The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
Roosevelt family of New York City, New York

Note: This is just one of 1,325 family groupings listed on The Political Graveyard web site. These families each have three or more politician members, all linked together by blood, marriage or adoption.

This specific family group is a subset of the much larger Four Thousand Related Politicians group. An individual may be listed with more than one subset.

These groupings — even the names of the groupings, and the areas of main activity — are the result of a computer algorithm working with the data I have, not the choices of any historian or genealogist.

  Josiah Cowles (1716-1793) — Born in Farmington, Hartford County, Conn., November 20, 1716. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives, 1780-81. Congregationalist; later Episcopalian. Died in Southington, Hartford County, Conn., June 6, 1793 (age 76 years, 198 days). Interment at Quinnipiac Cemetery, Southington, Conn.
  Relatives: Son of Thomas Cowles and Martha (Judd) Cowles; married, November 11, 1739, to Jemima Dickinson; married, November 23, 1748, to Mary Scott; great-grandfather of Charles Upson, Calvin Josiah Cowles and Gad Ely Upson; second great-grandfather of Charles Holden Cowles; first cousin once removed of Daniel Upson; first cousin thrice removed of Christopher Columbus Upson, Andrew Seth Upson and Evelyn M. Upson; first cousin seven times removed of Boyd Kenneth Benedict; second cousin once removed of William Pitkin, Daniel Chapin and Ela Collins; second cousin twice removed of Graham Hurd Chapin, William Collins and William Sheffield Cowles (1846-1923); second cousin thrice removed of Addison Beecher Colvin, Helen Herron Taft and William Sheffield Cowles (1898-1986); second cousin four times removed of Franklin Woodruff, Caleb Seymour Pitkin, Robert Alphonso Taft, Charles Phelps Taft II and Frederick Lippitt; second cousin five times removed of Frank Fiske Bostwick, Roy Dikeman Chapin, Ephraim Henry Cowles, William Howard Taft III, Robert Taft Jr. and Seth Chase Taft; third cousin of Moses Seymour and Simeon Baldwin; third cousin once removed of Timothy Pitkin, Orsamus Cook Merrill, James Doolittle Wooster, Horatio Seymour (1778-1857), Henry Seymour, Timothy Merrill and Roger Sherman Baldwin; third cousin twice removed of Elisha Hotchkiss Jr., John Charles Birdsall, John Arnold Rockwell, Origen Storrs Seymour, Francis William Kellogg, Horatio Seymour (1810-1886), Ausburn Birdsall, Farrand Fassett Merrill, George Seymour, Russell Sage, McNeil Seymour, Henry William Seymour and Simeon Eben Baldwin; third cousin thrice removed of Walter Booth, Jesse Hoyt, Truman Hotchkiss, Asa H. Otis, Norman A. Phelps, George Isaac Sherwood, Joseph Pomeroy Root, William Chapman Williston, Edward Woodruff Seymour, David B. Sherwood, Frederick Walker Pitkin, Joseph Battell, Charles Page, Austin George Nettleton, Thomas Dudley Bradstreet, Morris Woodruff Seymour, Rowland Case Kellogg, Dwight May Sabin, Horatio Seymour Jr., Albert Porter Bradstreet, George Parker Bradstreet, Erwin J. Baldwin, Luther S. Pitkin, Norman Alexander Seymour, Russell Cowles Ostrander, Ernest Harvey Woodford, Francis Everett Baldwin, Benjamin Pixley Birdsall, La Monte Cowles and Henry de Forest Baldwin; also third cousin thrice removed of Gardner Cowles.
  Political families: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York; Upson family; Cowles family of Wilkesboro, North Carolina (subsets of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Nicholas Roosevelt Jr. (1758-1838) — of Warren County, N.Y. Born in Lake George, Warren County, N.Y., October 6, 1758. Member of New York state assembly from Warren County, 1833. Died in Johnsburg, Warren County, N.Y., June 4, 1838 (age 79 years, 241 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Nicholas J. Roosevelt and Elizabeth (Thurman) Roosevelt; married to Betsey English; married 1793 to Margaret Cramer; great-grandfather of George Washington Roosevelt; second cousin once removed of Philip DePeyster and James I. Roosevelt; second cousin twice removed of Robert Barnwell Roosevelt; second cousin thrice removed of Theodore Roosevelt, Corinne Roosevelt Robinson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt; second cousin four times removed of Helen Roosevelt Robinson, Theodore Douglas Robinson, Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Eleanor Roosevelt, Corinne Alsop Cole, Theodore Roosevelt Jr., William Sheffield Cowles, James Roosevelt, Elliott Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr.; second cousin five times removed of Corinne Alsop Chubb and John deKoven Alsop.
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  James I. Roosevelt (1795-1875) — of New York, New York County, N.Y. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., December 14, 1795. Democrat. Member of New York state assembly from New York County, 1835, 1840; U.S. Representative from New York 3rd District, 1841-43; U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, 1859-61. Died in New York, New York County, N.Y., April 5, 1875 (age 79 years, 112 days). Interment at Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, N.Y.
  Relatives: Son of James Jacobus Roosevelt and Maria (Van Schaack) Roosevelt; uncle of Robert Barnwell Roosevelt; granduncle of Theodore Roosevelt and Corinne Roosevelt Robinson; great-granduncle of Theodore Douglas Robinson, Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Eleanor Roosevelt, Corinne Alsop Cole, Theodore Roosevelt Jr. and William Sheffield Cowles; second great-granduncle of James Roosevelt, Elliott Roosevelt, Corinne Alsop Chubb, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr. and John deKoven Alsop; third great-granduncle of Susan Roosevelt Weld; second cousin of Philip DePeyster; second cousin once removed of Nicholas Roosevelt Jr.; third cousin twice removed of George Washington Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt; third cousin thrice removed of Helen Roosevelt Robinson.
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Bellamy Storer (1796-1875) — of Ohio. Born in Portland, Cumberland County, Maine, March 26, 1796. Whig. U.S. Representative from Ohio 1st District, 1835-37; Whig Presidential Elector for Ohio, 1844; state court judge in Ohio, 1854. Died June 1, 1875 (age 79 years, 67 days). Interment at Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio.
  Relatives: Father of Bellamy Storer (1847-1922).
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Daniel Putnam Tyler (1798-1875) — also known as Daniel P. Tyler — of Brooklyn, Windham County, Conn. Born in Brooklyn, Windham County, Conn., July 17, 1798. Lawyer; member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Brooklyn, 1838; secretary of state of Connecticut, 1844-46; delegate to Republican National Convention from Connecticut, 1856. Died in Brooklyn, Windham County, Conn., November 6, 1875 (age 77 years, 112 days). Interment at South Cemetery, Brooklyn, Conn.
  Relatives: Son of Mary (Baker) Tyler and Pascal Paoli Tyler; married, June 9, 1837, to Emily Cecilia Tyler; first cousin once removed of Judah Dana and Edith Kermit Carow (who married Theodore Roosevelt); first cousin twice removed of Theodore Roosevelt Jr.; first cousin four times removed of Susan Roosevelt Weld; second cousin of John Winchester Dana and Charles Smith Dana; third cousin once removed of William Crowninshield Endicott; fourth cousin once removed of John Adams Dix, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Chauncey C. Pendleton.
  Political families: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York; Dana-Ripley family of Fryeburg, Maine (subsets of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  James Monroe (1799-1870) — of New York, New York County, N.Y.; Orange, Essex County, N.J. Born in Albemarle County, Va., September 10, 1799. Whig. U.S. Representative from New York 3rd District, 1839-41; defeated, 1835 (3rd District), 1836 (3rd District), 1840 (3rd District), 1846 (6th District), 1848 (Independent Whig, 6th District); Patriot candidate for mayor of New York City, N.Y., 1842; member of New York state assembly from New York County 10th District, 1850, 1852. Died in Orange, Essex County, N.J., September 7, 1870 (age 70 years, 362 days). Entombed at Trinity Cemetery, Manhattan, N.Y.
  Presumably named for: James Monroe
  Relatives: Son of Andrew Augustine Monroe and Ann (Bell) Monroe; half-brother of Thomas Bell Monroe; married, April 17, 1822, to Elizabeth Mary Douglas; nephew of James Monroe (1758-1831); uncle of Victor Monroe; grandfather of Douglas Robinson (who married Corinne Roosevelt Robinson); great-grandfather of Theodore Douglas Robinson and Corinne Alsop Cole; second great-grandfather of Corinne Alsop Chubb and John deKoven Alsop; first cousin twice removed of William Grayson; second cousin once removed of Alfred William Grayson and Beverly Robinson Grayson; third cousin twice removed of Carter Henry Harrison II and John Brady Grayson.
  Political families: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York; Monroe family of Virginia (subsets of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Find-A-Grave memorial — OurCampaigns candidate detail
  Calvin Josiah Cowles (1821-1907) — also known as C. J. Cowles — of Elkville, Wilkes County, N.C.; Wilkesboro, Wilkes County, N.C.; Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, N.C. Born in Hamptonville, Yadkin County, N.C., January 6, 1821. Republican. Merchant; delegate to North Carolina state constitutional convention, 1868; delegate to Republican National Convention from North Carolina, 1868; candidate for U.S. Representative from North Carolina, 1868. Died in Wilkesboro, Wilkes County, N.C., April 1, 1907 (age 86 years, 85 days). Interment at Elmwood Cemetery, Charlotte, N.C.
