The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
Index to Politicians



  Peck: See James Eubert Holshouser
  Peck, A. E. — of Mower County, Minn. Member of Minnesota state house of representatives District 4, 1874. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Aaron — of Salina, Saline County, Kan. Mayor of Salina, Kan., 2010-. Still living as of 2011.
  Peck, Abijah, Jr. — of Saratoga County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Saratoga County, 1841. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Abner W. — of Jefferson County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Jefferson County 3rd District, 1857. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Albert C. — of Greenwich, Fairfield County, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Greenwich, 1920. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Alonzo H. — of Ellington, Tolland County, Conn. Republican. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Ellington; elected 1908. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Asahel (1803-1879) — of Jericho, Chittenden County, Vt. Born in Royalston, Worcester County, Mass., February 6, 1803. Governor of Vermont, 1874-76. Died in Jericho, Chittenden County, Vt., May 18, 1879 (age 76 years, 101 days). Burial location unknown.
  See also National Governors Association biography
  Peck, Barbara — of Apache Junction, Pinal County, Ariz. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Arizona, 1972. Female. Still living as of 1972.
  Peck, Ben B. — of Mercer County, W.Va. Republican. Candidate for West Virginia state house of delegates from Mercer County, 1964. Still living as of 1964.
  Peck, Benjamin M. — of Towanda, Bradford County, Pa. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1884. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Bethuel — of New York. Member of New York state senate 4th District, 1839-42. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Betty — of Havre, Hill County, Mont. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Montana, 1996. Female. Still living as of 1996.
  Relatives: Grandmother of Jenny Kaleczyc.
  Peck, Byron W. — of Glendale, Maricopa County, Ariz. Mayor of Glendale, Ariz., 1959-60. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, C. C. — of Middlebury, Addison County, Vt. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Vermont, 1892. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, C. C. — of Sylvania, Lucas County, Ohio. Mayor of Sylvania, Ohio; elected 1923; elected unopposed 1925, 1927; defeated, 1929. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, C. G. — of Idaho Falls, Bonneville County, Idaho. Republican. Candidate for mayor of Idaho Falls, Idaho, 1902. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, C. M. — Prohibition candidate for secretary of state of South Dakota, 1896. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, C. R. — of Malden, Dunklin County, Mo. Mayor of Malden, Mo., 1945. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Calvin G. — of Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine. Republican. Mayor of Ellsworth, Maine, 1871-72. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Carlton — of Michigan. People's candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 7th District, 1894; Democratic candidate for Michigan state senate 21st District, 1906. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Charles B. — of Michigan. Presidential Elector for Michigan, 1880. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Charles D. — of East Haddam, Middlesex County, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from East Haddam, 1902. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Charles E. — of Blackhall, Old Lyme, New London County, Conn. Republican. First selectman of Old Lyme, Connecticut, 1888, 1901; candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Old Lyme, 1906. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Charles Edward — of St. Michaels, Talbot County, Md. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Maryland, 2008. Still living as of 2008.
  Peck, Charles G. — of Newtown, Fairfield County, Conn. Warden (borough president) of Newtown, Connecticut, 1917. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Charles G. — of Wayne County, W.Va. Member of West Virginia state house of delegates from Wayne County, 1919-20. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Charles H. — of Stratford, Fairfield County, Conn. Republican. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Stratford; elected 1906, 1908, 1910. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Charles J. — Democrat. Candidate for U.S. Representative from Connecticut 4th District, 1918. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Charles M. — of Lyme, New London County, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Lyme, 1910, 1920. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Charles S. (c.1854-1932) — of Danbury, Fairfield County, Conn. Born in Yonkers, Westchester County, N.Y., about 1854. Republican. Manufacturer; mayor of Danbury, Conn., 1891-93; member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Danbury, 1897-98; member of Connecticut Republican State Central Committee, 1901; member of Connecticut state senate 24th District, 1909-12. Died November 12, 1932 (age about 78 years). Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Charles T. — of Greencastle, Putnam County, Ind. Republican. Chair of Putnam County Republican Party, 1905. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Charles W. — of Nevada, Vernon County, Mo. Democrat. Acting postmaster at Nevada, Mo., 1918. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Charles W. — of Calvert City, Marshall County, Ky. Democrat. Candidate for Kentucky railroad commissioner 1st District, 1975. Still living as of 1975.
