The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
College and University President Politicians in Pennsylvania

  Charles Thomas Aikens (b. 1862) — also known as Charles T. Aikens — of Pine Grove, Schuylkill County, Pa.; Selinsgrove, Snyder County, Pa. Born in Siglerville, Mifflin County, Pa., December 14, 1862. Republican. Pastor; president, Susquehanna University, 1905-27; president, Selinsgrove Realty Co.; vice-president and treasurer, Nittany Real Estate Co.; director, First National Bank of Selinsgrove; director, Sunbury and Selinsgrove Electric Railroad; director, Nittany Light, Heat & Power Co.; delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1916; Republican Presidential Elector for Pennsylvania, 1916. Lutheran. Member, Freemasons; Scottish Rite Masons; Phi Delta Theta. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Andrew Jackson Aikens and Lucinda (Hassenpflug) Aikens; married, November 26, 1889, to Athalia Clara Gitt; married, February 3, 1915, to Carrie (Specht) Smith.
  John Stothoff Badeau (1903-1995) — also known as John S. Badeau — of Jamesburg, Middlesex County, N.J. Born in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa., February 24, 1903. Minister; missionary; university professor; president, American University in Cairo, 1945-53; U.S. Ambassador to United Arab Republic, 1961-64. Christian Reformed; later Presbyterian. Member, Sigma Xi; Tau Kappa Alpha. Died, from sepsis, in Jamesburg, Middlesex County, N.J., August 25, 1995 (age 92 years, 182 days). Interment at Fernwood Cemetery, Jamesburg, N.J.
  Relatives: Son of Charles Cushing Badeau and Mary Lyles (Stothoff) Badeau; married, September 7, 1924, to Margaret Louise Hathaway.
  See also U.S. State Dept career summary — Find-A-Grave memorial
Martin G. Brumbaugh Martin Grove Brumbaugh (1862-1930) — also known as Martin G. Brumbaugh; "Hercules of the Educational World" — of Huntingdon County, Pa.; Germantown, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pa. Born in Penn Township, Huntingdon County, Pa., April 14, 1862. Republican. Huntingdon County Superintendent of Schools, 1884-90; university professor; president, Juniata College, 1895-1906; Puerto Rico Commissioner of Education, 1900-02; Philadelphia superintendent of schools, 1906-15; Governor of Pennsylvania, 1915-19; candidate for Republican nomination for President, 1916; delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1916. Brethren. German ancestry. Member, Union League. Died in Pinehurst, Moore County, N.C., March 14, 1930 (age 67 years, 334 days). Interment at Valley View Cemetery, McConnellstown, Pa.
  Relatives: Son of George Boyer Brumbaugh and Martha (Peightal) Brumbaugh; married 1884 to Anna Konigmacher; married, January 29, 1916, to Flora Belle Parks.
  Brumbaugh Hall, a residence hall at Pennsylvania State University, University Park, State College, Pennsylvania, is named for him.
  See also National Governors Association biography — Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial — OurCampaigns candidate detail
  Books about Martin Grove Brumbaugh: Earl C. Kaylor, Jr., Martin Grove Brumbaugh : A Pennsylvanian's Odyssey from Sainted Schoolman to Bedeviled World War I Governor, 1862-1930
  Image source: Smull's Legislative Hand Book and Manual 1916
  Charles Ernest Bunnell (1878-1956) — also known as Charles E. Bunnell — of Fairbanks, Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska. Born in Dimock, Susquehanna County, Pa., January 12, 1878. Democrat. Candidate for Delegate to U.S. Congress from Alaska Territory, 1914; U.S. District Judge for Alaska, 1914-21; first president of the Alaska Agricultural College and School of Mines (later University of Alaska), 1921-45. Episcopalian. Member, Phi Beta Kappa; Freemasons; Elks. Died, following a heart attack, at a nursing home in Burlingame, San Mateo County, Calif., November 1, 1956 (age 78 years, 294 days). Interment at Birch Hill Cemetery, Fairbanks, Alaska; statue at University of Alaska Campus, Fairbanks, Alaska.
