-2020) — also known as Peter F. Secchia — of Grand Rapids, Kent County, Mich.; Ferrysburg, Ottawa County, Mich. Born in Englewood, Bergen County, N.J., April 15, 1937. Republican. Chief executive, Universal Forest Products, 1971-89; owner of restaurants; real estate developer; member of Republican National Committee from Michigan, 1980-88; delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1984, 2000 (alternate), 2004; Republican Presidential Elector for Michigan, 1988 (voted for George Bush and Dan Quayle); U.S. Ambassador to Italy, 1989-93. Italian ancestry. Died, from COVID-19 and other health issues, in East Grand Rapids, Kent County, Mich., October 21, 2020 (age 83 years, 189 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Cesare 'Charlie' Secchia and Valerie (Smith) Secchia; married 1964 to Joan Peterson.
  Secchia Stadium (baseball field) at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, is named for him.
  See also Wikipedia article — U.S. State Dept career summary
  Thomas George Sharpe III (1917-2000) — also known as Thomas G. Sharpe — of Howell, Livingston County, Mich. Born in Fowlerville, Livingston County, Mich., April 6, 1917. Republican. Farmer; realtor; delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention from Shiawassee District, 1961-62; member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1963-78 (Shiawassee District 1963-64, 51st District 1965-78). Nazarene. Member, Lions; Farm Bureau. Died December 1, 2000 (age 83 years, 239 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Thomas George Sharpe, Jr. and Laura (White) Sharpe; married 1936 to Esther Diana Cornell.
  Eileen Knowland Shearer (1921-2002) — also known as Eileen Shearer; Eileen M. Knowland — of Lemon Grove, San Diego County, Calif. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., 1921. Real estate agent; American Independent candidate for Presidential Elector for California, 1972; American Independent candidate for Vice President of the United States, 1980. Female. Died in 2002 (age about 81 years). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Daughter of D. F. Knowland and Violet Knowland; married to William Kennedy Shearer.
  Carlos Douglas Shelden (1840-1904) — also known as Carlos D. Shelden — of Houghton, Houghton County, Mich. Born in Walworth, Walworth County, Wis., June 10, 1840. Republican. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; machinist; real estate business; steamboat business; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Houghton County 2nd District, 1893-94; member of Michigan state senate 32nd District, 1895-96; U.S. Representative from Michigan 12th District, 1897-1903. Died in Houghton, Houghton County, Mich., June 24, 1904 (age 64 years, 14 days). Interment at Forest Hill Cemetery, Houghton, Mich.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  George Ellis Sivula (1917-1981) — also known as George E. Sivula — of Negaunee, Marquette County, Mich. Born in Negaunee, Marquette County, Mich., June 14, 1917. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; realtor; insurance business; mayor of Negaunee, Mich., 1952-53. Lutheran. Finnish ancestry. Member, Freemasons; Shriners; Eagles; Veterans of Foreign Wars. Died in Iron Mountain, Dickinson County, Mich., November 9, 1981 (age 64 years, 148 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Victor J. Sivula and Matilda M. Sivula; married, February 20, 1946, to Alice Jane Petrinic.
  G. Bertram Smith (1892-1978) — of Hammond, Lake County, Ind. Born in Chandler Township, Huron County, Mich., 1892. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; worked in oil refining; real estate business; mayor of Hammond, Ind., 1942-48. Presbyterian. Member, Freemasons; Shriners; Moose; American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Kiwanis. Died in Atlanta, Fulton County, Ga., May 10, 1978 (age about 85 years). Interment at Flora Hill Memory Garden, Tucker, Ga.
  John Walter Smith (1871-1948) — also known as John W. Smith — of Port Huron, St. Clair County, Mich. Born in Middlesex, Ontario, March 24, 1871. Republican. Farmer; Sanilac County Drain Commissioner; real estate and insurance business; banker; member of Michigan state house of representatives from St. Clair County 1st District, 1919-20; member of Michigan state senate 11th District, 1921-24. German and Irish ancestry. Member, Elks; Odd Fellows. Died in Port Huron, St. Clair County, Mich., May 7, 1948 (age 77 years, 44 days). Interment at Mt. Hope Cemetery, Port Huron, Mich.
