The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
Index to Politicians



  IRWIN: See also Irwin D. Aldrich — William Armstrong — Irwin Aronson — Irwin Dean Arter — Irwin C. Atchison — Francis Elisha Baker — C. Irwin Barstow — Richard Irwin Beattie — Irwin Belk — James Irwin Blakslee — John Wood Blodgett Jr. — Irwin A. Bock — Irwin R. Brownstein — Irwin H. Burdick — Francis Irwin Burnell — Isaac B. Cameron — Irwin M. Chipman — David Worth Clark — Irwin S. Coan — Irwin N. Cohen — Alfred B. Cruikshank — Irwin Delmore Davidson — Irwin DeShetler — Silas B. Irwin Duncan — David B. Ealy — Irwin M. Echtman — Irwin D. Endy — Irwin R. Erickson — Beverly Daniel Evans — Irwin A. Ewing — James Herman Faulkner, Sr. — Joseph Irwin France — Irwin A. Gabbert — Irwin C. Gotsch — William Irwin Grubb — Murray Irwin Gurfein — Irwin Hamin — John Scott Harrison — Benjamin Harrison — John Scott Harrison — Irwin R. Hazen — Noel Irwin Hentschel — Irwin R. Hogenauer — Irwin Isaacs — Irwin N. Johnson — Irwin Jungreis — Irwin J. Kasoff — Irwin W. Kehs — Irwin I. Kimmelman — Irwin Kimzey — Irwin J. Landes — Irwin Boyle Laughlin — Mrs. Irwin LeCocq — Cloid Irwin Level — Irwin LeWine — Nicholas Irwin Lowthian — Robert Rutherford McCormick — Irwin L. Metcalf — Irwin B. Middlesworth — Irwin Miller — Irwin W. Minger — Irwin W. Morton — Irwin J. Muna — Irwin J. Nebron — Irwin Nussbaum — Irwin Pakula — Irwin Pardee — Irwin Ira Rackoff — William Beatty Rochester — Irwin A. Rosenberg — William Irwin Schaffer — John Scull — Robert Eben Smylie — Newton Ivan Steers Jr. — Irwin Steingut — Charles Irwin Stengle — Irwin C. Stratton — Irwin Suall — Henry Irwin Toole — Irwin St. John Tucker — Irwin Untermyer — John Irwin Viney — Irwin M. Wahlers — Irwin N. Walker — Julius Irwin Washington — Emmet Irwin Welch — Irwin Earl Welsh — Irwin F. Westheimer — William Irwin Witty — Irwin D. Wolf — Irwin Wood
  Irwin, Alexander J. — of Green Bay, Brown County, Wis. Whig. Postmaster at Green Bay, Wis., 1843-45. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Aubrey N. — of La Canada (now part of La Canada Flintridge), Los Angeles County, Calif. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from California, 1952. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Barry — Democrat. Candidate for U.S. Representative from Georgia 9th District, 2002. Still living as of 2002.
  Irwin, Billie J. — of Superior, Pinal County, Ariz. Republican. Postmaster at Superior, Ariz., 1959-64 (acting, 1959-60). Female. Still living as of 1964.
  Irwin, C. E. — Socialist. Candidate for U.S. Representative from Ohio 1st District, 1902. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Mrs. C. Montague — of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minn. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Minnesota, 1936. Female. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Charles F. — of Wayne County, Mich. Delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention 1st District, 1835. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Charles F. — of California. Member of California state assembly 23rd District, 1883-85. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Charles G. (b. 1892) — of Douglas, Converse County, Wyo. Born in Belvidere, Thayer County, Neb., November 20, 1892. Republican. Railway station agent; merchant; banker; member of Wyoming state house of representatives, 1940; delegate to Republican National Convention from Wyoming, 1956 (member, Credentials Committee); member of Wyoming state senate from Converse County, 1957-67. Episcopalian. Member, Freemasons; Moose; Kiwanis; Veterans of Foreign Wars; American Legion. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Charles J. — of Union County, N.J. Republican. Member of New Jersey state house of assembly District 9; elected 1967, 1969. Still living as of 1969.