  Relatives: Son of Josiah Cowles (1791-1873) and Deborah (Sanford) Cowles; married, September 19, 1844, to Martha Temperance Duvall; married, July 23, 1868, to Ida Augusta Holden (daughter of William Woods Holden); father of Charles Holden Cowles; great-grandson of Josiah Cowles (1716-1793); second cousin of Charles Upson and Gad Ely Upson; second cousin twice removed of Daniel Upson; second cousin four times removed of William Pitkin; third cousin twice removed of Daniel Chapin and Ela Collins; third cousin thrice removed of Moses Seymour and Simeon Baldwin; fourth cousin of Christopher Columbus Upson, Andrew Seth Upson and Evelyn M. Upson; fourth cousin once removed of Graham Hurd Chapin, William Collins and William Sheffield Cowles.
  Political families: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York; Cowles family of Wilkesboro, North Carolina (subsets of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  John Jacob Astor III (1822-1890) — Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., June 10, 1822. Republican. General in the Union Army during the Civil War; Republican Presidential Elector for New York, 1880 (voted for James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur). Died in New York, New York County, N.Y., February 22, 1890 (age 67 years, 257 days). Interment at Trinity Cemetery, Manhattan, N.Y.
  Relatives: Son of William Backhouse Astor and Margaret Alida Rebecca (Armstrong) Astor; married to Charlotte Augusta Gibbes; father of William Waldorf Astor; grandson of John Armstrong Jr. and John Jacob Astor; grandnephew of Robert R. Livingston (1746-1813), James Armstrong and Edward Livingston (1764-1836); granduncle of William Astor Chanler, Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler and Helen Roosevelt Robinson; great-grandson of John Armstrong and Robert R. Livingston (1718-1775); second great-grandson of Robert Livingston (1688-1775); second great-grandnephew of John Livingston and Gilbert Livingston; third great-grandson of Robert Livingston the Elder and Robert Livingston the Younger; third great-grandnephew of Johannes Schuyler (1668-1747); fourth great-grandson of Pieter Schuyler (1657-1724); first cousin thrice removed of Robert Livingston (1708-1790), Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Robert Gilbert Livingston, Henry Gilbert Livingston, Philip Livingston, William Livingston, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, Robert Van Rensselaer and James Livingston; first cousin four times removed of Johannes Schuyler (1697-1746) and Philip P. Schuyler; first cousin five times removed of David Davidse Schuyler and Myndert Davidtse Schuyler; second cousin twice removed of Peter Robert Livingston (1737-1794), Walter Livingston, Philip Peter Livingston, Philip Van Cortlandt, Henry Brockholst Livingston, Pierre Van Cortlandt Jr., Peter Robert Livingston (1766-1847), Jacob Rutsen Van Rensselaer, Philip Jeremiah Schuyler, Maturin Livingston, Peter Goelet Gerry, Ogden Livingston Mills and Robert Reginald Livingston; second cousin thrice removed of Stephanus Bayard, Pierre Van Cortlandt, Philip John Schuyler, Stephen John Schuyler, Pieter Schuyler (1746-1792) and Peter Samuel Schuyler; second cousin four times removed of Matthew Clarkson (1733-1800); third cousin once removed of Stephen Van Rensselaer, Philip Schuyler Van Rensselaer, Henry Walter Livingston, Peter Augustus Jay, Rensselaer Westerlo, Edward Philip Livingston, William Alexander Duer, John Duer, Philip Schuyler, James Alexander Hamilton, Peter Robert Livingston (1789-1859), William Jay, Gerrit Smith, Charles Ludlow Livingston (1800-1873), Hamilton Fish and Elizabeth Cady Stanton; third cousin twice removed of Nicholas Bayard and James Parker; third cousin thrice removed of Matthew Clarkson (1758-1825); fourth cousin of Gilbert Livingston Thompson, Edward Livingston (1796-1840), William Duer, Henry Bell Van Rensselaer, Denning Duer, Henry Brockholst Ledyard, John Jay II, Nicholas Fish, Hamilton Fish Jr. (1849-1936) and Cortlandt Schuyler Van Rensselaer; fourth cousin once removed of George Washington Schuyler, John Cortlandt Parker, Philip N. Schuyler, Kiliaen Van Rensselaer, Robert Ray Hamilton, John Kean, Hamilton Fish Kean, Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright, Charles Ludlow Livingston (born 1870) and Hamilton Fish Jr. (1888-1991).
  Political families: Livingston-Schuyler family of New York; Roosevelt family of New York City, New York; Chanler-Astor-Ward family of New York City, New York (subsets of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Robert Barnwell Roosevelt (1829-1906) — also known as Robert B. Roosevelt — of New York, New York County, N.Y. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., August 7, 1829. Democrat. U.S. Representative from New York 4th District, 1871-73; U.S. Minister to Netherlands, 1888-89; delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1892. Died in Sayville, Suffolk County, Long Island, N.Y., June 14, 1906 (age 76 years, 311 days). Interment at Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, N.Y.
  Relatives: Son of Cornelius Roosevelt and Margaret (Barnhill) Roosevelt; nephew of James I. Roosevelt; uncle of Theodore Roosevelt (who married Edith Kermit Carow) and Corinne Roosevelt Robinson; granduncle of Theodore Douglas Robinson, Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Eleanor Roosevelt, Corinne Alsop Cole, Theodore Roosevelt Jr. and William Sheffield Cowles; great-granduncle of James Roosevelt, Elliott Roosevelt, Corinne Alsop Chubb, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr. and John deKoven Alsop; second great-granduncle of Susan Roosevelt Weld; second cousin once removed of Philip DePeyster; second cousin twice removed of Nicholas Roosevelt Jr.; fourth cousin once removed of George Washington Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article — U.S. State Dept career summary — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Joseph Wright Alsop (1838-1891) — also known as Joseph W. Alsop — of Middletown, Middlesex County, Conn. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., August 20, 1838. Democrat. Physician; member of Connecticut state house of representatives, 1873; member of Connecticut state senate, 1881-86 (18th District 1881, 22nd District 1882-86); candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut, 1890. Died, from heart disease, in Fenwick, Old Saybrook, Middlesex County, Conn., June 24, 1891 (age 52 years, 308 days). Interment at Indian Hill Cemetery, Middletown, Conn.
  Relatives: Son of Joseph Wright Alsop (1804-1878) and Mary (Oliver) Alsop; married, May 19, 1869, to Elizabeth Winthrop Beach; father of Joseph Wright Alsop (1876-1953) (who married Corinne Alsop Cole); grandfather of Corinne Alsop Chubb and John deKoven Alsop.
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  George Washington Roosevelt (1844-1907) — also known as George W. Roosevelt — of Pennsylvania. Born in Chester, Delaware County, Pa., February 14, 1844. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; U.S. Consular Agent in Sydney, as of 1877; U.S. Consul in Auckland, 1877-79; St. Helena, 1879-80; Matanzas, 1880-81; Bordeaux, 1881-89; Brussels, 1889-1905; while attending a balloon ascension at the Place Guincane, Bordeaux, July 16, 1884, he was shot and wounded by a French soldier; U.S. Consul General in Brussels, as of 1906. Received the Medal of Honor in 1887 for action at Bull Run, Va., August 30, 1862, and at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863; severely wounded and lost a leg. Died in Brussels, Belgium, April 14, 1907 (age 63 years, 59 days). Interment at Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington, D.C.
  Presumably named for: George Washington
  Relatives: Son of Solomon Roosevelt and Elizabeth (Morris) Roosevelt; great-grandson of Nicholas Roosevelt Jr.; third cousin twice removed of Philip DePeyster and James I. Roosevelt; fourth cousin once removed of Robert Barnwell Roosevelt.
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  William Sheffield Cowles (1846-1923) — also known as William S. Cowles — of Farmington, Hartford County, Conn. Born in Farmington, Hartford County, Conn., August 1, 1846. Republican. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Farmington, 1917-20. Died in Washington, D.C., May 1, 1923 (age 76 years, 273 days). Interment at Riverside Cemetery, Farmington, Conn.
  Relatives: Son of Thomas Cowles and Elizabeth Eels (Sheffield) Cowles; married, November 25, 1895, to Anna L. Roosevelt (sister of Theodore Roosevelt); father of William Sheffield Cowles (1898-1986); second cousin once removed of Orsamus Cook Merrill and Timothy Merrill; second cousin twice removed of Josiah Cowles; second cousin thrice removed of William Pitkin; third cousin of Farrand Fassett Merrill; third cousin once removed of Ela Collins; third cousin twice removed of Thomas Seymour and Moses Seymour; fourth cousin of William Collins; fourth cousin once removed of Timothy Pitkin, Morris Woodruff, Horatio Seymour, Henry Seymour, Charles Upson, Calvin Josiah Cowles, Gad Ely Upson, Addison Beecher Colvin and Helen Herron Taft.
