The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
Politicians in Railroading in Indiana

  William Wallace Atterbury (1866-1935) — also known as William W. Atterbury; "The Railroad General" — of Radnor, Delaware County, Pa. Born in New Albany, Floyd County, Ind., January 31, 1866. Republican. Railroad superintendent; president, American Railway Association; during World War I, he was called on to organize organized U.S. military railroad operations in France; he was designated Director-General of Transportation for the American Expeditionary Forces; delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1920 (speaker); President, Pennsylvania Railroad, 1925-35. Member, American Philosophical Society; American Academy of Political and Social Science. Died, of apoplexy, in Radnor, Delaware County, Pa., September 20, 1935 (age 69 years, 232 days). Interment at Old St. David's Church Cemetery, Radnor, Pa.
  Relatives: Son of John G. Atterbury and Catharine (Larned) Atterbury.
  Camp Atterbury, a military training camp in Johnson County, Indiana, is named for him.  — Atterbury Army Air Base, Columbus, Indiana, later known as Bakalar Air Force Base, and since 1970 as Columbus Municipal Airport, was named for him.
  See also Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Phil E. Baer (b. 1866) — of Texarkana, Bowie County, Tex.; Paris, Lamar County, Tex. Born in Peru, Miami County, Ind., April 24, 1866. Republican. Employed by Texas & Pacific Railway, 1882-1912, 1916-21; chair of Bowie County Republican Party, 1898-1904; delegate to Republican National Convention from Texas, 1912, 1916, 1920; U.S. Marshal. Catholic. Member, Elks. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Severin Baer and Catherine (Weidner) Baer.
  John Thomas Beasley (b. 1860) — also known as John Beasley — of Terre Haute, Vigo County, Ind. Born in Sullivan, Sullivan County, Ind., May 29, 1860. Democrat. Lawyer; member of Indiana state house of representatives, 1887-93; president, Indiana Gas Utilities Co.; director, Terre Haute Savings Bank; director, Indianapolis and Terre Haute Railway. Baptist. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Ephraim Beasley and Sarah (Williams) Beasley; married, November 5, 1885, to Cora E. Hoke.
  Charles G. Brittingham (1868-1923) — of Eldon, Miller County, Mo. Born in State Line, Warren County, Ind., August 11, 1868. Republican. Locomotive engineer; delegate to Missouri state constitutional convention at-large, 1922-23; appointed 1922; died in office 1923. Died May 17, 1923 (age 54 years, 279 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married, April 22, 1897, to Nellie Loraine McClure.
  Alvan Vernon Burch (1886-1973) — also known as Alvan V. Burch — of Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Ind. Born in Crawford County, Ill., May 27, 1886. Republican. Railway conductor; merchant; president, Blount Plow Works; Indiana State Highway Commissioner, 1921-27; candidate for mayor of Evansville, Ind., 1925; delegate to Republican National Convention from Indiana, 1944; Indiana state auditor, 1944-48. Methodist. Member, Kiwanis; Freemasons; Shriners. Died in Vanderburgh County, Ind., November 21, 1973 (age 87 years, 178 days). Interment at Oak Hill Cemetery, Evansville, Ind.
  Relatives: Son of Jasper Newton Burch; married 1907 to Violet House Hadley; married to Velma B. (Spencer) Martin; father of Alvan Vernon Burch Jr..
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  James Nelson Burnes (1827-1889) — also known as James N. Burnes — of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Mo. Born in Marion County, Ind., August 22, 1827. Democrat. Lawyer; banker; railroad executive; Democratic Presidential Elector for Missouri, 1856; common pleas court judge in Missouri, 1868-72; U.S. Representative from Missouri 4th District, 1883-89; died in office 1889. Slaveowner. Died in Washington, D.C., January 23, 1889 (age 61 years, 154 days). Entombed at Mt. Mora Cemetery, St. Joseph, Mo.
  Relatives: Son of James Burnes and Mary (Thompson) Burnes; father of Daniel Dee Burnes.