  Irwin, Clinton Fillmore (1854-1923) — also known as Clinton F. Irwin — of Oklahoma; Elgin, Kane County, Ill. Born in Franklin Grove, Lee County, Ill., January 1, 1854. Justice of Oklahoma territorial supreme court, 1899-1907; circuit judge in Illinois 16th Circuit, 1913-19. Scotch-Irish ancestry. Died, from pneumonia, in Elgin, Kane County, Ill., November 4, 1923 (age 69 years, 307 days). Interment at Bluff City Cemetery, Elgin, Ill.
  Relatives: Son of Henry Irwin and Ann Elizabeth (McNeel) Irwin; married, November 4, 1880, to Julia Helen Egan.
  The city of Clinton, Oklahoma, is named for him.
  See also Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Irwin, D. O. — of Lake City, Wabasha County, Minn. Postmaster at Lake City, Minn., 1887. Burial location unknown.
David S. Irwin Irwin, David S. — of Thousand Oaks, Ventura County, Calif. Mayor of Thousand Oaks, Calif., 1974-75. Still living as of 1976.
  Image source: City of Thousand Oaks
  Irwin, Don — of Louisville, Jefferson County, Ky. Democrat. Candidate for Kentucky state house of representatives 48th District, 1975. Still living as of 1975.
  Irwin, Don B. — of Frankfort, Clinton County, Ind. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Indiana, 1936, 1944, 1952 (alternate). Burial location unknown.
Donald J. Irwin Irwin, Donald Jay (1926-2013) — also known as Donald J. Irwin — of Norwalk, Fairfield County, Conn. Born in Rosario, Argentina of American parents, September 7, 1926. Democrat. Lawyer; U.S. Representative from Connecticut 4th District, 1959-61, 1965-69; defeated, 1960, 1968; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Connecticut, 1960, 1968; Connecticut state treasurer, 1961-63; appointed 1961; mayor of Norwalk, Conn., 1971-75. Catholic. Member, Knights of Columbus; Jaycees. Died in Norwalk, Fairfield County, Conn., July 7, 2013 (age 86 years, 303 days). Interment at St. John's Cemetery, Norwalk, Conn.
  Relatives: Son of Montrose Wellington Irwin and Marion (Reynolds) Irwin; married, August 23, 1952, to Mary Stapleton.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article
  Image source: Stamford (Conn.) Advocate, July 10, 2013
  Irwin, E. E. — of Columbus, Colorado County, Tex. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Texas, 1948. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Edward Michael (1869-1933) — also known as Edward M. Irwin — of New Athens, St. Clair County, Ill.; Belleville, St. Clair County, Ill. Born near Leasburg, Crawford County, Mo., April 14, 1869. Republican. School teacher; physician; chair of St. Clair County Republican Party, 1898-1924; St. Clair County Coroner, 1904-08; delegate to Republican National Convention from Illinois, 1920; U.S. Representative from Illinois 22nd District, 1925-31; defeated, 1930. Died in Belleville, St. Clair County, Ill., January 30, 1933 (age 63 years, 291 days). Interment at Green Mount Cemetery, Belleville, Ill.
  Relatives: Married to Emelia Flach.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Irwin, Ellis — of Clearfield, Clearfield County, Pa. Whig. Postmaster at Clearfield, Pa., 1841-43. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Forest B. — of Franklin, Venango County, Pa. Republican. Mayor of Franklin, Pa., 1960. Still living as of 1960.
  Irwin, Frank L. — of Albion, Calhoun County, Mich. Republican. Postmaster at Albion, Mich., 1898-1910. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, G. M. — of Oregon. Republican. Oregon superintendent of public instruction, 1895-99. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, G. M. — of Juneau, Alaska. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Alaska Territory, 1904. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, G. W. — of Pennsylvania. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1864. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, George — of Calhoun, McLean County, Ky. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Kentucky, 1896. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, George — Prohibition candidate for Presidential Elector for Pennsylvania, 1896. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Greg — of Tokyo, Japan. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Democrats Abroad, 1996. Still living as of 1996.