  Relatives: Son of Lyman Walton Bunnell and Ruth (Tingley) Bunnell; married, July 24, 1901, to Mary Anna Kline.
  Thomas Henry Burrowes (1805-1871) — also known as Thomas H. Burrowes — of Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pa. Born in 1805. Secretary of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1835-39; mayor of Lancaster, Pa., 1858; president, Pennsylvania State University, 1868-71. Died in 1871 (age about 66 years). Interment at St. James' Episcopal Churchyard, Lancaster, Pa.
  See also Wikipedia article
  Robert Clarkson Clothier (b. 1885) — also known as Robert C. Clothier — of New Brunswick, Middlesex County, N.J. Born in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pa., January 8, 1885. Newspaper reporter; colonel in the U.S. Army during World War I; vice-president, Scott Company (industrial personnel consultants), 1918-23; Dean of Men, University of Pittsburgh, 1929-32; director, Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company; president, Rutgers University, 1932; delegate to New Jersey state constitutional convention from Middlesex County, 1947. Christian Reformed. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Clarkson Clothier and Agnes (Evans) Clothier; married, June 24, 1916, to Nathalie Wilson; father of Arthur Clothier.
Fred P. Corson Fred Pierce Corson (1896-1985) — also known as Fred P. Corson — of Jackson Heights, Queens, Queens County, N.Y.; New Haven, New Haven County, Conn.; Port Washington, Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y.; Carlisle, Cumberland County, Pa.; Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pa.; Cornwall, Lebanon County, Pa. Born in Millville, Cumberland County, N.J., April 11, 1896. Methodist minister; president, Dickinson College, 1934-44; Methodist Bishop of Philadelphia, 1944-68; offered prayer, Republican National Convention, 1948, 1952; offered prayer, Democratic National Convention, 1948. Methodist. Member, Freemasons; Union League; Rotary; Kappa Sigma; Omicron Delta Kappa; Tau Kappa Alpha; Phi Beta Kappa. Died, from a cerebral hemorrhage after a fall, in St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Fla., February 16, 1985 (age 88 years, 311 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Jeremiah Corson and Mary (Payne) Corson; married 1922 to Frances Blount Beaman.
  See also Wikipedia article
  Image source: Dickinson College
  Mitchell Elias Daniels (b. 1949) — also known as Mitch Daniels; "The Blade" — of Indiana. Born in Monongahela, Washington County, Pa., April 7, 1949. Chief of staff for Sen. Richard Lugar, 1977-82; executive director, National Republican Senatorial Committee, 1983-84; president, North American Pharmaceutical Operations, Eli Lilly & Co., 1993-97; director, U.S. Office of Management and Budget, 2001-03; Governor of Indiana, 2005-13; president, Purdue University, 2013-. Presbyterian. Still living as of 2021.
  Relatives: Married to Cheri Lynn Herman.
  See also National Governors Association biography — Wikipedia article — NNDB dossier — OurCampaigns candidate detail
  Milton Stover Eisenhower (1899-1985) — also known as Milton S. Eisenhower — of Baltimore, Md. Born in Abilene, Dickinson County, Kan., September 15, 1899. Republican. Newspaper reporter; university professor; U.S. Vice Consul in Edinburgh, 1924-26; president of Kansas State University, 1943-50; Pennsylvania State University, 1950-56; and Johns Hopkins University, 1956-67 and 1971-72; director for railroads; trustee for hospitals; delegate to Republican National Convention from Maryland, 1964; Independent candidate for Vice President of the United States, 1980. Episcopalian. Member, Rotary; Phi Kappa Phi; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Delta Chi; Alpha Zeta; Omicron Delta Kappa; Delta Sigma Pi. Died, of cancer, in Baltimore, Md., May 2, 1985 (age 85 years, 229 days). Interment at Centre County Memorial Park, State College, Pa.
