The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
Polish National Alliance Politicians

Very incomplete list!

  John Edward Babiarz (1915-2004) — also known as John E. Babiarz — of Wilmington, New Castle County, Del. Born in Wilmington, New Castle County, Del., June 6, 1915. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; New Castle County Register in Chancery, 1949-53; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Delaware, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968; mayor of Wilmington, Del., 1961-69. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Veterans of Foreign Wars; American Legion; Kiwanis; Eagles; Knights of Columbus; Polish National Alliance. Died in Wilmington, New Castle County, Del., June 5, 2004 (age 88 years, 365 days). Interment at Cathedral Cemetery, Wilmington, Del.
  Relatives: Son of Stanley Babiarz and Mary (Feret) Babiarz; married, June 4, 1939, to Adele F. Barczuk.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Frank Adelbert Balcer Jr. (1889-1965) — also known as Frank A. Balcer — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Little Rock, Pulaski County, Ark., December 9, 1889. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 16th District, 1940, 1946, 1950; major in the U.S. Army during World War II; school teacher; delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention from Wayne County 8th District, 1961-62; candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 8th District, 1962. Catholic. Member, American Legion; Polish Legion of American Veterans; Disabled American Veterans; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Polish National Alliance. Died November 26, 1965 (age 75 years, 352 days). Interment at St. Teresas Catholic Cemetery, Harrah, Okla.
  Relatives: Son of Frank Balcerkiewicz and Elizabeth Balcerkiewicz; married to Anna Pascko.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  William Philip Banach (1903-1951) — also known as William Banach — of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis. Born in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis., March 30, 1903. Democrat. Tavern owner; member of Wisconsin state assembly from Milwaukee County 12th District, 1947-51; died in office 1951; alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Wisconsin, 1948. Catholic. Member, Polish National Alliance; Knights of Columbus. Died, from a hemorrhage following gall bladder surgery, in St. Luke's Hospital, Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis., March 24, 1951 (age 47 years, 359 days). Burial location unknown.
  Albert M. Bielawski (b. 1867) — of Cudahy, Milwaukee County, Wis.; Gary, Lake County, Ind.; Hamtramck, Wayne County, Mich.; Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Poland, January 17, 1867. Architect; superintendent of construction for steel mills, 1907-12; member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1929-30, 1935-36 (Wayne County 3rd District 1929-30, Wayne County 1st District 1935-36); defeated, 1926 (Republican primary, Wayne County 3rd District), 1930 (Democratic, Wayne County 3rd District), 1936 (Democratic primary, Wayne County 1st District); candidate in Democratic primary for U.S. Representative from Michigan 1st District, 1932. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Joseph Bielawski and Teresa (Mroczynska) Bielawski; married, June 12, 1894, to Hattie Banaszynska.
  Don Binkowski (b. 1929) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich.; Warren, Macomb County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., October 26, 1929. Democrat. Lawyer; delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention from 2nd Senatorial District, 1961-62; district judge in Michigan 37th District, 1969-86. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, American Civil Liberties Union; American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Polish Legion of American Veterans; American Bar Association; Delta Theta Phi; American Judicature Society; Knights of Columbus; Polish National Alliance. Still living as of 1999.
  Relatives: Son of Alex Binkowski and Helen (Wojtowicz) Binkowski; married to Sharon J. Hromek.
Roman R. Blenski Roman Richard Blenski (1917-2002) — also known as Roman R. Blenski — of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis. Born in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis., January 24, 1917. Member of Wisconsin state assembly from Milwaukee County 17th District, 1945-46; defeated (Democratic), 1938, 1948; member of Wisconsin state senate 7th District, 1949-54; candidate for circuit judge in Wisconsin 2nd Circuit, 1954; candidate for U.S. Representative from Wisconsin 4th District, 1960 (Democratic primary), 2000 (Republican primary); Independent candidate for U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, 1974. Polish ancestry. Member, Eagles; Polish National Alliance. Died August 30, 2002 (age 85 years, 218 days). Interment at St. Adalbert's Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wis.
  Relatives: Son of Michael Francis Blenski and Hattie Jadwiga (Rozanowski) Blenski; brother of Michael Francis Blenski Jr..