  Peck, Chauncey — of Cheshire, New Haven County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Cheshire, 1834-35. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Cicero C. — of Greene County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Greene County, 1878. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Clayton E. — of Cheshire, New Haven County, Conn. Republican. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Cheshire; elected 1914. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Clifton — of Franklin, New London County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Franklin, 1893-94. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Clinton C. — of Cheshire, New Haven County, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Cheshire, 1908. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, D. C. — of Newtown, Fairfield County, Conn. Warden (borough president) of Newtown, Connecticut, 1909-11. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Daniel, Jr. — of Raleigh, Wake County, N.C. Postmaster at Raleigh, N.C., 1826-29. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Daniel — of Belmont County, Ohio. Delegate to Ohio state constitutional convention from Belmont County, 1850-51. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Daniel — of Ohio County, W.Va. Member of West Virginia state senate 1st District, 1865-66. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Daniel — of St. Lawrence County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from St. Lawrence County 1st District, 1879-81. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Daniel A. — of Stafford, Tolland County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Stafford, 1837-38. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, David J. — of New Haven, New Haven County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from New Haven, 1862. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, David W. — of Manhattan, New York County, N.Y. Republican. Justice of New York Supreme Court 1st District, 1943-57; appointed 1943; Justice of the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court 1st Department, 1949. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Debra — of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nev. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Nevada, 2008. Female. Still living as of 2008.
  Peck, Delphine — of St. Michaels, Talbot County, Md. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Maryland, 2008. Female. Still living as of 2008.
  Peck, DeWitt C. — of Oswego County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Oswego County 3rd District, 1877-78. Burial location unknown.
  Presumably named for: DeWitt Clinton
  Peck, Dorastus (born c.1803) — of Ironton, Iron County, Mo. Born in New York, about 1803. Physician; delegate to Missouri state constitutional convention 24th District, 1865. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Duncan W. — of Syracuse, Onondaga County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Onondaga County 1st District, 1893. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, E. F. — of Dover, Stewart County, Tenn. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Tennessee, 1900. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, E. R. — of Austin, Travis County, Tex. Mayor of Austin, Tex., 1856. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, E. T. — of Blackfoot, Bingham County, Idaho. Republican. Furniture and undertaking business; Bingham County Coroner, 1915-16; mayor of Blackfoot, Idaho, 1915-17, 1921-31; defeated, 1931. Member, Rotary. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, E. T. — of Falls City, Richardson County, Neb. Member of Nebraska state house of representatives, 1931. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Ebenezer (1805-1881) — Born in Portland, Cumberland County, Maine, May 22, 1805. Judge of U.S. Court of Claims, 1863-78; resigned 1878. Died in Chicago, Cook County, Ill., May 25, 1881 (age 76 years, 3 days). Burial location unknown.
  See also federal judicial profile — Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
  Peck, Ebenezer W. — of East New York (now part of Brooklyn), Kings County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly, 1847-48 (Kings County 1847, Kings County 1st District 1848). Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Edmund W. — of Westminster, Adams County, Colo. Prohibition candidate for Presidential Elector for Colorado, 2004 (on behalf of Earl F. Dodge and Howard Lydick). Still living as of 2004.
  Peck, Edward A. — of Derby, New Haven County, Conn. Socialist. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Derby, 1914, 1920. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Edward Lionel (b. 1929) — Born in 1929. U.S. Ambassador to Mauritania, 1982. Still living as of 1991.