  Political family: Burnes-Kennett family of St. Joseph, Missouri.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Find-A-Grave memorial
  James Sullivan Clarkson (1842-1918) — also known as James S. Clarkson; "Ret" — of Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa; New York, New York County, N.Y.; Tarrytown, Westchester County, N.Y. Born in Brookville, Franklin County, Ind., May 17, 1842. Republican. Newspaper editor; railroad builder; Iowa Republican state chair, 1869-71; postmaster at Des Moines, Iowa, 1871-79; delegate to Republican National Convention from Iowa, 1876, 1880, 1884, 1888, 1892, 1896; member of Republican National Committee from Iowa, 1880-96; Chairman of Republican National Committee, 1891-92; First Assistant U.S. Postmaster General, 1889-90; U.S. Surveyor of Customs at New York, N.Y., New York, 1902-10. Assisted more than 500 escaping slaves en route to Canada via the "underground railroad," 1856-62. Died in Newark, Essex County, N.J., May 31, 1918 (age 76 years, 14 days). Interment at Woodland Cemetery, Des Moines, Iowa.
  Relatives: Son of Elizabeth (Goudie) Clarkson and Coker Fifield Clarkson; married, December 26, 1867, to Anna Clarinda Howell.
  See also Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Charles Crocker (1822-1888) — of Sacramento, Sacramento County, Calif. Born in Troy, Rensselaer County, N.Y., September 16, 1822. Went to California for the 1849 Gold Rush; merchant; banker; member of California state assembly 9th District, 1861-62; one of the builders of the Central Pacific Railroad; first president of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Died in Monterey, Monterey County, Calif., August 14, 1888 (age 65 years, 333 days). Interment at Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland, Calif.
  Relatives: Son of Isaac Crocker and Eliza (Wright) Crocker; brother of Edwin Bryant Crocker; married 1852 to Mary Deming; father of Harriet Crocker (who married Charles Beatty Alexander), Charles Frederick Crocker and William Henry Crocker; uncle of Jennie Louise Crocker (who married Jacob Sloat Fassett); grandfather of Mary Alexander (who married Sheldon Whitehouse (1883-1965)), Mary Crocker (who married Francis Burton Harrison) and Harriet Crocker Alexander (who married Winthrop Williams Aldrich); great-grandfather of Charles Sheldon Whitehouse; second great-grandfather of Sheldon Whitehouse (born 1955).
  Political families: Whitehouse-Alexander family of New York and Virginia; Rockefeller family of New York City, New York; Crocker family of Sacramento, California (subsets of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  Charles Crocker Elementary School, in Sacramento, California, is named for him.
  See also Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
Eugene V. Debs Eugene Victor Debs (1855-1926) — also known as Eugene V. Debs — of Terre Haute, Vigo County, Ind. Born in Terre Haute, Vigo County, Ind., November 5, 1855. Socialist. Locomotive fireman on the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Railroad; secretary-treasurer of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen in 1880-93; member of Indiana state house of representatives, 1885; founder in 1893 and president (1893-97) of the American Railway Union; arrested during a strike in 1894 and charged with conspiracy to commit murder; the charges were dropped, but he was jailed for six months for contempt of court; became a Socialist while incarcerated; candidate for President of the United States, 1900 (Social Democratic), 1904 (Socialist), 1908 (Socialist), 1912 (Socialist), 1920 (Socialist); in 1905, was a founder of the Industrial Workers of the World ("Wobblies"), which hoped to organize all workers in "One Big Union"; convicted under the Sedition and Espionage Act for an anti-war speech he made in 1918, and sentenced to ten years in federal prison; released in 1921. Member, Knights of Pythias; American Civil Liberties Union. Died in Lindlahr Sanitarium, Elmhurst, DuPage County, Ill., October 20, 1926 (age 70 years, 349 days). Interment at Highland Lawn Cemetery, Terre Haute, Ind.
  Relatives: Son of Daniel Debs and Marguerite (Betterich) Debs; married, June 9, 1885, to Katherine 'Kate' Metzel (step-sister-in-law of Bertha D. Baur).
  Cross-reference: Victor L. Berger — William A. Cunnea
  See also NNDB dossier
  Books about Eugene V. Debs: James Chace, 1912 : Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft and Debs : The Election that Changed the Country — Charles W. Carey, Jr., Eugene V. Debs : Outspoken Labor Leader and Socialist (for young readers)
  Image source: American Monthly Review of Reviews, September 1908
  David Maxwell Dunn (1818-1889) — of Indiana. Born in Jefferson County, Ind., November 28, 1818. Served in the U.S. Army during the Mexican War; member of Indiana state house of representatives, 1855; director, Logansport and Pacific Railroad; colonel in the Union Army during the Civil War; trustee, Wabash and Erie Canal, 1865-67; U.S. Consul in Charlottetown, 1871-83; Valparaiso, 1883. Died in Washington, D.C., August 20, 1889 (age 70 years, 265 days). Interment at Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington, D.C.