  Political family: Blenski family of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
  See also Wikipedia article
  Image source: Wisconsin Blue Book 1954
  Walter Czarnecki (1914-1979) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., February 10, 1914. Republican. Member of Michigan Republican State Central Committee, 1950-64; Republican candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 1st District, 1950 (primary), 1952 (primary), 1956, 1958, 1960, 1961, 1962; candidate for Michigan state house of representatives, 1952 (Wayne County 1st District), 1972 (10th District); Republican Presidential Elector for Michigan, 1952 (voted for Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard M. Nixon); Republican candidate for Presidential Elector for Michigan, 1960; delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1964; candidate for Michigan state senate 3rd District, 1966. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Knights of Columbus; Polish National Alliance. Died in February, 1979 (age about 64 years). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married to Katherine Czarnecki.
  Edward Joseph Derwinski (1926-2012) — also known as Edward J. Derwinski — of Illinois. Born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., September 15, 1926. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; member of Illinois state house of representatives 24th District, 1957-59; U.S. Representative from Illinois 4th District, 1959-83; speaker, Republican National Convention, 1960 ; U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs, 1989-92. Catholic. Member, American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Polish Legion of American Veterans; Amvets; Catholic War Veterans; Knights of Columbus; Moose; Kiwanis; Polish National Alliance. Died January 15, 2012 (age 85 years, 122 days). Burial location unknown.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — NNDB dossier
  John George Fary (1911-1984) — also known as John G. Fary — of Chicago, Cook County, Ill. Born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., April 11, 1911. Democrat. Member of Illinois state house of representatives, 1955-75; U.S. Representative from Illinois 5th District, 1975-83. Polish ancestry. Member, Knights of Columbus; Moose; Eagles; Kiwanis; Lions; Polish National Alliance. Died June 7, 1984 (age 73 years, 57 days). Interment at Resurrection Cemetery, Justice, Ill.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Thomas Sylvy Gordon (1893-1959) — also known as Thomas S. Gordon — of Chicago, Cook County, Ill. Born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., December 17, 1893. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, 1936; Chicago City Treasurer, 1939-42; U.S. Representative from Illinois 8th District, 1943-59. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance; Polish Roman Catholic Union; Knights of Columbus. Died in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., January 22, 1959 (age 65 years, 36 days). Interment at St. Adalbert's Cemetery, Niles, Ill.
  Relatives: Married to Celia Balcer.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Josephine Drivinsky Hunsinger (b. 1914) — also known as Josephine D. Hunsinger — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Acosta, Somerset County, Pa., 1914. Democrat. Member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1955-76 (Wayne County 12th District 1955-64, 16th District 1965-72, 1st District 1973-76); defeated in primary, 1976, 1980, 1984; candidate for Michigan state senate, 1977 (14th District), 1978 (7th District), 1982 (5th District). Female. Member, League of Women Voters; Order of the Eastern Star; Polish National Alliance. Burial location unknown.
  Frank Leonard Kaminski (1897-1955) — also known as Frank L. Kaminski — of Calumet City, Cook County, Ill. Born in Melrose Park, Cook County, Ill., October 10, 1897. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; justice of the peace; mayor of Calumet City, Ill., 1945-53; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, 1948. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Moose; American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Knights of Columbus; Holy Name Society; Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; Lions; Polish National Alliance. Died November 23, 1955 (age 58 years, 44 days). Interment at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, San Diego, Calif.
  Relatives: Son of Leonard Kaminski and Emilia (Ostrowski) Kaminski; married to Cecilia Walczak.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
John Kaminski John Kaminski (1870-1951) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Prussia, August 14, 1870. Republican. Mail carrier; lawyer; member, Detroit Public Lighting Commission, 1927-28; Wayne County Circuit Court Commissioner, 1929-36; candidate for circuit judge in Michigan 3rd Circuit, 1935. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, American Bar Association; Knights of Columbus; Elks; Woodmen of the World; Polish National Alliance. Died, from a heart attack, in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., October 4, 1951 (age 81 years, 51 days). Interment at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Detroit, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Constantine Kaminski and Pauline (Lewandowski) Kaminski; married, January 30, 1894, to Josephine Ciganek.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: Detroit News, October 6, 1951
  Walter T. Kamyk (1913-1979) — of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa. Born in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa., January 18, 1913. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; auditor; member of Pennsylvania state house of representatives from Allegheny County 3rd District, 1949-63. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance; Polish Roman Catholic Union; Veterans of Foreign Wars; American Legion; Amvets. Died October 26, 1979 (age 66 years, 281 days). Interment at St. Stanislaus Cemetery, Etna, Pa.