  Relatives: Married, February 10, 1909, to Charlotte Donnellon.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Charles Arthur Standiford (1866-1954) — also known as Charles A. Standiford — of Athens, Calhoun County, Mich. Born in Sherwood Township, Branch County, Mich., November 8, 1866. Democrat. Justice of the peace; lawyer; postmaster; real estate and insurance business; candidate for Michigan state senate 9th District, 1922, 1930. Member, Freemasons; Royal Arch Masons; Knights Templar; Shriners. Died, from a cerebral hemorrhage, in Leila Hospital, Battle Creek, Calhoun County, Mich., January 11, 1954 (age 87 years, 64 days). Interment at North Sherwood Cemetery, Sherwood, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of James Standiford and Sarah (Carter) Standiford; married, November 18, 1891, to Jennie Ferris.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  George S. Stanley — of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Mich. Democrat. Real estate and insurance business; candidate for mayor of Muskegon, Mich., 1914. Burial location unknown.
  Howard R. Stinehour (1922-1984) — of Belleville, Wayne County, Mich. Born February 25, 1922. Real estate business; mayor of Belleville, Mich., 1983-84; died in office 1984. Died, from a heart attack, during an argument in a city council meeting, in the Bellville City Hall, Belleville, Wayne County, Mich., October 1, 1984 (age 62 years, 219 days). Interment at Hillside Cemetery, Belleville, Mich.
  Relatives: Married to Beverly Stinehour.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Norman Otto Stockmeyer (b. 1907) — also known as Norman O. Stockmeyer — of Westland, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Caseville, Huron County, Mich., July 17, 1907. Republican. Realtor; served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1956 (alternate), 1960, 1964 (alternate), 1976 (alternate); secretary of Michigan Republican Party, 1957-65; candidate for secretary of state of Michigan, 1962; member of Wayne State University board of governors; appointed 1964; elected 1966; defeated, 1974; member of Michigan state board of education, 1981-88; appointed 1975. Congregationalist. Member, Rotary; Freemasons; NAACP; Omicron Delta Kappa; American Judicature Society. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of C. August Stockmeyer and Bertha (Singleton) Stockmeyer; married 1933 to Lillian R. Hitchman.
  Adam William Sumeracki (b. 1911) — also known as Adam Sumeracki — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Braddock, Allegheny County, Pa., February 6, 1911. Democrat. Real estate and insurance business; member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1939-44, 1955-64 (Wayne County 1st District 1939-44, Wayne County 9th District 1955-64); removed 1944; defeated, 1964 (7th District), 1974 (71st District); candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 1st District, 1942; candidate in primary for mayor of Detroit, Mich., 1943; Charged on January 22, 1944 (along with 19 other current and former state legislators) with accepting bribes; tried, convicted, and sentenced to 3-5 years in prison; also charged on July 20, 1946 (along with 18 other legislators) with accepting bribes to vote against a banking bill, but the entire case collapsed when the star prosecution witness, Charles F. Hemans, refused to testify. Catholic. Burial location unknown.
Arthur E. Summerfield Arthur Ellsworth Summerfield (1899-1972) — also known as Arthur E. Summerfield — of Flint, Genesee County, Mich. Born in Pinconning, Bay County, Mich., March 17, 1899. Republican. Real estate business; oil distributor; automobile dealer; member of Republican National Committee from Michigan, 1944-52; Chairman of Republican National Committee, 1952-53; delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1948 (alternate), 1952, 1960; speaker, 1952, 1956; U.S. Postmaster General, 1953-61. Member, Freemasons; Shriners; Knights Templar; Elks; Kiwanis; Council on Foreign Relations. Died in West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Fla., April 26, 1972 (age 73 years, 40 days). Interment at Sunset Hills Cemetery, Flint, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of William Henry Summerfield and Cora Edith (Ellsworth) Summerfield; married, July 22, 1918, to Miriam Wealthy Graim; father of Arthur Ellsworth Summerfield Jr..
  See also Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: Eminent Americans (1954)
  Nelson G. Tisdale (1901-1992) — of Midland, Midland County, Mich. Born in Midland Township, Midland County, Mich., August 30, 1901. Republican. Farmer; real estate dealer; member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1960-70 (Midland County 1960-64, 103rd District 1965-70). Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Member, Rotary; Elks. Died in Midland, Midland County, Mich., September 22, 1992 (age 91 years, 23 days). Burial location unknown.