  Political families: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York; Cowles family of Wilkesboro, North Carolina (subsets of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
Bellamy Storer Bellamy Storer (1847-1922) — of Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. Born in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, August 28, 1847. Republican. U.S. Representative from Ohio 1st District, 1891-95; U.S. Minister to Belgium, 1897-99; Spain, 1899-1902; U.S. Ambassador to Austria-Hungary, 1902-06. Died November 12, 1922 (age 75 years, 76 days). Interment at Le Cimetiere Neuf, Marvejols, France.
  Relatives: Son of Bellamy Storer (1796-1875); uncle of Nicholas Longworth.
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — U.S. State Dept career summary
  Image source: American Monthly Review of Reviews, August 1897
  William Waldorf Astor (1848-1919) — also known as "Viscount Astor" — of New York, New York County, N.Y.; Taplow, Buckinghamshire, England. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., March 31, 1848. Republican. Member of New York state assembly from New York County 11th District, 1878; member of New York state senate 10th District, 1880-81; candidate for U.S. Representative from New York, 1880 (7th District), 1881 (11th District); U.S. Minister to Italy, 1882-85; renounced his American citizenship and became a British subject in 1899; became a Baron in 1916 and a Viscount in 1917; member of the British House of Lords. Heir to Astor family fortune of about $100 million; moved to England in 1890 and became a British subject. Died, of heart disease, in Brighton, England, October 18, 1919 (age 71 years, 201 days). Cremated.
  Relatives: Son of John Jacob Astor III and Charlotte Augusta (Gibbes) Astor; married, June 6, 1878, to Mary Dahlgren Paul; great-grandson of John Armstrong Jr. and John Jacob Astor; great-grandnephew of Robert R. Livingston (1746-1813), James Armstrong and Edward Livingston (1764-1836); second great-grandson of John Armstrong and Robert R. Livingston (1718-1775); third great-grandson of Robert Livingston (1688-1775); third great-grandnephew of John Livingston and Gilbert Livingston; fourth great-grandson of Robert Livingston the Elder and Robert Livingston the Younger; fourth great-grandnephew of Johannes Schuyler (1668-1747); fifth great-grandson of Pieter Schuyler (1657-1724); first cousin of Margaret Astor Ward (who married John Winthrop Chanler); first cousin once removed of William Astor Chanler, Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler, Helen Roosevelt Robinson and William Vincent Astor (who married Helen Dinsmore Huntington); first cousin four times removed of Robert Livingston (1708-1790), Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Robert Gilbert Livingston, Henry Gilbert Livingston, Philip Livingston, William Livingston, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, Robert Van Rensselaer and James Livingston; first cousin five times removed of Johannes Schuyler (1697-1746) and Philip P. Schuyler; first cousin six times removed of David Davidse Schuyler and Myndert Davidtse Schuyler; second cousin thrice removed of Peter Robert Livingston (1737-1794), Walter Livingston, Philip Peter Livingston, Philip Van Cortlandt, Henry Brockholst Livingston, Pierre Van Cortlandt Jr., Peter Robert Livingston (1766-1847), Jacob Rutsen Van Rensselaer, Philip Jeremiah Schuyler and Maturin Livingston; second cousin four times removed of Stephanus Bayard, Pierre Van Cortlandt, Philip John Schuyler, Stephen John Schuyler, Pieter Schuyler (1746-1792) and Peter Samuel Schuyler; second cousin five times removed of Matthew Clarkson; third cousin once removed of Peter Goelet Gerry, Ogden Livingston Mills and Robert Reginald Livingston; third cousin twice removed of Stephen Van Rensselaer, Philip Schuyler Van Rensselaer, Henry Walter Livingston, Peter Augustus Jay, Rensselaer Westerlo, Edward Philip Livingston, William Alexander Duer, John Duer, Philip Schuyler, James Alexander Hamilton, Peter Robert Livingston (1789-1859), William Jay, Gerrit Smith, Charles Ludlow Livingston, Hamilton Fish and Elizabeth Cady Stanton; third cousin thrice removed of Nicholas Bayard and James Parker; fourth cousin once removed of Gilbert Livingston Thompson, Edward Livingston (1796-1840), William Duer, Henry Bell Van Rensselaer, Denning Duer, Henry Brockholst Ledyard, John Jay II, Nicholas Fish, Hamilton Fish Jr. and Cortlandt Schuyler Van Rensselaer.
  Political families: Livingston-Schuyler family of New York; Roosevelt family of New York City, New York; Chanler-Astor-Ward family of New York City, New York (subsets of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Wikipedia article — U.S. State Dept career summary — NNDB dossier
Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) — also known as "T.R."; "Teddy"; "The Colonel"; "The Hero of San Juan Hill"; "The Rough Rider"; "Trust-Buster"; "The Happy Warrior"; "The Bull Moose" — of New York, New York County, N.Y.; Oyster Bay, Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., October 27, 1858. Member of New York state assembly from New York County 21st District, 1882-84; delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, 1884, 1900; Republican candidate for mayor of New York City, N.Y., 1886; colonel in the U.S. Army during the Spanish-American War; Governor of New York, 1899-1901; Vice President of the United States, 1901; President of the United States, 1901-09; defeated (Progressive), 1912; candidate for Republican nomination for President, 1916. Christian Reformed; later Episcopalian. Dutch ancestry. Member, Freemasons; Moose; Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Delta Phi; Union League. Received the Medal of Honor for leading a charge up San Juan Hill during battle there, July 1, 1898. While campaigning for president in Milwaukee, Wis., on October 14, 1912, was shot in the chest by John F. Schrank; despite the injury, he continued his speech for another hour and a half before seeking medical attention. Awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1906; elected to the Hall of Fame for Great Americans in 1950. Died in Oyster Bay, Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y., January 6, 1919 (age 60 years, 71 days). Interment at Youngs Memorial Cemetery, Oyster Bay, Long Island, N.Y.
  Relatives: Son of Theodore Roosevelt, Sr. and Martha (Bulloch) Roosevelt; brother of Anna L. Roosevelt (who married William Sheffield Cowles (1846-1923)) and Corinne Roosevelt Robinson; married, October 27, 1880, to Alice Hathaway Lee; married, December 2, 1886, to Edith Kermit Carow (first cousin once removed of Daniel Putnam Tyler); father of Alice Lee Roosevelt (who married Nicholas Longworth) and Theodore Roosevelt Jr.; nephew of Robert Barnwell Roosevelt; uncle of Theodore Douglas Robinson, Eleanor Roosevelt (who married Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945)), Corinne Alsop Cole and William Sheffield Cowles (1898-1986); grandnephew of James I. Roosevelt; granduncle of James Roosevelt, Elliott Roosevelt, Corinne Alsop Chubb, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr. and John deKoven Alsop; great-grandfather of Susan Roosevelt (who married William Floyd Weld); great-grandnephew of William Bellinger Bulloch; second great-grandson of Archibald Bulloch; second cousin twice removed of Philip DePeyster; second cousin thrice removed of Nicholas Roosevelt Jr.; third cousin twice removed of Martin Van Buren; fourth cousin once removed of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945).
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  Cross-reference: Gifford Pinchot — David J. Leahy — William Barnes, Jr. — Oliver D. Burden — William J. Youngs — George B. Cortelyou — Mason Mitchell — Frederic MacMaster — John Goodnow — William Loeb, Jr. — Asa Bird Gardiner
  Roosevelt counties in Mont. and N.M. are named for him.
  The minor planet (asteroid) 188693 Roosevelt (discovered 2005), is named for him.
  Other politicians named for him: Theodore BassettTheodore R. McKeldinTed DaltonTheodore R. KupfermanTheodore Roosevelt Britton, Jr.
  Personal motto: "Speak softly and carry a big stick."
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — National Governors Association biography — Wikipedia article — NNDB dossier — Internet Movie Database profile — Find-A-Grave memorial — OurCampaigns candidate detail — Nobel Laureates
  Books about Theodore Roosevelt: James MacGregor Burns & Susan Dunn, The Three Roosevelts: Patrician Leaders Who Transformed America — H. W. Brands, T.R : The Last Romantic — Edmund Morris, Theodore Rex — Edmund Morris, The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt — John Morton Blum, The Republican Roosevelt — Richard D. White, Jr., Roosevelt the Reformer : Theodore Roosevelt as Civil Service Commissioner, 1889-1895 — Frederick W. Marks III, Velvet on Iron : The Diplomacy of Theodore Roosevelt — James Chace, 1912 : Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft and Debs : The Election that Changed the Country — Patricia O'Toole, When Trumpets Call : Theodore Roosevelt After the White House — Candice Millard, The River of Doubt : Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey — Lewis Einstein, Roosevelt : His Mind in Action — Rick Marshall, Bully!: The Life and Times of Theodore Roosevelt: Illustrated with More Than 250 Vintage Political Cartoons — Mike Resnick, ed., Alternate Presidents [anthology]
  Image source: American Monthly Review of Reviews, October 1901
  Francis Emanuel Shober (1860-1919) — also known as Frank E. Shober — of Manhattan, New York County, N.Y. Born in Salisbury, Rowan County, N.C., October 24, 1860. Democrat. School teacher; minister; newspaper reporter; newspaper editor; U.S. Representative from New York 17th District, 1903-05; defeated, 1906. Episcopalian. Member, Freemasons. Died in Danbury, Fairfield County, Conn., October 7, 1919 (age 58 years, 348 days). Interment at Wooster Cemetery, Danbury, Conn.