  See also U.S. State Dept career summary
  Peck, Edward T. — of Colchester, New London County, Conn. Republican. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Colchester, 1930. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Edward W. — of Derby, New Haven County, Conn. Republican. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Derby, 1900. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Elliott W. — of Stratford, Fairfield County, Conn. Republican. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Stratford; elected 1918. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Elmer N. (born c.1875) — of East Haddam, Middlesex County, Conn. Born in East Haddam, Middlesex County, Conn., about 1875. Republican. Banker; member of Connecticut state house of representatives from East Haddam, 1923-24; member of Connecticut state senate 34th District, 1931. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Emma — of Minortown, Woodbury, Litchfield County, Conn. Postmaster at Minortown, Conn., 1901. Female. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Epaphroditus (born c.1861) — of Bristol, Hartford County, Conn. Born in Bristol, Hartford County, Conn., about 1861. Republican. Lawyer; member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Bristol, 1925-33. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Erasmus Darwin (1808-1876) — of Ohio. Born in Stafford, Tolland County, Conn., September 16, 1808. Republican. Member of Ohio state legislature, 1840; U.S. Representative from Ohio 10th District, 1870-73. Died in Perrysburg, Wood County, Ohio, December 25, 1876 (age 68 years, 100 days). Interment at Fort Meigs Cemetery, Perrysburg, Ohio.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Peck, Erastus (d. 1904) — of Jackson, Jackson County, Mich. Democrat. Circuit judge in Michigan 4th Circuit, 1888-1904; died in office 1904. Died January 22, 1904. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Eugene B. — of Ashford, Windham County, Conn. Republican. Postmaster at Ashford, Conn., 1898. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, F. C. — Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1888. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Frank B. — of Woodbury, Litchfield County, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Woodbury, 1908. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Frank R. — of Kenova, Wayne County, W.Va. Republican. Postmaster at Kenova, W.Va., 1892-93. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Fred — of Saratoga County, N.Y. Prohibition candidate for New York state assembly from Saratoga County, 1915. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Frederick Stanhope (1868-1947) — also known as Frederick S. Peck — of Barrington, Bristol County, R.I. Born in 1868. Republican. Member of Republican National Committee from Rhode Island, 1918-32. Died in January, 1947 (age about 78 years). Interment at Prince's Hill Cemetery, Barrington, R.I.
  Relatives: Married to Mary B. Peck.
  Peck, Friend Joseph (1847-1929) — also known as Friend J. Peck — of Mt. Carmel, Hamden, New Haven County, Conn. Born in Hamden, New Haven County, Conn., 1847. Democrat. Farmer; member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Hamden, 1911-12; defeated, 1912. Died January 1, 1929 (age about 81 years). Interment at Mount Carmel Cemetery, Hamden, Conn.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Peck, George — of Fairfield, Fairfield County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Fairfield, 1837. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, George — of Santa Clara County, Calif. Member of California state assembly 4th District, 1856-57. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, George — of Edgecombe County, N.C. Member of North Carolina state house of representatives from Edgecombe County, 1868-69. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, George — of Hope, Hempstead County, Ark. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Arkansas, 1952. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, George J. — of Davenport, Scott County, Iowa. Socialist. Candidate for Governor of Iowa, 1920. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, George L. — of Gloversville, Fulton County, N.Y. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1952 (alternate), 1960; candidate for New York state senate 40th District, 1952; candidate for New York state assembly from Fulton and Hamilton counties, 1954; chair of Fulton County Democratic Party, 1955-65. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, George R. — U.S. Attorney for Kansas, 1874-79. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, George W. — of Bath, Steuben County, N.Y. Democrat. Chair of Steuben County Democratic Party, 1910. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, George W. — of Granby, Hartford County, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Granby, 1914. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, George W. — of Elmira, Chemung County, N.Y. Democrat. Mayor of Elmira, N.Y., 1920-21. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, George Washington (1818-1905) — also known as George W. Peck — of Brighton, Livingston County, Mich.; Lansing, Ingham County, Mich. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., June 4, 1818. Democrat. Member of Michigan state house of representatives from Livingston County, 1846-47; Speaker of the Michigan State House of Representatives, 1847; secretary of state of Michigan, 1848-50; postmaster at Lansing, Mich., 1848-49; U.S. Representative from Michigan 4th District, 1855-57; defeated, 1856; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1856, 1860, 1864; Presidential Elector for Michigan, 1864; mayor of Lansing, Mich., 1867. Died in Saginaw, Saginaw County, Mich., June 30, 1905 (age 87 years, 26 days). Interment at Brady Hill Cemetery, Saginaw, Mich.