  Relatives: Son of Anthony Kamyk and Anna Kamyk; married to Wanda Plucinski.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
Casimir Kendziorski Casimir Kendziorski (b. 1898) — of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis. Born in Poland, December 3, 1898. Democrat. Machinist; inspector; real estate broker; member of Wisconsin state assembly from Milwaukee County 5th District, 1947-49; member of Wisconsin state senate 3rd District, 1949-73; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Wisconsin, 1952. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance. Burial location unknown.
  Image source: Wisconsin Blue Book 1954
  Peter Paul Kezon (1906-1977) — also known as Peter P. Kezon — of Chicago, Cook County, Ill. Born in Scarbro, Fayette County, W.Va., February 19, 1906. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, 1956, 1960, 1964. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Knights of Columbus; Polish National Alliance; Polish Roman Catholic Union; Polish Legion of American Veterans. Died May 24, 1977 (age 71 years, 94 days). Interment at Resurrection Cemetery, Justice, Ill.
  Relatives: Son of Joseph Kezon and Mary (Jarosz) Kezon; married, April 21, 1957, to Ann M. Glista.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Peter P. Kielminski (b. 1885) — of Chicago, Cook County, Ill. Born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., June 7, 1885. Democrat. Member of Illinois state senate 15th District; elected 1930, 1934, 1938. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance. Burial location unknown.
  Gerald Daniel Kleczka (b. 1943) — also known as Gerald D. Kleczka; Jerry Kleczka — of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis. Born in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis., November 26, 1943. Democrat. Accountant; member of Wisconsin state assembly, 1969-74; member of Wisconsin state senate 3rd District, 1975-84; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Wisconsin, 1980, 1984, 1996, 2000, 2004; U.S. Representative from Wisconsin 4th District, 1984-. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance. Still living as of 2014.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — NNDB dossier
  John Carl Kluczynski (1896-1975) — also known as John C. Kluczynski — of Chicago, Cook County, Ill. Born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., February 15, 1896. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; restaurant owner; caterer; member of Illinois state house of representatives 4th District, 1933-48; member of Illinois state senate 4th District, 1949; U.S. Representative from Illinois 5th District, 1951-75; died in office 1975. Polish ancestry. Member, American Legion; Forty and Eight; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Polish National Alliance; Polish Roman Catholic Union; Elks. Died January 26, 1975 (age 78 years, 345 days). Entombed in mausoleum at Resurrection Cemetery, Justice, Ill.
  Relatives: Son of Thomas Kluczynski and Mary (Sulaski) Kluczynski; married to Stephanie Polowy.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Joseph J. Kowalski (b. 1914) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., March 19, 1914. Democrat. Member of Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 1st District, 1939-44; nominated, but withdrew 1944; removed 1944; charged on January 22, 1944 (along with 19 other current and former state legislators) with accepting bribes; tried, convicted, and sentenced to 3-5 years in prison; also charged on July 20, 1946 (along with 18 other legislators) with accepting bribes to vote against a banking bill, but the entire case collapsed when the star prosecution witness, Charles F. Hemans, refused to testify. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance; Maccabees. Burial location unknown.
  Henry Raymond Kozak (1917-2001) — also known as Henry R. Kozak — of Hamtramck, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., January 1, 1917. Democrat. Member of Michigan state senate 3rd District, 1945-50; defeated in primary, 1955; candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 14th District, 1960; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1964. Polish ancestry. Member, Eagles; Polish National Alliance. Died, of cancer, at Bon Secours Hospital, Grosse Pointe, Wayne County, Mich., August 23, 2001 (age 84 years, 234 days). Interment at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Detroit, Mich.