  Relatives: Son of Francis Edwin Shober and Josephine May (Wheat) Shober; married, April 11, 1882, to Helen Lloyd Aspinwall (first cousin once removed of Franklin Delano Roosevelt); grandfather of Francis Holden Aspinwall; second great-grandson of Daniel Roberdeau.
  Political families: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York; Aspinwall-Shober-Roosevelt-Wheat family of Salisbury, North Carolina (subsets of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Corinne Roosevelt Robinson (1861-1933) — also known as Corinne Roosevelt — Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., September 27, 1861. Republican. Poet; lecturer; speaker, Republican National Convention, 1920. Female. Died, from pleural pneumonia, in Manhattan, New York County, N.Y., February 17, 1933 (age 71 years, 143 days). Interment at Robinson Cemetery, Warren town, Herkimer County, N.Y.
  Relatives: Daughter of Theodore Roosevelt (1831-1878) and Martha (Bulloch) Roosevelt; sister of Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) (who married Edith Kermit Carow); married, April 29, 1882, to Douglas Robinson (grandson of James Monroe (1799-1870); great-grandnephew of James Monroe (1758-1831)); mother of Theodore Douglas Robinson and Corinne Alsop Cole; niece of Robert Barnwell Roosevelt; aunt of Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Eleanor Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt Jr. and William Sheffield Cowles; grandmother of Corinne Alsop Chubb and John deKoven Alsop; grandniece of James I. Roosevelt; grandaunt of James Roosevelt, Elliott Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr.; great-grandniece of William Bellinger Bulloch; great-grandaunt of Susan Roosevelt Weld; second great-granddaughter of Archibald Bulloch; second cousin twice removed of Philip DePeyster; second cousin thrice removed of Nicholas Roosevelt Jr..
  Political families: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York; Monroe family of Virginia (subsets of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Edith Roosevelt (1861-1948) — also known as Edith Kermit Carow — of Oyster Bay, Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y. Born in Norwich, New London County, Conn., August 6, 1861. Republican. First Lady of New York, 1899-1900; Second Lady of the United States, 1901; First Lady of the United States, 1901-09. Female. Episcopalian. Died in Oyster Bay, Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y., September 30, 1948 (age 87 years, 55 days). Interment at Youngs Memorial Cemetery, Oyster Bay, Long Island, N.Y.
  Relatives: Daughter of Charles Carow and Gertude Elizabeth (Tyler) Carow; married, December 2, 1886, to Theodore Roosevelt (brother of Corinne Roosevelt Robinson; nephew of Robert Barnwell Roosevelt); step-mother of Alice Roosevelt Longworth; mother of Theodore Roosevelt Jr.; great-grandmother of Susan Roosevelt Weld; first cousin once removed of Daniel Putnam Tyler.
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial — OurCampaigns candidate detail
Nicholas Longworth Nicholas Longworth (1869-1931) — of Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. Born in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, November 5, 1869. Republican. Lawyer; member of Ohio state house of representatives from Hamilton County, 1900; defeated, 1897; member of Ohio state senate, 1901; U.S. Representative from Ohio 1st District, 1903-13, 1915-31; defeated, 1912; died in office 1931; Speaker of the U.S. House, 1925-31; died in office 1931. Died, of pneumonia, in Aiken, Aiken County, S.C., April 9, 1931 (age 61 years, 155 days). Interment at Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio.
  Relatives: Son of Nicholas Longworth (1844-1890) and Susan (Walker) Longworth; married, February 17, 1906, to Alice Lee Roosevelt (daughter of Theodore Roosevelt; half-sister of Theodore Roosevelt Jr.); nephew of Bellamy Storer; second cousin of Larz Anderson.
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  Cross-reference: Maurice E. Crumpacker
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article — NNDB dossier
  Books about Nicholas Longworth: Richard B. Cheney & Lynne V. Cheney, Kings Of The Hill : How Nine Powerful Men Changed The Course of American History
  Image source: Time Magazine, March 9, 1925
Felix M. Warburg Felix Moritz Warburg (1871-1937) — also known as Felix M. Warburg — of Manhattan, New York County, N.Y. Born in Hamburg, Germany, January 14, 1871. Republican. Naturalized U.S. citizen; financier; philanthropist; Republican Presidential Elector for New York, 1908. Jewish. Died, from a heart attack, in Manhattan, New York County, N.Y., October 20, 1937 (age 66 years, 279 days). Interment at Salem Fields Cemetery, Brooklyn, N.Y.
  Relatives: Son of Moritz Warburg and Charlotte Esther (Oppenheim) Warburg; married 1895 to Frieda Schiff (daughter of Jacob Schiff); grandfather of Felicia Schiff Warburg (who married Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr.).
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Wikipedia article — NNDB dossier — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: Library of Congress
  Hendon Chubb (1874-1960) — of West Orange, Essex County, N.J. Born in New Jersey, March 19, 1874. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from New Jersey, 1936; Republican candidate for Presidential Elector for New Jersey, 1940. Died September 3, 1960 (age 86 years, 168 days). Interment at Holy Innocents Cemetery, Essex County, N.J.
  Relatives: Son of Victoria (Edds) Chubb and Thomas Caldecott Chubb; married to Alice M. Lee; father of Percy Chubb (who married Corinne Alsop Chubb); grandfather of Corinne Roosevelt Robinson Chubb (who married Warren Zimmermann).
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Joseph Wright Alsop (1876-1953) — also known as Joseph W. Alsop — of Avon, Hartford County, Conn. Born in Middletown, Middlesex County, Conn., April 2, 1876. Dairy farmer; tobacco grower; insurance business; member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Avon, 1907-08; member of Connecticut state senate 5th District, 1909-12; member of Connecticut Republican State Central Committee, 1909-12; Progressive candidate for U.S. Representative from Connecticut 1st District, 1912; first selectman of Avon, Connecticut, 1922-50. Episcopalian. Member, Delta Psi. Died, following a heart attack, in the St. Francis Xavier Infirmary, Charleston, Charleston County, S.C., March 17, 1953 (age 76 years, 349 days). Interment at Indian Hill Cemetery, Middletown, Conn.
  Relatives: Son of Joseph Wright Alsop (1838-1891) and Elizabeth Winthrop (Beach) Alsop; married, November 4, 1909, to Corinne Douglas Robinson; father of Joseph Alsop, Corinne Alsop Chubb, Stewart Alsop and John deKoven Alsop; grandfather of Corinne Roosevelt Robinson Chubb (who married Warren Zimmermann).
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Helen Roosevelt Robinson (1881-1962) — also known as Helen Rebecca Roosevelt — of Mohawk, Herkimer County, N.Y. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., September 26, 1881. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, 1940. Female. Died in Manhattan, New York County, N.Y., July 8, 1962 (age 80 years, 285 days). Interment at Robinson Cemetery, Warren town, Herkimer County, N.Y.
  Relatives: Daughter of James Roosevelt Roosevelt and Helen Schermerhorn (Astor) Robinson; married 1904 to Theodore Douglas Robinson; half-niece of Franklin Delano Roosevelt; grandniece of John Jacob Astor III; second great-granddaughter of John Armstrong Jr.; second great-grandniece of Robert R. Livingston (1746-1813), James Armstrong and Edward Livingston; third great-granddaughter of John Armstrong and Robert R. Livingston (1718-1775); fourth great-granddaughter of Robert Livingston (1688-1775); fourth great-grandniece of John Livingston, Gilbert Livingston and Jabez Huntington; fifth great-granddaughter of Robert Livingston the Elder and Robert Livingston the Younger; fifth great-grandniece of Johannes Schuyler (1668-1747); sixth great-granddaughter of Pieter Schuyler (1657-1724); half-first cousin of Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr.; first cousin of James Roosevelt and Elliott Roosevelt; first cousin once removed of William Waldorf Astor; first cousin thrice removed of Elizabeth Monroe; first cousin five times removed of Robert Livingston (1708-1790), Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Robert Gilbert Livingston, Henry Gilbert Livingston, Philip Livingston, William Livingston, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, Robert Van Rensselaer, Jedediah Huntington, James Livingston and Ebenezer Huntington; first cousin six times removed of Johannes Schuyler (1697-1746) and Philip P. Schuyler; first cousin seven times removed of David Davidse Schuyler, Myndert Davidtse Schuyler and Benjamin Huntington; second cousin of William Astor Chanler and Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler; second cousin twice removed of Samuel Laurence Gouverneur; second cousin four times removed of Peter Robert Livingston (1737-1794), Walter Livingston, Philip Peter Livingston, Philip Van Cortlandt, Henry Brockholst Livingston, Nicholas Roosevelt Jr., Pierre Van Cortlandt Jr., Peter Robert Livingston (1766-1847), Jacob Rutsen Van Rensselaer, Philip Jeremiah Schuyler, Maturin Livingston and Jabez Williams Huntington; second cousin five times removed of Stephanus Bayard, Pierre Van Cortlandt, Philip John Schuyler, Stephen John Schuyler, Pieter Schuyler (1746-1792) and Peter Samuel Schuyler; third cousin of Francis Holden Aspinwall; third cousin thrice removed of Stephen Van Rensselaer, Philip Schuyler Van Rensselaer, Henry Walter Livingston, Philip DePeyster, Peter Augustus Jay, Rensselaer Westerlo, Edward Philip Livingston, William Alexander Duer, John Duer, Philip Schuyler, James Alexander Hamilton, Peter Robert Livingston (1789-1859), William Jay, James I. Roosevelt, Gerrit Smith, Charles Ludlow Livingston, Hamilton Fish and Elizabeth Cady Stanton; fourth cousin of Peter Goelet Gerry, Ogden Livingston Mills and Robert Reginald Livingston.