  Irwin, Harold — of Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kan. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Kansas, 1952 (member, Committee on Rules and Order of Business). Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Harry — of Hilo, Island of Hawaii, Hawaii County, Hawaii. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Hawaii Territory, 1912 (member, Platform and Resolutions Committee), 1924 (alternate); alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Hawaii Territory, 1936. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Harry E. — of Wayne County, Mich. Farmer-Labor candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 17th District, 1936; Democratic candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 5th District, 1940. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Harry M. — of Maryville, Nodaway County, Mo. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Missouri, 1912. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Harvey Samuel (1844-1916) — of Louisville, Jefferson County, Ky. Born in Highland County, Ohio, December 10, 1844. Republican. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; lawyer; U.S. Representative from Kentucky 5th District, 1901-03. Died in Vienna, Fairfax County, Va., September 3, 1916 (age 71 years, 268 days). Interment at Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, Ky.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Irwin, Henry F. — of Montgomery, Montgomery County, Ala. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Alabama, 1904 (alternate), 1908 (alternate), 1920. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, I. I. — of San Diego, San Diego County, Calif. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, 1928. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Isaiah T. — of Washington, Wilkes County, Ga. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Georgia, 1860. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, J. J. — of Columbus, Bartholomew County, Ind. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Indiana, 1880. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, J. L. — of Lompoc, Santa Barbara County, Calif. Postmaster at Lompoc, Calif., 1887. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, J. L. C. — of Hanford, Kings County, Calif. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, 1924. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Mrs. Jack — of Billings, Yellowstone County, Mont. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Montana, 1960. Female. Still living as of 1960.
  Irwin, Jack — of East Rockaway, Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, 2008. Still living as of 2008.
Jacqueline Irwin Irwin, Jacqueline — also known as Jacqui Irwin — of Thousand Oaks, Ventura County, Calif. Mayor of Thousand Oaks, Calif., 2007-08, 2011-12. Female. Still living as of 2014.
  Image source: City of Thousand Oaks
  Irwin, Jacqui See Jacqueline Irwin
  Irwin, James — of Murrysville, Westmoreland County, Pa. Whig. Postmaster at Murrysville, Pa., 1841-45, 1849-53. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, James — of Pennsylvania. Candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, 1847. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, James E. — of Iowa. Democrat. Candidate for U.S. Representative from Iowa 6th District, 1948. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, James G. — of Essex County, N.J. Member of New Jersey state house of assembly from Essex County, 1869, 1871. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Jared (1750-1818) — of Georgia. Born in Georgia, 1750. Colonel in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War; delegate to Georgia state constitutional convention, 1789, 1798; member of Georgia state legislature, 1790; Governor of Georgia, 1796-98, 1806-09. Died March 1, 1818 (age about 67 years). Interment at Irwin Family Cemetery, Near Tennille, Washington County, Ga.
  Irwin County, Ga. is named for him.
  The city of Irwinton, Georgia, is named for him.
  See also National Governors Association biography — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Irwin, Jared (1768-1818) — of Northumberland County, Pa. Born in Georgia, January 19, 1768. Democrat. Postmaster; Northumberland County Sheriff, 1808-12; member of Pennsylvania state house of representatives, 1811; served in the U.S. Army during the War of 1812; U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania 10th District, 1813-17. In 1817, assisted in the establishment of a short-lived revolutionary government on Amelia Island, Fla. Died in Fernandina (now part of Fernandina Beach), Nassau County, Fla., September 20, 1818 (age 50 years, 244 days). Burial location unknown.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Irwin, Jeff — of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Mich. Democrat. Member of Michigan state house of representatives 53rd District; elected 2012. Still living as of 2012.
  Irwin, Joan — Republican. Republican Presidential Elector for California, 1972 (voted for Richard M. Nixon and Spiro T. Agnew). Female. Still living as of 1972.