  Relatives: Married to Genieve Traczuk.
  William V. Kozerski (1921-2003) — of Hamtramck, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Hamtramck, Wayne County, Mich., February 8, 1921. Served in the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II; traffic rate analyst for Chrysler Corporation; mayor of Hamtramck, Mich., 1975-79. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance; Veterans of Foreign Wars. Died, from respiratory and heart disease, in Sinai-Grace Hospital, Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., February 24, 2003 (age 82 years, 16 days). Interment at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Detroit, Mich.
  Walter S. Kozubowski (b. 1939) — of Illinois. Born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., November 13, 1939. Served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam war; member of Illinois state house of representatives, 1973. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, American Legion; Knights of Columbus; Polish National Alliance. Still living as of 1973.
  Raymond W. Krolikowski (b. 1928) — also known as Ray Krolikowski — of Hamtramck, Wayne County, Mich.; Birmingham, Oakland County, Mich. Born in Hamtramck, Wayne County, Mich., July 25, 1928. Democrat. Lawyer; delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention from Wayne County 14th District, 1961-62; member of Michigan State University board of trustees, 1975-82. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish Legion of American Veterans; Polish National Alliance; Lions; American Bar Association; Association of Trial Lawyers of America; Rotary. Still living as of 1982.
  Relatives: Son of Walter Krolikowski and Regina (Wypijewski) Krolikowski.
  John C. Kuklinski (b. 1897) — of Chicago, Cook County, Ill. Born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., August 29, 1897. Democrat. Pharmacist; member of Illinois state house of representatives 27th District, 1941. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance; Knights of Columbus. Burial location unknown.
  Edmond Lesinski (1916-1992) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., October 14, 1916. Democrat. Printer; delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention from Wayne County 5th District, 1961-62; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 5th District, 1963-64; defeated in primary, 1954 (Wayne County 5th District), 1956 (Wayne County 5th District), 1964 (6th District), 1966 (6th District). Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance; Knights of Columbus. Died in 1992 (age about 75 years). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Anthony Lesinski and Helen (Gorski) Lesinski; married to Frances M. Grajek.
John Lesinski, Jr. John Lesinski Jr. (b. 1914) — of Dearborn, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., December 28, 1914. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; U.S. Representative from Michigan 16th District, 1951-65; defeated in primary, 1964; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1956, 1960. Polish ancestry. Member, American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Moose; Polish National Alliance. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of John Lesinski.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Image source: Michigan Manual 1957-58
  Thaddeus John Lesinski (1925-1996) — also known as T. John Lesinski — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich.; Grosse Pointe Shores, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., April 28, 1925. Democrat. Lawyer; member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1951-60 (Wayne County 1st District 1951-54, Wayne County 7th District 1955-60); Lieutenant Governor of Michigan, 1961-64; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1964; Judge, Michigan Court of Appeals 1st District, 1965-76; resigned 1976. Catholic. Member, American Bar Association; American Judicature Society; Knights of Columbus; Delta Theta Phi; Polish National Alliance. Died in 1996 (age about 71 years). Burial location unknown.
  Chester Lewandowski (1902-1974) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Warsaw, Poland, July 12, 1902. Democrat. Member of Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 1st District, 1949-54; defeated in primary, 1954. Catholic. Member, Knights of Columbus; Polish National Alliance. Died in 1974 (age about 71 years). Burial location unknown.
  William Oliver Lipinski (b. 1937) — also known as William O. Lipinski — of Chicago, Cook County, Ill.; Western Springs, Cook County, Ill. Born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., December 22, 1937. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, 1976, 1984, 1988, 1996, 2000, 2004; U.S. Representative from Illinois, 1983-2006 (5th District 1983-93, 3rd District 1993-2006). Catholic. Member, Polish National Alliance; Kiwanis. Still living as of 2014.
  Relatives: Married, August 29, 1962, to Rose Marie Lapinski; father of Daniel William Lipinski.