  Presumably named for: George Washington
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article
George W. Peck Peck, George Wilbur (1840-1916) — also known as George W. Peck — of Ripon, Fond du Lac County, Wis.; Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wis. Born in Henderson, Jefferson County, N.Y., September 28, 1840. Democrat. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; newspaper publisher; mayor of Milwaukee, Wis., 1890; Governor of Wisconsin, 1891-95; defeated, 1894, 1904. Died April 16, 1916 (age 75 years, 201 days). Interment at Forest Home Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wis.
  Relatives: Son of David B. Peck and Alzina Peck; married 1860 to Francena Rowley.
  See also National Governors Association biography — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: The Parties and The Men (1896)
  Peck, Gideon H. — of Yonkers, Westchester County, N.Y. Republican. Candidate for mayor of Yonkers, N.Y., 1915. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Gordon H. — of West Haverstraw, Rockland County, N.Y. Republican. Farmer; member of New York state assembly from Rockland County, 1918-21. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, H. E. See Henry Everard Peck
  Peck, H. Lewis — of Bristol, Hartford County, Conn. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Connecticut, 1892. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Mrs. Hal — of Amarillo, Potter County, Tex. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Texas, 1940. Female. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Hamilton Sullivan (b. 1845) — also known as Hamilton S. Peck — of Burlington, Chittenden County, Vt. Born in Royalston, Worcester County, Mass., October 22, 1845. Republican. Lawyer; Chittenden County State's Attorney, 1878-80; secretary of Vermont Republican Party, 1892-96; mayor of Burlington, Vt., 1896-98; member of Vermont state house of representatives from Burlington, 1910. Congregationalist. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Harold J. — Candidate for Minnesota state senate 52nd District, 1934. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Harry D. — of Streetsboro, Portage County, Ohio. Postmaster at Streetsboro, Ohio, 1901. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Harry T. — of Jasper County, Mo. Republican. Candidate for Missouri state house of representatives from Jasper County 3rd District, 1916. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Henry B. — Socialist. Socialist Labor candidate for U.S. Representative from Connecticut 5th District, 1914. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Henry E. (1795-1867) — of New Haven, New Haven County, Conn. Born in Berlin, Hartford County, Conn., January 3, 1795. Whig. Publishing business; member of Connecticut state house of representatives from New Haven, 1842, 1847-48, 1850, 1854; mayor of New Haven, Conn., 1846-50; member of Connecticut state senate 4th District, 1851. Member, Freemasons. Died in Middletown, Middlesex County, Conn., March 1, 1867 (age 72 years, 57 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married, November 9, 1818, to Jerusha Clark.
  Peck, Henry Everard (1821-1867) — also known as H. E. Peck — of Oberlin, Lorain County, Ohio. Born in Rochester, Monroe County, N.Y., July 20, 1821. Republican. College professor; delegate to Republican National Convention from Ohio, 1856; U.S. Diplomatic Commissioner to Haiti, 1865-66; U.S. Minister to Haiti, 1866-67, died in office 1867. Abolitionist; involved in rescue of an escaping slave in Wellington, near Oberlin, Ohio, in September 1858; among the 20 men who were arrested and charged with "infringement of the Fugitive Slave Law"; the trial ended when the slave catchers (who had pressed the charges) were indicted for kidnapping. Died, of yellow fever, in Haiti, June 9, 1867 (age 45 years, 324 days). Interment somewhere in Oberlin, Ohio.
  See also U.S. State Dept career summary
  Peck, Henry F. — of New Haven, New Haven County, Conn. Mayor of New Haven, Conn., 1889-90. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Henry S. (1834-1884) — of Brookfield, Fairfield County, Conn. Born in Brookfield Center, Brookfield, Fairfield County, Conn., 1834. Merchant; bank director; member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Brookfield, 1879. Died in Brookfield Center, Brookfield, Fairfield County, Conn., 1884 (age about 50 years). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Henry L. Peck.
  Peck, Henry W. — of Bethlehem, Litchfield County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state senate 16th District, 1865. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Herbert L. — Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Massachusetts, 1888. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Hildred X. — of Delaware County, N.Y. Socialist. Candidate for New York state assembly from Delaware County, 1932, 1933, 1934. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Horace B. — of Allegan, Allegan County, Mich. Democrat. Village president of Allegan, Michigan, 1875-76; alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1880. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Howard B. (1873-1917) — of Derby, New Haven County, Conn. Born in Connecticut, October, 1873. Democrat. Lawyer; member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Derby, 1917; defeated, 1902; died in office 1917. Died in Derby, New Haven County, Conn., January, 1917 (age 43 years, 0 days). Interment at Oak Cliff Cemetery, Derby, Conn.