  Relatives: Son of Ida Elizabeth (Stover) Eisenhower and David Jacob Eisenhower; brother of Dwight David Eisenhower (who married Mary Geneva Doud); married, October 12, 1927, to Helen Elsie Eakin; uncle of John Sheldon Doud Eisenhower.
  Political family: Eisenhower family (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial — OurCampaigns candidate detail
  Charles Calvert Ellis (1874-1950) — also known as Charles C. Ellis — of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pa.; Huntingdon, Huntingdon County, Pa. Born in Washington, D.C., July 21, 1874. School teacher; pastor; college professor; president, Juniata College, 1930-43; Dry candidate for delegate to Pennsylvania convention to ratify 21st amendment, 1933. Brethren. Died, in Presbyterian Hospital, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pa., June 27, 1950 (age 75 years, 341 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Henry Jennings Ellis and Kate Calvert (Kane) Ellis; married, December 25, 1902, to Emma Susan Nice.
  David Jayne Hill (1850-1932) — also known as David J. Hill — of Lewisburg, Union County, Pa.; Rochester, Monroe County, N.Y.; Washington, D.C. Born in Plainfield, Union County, N.J., June 10, 1850. Historian; president, Bucknell University, 1879-88; president, University of Rochester, 1888-96; U.S. Minister to Switzerland, 1903-05; Netherlands, 1905-08; Luxembourg, 1905-08; U.S. Ambassador to Germany, 1908-11. Member, American Philosophical Society; American Historical Association; Sons of the American Revolution. Died in 1932 (age about 82 years). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Rev. Daniel T. Hill and Lydia Ann (Thompson) Hill; married, June 3, 1886, to Juliet Lewis Packer.
  Cross-reference: Thomas Burke
  See also U.S. State Dept career summary
  Clark Kerr (1911-2003) — Born in Pennsylvania, May 17, 1911. Chancellor, University of California Berkeley, 1952-58 president, University of California, 1958-67; member, Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 1953-55. Died in El Cerrito, Contra Costa County, Calif., December 1, 2003 (age 92 years, 198 days). Burial location unknown.
  See also Wikipedia article — NNDB dossier
William S. Kirkpatrick William Sebring Kirkpatrick (1844-1932) — also known as William S. Kirkpatrick — of Easton, Northampton County, Pa. Born in Easton, Northampton County, Pa., April 21, 1844. Republican. Lawyer; district judge in Pennsylvania 5th District, 1874-75; delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1884; Pennsylvania state attorney general, 1887-91; U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania 8th District, 1897-99; acting president, Lafayette College, 1902-03. Died November 3, 1932 (age 88 years, 196 days). Interment at Easton Cemetery, Easton, Pa.
  Relatives: Son of Newton Kirkpatrick and Susan (Sebring) Kirkpatrick; married, March 20, 1873, to Elizabeth H. Jones; father of William Huntington Kirkpatrick.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Image source: Autobiographies and Portraits of the President, Cabinet, etc. (1899)
  William Potter (1852-1926) — of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pa. Born in Pennsylvania, 1852. Lawyer; president, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia; U.S. Minister to Italy, 1892-94; City candidate for mayor of Philadelphia, Pa., 1907. Died in 1926 (age about 74 years). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Thomas Potter and Adaline (Coleman) Potter.
  See also U.S. State Dept career summary
  William Campbell Preston (1794-1860) — also known as William C. Preston — of Columbia, Richland County, S.C. Born in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pa., December 27, 1794. Lawyer; member of South Carolina state house of representatives, 1828-34; U.S. Senator from South Carolina, 1833-42; resigned 1842. President of South Carolina College 1845-51. Slaveowner. Died in Columbia, Richland County, S.C., May 22, 1860 (age 65 years, 147 days). Interment at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral Cemetery, Columbia, S.C.