  Irwin, Joe B. — of Texas. Progressive. Candidate for U.S. Representative from Texas 5th District, 1948. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, John — of Allegheny (now part of Pittsburgh), Allegheny County, Pa. Burgess of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, 1829-34. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, John D. — Not U.S. citizen; U.S. Consular Agent in Hamilton, 1861-66. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, John E. — of Irwin, Westmoreland County, Pa. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1932, 1936. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, John J. — of Medford, Middlesex County, Mass. Republican. Mayor of Medford, Mass., 1937; candidate for U.S. Representative from Massachusetts 8th District, 1940. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, John M. — of Allegheny County, Pa. Member of Pennsylvania state house of representatives from Allegheny County, 1858, 1875-76. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, John Nichol (1847-1905) — also known as John N. Irwin — of Keokuk, Lee County, Iowa. Born in Butler County, Ohio, December 25, 1847. Republican. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; member of Iowa state house of representatives, 1875; mayor of Keokuk, Iowa, 1876, 1887; Governor of Idaho Territory, 1883; delegate to Republican National Convention from Iowa, 1888; Governor of Arizona Territory, 1891-92; U.S. Minister to Portugal, 1899-1900. Died in Hot Springs, Garland County, Ark., December 22, 1905 (age 57 years, 362 days). Interment at Oakland Cemetery, Keokuk, Iowa.
  See also U.S. State Dept career summary
  Irwin, John Nichol II (1913-2000) — Born in Keokuk, Lee County, Iowa, December 31, 1913. Colonel in the U.S. Army during World War II; lawyer; U.S. Ambassador to France, 1973-74. Died in a hospital at New Haven, New Haven County, Conn., February 28, 2000 (age 86 years, 59 days). Burial location unknown.
  See also U.S. State Dept career summary — NNDB dossier
  Irwin, John R. — of Keokuk, Lee County, Iowa. Republican. Postmaster at Keokuk, Iowa, 1929-33; Speaker of the Iowa State House of Representatives, 1939-40. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Joseph C. — Republican. Candidate for U.S. Representative from New Jersey 3rd District, 1940. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Joseph M. — Member of Missouri state senate 13th District; elected 1854. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Julie — of New Orleans, Orleans Parish, La. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Louisiana, 1988. Female. Still living as of 1988.
  Irwin, Leon, Jr. — of New Orleans, Orleans Parish, La. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Louisiana, 1944. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Leon III — Democrat. Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for Louisiana, 1972. Still living as of 1972.
  Irwin, Louis — Democrat. Candidate for Texas state house of representatives 78th District, 2008. Still living as of 2008.
  Irwin, Louis — Democrat. Candidate for Texas state senate 29th District, 2008. Still living as of 2008.
  Irwin, Major F. — of Woodstock, McHenry County, Ill. Republican. Postmaster at Woodstock, Ill., 1867-69. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Mary Ellen — of California. Republican. Republican Presidential Elector for California, 1960 (voted for Richard M. Nixon and Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.). Female. Still living as of 1960.
  Irwin, Mary Ellen — of Murray Hill, Union County, N.J. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from New Jersey, 1964. Female. Still living as of 1964.
  Irwin, Matthew W. — of Uniontown, Fayette County, Pa. Democrat. Merchant; postmaster at Uniontown, Pa., 1837-41; burgess of Uniontown, Pennsylvania, 1850-51. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Maud — of Garrison, Nacogdoches County, Tex. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Texas, 1940. Female. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Mitch (b. 1952) — of Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa County, Mich. Born in Sault Ste. Marie, Chippewa County, Mich., July 8, 1952. Democrat. Candidate for Michigan state house of representatives 107th District, 1976; member of Michigan state senate 37th District, 1979-90; candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan 11th District, 1988. Catholic. Still living as of 2002.
  Irwin, Mrs. Montague See Mrs. C. Montague Irwin
  Irwin, O. W. See Ora William Irwin
  Irwin, Ora William — also known as O. W. Irwin — of Attica, Fountain County, Ind. Democrat. Postmaster at Attica, Ind., 1943-46; candidate for mayor of Attica, Ind., 1963. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Ramona — Independent candidate for Presidential Elector for California, 2016 (on behalf of Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard). Female. Still living as of 2016.
  Irwin, Richard — of Sutter County, Calif.; Plumas County, Calif. Member of California state assembly, 1853-55, 1857-58 (17th District 1853-54, 14th District 1854-55, 1857-58). Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Richard William (b. 1857) — also known as Richard W. Irwin — of Northampton, Hampshire County, Mass. Born in Northampton, Hampshire County, Mass., February 18, 1857. Republican. Lawyer; candidate for mayor of Northampton, Mass., 1889; member of Massachusetts state house of representatives, 1894-95; member of Massachusetts state senate, 1896-98; delegate to Republican National Convention from Massachusetts, 1896 (alternate), 1900; member of Massachusetts Governor's Council, 1903-04; District Attorney, Northwestern District, 1905-11; superior court judge in Massachusetts, 1911-16. Member, Freemasons. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of William Irwin and Mary (Blake) Irwin; married, November 16, 1892, to Florence E. Bangs.