  Roger B. Townsend (1912-1987) — of Flint, Genesee County, Mich. Born in Cleveland County, Ark., March 29, 1912. Democrat. Bridge crane operator for Buick Motor Car Company; recording secretary of United Auto Workers Local 599; real estate broker; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Genesee County 1st District, 1953-64; defeated in primary, 1964 (82nd District), 1966 (80th District), 1968 (80th District), 1970 (80th District), 1972 (80th District). African ancestry. Member, United Auto Workers; Elks; Urban League; NAACP; Freemasons. Died in Flint, Genesee County, Mich., January 18, 1987 (age 74 years, 295 days). Burial location unknown.
  Cornelius W. Tuomy — of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Mich. Republican. Farmer; real estate and insurance business; gasoline retailer; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1932. Burial location unknown.
  Edwin John Turanchik (born c.1956) — also known as Ed Turanchik; "Choo-Choo" — of East Lansing, Ingham County, Mich.; Tampa, Hillsborough County, Fla. Born about 1956. Anderson Coalition candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan, 1980 (on behalf of John B. Anderson and Patrick J. Lucey); lawyer; real estate developer; Hillsborough County Commissioner, 1990-2000; candidate for mayor of Tampa, Fla., 2011. Catholic. Member, Phi Beta Kappa; Sierra Club. Still living as of 2011.
  Relatives: Son of John Turanchik; married 1992 to Jenny Pierson.
  Fred Turner (1907-1968) — of Ypsilanti Township, Washtenaw County, Mich. Born in Jackson, Breathitt County, Ky., December 24, 1907. Democrat. Builder; real estate broker; candidate for supervisor of Ypsilanti Township, Michigan, 1961. Died from renal failure, in St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Mich., January 6, 1968 (age 60 years, 13 days). Interment at Highland Cemetery, Ypsilanti, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of A. C. Turner and Mary Frances (Riley) Turner; married to Mabel Engle.
  James T. Upjohn (1858-1936) — of Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Mich. Born in Richland, Kalamazoo County, Mich., November 29, 1858. Republican. Physician; real estate business; business executive; one of the organizers of the Upjohn pharmaceutical company; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Kalamazoo County 1st District, 1925-28; member of Michigan state senate 6th District, 1929-34; candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 3rd District, 1934. Died in 1936 (age about 77 years). Interment at Mountain Home Cemetery, Kalamazoo, Mich.
  Relatives: Married to Carrie Barnes.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Riemer Van Til (1912-1975) — of Holland, Ottawa County, Mich. Born in Griffith, Lake County, Ind., March 23, 1912. Republican. Insurance and real estate business; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Ottawa County, 1959-64; defeated in primary, 1964; Ottawa County Treasurer, 1973-75. Christian Reformed. Died in 1975 (age about 63 years). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married, September 12, 1934, to Tessie Renkema.
  Floyd E. Wagner (1898-1983) — of Cassopolis, Cass County, Mich. Born in Cass County, Mich., June 13, 1898. Republican. Postmaster; real estate broker; Cass County Clerk, 1941-58; member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1959-66 (St. Joseph District 1959-64, 42nd District 1965-66). Member, Freemasons; Elks. Died in Cassopolis, Cass County, Mich., September 28, 1983 (age 85 years, 107 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married, September 8, 1917, to Esther Z. English.
  Matthew D. Wagner (b. 1856) — of Sand Beach (now Harbor Beach), Huron County, Mich. Born in Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, N.Y., December 26, 1856. Republican. Banker; real estate and insurance business; member of Michigan state senate 20th District, 1897-1900. Burial location unknown.
  Robert E. Walter (1877-1939) — of Traverse City, Grand Traverse County, Mich. Born in Litchfield, Hillsdale County, Mich., September 16, 1877. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during the Spanish-American War; real estate business; Grand Traverse County Clerk, 1901-08; member of Michigan state senate 27th District, 1911-16. English ancestry. Died in 1939 (age about 61 years). Burial location unknown.
  Homer Warren (1855-1928) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Shelby Township, Macomb County, Mich., December 1, 1855. Republican. Real estate broker; treasurer of Michigan Republican Party, 1903; postmaster at Detroit, Mich., 1906-13. Member, Freemasons. Died in Detroit Diagnostic Hospital, Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., August 17, 1928 (age 72 years, 260 days). Entombed in mausoleum at Woodlawn Cemetery, Detroit, Mich.