  Relatives: Son of Williamson Dunn and Miriam (Wilson) Dunn; brother of Samuel Campbell Dunn and William McKee Dunn; married to Ellen M. Purviance; nephew of David Hervey Maxwell, Edward Russell Maxwell and John Wilson.
  Political family: Clay family of Kentucky (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  George Hedford Dunn (1794-1854) — also known as George H. Dunn — of Indiana. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., November 15, 1794. Whig. Lawyer; member of Indiana state house of representatives, 1828-29, 1832-34; candidate for Indiana state senate, 1831; U.S. Representative from Indiana 4th District, 1837-39; Indiana state treasurer, 1841-44; circuit judge in Indiana, 1847-50; railroad promoter. Died in Lawrenceburg, Dearborn County, Ind., January 12, 1854 (age 59 years, 58 days). Original interment at Newtown Cemetery, Lawrenceburg, Ind.; reinterment at Greendale Cemetery, Greendale, Ind.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Find-A-Grave memorial
  William Grant Edens (1863-1957) — also known as William G. Edens — of Chicago, Cook County, Ill. Born in Richmond, Wayne County, Ind., November 27, 1863. Republican. Railway conductor; banker; president, Illinois Highway Improvement Association, 1912-20; leading advocate for construction of hard surface roads; campaign manager for U.S. Sen William B. McKinley, 1920 and 1926; candidate for U.S. Representative from Illinois at-large, 1934. Methodist. Member, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen; American Bankers Association; Knights of Pythias; Moose. Died, in the Villa St. Cyril old age home, Highland Park, Lake County, Ill., November 14, 1957 (age 93 years, 352 days). Entombed in mausoleum at Memorial Park Cemetery, Skokie, Ill.
  Relatives: Son of Hervey G. Washington Edens and Elsie Jane (Fought) Edens; married, December 9, 1896, to Lillian Maude Bruner.
  The Edens Expressway (opened 1951, now mostly part of I-94), in Cook County, Illinois, is named for him.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Luther Thomas Ellsworth (1853-1914) — also known as Luther T. Ellsworth — of East Richfield, Summit County, Ohio; Elkhart, Elkhart County, Ind.; Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Born in West Richfield, Summit County, Ohio, November 13, 1853. Stockholder, directtor, and secretary of a gold mining company; school teacher; foreman of railway coaling station; U.S. Consul in Puerto Cabello, 1898-1903; Cartagena, 1903-07; Chihuahua, 1907; Ciudad Porfirio Diaz, 1907-13. Died in Summit County, Ohio, July 2, 1914 (age 60 years, 231 days). Interment at West Richfield Cemetery, Richfield, Ohio.
  Relatives: Son of Harriet Melinda (Dustin) Ellsworth and Elisha T. Ellsworth; uncle of Hallet Thomas Ellsworth; second cousin thrice removed of Abijah Blodget; second cousin four times removed of Jonathan Hunt and Oliver Ellsworth; third cousin twice removed of Harrison Blodget; third cousin thrice removed of Henry Leavitt Ellsworth and William Wolcott Ellsworth; fourth cousin once removed of Walter Harrison Blodget.
  Political families: Morris family of Bronx, New York; Allen family of Northfield, Massachusetts (subsets of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
Charles W. Fairbanks Charles Warren Fairbanks (1852-1918) — also known as Charles W. Fairbanks — of Indianapolis, Marion County, Ind. Born in a log cabin near Unionville Center, Union County, Ohio, May 11, 1852. Republican. Lawyer; general solicitor for Ohio Southern Railroad, and for the Dayton and Ironton Railroad; president, Terre Haute and Peoria Railroad; director and general solicitor, Cincinnati, Hamilton, and Dayton Railroad; delegate to Republican National Convention from Indiana, 1896 (Temporary Chair; speaker; chair, Committee to Notify Vice-Presidential Nominee), 1900, 1904, 1912; U.S. Senator from Indiana, 1897-1905; resigned 1905; Vice President of the United States, 1905-09; defeated, 1916; candidate for Republican nomination for President, 1908, 1916. Died, from renal failure, in Indianapolis, Marion County, Ind., June 4, 1918 (age 66 years, 24 days). Interment at Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, Ind.