  Political family: Lipinski family of Chicago, Illinois.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — NNDB dossier
  Richard M. Maher (1933-2001) — of Livonia, Wayne County, Mich.; Farmington Hills, Oakland County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., February 20, 1933. Lawyer; recorder's court judge in Michigan, 1965-68; circuit judge in Michigan 3rd Circuit, 1969-74; Judge, Michigan Court of Appeals 1st District, 1975-91. Catholic. Irish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance; American Bar Association; American Judicature Society; Delta Theta Phi. Died, of respiratory failure, in St. Mary Mercy Hospital, Livonia, Wayne County, Mich., July 20, 2001 (age 68 years, 150 days). Burial location unknown.
  Edward K. Michalski (1920-1984) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Hamtramck, Wayne County, Mich., January 6, 1920. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; candidate for Michigan state senate 2nd District, 1944; member of Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 1949-51; member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1961-66 (Wayne County 7th District 1961-64, 13th District 1965-66); defeated in primary, 1954 (Wayne County 7th District), 1956 (Wayne County 7th District), 1958 (Wayne County 7th District), 1966 (13th District), 1982 (11th District). Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance; Veterans of Foreign Wars; American Legion; Polish Legion of American Veterans; Knights of Columbus. Died in 1984 (age about 64 years). Burial location unknown.
  Frank J. Migas (b. 1888) — of East Chicago, Lake County, Ind. Born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., November 28, 1888. Democrat. Owner, Sweet Corn Candy Co., 1921-31; vice-president, American State Bank of Gary; deputy sheriff; mayor of East Chicago, Ind., 1939-51; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Indiana, 1940, 1948; Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for Indiana, 1944. Catholic. Member, Moose; Polish National Alliance. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery, Calumet City, Ill.
  Relatives: Father-in-law of John B. Nicosia.
  Stanley J. Mondala (b. 1913) — of Chicago, Cook County, Ill. Born January 27, 1913. Democrat. Civil engineer; member of Illinois state senate 27th District, 1941. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance; Beta Theta Pi. Burial location unknown.
  Ted Mrozowski (b. 1921) — of Hamtramck, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Hamtramck, Wayne County, Mich., November 19, 1921. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; lawyer; member of Michigan state house of representatives 2nd District, 1969-72; defeated in primary, 1965 (2nd District), 1966 (2nd District), 1972 (19th District). Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Federal Bar Association; Polish National Alliance; Disabled American Veterans; Polish Legion of American Veterans. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
Stanley Novak Stanley J. Novak (b. 1911) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Salemville, Bedford County, Pa., March 9, 1911. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; UAW-CIO international representative; business agent, Boilermakers Union; candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 1st District, 1950, 1952; member of Michigan state senate, 1955-74 (5th District 1955-64, 9th District 1965-74). Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, United Auto Workers; Elks; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Amvets; NAACP; Polish National Alliance. Burial location unknown.
  Image source: Michigan Manual 1957-58
  Casmer P. Ogonowski (b. 1923) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., March 4, 1923. Democrat. Member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1969-82 (19th District 1969-72, 3rd District 1973-82); defeated in primary, 1967; resigned 1982. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance; Knights of Columbus. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Frank Peska (1885-1962) — of Chicago, Cook County, Ill. Born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., December 20, 1885. Republican. Lawyer; delegate to Republican National Convention from Illinois, 1948, 1952. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance; American Bar Association. Died in 1962 (age about 76 years). Burial location unknown.
  Joseph Peter Rostenkowski (1892-1970) — also known as Joe P. Rostenkowski — of Chicago, Cook County, Ill. Born in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., September 15, 1892. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, 1936, 1940, 1944 (member, Committee to Notify Vice-Presidential Nominee), 1948. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Knights of Columbus; Polish Roman Catholic Union; Polish National Alliance; American Legion; Forty and Eight. Died February 8, 1970 (age 77 years, 146 days). Interment at St. Adalbert's Cemetery, Niles, Ill.