  Relatives: Son of George Hobart Peck and Maria Polly (Stillson) Peck; first cousin five times removed of Thomas Fitch; second cousin four times removed of Jonathan Fitch; fourth cousin of Horace Garvin Platt.
  Political family: Four Thousand Related Politicians..
  Peck, Howard S. — of Middletown, Middlesex County, Conn. First selectman of Middletown, Connecticut, 1915-27. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Ira R. — of Ontario County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Ontario County 2nd District, 1858. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, J. C. — of Fenton, Genesee County, Mich. Democrat. Candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Genesee County 2nd District, 1960; candidate for delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention from Genesee County 2nd District, 1961. Still living as of 1961.
  Peck, J. G. — of East Providence, Providence County, R.I. Postmaster at East Providence, R.I., 1887. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, J. L. — of Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Mass. Republican. Candidate for mayor of Pittsfield, Mass., 1893. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, James — of Colorado. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Colorado Territory, 1868. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, James — of Essex County, N.J. Member of New Jersey state house of assembly from Essex County, 1868-69, 1887-88. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, James A. — of Tracy, San Joaquin County, Calif. Postmaster at Tracy, Calif., 1887. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, James A. — of Buffalo, Erie County, N.Y. Liberal. Candidate for New York state assembly from Erie County 5th District, 1954; candidate for New York state senate 56th District, 1958; candidate for U.S. Representative from New York, 1960 (42nd District), 1964 (40th District), 1968 (40th District), 1978 (38th District). Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, James C. — of Granby, Hartford County, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Granby, 1904, 1910, 1926. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, James F. — of Oakland, Alameda County, Calif. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, 1928. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, James H. — U.S. Attorney for Missouri, 1819-22. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, James H. — of West Haven, New Haven County, Conn. Democrat. Member of Connecticut Democratic State Central Committee, 1901; warden (borough president) of West Haven, Connecticut, 1904-06; defeated, 1906. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Jared Valentine (1816-1891) — also known as Jared V. Peck — of Port Chester, Westchester County, N.Y. Born in Port Chester, Westchester County, N.Y., September 21, 1816. Democrat. Member of New York state assembly from Westchester County 2nd District, 1848; U.S. Representative from New York 9th District, 1853-55. Died in Rye, Westchester County, N.Y., December 25, 1891 (age 75 years, 95 days). Interment at Greenwood Union Cemetery, Rye, N.Y.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Peck, Jedediah (1747-1821) — also known as "Father of the New York Common School System" — of Otsego County, N.Y. Born in 1747. Member of New York state assembly from Otsego County, 1798-1804; member of New York state senate Western District, 1804-08. Died August 15, 1821 (age about 74 years). Interment at Sill Farm Cemetery, Burlington town, Otsego County, N.Y.
  Peck, Jennifer L. — of South Bend, St. Joseph County, Ind. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Indiana, 2008. Female. Still living as of 2008.
  Peck, Jennifer Ribeiro — Green. Green candidate for Presidential Elector for Connecticut, 2024 (on behalf of Jill Stein and Rudolph T. Ware). Female. Still living as of 2024.
  Peck, Jeremiah — of Woodbury, Litchfield County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Woodbury, 1825, 1833. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Joan — Democrat. Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for Iowa, 2016 (on behalf of Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine). Female. Still living as of 2016.
  Peck, John — of Southbury, New Haven County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Southbury, 1837, 1839. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, John — of Waterbury, New Haven County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Waterbury, 1842. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, John — Whig. Whig Presidential Elector for Vermont, 1844 (voted for Henry Clay and Theodore Frelinghuysen). Burial location unknown.
  Peck, John — of Rancho Santa Fe, San Diego County, Calif. Republican. Republican candidate for Presidential Elector for California, 2016 (on behalf of Donald Trump and Mike Pence). Still living as of 2016.