  Relatives: Son of Loriston Monroe Fairbanks and Mary Adelaide DeForest (Smith) Fairbanks; brother of Newton Hamilton Fairbanks; married, October 6, 1874, to Cornelia A. Cole (daughter of Philander Blakeslee Cole); first cousin once removed of Merton William Fairbank; second cousin twice removed of Daniel Gott; third cousin once removed of Isaac Davis; third cousin twice removed of Leone Fairbanks Burrell and Douglas Stanley Fairbanks; fourth cousin of Edward Livingston Davis, Wilson Henry Fairbank, John Barnard Fairbank and Alexander Warren Fairbank; fourth cousin once removed of Chauncey Mitchell Depew and Livingston Davis; relative *** of Earl Fairbanks.
  Political family: Fairbanks family of Ohio (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  The city of Fairbanks, Alaska is named for him.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article — NNDB dossier — Find-A-Grave memorial — OurCampaigns candidate detail
  Image source: Moore's Hoosier Cyclopedia (1905)
  William Treyanne Francis (1870-1929) — also known as William T. Francis — of Minnesota. Born in Indianapolis, Marion County, Ind., March 26, 1870. Republican. Lawyer; worked in legal department of railroad; member of Minnesota Republican State Central Committee, 1914; Republican Presidential Elector for Minnesota, 1921; U.S. Minister to Liberia, 1927-29, died in office 1929; U.S. Consul General in Monrovia, 1927-29, died in office 1929. Baptist. African ancestry. Member, Freemasons; NAACP; Urban League; Sigma Pi Phi; Alpha Phi Alpha. Died in Liberia, July 15, 1929 (age 59 years, 111 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of James Francis and Harriet (Taylor) Francis; married, August 8, 1893, to Nellie Frances Griswold.
  See also U.S. State Dept career summary
  James Putnam Goodrich (1864-1940) — also known as James P. Goodrich — of Winchester, Randolph County, Ind. Born in Winchester, Randolph County, Ind., February 18, 1864. Republican. Lawyer; receiver, Chicago, Cincinnati & Louisville Railroad; director, Union Heat, Light and Power Co.; Indiana Republican state chair, 1901-10; delegate to Republican National Convention from Indiana, 1904, 1908, 1920 (member, Committee on Permanent Organization), 1924, 1936 (member, Resolutions Committee), 1940; member of Republican National Committee from Indiana, 1912; Governor of Indiana, 1917-21. Presbyterian. Member, Phi Kappa Psi. Died August 15, 1940 (age 76 years, 179 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of John Bell Goodrich and Elizabeth Putnam (Edger) Goodrich; married 1888 to Cora Frist.
  See also National Governors Association biography
  Books about James P. Goodrich: Benjamin D. Rhodes, James P. Goodrich, Indiana's 'Governor Strangelove' : A Republican's Infatuation With Soviet Russia
  Leonard J. Hackney Jr. (b. 1855) — of Shelbyville, Shelby County, Ind.; Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. Born in Edinburgh, Johnson County, Ind., March 29, 1855. Lawyer; circuit judge in Indiana, 1888-93; justice of Indiana state supreme court, 1893-99; general counsel, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway. Interment at Forest Hill Cemetery, Shelbyville, Ind.
  Relatives: Son of Leonard J. Hackney and Kate H. Hackney; married, December 28, 1878, to Ida L. Pudney.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  John Stewart Hopkins (1811-1882) — also known as John S. Hopkins — of Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Ind. Born in Truxton, Cortland County, N.Y., October 28, 1811. Merchant; banker; mayor of Evansville, Ind., 1853-56; member of Indiana state house of representatives, 1861, 1867, 1879; president of Evansville, Cairo & Memphis Packet Company; president of First National Bank in Evansville; director of the Evansville & Terre Haute Railroad. Died in Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Ind., July 6, 1882 (age 70 years, 251 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married 1834 to Mary Ann Parrett.
  James Taber Loree (b. 1888) — of Albany, Albany County, N.Y. Born in Logansport, Cass County, Ind., April 6, 1888. Republican. Colonel in the U.S. Army during World War I; Railway official; delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, 1932. Catholic. Member, Beta Theta Pi. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Leonor Fresnol Loree and Jessie (Taber) Loree; married, March 23, 1927, to Miriam G. Collins.