  Political families: Livingston-Schuyler family of New York; Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subsets of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  Epitaph: "To live in the hearts / Of those we love / Is not to die."
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
Franklin D. Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) — also known as Franklin D. Roosevelt; "F.D.R." — of Hyde Park, Dutchess County, N.Y. Born in Hyde Park, Dutchess County, N.Y., January 30, 1882. Democrat. Lawyer; member of New York state senate 26th District, 1911-13; resigned 1913; U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1913-20; candidate for Vice President of the United States, 1920; delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1920, 1924, 1928; speaker, 1944; contracted polio in the early 1920s; as a result, his legs were paralyzed for the rest of his life; Governor of New York, 1929-33; President of the United States, 1933-45; died in office 1945; on February 15, 1933, in Miami, Fla., he and Chicago mayor Anton J. Cermak were shot at by Guiseppe Zangara; Cermak was hit and mortally wounded. Episcopalian. Member, Freemasons; Alpha Delta Phi; Phi Beta Kappa; Elks; Grange; Knights of Pythias. Led the nation through the Depression and World War II. Died of a cerebral hemorrhage, in Warm Springs, Meriwether County, Ga., April 12, 1945 (age 63 years, 72 days). Interment at Roosevelt Home, Hyde Park, N.Y.; memorial monument at Federal Triangle, Washington, D.C.; memorial monument at West Potomac Park, Washington, D.C.
  Relatives: Son of James Roosevelt (1828-1900) and Sara (Delano) Roosevelt; married, March 17, 1905, to Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (niece of Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919); first cousin of Corinne Douglas Robinson); father of James Roosevelt (1907-1991), Elliott Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr.; half-uncle of Helen Roosevelt Robinson; second great-grandson of Edward Hutchinson Robbins; third great-grandnephew of Jabez Huntington; first cousin of Warren Delano Robbins and Katharine Price Collier St. George; first cousin once removed of Helen Lloyd Aspinwall (who married Francis Emanuel Shober); first cousin twice removed of Elizabeth Kortright; first cousin four times removed of Jedediah Huntington and Ebenezer Huntington; first cousin six times removed of Benjamin Huntington; second cousin of Caroline Astor Drayton (who married William Phillips); second cousin once removed of Samuel Laurence Gouverneur and Francis Holden Aspinwall; second cousin thrice removed of Nicholas Roosevelt Jr. and Jabez Williams Huntington; second cousin five times removed of Samuel Huntington, George Washington, Joshua Coit, Henry Huntington, Gurdon Huntington and Samuel Gager; third cousin twice removed of Philip DePeyster and James I. Roosevelt; third cousin thrice removed of Sulifand Sutherland Ross; fourth cousin once removed of Ulysses Simpson Grant, Robert Barnwell Roosevelt, Roger Wolcott and Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919).
  Political families: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York; Aspinwall-Shober-Roosevelt-Wheat family of Salisbury, North Carolina (subsets of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  Cross-reference: Ross T. McIntire — Milton Lipson — W. W. Howes — Bruce Barton — Hamilton Fish, Jr. — Joseph W. Martin, Jr. — Samuel I. Rosenman — Rexford G. Tugwell — Raymond Moley — Adolf A. Berle — George E. Allen — Lorence E. Asman — Grenville T. Emmet — Eliot Janeway — Jonathan Daniels — Ralph Bellamy — Wythe Leigh Kinsolving
  The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Bridge (opened 1962), over Lubec Narrows, between Lubec, Maine and Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada, is named for him.  — The borough of Roosevelt, New Jersey (originally Jersey Homesteads; renamed 1945), is named for him.  — F. D. Roosevelt Airport, on the Caribbean island of Sint Eustatius, is named for him.  — The F. D. Roosevelt Teaching Hospital, in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, is named for him.
  Other politicians named for him: Frank GarrisonFranklin D. Roosevelt Keesee
  Coins and currency: His portrait appears on the U.S. dime (ten cent coin).
  See also National Governors Association biography — Wikipedia article — NNDB dossier — Internet Movie Database profile — Find-A-Grave memorial — OurCampaigns candidate detail
  Books about Franklin D. Roosevelt: James MacGregor Burns & Susan Dunn, The Three Roosevelts: Patrician Leaders Who Transformed America — Doris Kearns Goodwin, No Ordinary Time : Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II — Joseph Alsop & Roland Gelatt, FDR : 1882-1945 — Bernard Bellush, Franklin Roosevelt as Governor of New York — Robert H. Jackson, That Man : An Insider's Portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt — Jonas Klein, Beloved Island : Franklin & Eleanor and the Legacy of Campobello — Conrad Black, Franklin Delano Roosevelt : Champion of Freedom — Charles Peters, Five Days in Philadelphia: The Amazing "We Want Willkie!" Convention of 1940 and How It Freed FDR to Save the Western World — Steven Neal, Happy Days Are Here Again : The 1932 Democratic Convention, the Emergence of FDR--and How America Was Changed Forever — H. W. Brands, Traitor to His Class: The Privileged Life and Radical Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt — Hazel Rowley, Franklin and Eleanor: An Extraordinary Marriage — Alan Brinkley, Franklin Delano Roosevelt — Stanley Weintraub, Young Mr. Roosevelt: FDR's Introduction to War, Politics, and Life — Mike Resnick, ed., Alternate Presidents [anthology] — Karen Bornemann Spies, Franklin D. Roosevelt (for young readers)
  Critical books about Franklin D. Roosevelt: Jim Powell, FDR's Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression — John T. Flynn, The Roosevelt Myth — Burton W. Folsom, New Deal or Raw Deal?: How FDR's Economic Legacy Has Damaged America
  Fiction about Franklin D. Roosevelt: Philip Roth, The Plot Against America: A Novel — Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle
  Image source: New York Red Book 1936
Theodore D. Robinson Theodore Douglas Robinson (1883-1934) — also known as Theodore D. Robinson — of Mohawk, Herkimer County, N.Y. Born in Mohawk, Herkimer County, N.Y., April 28, 1883. Republican. Real estate business; member of New York state assembly from Herkimer County, 1912; member of New York state senate, 1917-18, 1921-24 (32nd District 1917-18, 35th District 1921-24); Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Navy, 1924-29. Died in Manhattan, New York County, N.Y., April 10, 1934 (age 50 years, 347 days). Interment at Robinson Cemetery, Warren town, Herkimer County, N.Y.
  Relatives: Son of Douglas Robinson and Corinne Roosevelt Robinson; brother of Corinne Alsop Cole; married 1904 to Helen Rebecca Roosevelt; nephew of Theodore Roosevelt; uncle of Joseph Alsop, Corinne Alsop Chubb, Stewart Alsop and John deKoven Alsop; grandnephew of Robert Barnwell Roosevelt; great-grandson of James Monroe (1799-1870); great-grandnephew of Thomas Bell Monroe and James I. Roosevelt; second great-grandnephew of James Monroe (1758-1831) and William Bellinger Bulloch; third great-grandson of Archibald Bulloch; first cousin of Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Eleanor Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt Jr. and William Sheffield Cowles; first cousin once removed of James Roosevelt, Elliott Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr.; first cousin twice removed of Victor Monroe and Susan Roosevelt Weld; first cousin five times removed of William Grayson; second cousin thrice removed of Philip DePeyster; second cousin four times removed of Nicholas Roosevelt Jr., Alfred William Grayson and Beverly Robinson Grayson.
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: New York Red Book 1917
  Francis Watkinson Cole (1883-1966) — also known as Francis W. Cole — of Hartford, Hartford County, Conn. Born in Hartford, Hartford County, Conn., June 11, 1883. Lawyer; delegate to Connecticut convention to ratify 21st amendment 2nd District, 1933; chairman, Travelers Insurance Companies, 1945-55; director, Chase National Bank and United Aircraft Corporation. Died in Hartford, Hartford County, Conn., December 7, 1966 (age 83 years, 179 days). Interment at Cedar Hill Cemetery, Hartford, Conn.