  Irwin, Robert, Jr. — of Michigan. Member Michigan territorial council from Brown County, 1824-30. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Robert C. — of Michigan. Republican. Candidate for Michigan state senate 17th District, 1974. Still living as of 1974.
  Irwin, Robert D. — of Inkster, Wayne County, Mich. Libertarian. Candidate for Michigan state house of representatives 17th District, 1998. Still living as of 1998.
  Irwin, Robert F. — of Michigan. Republican. Candidate for Michigan state senate 8th District, 1960, 1962. Still living as of 1962.
  Irwin, Robert W. — of Grand Rapids, Kent County, Mich. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1924. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Robert Walker (1844-1925) — Born in Copenhagen, Denmark, of American parents, January 4, 1844. Kingdom of Hawaii Consul-General (1880) and Minister (1881) to Japan; negotiated an immigration treaty which enabled many Japanese to move to Hawaii. Died January 5, 1925 (age 81 years, 1 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of William Wallace Irwin and Sophia Arabella (Bache) Irwin; grandson of Richard Bache Jr.; grandnephew of George Mifflin Dallas (1792-1864); great-grandson of Richard Bache and Alexander James Dallas; second great-grandson of Benjamin Franklin; first cousin once removed of George Mifflin Dallas (1839-1917); first cousin thrice removed of Daniel Baugh Brewster; second cousin twice removed of Claiborne de Borda Pell; second cousin thrice removed of Elise du Pont; fourth cousin once removed of Walter Folger Jr..
  Political family: Bache-Dallas-Chew-Howard family of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Wikipedia article
  Irwin, Robert Wilson — of Pennsylvania. Democrat. Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for Pennsylvania, 1904. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Roscoe — of Kingston, Ulster County, N.Y. Democrat. Mayor of Kingston, N.Y., 1910-11; U.S. Collector of Internal Revenue at Albany, New York, 1914-21; candidate for Justice of New York Supreme Court 3rd District, 1921; delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1924. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Samuel B. — of West Hebron, Washington County, N.Y. Member of New York state assembly from Washington County, 1900-01. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Shirley — Democrat. National Democratic candidate for U.S. Representative from Alabama 5th District, 1972. Female. Still living as of 1972.
  Irwin, Susie (1878-1945) — also known as Susie Helen Bartley; Susie Cromwell; Mrs. William C. Irwin — of Jefferson City, Cole County, Mo. Born in Mexico, Audrain County, Mo., February 12, 1878. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Missouri, 1920. Female. Died in Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio, August 24, 1945 (age 67 years, 193 days). Interment at Riverview Cemetery, Jefferson City, Mo.
  Relatives: Daughter of William C. Bartley and Josephine (Ramsey) Bartley; married, December 2, 1919, to William Clarence Irwin; married, May 16, 1898, to Isaac B. Cromwell.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Irwin, Thomas — of Butler County, Ohio. Member of Ohio state senate from Butler County, 1808-20. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Thomas (1785-1870) — of Uniontown, Fayette County, Pa.; Natchitoches, Natchitoches Parish, La. Born in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pa., February 22, 1785. Democrat. Newspaper editor; lawyer; member of Pennsylvania state house of representatives, 1824-28; U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania 14th District, 1829-31; U.S. District Judge for the Western District of Pennsylvania, 1831-59; resigned 1859. Died in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa., May 14, 1870 (age 85 years, 81 days). Interment at Allegheny Cemetery, Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Relatives: Son of Matthew Irwin and Esther (Mifflin) Irwin; married to Eliza Walker.
  Epitaph: "Not Dead But Sleepeth."
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — federal judicial profile — Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial — Biographical Directory of Federal Judges
  Irwin, Thomas K. — of Carthage, Jasper County, Mo. Republican. Postmaster at Carthage, Mo., 1890-94. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Thomas T. — of Atlanta, Fulton County, Ga. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Georgia, 1968. Still living as of 1968.