  Fred E. Watkins (1866-1950) — of Waterford Township, Oakland County, Mich. Born in Washington Township, Macomb County, Mich., August 18, 1866. Democrat. Postmaster; real estate and insurance business; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Oakland County 2nd District, 1933-34; defeated, 1934. Member, Freemasons. Died in 1950 (age about 83 years). Burial location unknown.
  James Watson — of Bay City, Bay County, Mich. Merchant; lumber business; real estate investor; mayor of Bay City, Mich., 1866-67. Burial location unknown.
  Duncan A. Wayne (b. 1858) — of Bradford, Midland County, Mich. Born in Canada, 1858. Republican. Real estate business; member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1899-1900, 1905-08 (Midland District 1899-1900, Midland County 1905-08); defeated, 1922 (Midland County), 1926 (Midland District). Burial location unknown.
Irving H. Welch Irving H. Welch (b. 1860) — of Edgerton, Hanson County, S.Dak.; Platte, Charles Mix County, S.Dak. Born in Van Buren County, Mich., July 16, 1860. Republican. School teacher; newspaper editor; postmaster; real estate business; mayor of Platte, S.D., 1901-03; member of South Dakota state house of representatives 9th District, 1903-04. Scotch-Irish ancestry. Burial location unknown.
  Image source: South Dakota Legislative Manual, 1903
  Ray E. Whitney (1878-1970) — of Onondaga Township, Ingham County, Mich. Born in Onondaga Township, Ingham County, Mich., April 23, 1878. Republican. Farmer; real estate dealer; candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Ingham County 2nd District, 1942, 1944; in July 1944, he was accused of sending out postcards falsely claiming the endorsement of several prominent Republicans; arraigned in August 1944 for felony election fraud, over forging most of the signatures on his nominating petitions; pleaded guilty in September 1944 to misdemeanor charges. Congregationalist. Died, in Stuart Nursing Home, Leslie, Ingham County, Mich., September 3, 1970 (age 92 years, 133 days). Interment at Draper Cemetery, Rives Township, Jackson County, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Alson Whitney and Nellie (Flanagan) Whitney; married, March 15, 1916, to Ruby Haven.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  John H. Wilkins (1836-1917) — of Bay City, Bay County, Mich. Born in Pennsylvania, 1836. Real estate business; mayor of Bay City, Mich., 1879-82. Died September 15, 1917 (age about 81 years). Burial location unknown.
  Frank Landon Young (1871-1952) — also known as Frank L. Young — of Lansing, Ingham County, Mich. Born in Esperance, Schoharie County, N.Y., July 24, 1871. Republican. Hay and grain dealer; real estate business; member of Michigan state senate 14th District, 1923-26. Baptist. English and Scotch-Irish ancestry. Member, Freemasons. Died in Lansing, Ingham County, Mich., June 23, 1952 (age 80 years, 335 days). Interment at Mt. Hope Cemetery, Lansing, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Samuel S. Young and Lucy Caroline (Hungerford) Young; brother of Margaret Young (who married Max Angus Templeton); married to Eva F. W. Ward.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Maxcine Young (b. 1907) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Laurens, Laurens County, S.C., June 1, 1907. Democrat. Real estate sales; member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1960-66 (Wayne County 2nd District 1960-64, 23rd District 1965-66); defeated in primary, 1966, 1968. Female. African ancestry. Member, League of Women Voters; NAACP. Burial location unknown.
  Charles O. Zollar (1914-1988) — of Benton Harbor, Berrien County, Mich.; Benton Township, Berrien County, Mich. Born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., January 6, 1914. Republican. Fruit farmer; real estate business; member of Michigan state senate 22nd District, 1965-78; candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 4th District, 1972; supervisor of Benton Township, Michigan, 1981. Lutheran. Member, Elks; Rotary; American Legion; Moose; Fraternal Order of Police; Farm Bureau. Died in St. Joseph, Berrien County, Mich., February 24, 1988 (age 74 years, 49 days). Interment at Riverview Cemetery, St. Joseph, Mich.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
The Political Graveyard

The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
  The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
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  Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.  
  If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the alphabetical index of politicians.  
Copyright notices: (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see Feist v. Rural Telephone. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute fair use under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are © 1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a Creative Commons License.
What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.