  Relatives: Son of Charles James Cole and Elisabeth Adams (Huntington) Cole; married 1910 to Grace Brockway Kaufman; married, April 12, 1956, to Corinne Robinson Alsop; second great-grandson of Henry Champion; second great-grandnephew of Epaphroditus Champion; second cousin thrice removed of Theodore Dwight, Augustus Seymour Porter (1769-1849) and Peter Buell Porter; second cousin five times removed of Benjamin Huntington; third cousin twice removed of William Augustus Bird, Augustus Seymour Porter (1798-1872), Peter Buell Porter Jr. and Peter Augustus Porter (1827-1864); third cousin thrice removed of Jabez Huntington, John Davenport, Joshua Coit, James Davenport, Henry Huntington, Gurdon Huntington, Samuel Lathrop, Abel Huntington and Amaziah Brainard; fourth cousin once removed of Ulysses Simpson Grant, Peter Augustus Porter (1853-1925) and Edward Williams Hooker.
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
Alice Roosevelt Longworth Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980) — also known as Alice Lee Roosevelt; "Princess Alice" — of Washington, D.C. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., February 12, 1884. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Ohio, 1936, 1940 (Honorary Vice-President; speaker); newspaper columnist. Female. Died, from pneumonia, emphysema, and cardiac arrest, in Washington, D.C., February 20, 1980 (age 96 years, 8 days). Cremated; ashes interred at Rock Creek Cemetery, Washington, D.C.
  Relatives: Step-daughter of Edith Roosevelt; daughter of Theodore Roosevelt and Alice Hathaway (Lee) Roosevelt; half-sister of Theodore Roosevelt Jr.; married, February 17, 1906, to Nicholas Longworth; niece of Corinne Roosevelt Robinson; grandniece of Robert Barnwell Roosevelt; grandaunt of Susan Roosevelt Weld; great-grandniece of James I. Roosevelt; second great-grandniece of William Bellinger Bulloch; third great-granddaughter of Archibald Bulloch; first cousin of Theodore Douglas Robinson, Eleanor Roosevelt, Corinne Alsop Cole and William Sheffield Cowles; first cousin once removed of James Roosevelt, Elliott Roosevelt, Corinne Alsop Chubb, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr. and John deKoven Alsop; second cousin thrice removed of Philip DePeyster; second cousin four times removed of Nicholas Roosevelt Jr..
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Wikipedia article — NNDB dossier — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Books about Alice Roosevelt Longworth: Carol Felsenthal, Princess Alice: The Life and Times of Alice Roosevelt Longworth
  Image source: Time magazine, February 7, 1927
  Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) — also known as Anna Eleanor Roosevelt — of Hyde Park, Dutchess County, N.Y. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., October 11, 1884. Democrat. First Lady of the United States, 1933-45; delegate to the United Nations General Assembly, 1945-53; member, United Nations Commission on Human Rights; newspaper columnist; speaker, Democratic National Convention, 1952, 1956, 1960; member, President's Commission on the Status of Women, 1961-62. Female. Member, League of Women Voters; NAACP. Inducted, National Women's Hall of Fame, 1973. Died, of tuberculosis, in Manhattan, New York County, N.Y., November 7, 1962 (age 78 years, 27 days). Interment at Roosevelt Home, Hyde Park, N.Y.
  Relatives: Daughter of Elliott Bulloch Roosevelt and Anna (Hall) Roosevelt; sister of Gracie Hall Roosevelt (who married Dorothy Kemp Roosevelt); married, March 17, 1905, to Franklin Delano Roosevelt; mother of James Roosevelt, Elliott Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr.; niece of Theodore Roosevelt and Corinne Roosevelt Robinson; grandniece of Robert Barnwell Roosevelt; great-grandniece of James I. Roosevelt; second great-grandniece of William Bellinger Bulloch; third great-granddaughter of Archibald Bulloch; first cousin of Theodore Douglas Robinson, Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Corinne Alsop Cole, Theodore Roosevelt Jr. and William Sheffield Cowles; first cousin once removed of Corinne Alsop Chubb and John deKoven Alsop; first cousin twice removed of Susan Roosevelt Weld; second cousin thrice removed of Philip DePeyster; second cousin four times removed of Nicholas Roosevelt Jr..
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Wikipedia article — NNDB dossier — Find-A-Grave memorial — OurCampaigns candidate detail — National Women's Hall of Fame
  Books about Eleanor Roosevelt: Hazel Rowley, Franklin and Eleanor: An Extraordinary Marriage — Maurine H. Beasley, Eleanor Roosevelt: Transformative First Lady
  Warren Delano Robbins (1885-1935) — of Fairhaven, Bristol County, Mass. Born in Brooklyn, Kings County, N.Y., September 3, 1885. U.S. Minister to El Salvador, 1928; Canada, 1933-35. Died, from pneumonia, in Manhattan, New York County, N.Y., April 7, 1935 (age 49 years, 216 days). Interment at Riverside Cemetery, Fairhaven, Mass.
  Relatives: Son of Charles Albert Robbins and Katherine (Delano) Robbins; married to Irene DeBruyn; father of Edward Hutchinson Robbins (1912-1944; Captain, U.S. Army; killed in action during World War II); second great-grandson of Edward Hutchinson Robbins (1758-1837); first cousin of Franklin Delano Roosevelt; first cousin once removed of James Roosevelt, Elliott Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr.; fourth cousin once removed of Ulysses Simpson Grant.
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also U.S. State Dept career summary — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Corinne Alsop Cole (1886-1971) — also known as Corinne Douglas Robinson; Corinne Robinson Alsop; Corinne R. Alsop — of Avon, Hartford County, Conn. Born in Orange, Essex County, N.J., July 2, 1886. Republican. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Avon, 1925-26, 1929-32; delegate to Republican National Convention from Connecticut, 1936 (speaker); member of Connecticut Republican State Central Committee, 1940. Female. Died in Avon, Hartford County, Conn., June 23, 1971 (age 84 years, 356 days). Interment at Indian Hill Cemetery, Middletown, Conn.
  Relatives: Daughter of Douglas Robinson and Corinne Roosevelt Robinson; sister of Theodore Douglas Robinson; married, November 4, 1909, to Joseph Wright Alsop (1876-1953) (son of Joseph Wright Alsop (1838-1891)); married, April 12, 1956, to Francis Watkinson Cole; mother of Joseph Alsop, Corinne Alsop Chubb, Stewart Alsop and John deKoven Alsop; niece of Theodore Roosevelt; grandmother of Corinne Roosevelt Robinson Chubb (who married Warren Zimmermann); grandniece of Robert Barnwell Roosevelt; great-granddaughter of James Monroe (1799-1870); great-grandniece of Thomas Bell Monroe and James I. Roosevelt; second great-grandniece of James Monroe (1758-1831) and William Bellinger Bulloch; third great-granddaughter of Archibald Bulloch; first cousin of Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Eleanor Roosevelt (who married Franklin Delano Roosevelt), Theodore Roosevelt Jr. and William Sheffield Cowles; first cousin once removed of James Roosevelt, Elliott Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr.; first cousin twice removed of Victor Monroe and Susan Roosevelt Weld; first cousin five times removed of William Grayson; second cousin thrice removed of Philip DePeyster; second cousin four times removed of Nicholas Roosevelt Jr., Alfred William Grayson and Beverly Robinson Grayson.
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Theodore Roosevelt Jr. (1887-1944) — of Oyster Bay, Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y. Born in Oyster Bay, Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y., September 13, 1887. Republican. Farmer; colonel in the U.S. Army during World War I; member of New York state assembly from Nassau County 2nd District, 1920-21; delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, 1924, 1928, 1940; candidate for Governor of New York, 1924; Governor of Puerto Rico, 1929-32; Governor-General of the Philippine Islands, 1932-33; general in the U.S. Army during World War II. Member, American Legion. Principal founder of the American Legion in 1919. Participated in the invasion of Nazi-occupied France, on D-Day, June 6, 1944, and received a posthumous Medal of Honor for his actions that day; died a month later, of exhaustion and heart failure, in Normandy, France, July 12, 1944 (age 56 years, 303 days). Interment at Normandy American Cemetery, Collevelle-sur-Mer, France; cenotaph at Youngs Memorial Cemetery, Oyster Bay, Long Island, N.Y.
  Relatives: Son of Theodore Roosevelt and Edith Roosevelt; half-brother of Alice Lee Roosevelt (who married Nicholas Longworth); married, June 20, 1910, to Eleanor Butler Alexander; nephew of Corinne Roosevelt Robinson; grandfather of Susan Roosevelt (who married William Floyd Weld); grandnephew of Robert Barnwell Roosevelt; great-grandnephew of James I. Roosevelt; second great-grandnephew of William Bellinger Bulloch; third great-grandson of Archibald Bulloch; first cousin of Theodore Douglas Robinson, Eleanor Roosevelt, Corinne Alsop Cole and William Sheffield Cowles; first cousin once removed of James Roosevelt, Elliott Roosevelt, Corinne Alsop Chubb, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr. and John deKoven Alsop; first cousin twice removed of Daniel Putnam Tyler; second cousin thrice removed of Philip DePeyster; second cousin four times removed of Nicholas Roosevelt Jr..