  Peck, John B. — of Newtown, Fairfield County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state senate 11th District, 1862. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, John E. — of Nicholas County, W.Va. Member of West Virginia state house of delegates from Nicholas County, 1887-90; member of West Virginia state senate 9th District, 1893-96. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, John F. — of Danbury, Fairfield County, Conn. Socialist. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Danbury, 1932. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, John Floyd — also known as John F. Peck — of Great Bend, Jefferson County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Jefferson County 1st District, 1875. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married to Emily Gordon; father of John G. Peck.
John G. Peck Peck, John G. (b. 1865) — of Southampton, Suffolk County, Long Island, N.Y. Born in Great Bend, Jefferson County, N.Y., August 15, 1865. Republican. School teacher and principal; member of New York state assembly from Suffolk County 1st District, 1922-24. Member, Odd Fellows. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of John Floyd Peck and Emily (Gordon) Peck.
  Image source: New York Red Book 1924
  Peck, John H. — of Troy, Rensselaer County, N.Y. Delegate to New York state constitutional convention 18th District, 1894. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, John J. — of Syracuse, Onondaga County, N.Y. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1860. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, John M. — Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Arkansas, 1876. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, John W. — Member of New York state assembly from Fulton and Hamilton counties, 1878-79. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, John W. — of Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Ohio, 1956. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, John Wells — also known as John W. Peck — of Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Ohio, 1912 (member, Committee on Rules and Order of Business; speaker). Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Jonathan — of Long Island City (now part of Queens), Queens County, N.Y. Republican. Postmaster at Long Island City, N.Y., 1861-62. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Joseph — of Otsego County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly, 1835, 1850 (Otsego County 1835, Otsego County 2nd District 1850). Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Joseph S. — of Burlington, Hartford County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Burlington, 1838-39; member of Connecticut state senate 3rd District, 1841. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Josiah T. — Candidate for Connecticut state senate 3rd District, 1867. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Josiah W. — of Westboro, Atchison County, Mo. Republican. Banker; lawyer; member of Missouri state senate 1st District, 1905-12; defeated, 1916. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, L. O. — of Hamilton, Hamilton County, Tex. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Texas, 1912. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, L. W. — of Montana. Candidate for delegate to Montana state constitutional convention 2nd District, 1889. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Larry W. — Democrat. Candidate for Oklahoma state house of representatives 55th District, 2009. Still living as of 2009.
  Peck, La Rue — U.S. Consul in Fort Erie, as of 1884. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Lester O. (born c.1864) — of Redding, Fairfield County, Conn. Born in Bridgeport, Fairfield County, Conn., about 1864. Democrat. Farmer; member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Redding, 1911-12; defeated, 1904, 1906; member of Connecticut state senate 24th District, 1913-14. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Levi — of Woodbridge, New Haven County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Woodbridge, 1836. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Lewis — of Ontario County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Ontario County 1st District, 1860. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Lewis See H. Lewis Peck
  Peck, Linus Jones — of Niagara County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Niagara County 1st District, 1855. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Louis — of Bronx, Bronx County, N.Y. Democrat. Lawyer; member of New York state assembly from Bronx County 7th District, 1945-53; resigned 1953. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Lucius — of Wyoming County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Wyoming County, 1862. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Lucius Benedict (1802-1866) — also known as Lucius B. Peck — of Barre, Washington County, Vt.; Montpelier, Washington County, Vt. Born in Waterbury, Washington County, Vt., November 17, 1802. Democrat. Lawyer; member of Vermont state house of representatives, 1831-32; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Vermont, 1840, 1852; U.S. Representative from Vermont 4th District, 1847-51; candidate for Governor of Vermont, 1850; U.S. Attorney for Vermont, 1853-57; president, Vermont and Canada Railroad, 1859-66. Died in Lowell, Middlesex County, Mass., December 28, 1866 (age 64 years, 41 days). Interment at Green Mount Cemetery, Montpelier, Vt.