  Irwin, W. R. — of Two Harbors, Lake County, Minn. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Minnesota, 1928. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, W. W. — of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania state treasurer, 1868-69, 1870-71. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, William — of Wheeling, Ohio County, Va. (now W.Va.). Mayor of Wheeling, Va., 1809-10, 1814, 1816-17; resigned 1814. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, William — of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Mo. Democrat. Postmaster at St. Joseph, Mo., 1845-48. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, William (d. 1865) — of Pennsylvania. U.S. Consul in Amoy, 1864-65, died in office 1865. Died in Amoy (Xiamen), China, 1865. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, William — of Spartanburgh Court House, Spartanburgh District (now Spartanburg, Spartanburg County), S.C. Postmaster at Spartanburgh Court House, S.C., 1865-66. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, William (1827-1886) — of Siskiyou County, Calif. Born in 1827. Democrat. Member of California state assembly 28th District, 1862-63; Lieutenant Governor of California, 1875; Governor of California, 1875-80. Died March 15, 1886 (age about 58 years). Interment at Sacramento City Cemetery, Sacramento, Calif.
  See also National Governors Association biography
  Irwin, William — Democrat. Delegate to Gold Democrat National Convention from South Dakota, 1896. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, William — of Brooklyn, Kings County, N.Y. Prohibition candidate for New York state assembly from Kings County 9th District, 1901. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, William A. — of Downingtown, Chester County, Pa. Democrat. Postmaster at Downingtown, Pa., 1915-21. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, Mrs. William C. See Susie Irwin
  Irwin, William Clarence (1870-1943) — also known as William C. Irwin — of Sullivan County, Mo.; Jefferson City, Cole County, Mo. Born in La Belle, Lewis County, Mo., October 18, 1870. Republican. Lawyer; candidate for U.S. Representative from Missouri, 1898 (2nd District), 1900 (2nd District), 1908 (8th District); member of Missouri state house of representatives from Cole County, 1911-12; defeated, 1912; member of Missouri state senate 27th District, 1921-24; defeated, 1924. Died in Jefferson City, Cole County, Mo., June 10, 1943 (age 72 years, 235 days). Interment at Riverview Cemetery, Jefferson City, Mo.
  Relatives: Son of Edward Knox Irwin and Lucinda Angeline (Overstreet) Irwin; married, March 29, 1893, to Lora Strong; married, December 2, 1919, to Susie Cromwell.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Irwin, William G. — of Columbus, Bartholomew County, Ind. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Indiana, 1916, 1936, 1940. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, William H. — Adjutant General of Pennsylvania, 1848-52. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, William H. — of Blair County, Pa. Member of Pennsylvania state house of representatives from Blair County, 1903-08. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, William W. — of Ohio. Justice of Ohio state supreme court, 1810-16. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, William W. — of Wheeling, Ohio County, W.Va. Democrat. Postmaster at Wheeling, W.Va., 1914-23. Burial location unknown.
  Irwin, William Wallace (1803-1856) — also known as William W. Irwin — of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa. Born in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa., 1803. Lawyer; mayor of Pittsburgh, Pa., 1840-41; U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania 22nd District, 1841-43; U.S. Charge d'Affaires to Denmark, 1843-47. Scotch-Irish ancestry. Died in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa., September 15, 1856 (age about 53 years). Interment at Allegheny Cemetery, Pittsburgh, Pa.
  Relatives: Son of John Irwin (1746-1830) and Agnes (Farquhar) Irwin; married to Frances Everallyn Rose (niece of Theophilus Washington Smith); married, February 28, 1839, to Sophia Arabella Bache (daughter of Richard Bache Jr.; niece of George Mifflin Dallas; granddaughter of Richard Bache and Alexander James Dallas; great-granddaughter of Benjamin Franklin); father of John Irwin (1831-1901; U.S. Navy Rear Admiral) and Robert Walker Irwin.
  Political family: Bache-Dallas-Chew-Howard family of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article — U.S. State Dept career summary — Find-A-Grave memorial

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
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The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
  The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
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  The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/irwin.html.  
  Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.  
  If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the alphabetical index of politicians.  
Copyright notices: (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see Feist v. Rural Telephone. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute fair use under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are © 1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a Creative Commons License.
What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.