  Relatives: Son of Piotr 'Peter' Rostenkowski and Katarzyna 'Catherine' (Giersz) Rostenkowski; married, February 8, 1918, to Priscilla Praxeda Dombrowski; father of Daniel David Rostenkowski.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
Stanley Rozycki Stanley F. Rozycki (1908-2002) — also known as Stanley Rozycki — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., April 12, 1908. Democrat. General manager, Fireside Printing and Publishing Co.; candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 1st District, 1938; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1952, 1964 (alternate); member of Michigan state senate, 1955-74 (2nd District 1955-64, 3rd District 1965-74); defeated in primary, 1942, 1944, 1946, 1948, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1954, 1974, 1978, 1988. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Knights of Columbus; Polish National Alliance. Died in Fort Myers, Lee County, Fla., December 3, 2002 (age 94 years, 235 days). Interment at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Detroit, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Stanislaus Rozycki and Anna (Guzicki) Rozycki.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: Michigan Manual 1957-58
  Ervin John Ryczek (b. 1909) — also known as Ervin J. Ryczek — of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis. Born in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis., September 20, 1909. Democrat. Funeral director; member of Wisconsin state assembly from Milwaukee County 11th District, 1941-60. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Catholic Order of Foresters; Polish National Alliance; Holy Name Society. Burial location unknown.
  George Gregory Sadowski (1903-1961) — also known as George G. Sadowski — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., March 12, 1903. Democrat. Lawyer; real estate business; member of Michigan state senate 2nd District, 1931-32; defeated, 1928; member of Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 1929; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948; U.S. Representative from Michigan 1st District, 1933-39, 1943-51; defeated in primary, 1938, 1940, 1950, 1952. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance. Died in Utica, Macomb County, Mich., October 9, 1961 (age 58 years, 211 days). Interment at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Detroit, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Charles Sadowski and Ludwika (Jurkiewitz) Sadowski; married, October 10, 1928, to Eleanor Leppek.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Victor L. Schlaeger (1896-1949) — of Chicago, Cook County, Ill. Born December 12, 1896. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War I; candidate for U.S. Representative from Illinois 2nd District, 1932; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Illinois, 1944, 1948 (alternate). Catholic. Member, Elks; Eagles; Polish National Alliance; American Legion. Died April 1, 1949 (age 52 years, 110 days). Burial location unknown.
  Sherman R. Sobocinski (b. 1927) — of South Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis. Born in Cudahy, Milwaukee County, Wis., January 12, 1927. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; hydraulic lift operator; shipping clerk; member of Wisconsin state assembly from Milwaukee County 24th District; elected 1956, 1958. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, International Association of Machinists; Polish National Alliance; Holy Name Society; Polish Legion of American Veterans. Still living as of 1960.
  George Sokolowski (1917-1984) — of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis. Born in South Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis., April 21, 1917. Democrat. Machinist; served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; member of Wisconsin state assembly; elected 1950, 1952, 1954, 1956, 1958. Polish ancestry. Member, United Steelworkers of America; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Catholic Order of Foresters; Polish National Alliance. Died in May, 1984 (age 67 years, 0 days). Interment at St. Adalbert's Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wis.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
Clement Stachowiak Clement Stachowiak (b. 1902) — of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis. Born in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis., May 3, 1902. Police officer; machinist; member of Wisconsin state assembly from Milwaukee County 11th District, 1939-40; Socialist candidate for U.S. Representative from Wisconsin 4th District, 1948. Polish ancestry. Member, International Association of Machinists; Polish National Alliance. Burial location unknown.
  Image source: Wisconsin Blue Book 1940
  Chester J. Straub (b. 1937) — of Brooklyn, Kings County, N.Y. Born in Brooklyn, Kings County, N.Y., May 12, 1937. Democrat. Lawyer; alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1964; member of New York state assembly 35th District, 1967-72; member of New York state senate, 1973-75; Democratic Presidential Elector for New York, 1992; Judge of U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, 1998-2008; took senior status 2008. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, American Bar Association; Knights of Columbus; Holy Name Society; Polish National Alliance; Jaycees; Lions. Still living as of 2008.
  Relatives: Married to Patricia Morrissey.