  Relatives: Son of Gen. John Peck and Anna (Benedict) Peck; married, May 22, 1832, to Martha Day.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article
  Peck, Luther Christopher (1800-1876) — of New York. Born in Connecticut, 1800. U.S. Representative from New York 30th District, 1837-41. Died in Nunda, Livingston County, N.Y., February 5, 1876 (age about 75 years). Interment at Oakwood Cemetery, Nunda, N.Y.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Peck, M. H. — of Batavia, Genesee County, N.Y. Postmaster at Batavia, N.Y., 1887. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Mariya — of Butte, Silver Bow County, Mont. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Montana, 2004. Still living as of 2004.
  Peck, Marvin M. — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Republican. Candidate for Michigan state senate 5th District, 1940. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Mary B. (1873-1958) — of Barrington, Bristol County, R.I. Born in 1873. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Rhode Island, 1924, 1928. Female. Died October 13, 1958 (age about 85 years). Interment at Prince's Hill Cemetery, Barrington, R.I.
  Relatives: Married to Frederick Stanhope Peck.
  Peck, Miles Lewis — of Bristol, Hartford County, Conn. Warden (borough president) of Bristol, Connecticut, 1896. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Myron G. — of St. Lawrence County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from St. Lawrence County, 1838-39. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Nelson J. — of Bethany, New Haven County, Conn. Republican. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Bethany; elected 1926. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, O. S. X. — of Lee County, Iowa. Delegate to Iowa state constitutional convention from Lee County, 1844. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Pearl L. — Candidate for Connecticut state senate 13th District, 1867. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Peter F. — of Woodbury, Litchfield County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Woodbury, 1826, 1836. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Peter G. — of Kings County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Kings County 6th District, 1872. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Porter B. — of Chaplin, Windham County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state senate 13th District, 1859. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Porter Pascal — also known as Porter P. Peck — of Sioux Falls, Minnehaha County, S.Dak. Mayor of Sioux Falls, S.Dak., 1890-94. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, R. L. — of Springfield, Robertson County, Tenn. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Tennessee, 1928. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Ralph P. — of Oxford, New Haven County, Conn. Republican. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Oxford; elected 1934. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Ray — of Helena, Lewis and Clark County, Mont. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Montana, 2004. Still living as of 2004.
  Peck, Reynold — of Ontario County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Ontario County, 1840. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Richard — Member of New York state assembly from Montgomery and Hamilton counties, 1837. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Robert A. — of Arlington, Arlington County, Va. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Virginia, 1964. Still living as of 1964.
  Peck, Robert M. — U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Oklahoma, 1920-21. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Robert W. — of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Wash. Constitution candidate for Presidential Elector for Washington, 2016 (on behalf of Darrell L. Castle and Scott Bradley). Still living as of 2016.
  Peck, Rufus Thompson (1836-1900) — also known as Rufus T. Peck — of Cortland, Cortland County, N.Y. Born in Solon, Cortland County, N.Y., December 24, 1836. Republican. Journalist; postmaster of Solon, N.Y., 1867; member of New York state assembly from Cortland County, 1889-91; delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, 1892. Died in Auburn, Cayuga County, N.Y., July 24, 1900 (age 63 years, 212 days). Interment at Cortland Rural Cemetery, Cortland, N.Y.
  Relatives: Son of Lyman Peck and Almira (Thompson) Peck; married, June 25, 1859, to Susan Wells; third cousin thrice removed of Peter B. Garnsey.
  Political family: Four Thousand Related Politicians..
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Peck, Sally — of Iowa. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Iowa, 2000. Female. Still living as of 2000.
  Peck, Samuel — of Prospect, New Haven County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Prospect, 1833. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Samuel B. — of Newtown, Fairfield County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Newtown, 1839. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Samuel B. — of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Mich. Village president of Muskegon, Michigan, 1862-64. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Samuel L. — of Warren, Bristol County, R.I. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Rhode Island, 1900. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Sandra L. — of Michigan. Socialist. Socialist Workers candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 18th District, 1974. Female. Still living as of 1974.
  Peck, Sandy L. — Socialist. Socialist Workers candidate for Presidential Elector for California, 1972. Still living as of 1972.