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Katharine Price Collier St. George (1894-1983) — also known as Katharine St. George; Katharine Delano Price Collier — of Tuxedo Park, Orange County, N.Y. Born in Bridgnorth, Shropshire, England, July 12, 1894. Republican. Executive vice-president and treasurer, St. George Coal Company; delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, 1944; speaker, 1956; Parliamentarian, 1960; U.S. Representative from New York, 1947-65 (29th District 1947-53, 28th District 1953-63, 27th District 1963-65); defeated, 1964. Female. Episcopalian. Member, Daughters of the American Revolution. Died in Tuxedo Park, Orange County, N.Y., May 2, 1983 (age 88 years, 294 days). Interment at St. Mary's-in-Tuxedo Church Cemetery, Tuxedo Park, N.Y.
  Relatives: Daughter of Price Collier and Katharine (Delano) Collier; married 1917 to George Baker St. George; first cousin of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Dorothy Kemp Roosevelt (1898-1985) — also known as Dorothy K. Roosevelt; Dorothy Grant Kemp — of Michigan. Born in Detroit, Wayne County, Mich., October 25, 1898. Democrat. Candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 17th District, 1942. Female. Died in Birmingham, Oakland County, Mich., July 21, 1985 (age 86 years, 269 days). Interment at Woodlawn Cemetery, Detroit, Mich.
  Relatives: Daughter of Ulysses Grant Kemp and Frances (Polk) Kemp; married 1925 to Gracie Hall Roosevelt (brother of Eleanor Roosevelt).
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  William Sheffield Cowles (1898-1986) — also known as W. Sheffield Cowles — of Farmington, Hartford County, Conn. Born in Manhattan, New York County, N.Y., October 18, 1898. Republican. Member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Farmington; elected 1948, 1954; delegate to Republican National Convention from Connecticut, 1956 (member, Committee on Permanent Organization). Died in Farmington, Hartford County, Conn., May, 1986 (age 87 years, 0 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of William Sheffield Cowles (1846-1923) and Anna (Roosevelt) Cowles; nephew of Theodore Roosevelt and Corinne Roosevelt Robinson; grandnephew of Robert Barnwell Roosevelt; great-grandnephew of James I. Roosevelt; second great-grandnephew of William Bellinger Bulloch; third great-grandson of Archibald Bulloch; first cousin of Theodore Douglas Robinson, Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Eleanor Roosevelt, Corinne Alsop Cole and Theodore Roosevelt Jr.; first cousin once removed of James Roosevelt, Elliott Roosevelt, Corinne Alsop Chubb, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr. and John deKoven Alsop; first cousin twice removed of Susan Roosevelt Weld; second cousin twice removed of Orsamus Cook Merrill and Timothy Merrill; second cousin thrice removed of Josiah Cowles and Philip DePeyster; second cousin four times removed of William Pitkin and Nicholas Roosevelt Jr.; third cousin once removed of Farrand Fassett Merrill; third cousin twice removed of Ela Collins; third cousin thrice removed of Thomas Seymour and Moses Seymour; fourth cousin once removed of William Collins.
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  John Hay Whitney (1904-1982) — also known as Jock Whitney — of Manhasset, Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y. Born in Ellsworth, Hancock County, Maine, August 17, 1904. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II; financier; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, 1956, 1968; U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain, 1957-61; publisher of the New York Herald Tribune newspaper, 1961-66. Member, Delta Kappa Epsilon. Died in Manhasset, Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y., February 8, 1982 (age 77 years, 175 days). Interment at Christ Church Cemetery, Manhasset, Long Island, N.Y.
  Relatives: Son of Helen (Hay) Whitney and William Payne Whitney; married, September 25, 1930, to Mary Elizabeth 'Liz' Altemus; married, March 1, 1942, to Betsey (Cushing) Roosevelt (ex-wife of James Roosevelt); nephew of Adelbert Stone Hay; grandson of John Milton Hay and William Collins Whitney; grandnephew of Henry Melville Whitney; great-grandson of Henry B. Payne and James Scollay Whitney; first cousin of Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney and James Jermiah Wadsworth; first cousin once removed of Frances Payne Bolton and James Wadsworth Symington; first cousin twice removed of John LeBoutillier; second cousin of Oliver Payne Bolton; second cousin five times removed of James Hodges; third cousin thrice removed of Thomas Mackie Burgess.
  Political families: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York; Wadsworth-Whitney-Symington family of New York; Whitney-Bolton-Payne family of Cleveland, Ohio (subsets of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Wikipedia article — U.S. State Dept career summary — NNDB dossier — Find-A-Grave memorial
  James Roosevelt (1907-1991) — also known as Jimmy Roosevelt — of Brookline, Norfolk County, Mass.; Beverly Hills, Los Angeles County, Calif.; Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Calif. Born in Manhattan, New York County, N.Y., December 23, 1907. Democrat. Insurance business; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Massachusetts, 1936; served in the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II; delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, 1948, 1952 (alternate), 1956, 1960, 1964; member of Democratic National Committee from California, 1948-52; candidate for Governor of California, 1950; U.S. Representative from California 26th District, 1955-65; candidate for mayor of Los Angeles, Calif., 1965. Episcopalian. Member, American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Americans for Democratic Action. Died, from complications of a stroke and Parkinson's disease, in Newport Beach, Orange County, Calif., August 13, 1991 (age 83 years, 233 days). Interment at Pacific View Memorial Park, Newport Beach, Calif.
  Relatives: Son of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt; brother of Elliott Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr.; married, June 4, 1930, to Betsey Maria Cushing (who later married John Hay Whitney); married, April 14, 1941, to Romelle Theresa Schneider; married, July 2, 1956, to Gladys Irene Owens; married, October 3, 1969, to Mary Lena Winskill; grandnephew of Theodore Roosevelt and Corinne Roosevelt Robinson; great-grandnephew of Robert Barnwell Roosevelt; second great-grandnephew of James I. Roosevelt; third great-grandson of Edward Hutchinson Robbins; third great-grandnephew of William Bellinger Bulloch; fourth great-grandson of Archibald Bulloch; fourth great-grandnephew of Jabez Huntington; first cousin of Helen Roosevelt Robinson; first cousin once removed of Theodore Douglas Robinson, Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Warren Delano Robbins, Corinne Alsop Cole, Theodore Roosevelt Jr. and William Sheffield Cowles; first cousin thrice removed of Elizabeth Monroe; first cousin five times removed of Jedediah Huntington and Ebenezer Huntington; first cousin seven times removed of Benjamin Huntington; second cousin of Corinne Alsop Chubb and John deKoven Alsop; second cousin once removed of Susan Roosevelt Weld; second cousin twice removed of Samuel Laurence Gouverneur; second cousin four times removed of Nicholas Roosevelt Jr., Philip DePeyster and Jabez Williams Huntington; third cousin of Francis Holden Aspinwall.
  Political families: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York; Wadsworth-Whitney-Symington family of New York (subsets of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article — NNDB dossier — Internet Movie Database profile — OurCampaigns candidate detail
  Elliott Roosevelt (1910-1990) — of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Tex.; Buford, Rio Blanco County, Colo.; Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minn.; Miami Beach, Dade County (now Miami-Dade County), Fla.; Seattle, King County, Wash.; Palm Springs, Riverside County, Calif.; Scottsdale, Maricopa County, Ariz. Born in Manhattan, New York County, N.Y., September 23, 1910. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Texas, 1940; served in the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II; investigated and called to testify by a U.S. Senate subcommittee in 1947 over lavish entertainment in Hollywood and Manhattan, many paid escorts, and paid hotel bills provided to Roosevelt and others, in a successful effort to persuade them to recommend Hughes reconnaissance aircraft for purchase by the U.S. military; owned a radio station in Texas; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Colorado, 1960; mayor of Miami Beach, Fla., 1965-69; member of Democratic National Committee from Florida, 1968; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Florida, 1968. Died, of congestive heart failure, in Scottsdale, Maricopa County, Ariz., October 27, 1990 (age 80 years, 34 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt; brother of James Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr.; married, January 16, 1932, to Elizabeth Browning Donner; married, July 22, 1933, to Ruth Josephine Googins; married, December 3, 1944, to Faye Margaret Emerson; married, March 15, 1951, to Minnewa (Bell) Gray Burnside Ross; married, November 3, 1960, to Patricia (Peabody) Whithead; grandnephew of Theodore Roosevelt and Corinne Roosevelt Robinson; great-grandnephew of Robert Barnwell Roosevelt; second great-grandnephew of James I. Roosevelt; third great-grandson of Edward Hutchinson Robbins; third great-grandnephew of William Bellinger Bulloch; fourth great-grandson of Archibald Bulloch; fourth great-grandnephew of Jabez Huntington; first cousin of Helen Roosevelt Robinson; first cousin once removed of Theodore Douglas Robinson, Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Warren Delano Robbins, Corinne Alsop Cole, Theodore Roosevelt Jr. and William Sheffield Cowles; first cousin thrice removed of Elizabeth Monroe; first cousin five times removed of Jedediah Huntington and Ebenezer Huntington; first cousin seven times removed of Benjamin Huntington; second cousin of Corinne Alsop Chubb and John deKoven Alsop; second cousin once removed of Susan Roosevelt Weld; second cousin twice removed of Samuel Laurence Gouverneur; second cousin four times removed of Nicholas Roosevelt Jr., Philip DePeyster and Jabez Williams Huntington; third cousin of Francis Holden Aspinwall.