  See also federal judicial profile — Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
  Thaddeus Francis Boleslaw Wasielewski (1904-1976) — also known as Thaddeus F. B. Wasielewski; Thad Wasielewski — of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis. Born in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis., December 2, 1904. U.S. Representative from Wisconsin 4th District, 1941-47; defeated (Independent), 1946. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, American Bar Association; Elks; Lions; Eagles; Polish National Alliance. Died in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis., April 25, 1976 (age 71 years, 145 days). Interment at St. Adalbert's Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wis.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Frank V. Wierzbicki (1925-1991) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., March 10, 1925. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; accountant; candidate for Michigan state senate 9th District, 1964; member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1967-82 (25th District 1967-72, 17th District 1973-82); defeated in primary, 1982. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance; Moose. Died in Lansing, Ingham County, Mich., August 28, 1991 (age 66 years, 171 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married to Mary Pattison.
  Anthony J. Wilkowski (b. 1898) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., April 16, 1898. Democrat. Hardware store owner; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1932 (alternate), 1936, 1940; member of Michigan state senate 2nd District, 1933-38, 1945-46, 1949-50; defeated in primary, 1942 (3rd District), 1946 (2nd District), 1951 (2nd District), 1952 (2nd District), 1955 (2nd District); chair of Wayne County Democratic Party, 1934; tried and convicted, along with Democratic state chairman Elmer B. O'Hara, on vote fraud charges in 1936, and sentenced to four to five years in prison; member of Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 1939; candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Michigan, 1940; delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention from Wayne County 9th District, 1961-62. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Knights of Columbus; Polish National Alliance. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Anton Wilkowski and Veronica (Skelnik) Wilkowski; brother of Leo Joseph Wilkowski; married, February 10, 1945, to Ann Chrzanowski.
  Leo Joseph Wilkowski (1902-1955) — also known as Leo J. Wilkowski — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., April 5, 1902. Democrat. Hardware business; member of Michigan state senate 2nd District, 1939-44; nominated, but withdrew 1944; Charged on January 22, 1944 (along with 19 other current and former state legislators) with accepting bribes; tried, convicted, and sentenced to 3-5 years in prison; charged on December 16, 1944 (along with other legislators) with accepting bribes from naturopathic physicians; tried and convicted; charged on July 20, 1946 (along with 18 other legislators) with accepting bribes to vote against a banking bill, but the last set of charges were dismissed when he agreed to testify. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance. Died of heart trouble, March 23, 1955 (age 52 years, 352 days). Interment at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Detroit, Mich.
  Relatives: Brother of Anthony J. Wilkowski; married 1925 to Theresa D. Kozlowski.
  Chester Wozniak (b. 1927) — of Hamtramck, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Hamtramck, Wayne County, Mich., July 23, 1927. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; insurance agent; candidate for Michigan state senate 3rd District, 1951; member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1953-62, 1991-92 (Wayne County 3rd District 1953-54, Wayne County 14th District 1955-62, 9th District 1991-92); defeated in primary, 1950 (Wayne County 3rd District), 1962 (Wayne County 14th District), 1992 (9th District). Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Amvets; Polish National Alliance. Still living as of 1992.
  Relatives: Son of Paul Wozniak and Teofila Wozniak; married, February 23, 1957, to Rose Romanowicz.
  Albert J. Zak (1909-1975) — of Hamtramck, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., March 21, 1909. Democrat. Member of Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 3rd District, 1945-46, 1951-52; defeated in primary, 1936 (Wayne County 3rd District), 1965 (2nd District), 1966 (2nd District); candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 1st District, 1946; alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1952; mayor of Hamtramck, Mich., 1952-63, 1974-75; died in office 1975. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance. Died in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., February 25, 1975 (age 65 years, 341 days). Interment at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Detroit, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of Albert Zak and Anna Zak.
Arthur L. Zimny Arthur L. Zimny (1900-1973) — of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis. Born in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis., August 5, 1900. Democrat. Advertising business; member of Wisconsin state senate 3rd District, 1935-42. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish Roman Catholic Union; Polish National Alliance; Knights of Columbus. Died in June, 1973 (age 72 years, 0 days). Burial location unknown.
  Image source: Wisconsin Blue Book 1940

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
The Political Graveyard

The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
  The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
  The listings are incomplete; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.  
  Information on this page — and on all other pages of this site — is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.  
  The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/group/polish-nat-alliance.html.  
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  If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the alphabetical index of politicians.  
Copyright notices: (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see Feist v. Rural Telephone. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute fair use under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are © 1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a Creative Commons License.
What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.