  Peck, Sherman — of New Milford, Litchfield County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from New Milford, 1834-35. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, T. F. — Republican. Candidate for Governor of Tennessee, 1924. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Thomas M. — of Schuylkill County, Pa. Democrat. Member of Pennsylvania state house of representatives, 1929. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Tracy — of Bristol, Hartford County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Bristol, 1820-21, 1823; member of Connecticut state senate 3rd District, 1832, 1844. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Virgil, Jr. — of Kansas. Republican. Candidate for Kansas state senate 15th District, 2000. Still living as of 2000.
  Peck, W. H. — of Lompoc, Santa Barbara County, Calif. Postmaster at Lompoc, Calif., 1901. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, W. I. — of Neosho, Newton County, Mo. Candidate for mayor of Neosho, Mo., 1924. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, W. L. — of Taney County, Mo. Member of Missouri state house of representatives from Taney County, 1881-82. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, W. W. — of Inez, Holt County, Neb. Member of Nebraska state house of representatives, 1899. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Walter H. — of Pocatello, Bannock County, Idaho. Democrat. Acting postmaster at Pocatello, Idaho, 1918-20. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Walter L. — of Broome County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Broome County, 1856. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Ward — of Waterbury, New Haven County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Waterbury, 1820. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Wilbur L. — Candidate for U.S. Representative from Iowa 4th District, 1930 (Democratic), 1936 (Farmer-Labor), 1938 (Farmer-Labor). Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Wilbur M. — of Greenwich, Fairfield County, Conn. Republican. First selectman of Greenwich, Connecticut, 1939-51. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Willard — of Hudson, Columbia County, N.Y. Postmaster at Hudson, N.Y., 1897. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, William — of Raleigh, Wake County, N.C. Postmaster at Raleigh, N.C., 1810-18. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, William — of Danbury, Fairfield County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Danbury, 1842. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, William — of Montague, Muskegon County, Mich. Democrat. Candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Muskegon County 2nd District, 1886. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, William B. — of Bensenville, DuPage County, Ill. Village president of Bensenville, Illinois, 1938-42. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, William D. — of Brooklyn, Kings County, N.Y. Socialist. Socialist Labor candidate for New York state assembly from Kings County 7th District, 1902. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, William H. — of Brooklyn, Kings County, N.Y. Democrat. Postmaster at Brooklyn, N.Y., 1857-61. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, William J. — of Pittston, Luzerne County, Pa. Republican. Postmaster at Pittston, Pa., 1901-10. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, William L. — of Washington, Litchfield County, Conn. U.S. Vice Consul in Reval, as of 1924; Leipzig, as of 1926; Cobh, as of 1929; U.S. Consul in Cobh, as of 1932; Brisbane, as of 1949. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, William M. — of Lyme, New London County, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for Connecticut state house of representatives from Lyme, 1904. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, William R. (1864-1955) — of Salem, Dent County, Mo. Born in Dent County, Mo., October 15, 1864. Democrat. Member of Missouri state house of representatives from Dent County, 1905-06, 1911-12, 1923-26, 1941-42; defeated, 1912, 1942. Died May 28, 1955 (age 90 years, 225 days). Interment at Cedar Grove Cemetery, Salem, Mo.
  Relatives: Married to Nettie Maria Rouse.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Peck, William V. — of Ohio. Justice of Ohio state supreme court, 1859-64. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Willys Ruggles (1882-1952) — also known as Willys R. Peck — Born in Tientsin, China, of American parents, October 24, 1882. U.S. Consul in Tsingtao, 1914, 1916, 1921; U.S. Vice Consul General in Hankow, 1914-15; U.S. Consul General in Nanking, 1931-32; U.S. Minister to Thailand, 1941. Member, Alpha Delta Phi. Died in 1952 (age about 69 years). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Albert Palmer Peck and Celia (Flagg) Peck; married, July 26, 1910, to Alice Benton Jones.
  See also U.S. State Dept career summary
  Peck, Wyatt N. — of Clinton, Henry County, Mo. Republican. Candidate for Missouri state house of representatives from Henry County, 1936; chair of Henry County Republican Party, 1949. Burial location unknown.
  Peck, Zerah S. A. — of Brookfield, Fairfield County, Conn. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Brookfield, 1830; member of Connecticut state senate 11th District, 1835. Burial location unknown.

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
The Political Graveyard

The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
  The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
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Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.