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Wikipedia article
  Corinne Alsop Chubb (1912-1997) — also known as Corinne A. Chubb; Corinne Roosevelt Alsop — of Chester, Morris County, N.J. Born in Avon, Hartford County, Conn., March 14, 1912. Republican. Philanthropist; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from New Jersey, 1956. Female. Died in Chester, Morris County, N.J., December 9, 1997 (age 85 years, 270 days). Interment at Holy Innocents Cemetery, Essex County, N.J.
  Relatives: Daughter of Joseph Wright Alsop (1876-1953) and Corinne Alsop Cole; sister of John deKoven Alsop; married, May 28, 1932, to Percy Chubb II (son of Hendon Chubb); mother of Corinne Roosevelt Robinson Chubb (who married Warren Zimmermann); niece of Theodore Douglas Robinson; granddaughter of Joseph Wright Alsop (1838-1891) and Corinne Roosevelt Robinson; grandniece of Theodore Roosevelt; great-grandniece of Robert Barnwell Roosevelt; second great-granddaughter of James Monroe (1799-1870); second great-grandniece of Thomas Bell Monroe and James I. Roosevelt; third great-grandniece of James Monroe (1758-1831) and William Bellinger Bulloch; fourth great-granddaughter of Archibald Bulloch; first cousin once removed of Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Eleanor Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt Jr. and William Sheffield Cowles; first cousin thrice removed of Victor Monroe; first cousin six times removed of William Grayson; second cousin of James Roosevelt, Elliott Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr.; second cousin once removed of Susan Roosevelt Weld; second cousin four times removed of Philip DePeyster; second cousin five times removed of Nicholas Roosevelt Jr., Alfred William Grayson and Beverly Robinson Grayson.
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  Epitaph: "Loved and Admired."
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr. (1914-1988) — also known as Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. — of Manhattan, New York County, N.Y. Born in Campobello Island, New Brunswick, August 17, 1914. Democrat. Lawyer; served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; U.S. Representative from New York 20th District, 1949-55; delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964; candidate for New York state attorney general, 1954; Liberal candidate for Governor of New York, 1966. Member, Americans for Democratic Action. Died, of lung cancer, in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, N.Y., August 17, 1988 (age 74 years, 0 days). Interment at St. James Episcopal Churchyard, Hyde Park, N.Y.
  Relatives: Son of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt; brother of James Roosevelt and Elliott Roosevelt; married, June 30, 1937, to Ethel du Pont (first cousin twice removed of Henry Algernon du Pont); married, August 31, 1949, to Suzanne Perrin; married, July 1, 1970, to Felicia Schiff (Warburg) Sarnoff (granddaughter of Felix Moritz Warburg; great-granddaughter of Jacob Schiff); married, May 6, 1977, to Patricia Louise Oakes; married 1984 to Linda McKay Stevenson Weicker; grandnephew of Theodore Roosevelt and Corinne Roosevelt Robinson; great-grandnephew of Robert Barnwell Roosevelt; second great-grandnephew of James I. Roosevelt; third great-grandson of Edward Hutchinson Robbins; third great-grandnephew of William Bellinger Bulloch; fourth great-grandson of Archibald Bulloch; fourth great-grandnephew of Jabez Huntington; half-first cousin of Helen Roosevelt Robinson; first cousin once removed of Theodore Douglas Robinson, Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Warren Delano Robbins, Corinne Alsop Cole, Theodore Roosevelt Jr. and William Sheffield Cowles; first cousin thrice removed of Elizabeth Monroe; first cousin five times removed of Jedediah Huntington and Ebenezer Huntington; first cousin seven times removed of Benjamin Huntington; second cousin of Corinne Alsop Chubb and John deKoven Alsop; second cousin once removed of Susan Roosevelt Weld; second cousin twice removed of Samuel Laurence Gouverneur; second cousin four times removed of Nicholas Roosevelt Jr., Philip DePeyster and Jabez Williams Huntington; third cousin of Francis Holden Aspinwall.
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article — NNDB dossier — OurCampaigns candidate detail
  John deKoven Alsop (1915-2000) — also known as John Alsop — of Avon, Hartford County, Conn.; Old Lyme, New London County, Conn. Born in Avon, Hartford County, Conn., August 4, 1915. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; insurance executive; member of Connecticut state house of representatives from Avon, 1947-50; delegate to Republican National Convention from Connecticut, 1952, 1960, 1968, 1972; Republican candidate for Governor of Connecticut, 1958 (primary), 1962; delegate to Connecticut state constitutional convention 6th District, 1965; member of Republican National Committee from Connecticut, 1968. Episcopalian. Died, in a health care center at Old Saybrook, Middlesex County, Conn., April 6, 2000 (age 84 years, 246 days). Interment at Indian Hill Cemetery, Middletown, Conn.
  Relatives: Son of Joseph Wright Alsop (1876-1953) and Corinne Alsop Cole; brother of Joseph Alsop, Corinne Alsop Chubb and Stewart Alsop; married, June 19, 1947, to Augusta McLane Robinson; nephew of Theodore Douglas Robinson; uncle of Corinne Roosevelt Robinson Chubb (who married Warren Zimmermann); grandson of Joseph Wright Alsop (1838-1891) and Corinne Roosevelt Robinson; grandnephew of Theodore Roosevelt; great-grandnephew of Robert Barnwell Roosevelt; second great-grandson of James Monroe (1799-1870); second great-grandnephew of Thomas Bell Monroe and James I. Roosevelt; third great-grandnephew of James Monroe (1758-1831) and William Bellinger Bulloch; fourth great-grandson of Archibald Bulloch; first cousin once removed of Eleanor Roosevelt, Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Theodore Roosevelt Jr. and William Sheffield Cowles; first cousin thrice removed of Victor Monroe; first cousin six times removed of William Grayson; second cousin of James Roosevelt, Elliott Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr.; second cousin once removed of Susan Roosevelt Weld; second cousin four times removed of Philip DePeyster; second cousin five times removed of Nicholas Roosevelt Jr., Alfred William Grayson and Beverly Robinson Grayson.
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Warren Zimmermann (1934-2004) — Born in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pa., November 16, 1934. Foreign Service officer; U.S. Ambassador to Yugoslavia, 1988-92; Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration Affairs, 1992-94. Died in Great Falls, Fairfax County, Va., February 3, 2004 (age 69 years, 79 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Albert Walter Zimmermann and Barbara (Shoemaker) Zimmermann; married to Corinne Roosevelt Robinson Chubb (daughter of Corinne Alsop Chubb; niece of John deKoven Alsop; granddaughter of Hendon Chubb, Joseph Wright Alsop and Corinne Alsop Cole).
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also U.S. State Dept career summary — NNDB dossier — Find-A-Grave memorial
  William Floyd Weld (b. 1945) — also known as William F. Weld; Bill Weld — of Massachusetts. Born in Smithtown, Suffolk County, Long Island, N.Y., July 31, 1945. Candidate for Massachusetts state attorney general, 1978; U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts, 1981-86; Governor of Massachusetts, 1991-97; resigned 1997; Republican candidate for U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, 1996; Libertarian candidate for Vice President of the United States, 2016; candidate for Republican nomination for President, 2020. Episcopalian. Member, Council on Foreign Relations. Still living as of 2020.
  Relatives: Married, June 14, 2003, to Leslie Marshall; married, June 7, 1975, to Susan Roosevelt (granddaughter of Theodore Roosevelt Jr.; great-granddaughter of Theodore Roosevelt).
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also National Governors Association biography — Wikipedia article — NNDB dossier — Internet Movie Database profile
  Susan Roosevelt Weld — also known as Susan Roosevelt — First Lady of Massachusetts, 1991-97. Female. Still living as of 2022.
  Relatives: Daughter of Quentin Roosevelt and Frances Blanche (Webb) Roosevelt; married, June 7, 1975, to William Floyd Weld; granddaughter of Theodore Roosevelt Jr.; grandniece of Alice Roosevelt Longworth; great-granddaughter of Theodore Roosevelt and Edith Roosevelt; great-grandniece of Corinne Roosevelt Robinson; second great-grandniece of Robert Barnwell Roosevelt; third great-grandniece of James I. Roosevelt; fourth great-grandniece of William Bellinger Bulloch; fifth great-granddaughter of Archibald Bulloch; first cousin twice removed of Theodore Douglas Robinson, Eleanor Roosevelt, Corinne Alsop Cole and William Sheffield Cowles; first cousin four times removed of Daniel Putnam Tyler; second cousin once removed of James Roosevelt, Elliott Roosevelt, Corinne Alsop Chubb, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr. and John deKoven Alsop; second cousin five times removed of Philip DePeyster.
  Political family: Roosevelt family of New York City, New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Wikipedia article

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
The Political Graveyard

The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
  The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
  The listings are incomplete; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.  
  Information on this page — and on all other pages of this site — is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.  
  The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/families/10001-1643.html.  
  Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.  
  If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the alphabetical index of politicians.  
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What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.