  Robert P. McCardle (b. 1873) — of Greensburg, Decatur County, Ind. Born June 19, 1873. Democrat. Railway mail clerk; chair of Decatur County Democratic Party, 1942-44. Presbyterian. Burial location unknown.
  Robert Dunkerson Orr (1917-2004) — also known as Robert D. Orr — of Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Ind. Born in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Mich., November 17, 1917. Republican. Major in the U.S. Army during World War II; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Indiana, 1956; chair of Vanderburgh County Republican Party, 1965-67; member of Indiana state senate; elected 1968; Lieutenant Governor of Indiana; elected 1972; Governor of Indiana, 1981-89; board member, Amtrak (representing all state governors); U.S. Ambassador to Singapore, 1989-92. Presbyterian. Member, Delta Kappa Epsilon; Rotary; Jaycees. Died, of heart disease, in Indianapolis, Marion County, Ind., March 10, 2004 (age 86 years, 114 days). Interment at Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, Ind.
  Relatives: Son of Samuel Lowry Orr and Louise (Dunkerson) Orr; married, December 16, 1944, to Joanne Wallace.
  See also National Governors Association biography — U.S. State Dept career summary — NNDB dossier — Internet Movie Database profile — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Robert Bruce Fraser Peirce (1843-1898) — also known as Robert B. F. Peirce — of Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Ind. Born in Laurel, Franklin County, Ind., February 17, 1843. Republican. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; lawyer; U.S. Representative from Indiana 8th District, 1881-83; receiver of Toledo, St. Louis and Western Railway. Died in Indianapolis, Marion County, Ind., December 5, 1898 (age 55 years, 291 days). Interment at Oak Hill Cemetery, Crawfordsville, Ind.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
Eugene C. Pulliam Eugene Collins Pulliam (1889-1975) — also known as Eugene C. Pulliam — of Indianapolis, Marion County, Ind. Born, in a sod dugout, in Grant County, Kan., May 3, 1889. Republican. Newspaper editor and publisher; director, New York Central Railroad; delegate to Republican National Convention from Indiana, 1952 (speaker), 1956 (member, Resolutions Committee). Methodist. Member, Sigma Delta Chi; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Freemasons; Elks; Rotary. Died in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Ariz., June 23, 1975 (age 86 years, 51 days). Interment at Oak Hill Cemetery, Lebanon, Ind.
  Relatives: Son of Rev. Irvin Brown Pulliam and Martha Ellen (Collins) Pulliam; married 1912 to Myrta Smith; married 1919 to Martha Ott; married 1941 to Nina G. Mason; grandfather of James Danforth Quayle (who married Marilyn Quayle); great-grandfather of Benjamin Eugene Quayle.
  Political family: Quayle family of Indianapolis and Huntington, Indiana.
  See also Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: The Arizona Republic, August 31, 2011
  Franklin Peleg Randall (1812-1892) — also known as Franklin P. Randall — of Fort Wayne, Allen County, Ind. Born in Madison County, N.Y., June 2, 1812. School teacher; lawyer; railroad promoter; candidate for Indiana state house of representatives, 1845; member of Indiana state senate, 1847-50; Presidential Elector for Indiana, 1856; mayor of Fort Wayne, Ind., 1859-64, 1869-73. Episcopalian. English ancestry. Died in Fort Wayne, Allen County, Ind., May 23, 1892 (age 79 years, 356 days). Interment at Lindenwood Cemetery, Fort Wayne, Ind.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
John C. Spooner John Coit Spooner (1843-1919) — also known as John C. Spooner; "The Tinker of Legislation" — of Hudson, St. Croix County, Wis.; Madison, Dane County, Wis.; Manhattan, New York County, N.Y. Born in Lawrenceburg, Dearborn County, Ind., January 6, 1843. Republican. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; lawyer; private and military secretary to Gov. Lucius Fairchild; member of Wisconsin state assembly, 1872; general solicitor, Omaha Railroad, 1880; law partner of Arthur Loomis Sanborn; U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, 1885-91, 1897-1907; delegate to Republican National Convention from Wisconsin, 1888 (delegation chair), 1892 (delegation chair); candidate for Governor of Wisconsin, 1892. Died, of pneumonia and apoplexy, in Manhattan, New York County, N.Y., June 11, 1919 (age 76 years, 156 days). Interment at Forest Hill Cemetery, Madison, Wis.
  Relatives: Son of Philip L. Spooner and Lydia (Coit) Spooner; married, September 10, 1868, to Annie E. Main.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Image source: The Parties and The Men (1896)
  Frank A. Strehl (b. 1889) — of Owensville, Gibson County, Ind. Born in Gibson County, Ind., October 13, 1889. Democrat. Railway station agent; insurance business; chair of Gibson County Democratic Party, 1932-44; president, Owensville Telephone Corporation. Methodist. Member, Freemasons; Order of Railroad Telegraphers. Burial location unknown.
Richard W. Thompson Richard Wigginton Thompson (1809-1900) — also known as Richard W. Thompson — of Bedford, Lawrence County, Ind.; Terre Haute, Vigo County, Ind. Born near Culpeper Court House, Culpeper County, Va., June 9, 1809. School teacher; lawyer; member of Indiana state house of representatives, 1834-36; member of Indiana state senate, 1836-38; delegate to Whig National Convention from Indiana, 1839; Whig Presidential Elector for Indiana, 1840; U.S. Representative from Indiana, 1841-43, 1847-49 (2nd District 1841-43, 7th District 1847-49); Republican Presidential Elector for Indiana, 1864; U.S. Collector of Internal Revenue at Terre Haute, Indiana, 1864-66; circuit judge in Indiana, 1867-69; delegate to Republican National Convention from Indiana, 1868 (member, Resolutions Committee), 1876, 1888, 1896; U.S. Secretary of the Navy, 1877-80; chairman of the American Committee of the Panama Canal Company, 1881; director of the Panama Railroad Company, 1881-88. Member, Freemasons. Died in Terre Haute, Vigo County, Ind., February 9, 1900 (age 90 years, 245 days). Interment at Highland Lawn Cemetery, Terre Haute, Ind.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: The Parties and The Men (1896)
  Marcus M. Towle (1841-1910) — of Hammond, Lake County, Ind. Born in Danville, Rockingham County, N.H., January 12, 1841. Co-founder of the G. H. Hammond meat packing plant, and of the city of Hammond; financed and built railroads and port facilities; mayor of Hammond, Ind., 1884-88. Died, in Longcliffe Asylum for the Insane, Logansport, Cass County, Ind., September 6, 1910 (age 69 years, 237 days). Interment at Oak Hill Cemetery, Hammond, Ind.
  Relatives: Married, December 5, 1866, to Irena Dow.
Albert Smith White Albert Smith White (1803-1864) — also known as Albert S. White — of Lafayette, Tippecanoe County, Ind. Born in Blooming Grove, Orange County, N.Y., October 24, 1803. Lawyer; candidate for Indiana state house of representatives, 1832; Whig Presidential Elector for Indiana, 1836; U.S. Representative from Indiana, 1837-39, 1861-63 (7th District 1837-39, 8th District 1861-63); U.S. Senator from Indiana, 1839-45; railroad president. Died in Stockwell, Tippecanoe County, Ind., September 4, 1864 (age 60 years, 316 days). Interment at Greenbush Cemetery, Lafayette, Ind.
  Relatives: Married to Harriet Randolph.
  Epitaph: "In All Relations Of Life, Admirable. As a Friend, Sincere. As a Citizen, Public Spirited. As a Lawyer, Honest. As a Legislator, Wise. As a Judge, Without Reproach."
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: Library of Congress
  John T. Wilder (1830-1917) — of Lawrenceburg, Dearborn County, Ind.; Greensburg, Decatur County, Ind.; Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tenn.; Johnson City, Washington County, Tenn.; Knoxville, Knox County, Tenn. Born in Hunter, Greene County, N.Y., January 31, 1830. Republican. Millwright; foundry owner; general in the Union Army during the Civil War; manufacturer of railroad rails; railroad promoter; mayor of Chattanooga, Tenn., 1871-72; candidate for U.S. Representative from Tennessee, 1876; postmaster at Chattanooga, Tenn., 1877-82; hotel owner. Died in Jacksonville, Duval County, Fla., October 20, 1917 (age 87 years, 262 days). Interment at Forest Hills Cemetery, Chattanooga, Tenn.
  Relatives: Son of Reuben Wilder and Mary (Merritt) Wilder; married to Martha Jane Stewart and Dora Lee.
  See also Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
The Political Graveyard

The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
  The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
  The listings are incomplete; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.  
  Information on this page — and on all other pages of this site — is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.  
  The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/geo/IN/railroading.html.  
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What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.