  Relatives: Son of Francis Smith Preston and Sarah Buchanan (Campbell) Preston; brother of John Smith Preston and Margaret Buchanan Preston Preston (who married Wade Hampton III); married to Missouri Maria Coalter; nephew of James Patton Preston; uncle of Robert Jefferson Breckinridge Jr. and William Campbell Preston Breckinridge; grandson of William Preston and William Campbell; grandnephew of Patrick Henry; granduncle of Levin Irving Handy, Desha Breckinridge and Henry Skillman Breckinridge; first cousin of James McDowell, John Buchanan Floyd and George Rogers Clark Floyd; first cousin once removed of John Breckinridge; second cousin of Joseph Cabell Breckinridge (1788-1823), Valentine Wood Southall, Robert Jefferson Breckinridge and Samuel Meredith Garland (1802-1880); second cousin once removed of John Cabell Breckinridge, Peter Augustus Porter (1827-1864) and Stephen Valentine Southall; second cousin twice removed of Joseph Cabell Breckinridge (1844-1906), Clifton Rodes Breckinridge, Peter Augustus Porter (1853-1925) and Samuel Meredith Garland (1861-1945); third cousin of James Douglas Breckinridge.
  Political families: Breckinridge-Preston-Harrison-Richardson family of Virginia; Garland family of Virginia (subsets of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
George Edward Reed George Edward Reed (1846-1930) — also known as "The Grand Old Man" — of Willimantic, Windham County, Conn.; Fall River, Bristol County, Mass.; Brooklyn, Kings County, N.Y.; New Haven, New Haven County, Conn.; Carlisle, Cumberland County, Pa.; Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa. Born in Brownville, Piscataquis County, Maine, March 28, 1846. Republican. Minister; president, Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., 1889-1911; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1900. Methodist. English ancestry. Died, in Polyclinic Hospital, Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., February 7, 1930 (age 83 years, 316 days). Interment at Old Carlisle Cemetery, Carlisle, Pa.
  Relatives: Son of George Reed and Ann (Hellyer) Reed; married 1870 to Ella Frances Leffingwell; father of George Leffingwell Reed.
  Political families:Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of the 19th Congressional District (1897)
Harold Stassen Harold Edward Stassen (1907-2001) — also known as Harold E. Stassen — of South St. Paul, Dakota County, Minn.; Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pa. Born in West St. Paul, Dakota County, Minn., April 13, 1907. Republican. Lawyer; Dakota County Attorney, 1931-38; delegate to Republican National Convention from Minnesota, 1936, 1940 (Temporary Chair; speaker); Governor of Minnesota, 1939-43; resigned 1943; served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; among the founders of the United Nations, 1945 (in 2001, he was the last surviving signer of the UN Charter); president, University of Pennsylvania, 1948-53; director, U.S. Mutual Security Agency, 1953; candidate for Republican nomination for President, 1948, 1952, 1964, 1968, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992; candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, 1958; candidate for mayor of Philadelphia, Pa., 1959; delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1960; Independent Republican candidate for U.S. Representative from Minnesota 4th District, 1986. Baptist. Member, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Delta Sigma Rho; Gamma Eta Gamma; Freemasons; Shriners; Council on Foreign Relations. Died, at the Friendship Village nursing home, Bloomington, Hennepin County, Minn., March 4, 2001 (age 93 years, 325 days). Interment at Acacia Park Cemetery, Mendota Heights, Minn.
  Relatives: Son of William Andrew Stassen and Elsie Emma (Mueller) Stassen; married, November 14, 1929, to Esther Glewwe.
  See also National Governors Association biography — Wikipedia article — NNDB dossier — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: Eminent Americans (1954)
  Joseph Ross Stevenson (1866-1939) — also known as J. Ross Stevenson — of Sedalia, Pettis County, Mo.; Chicago, Cook County, Ill.; New York City (unknown county), N.Y.; Baltimore, Md.; Princeton, Mercer County, N.J. Born in Ligonier, Westmoreland County, Pa., March 1, 1866. Democrat. Pastor; college professor; offered prayer, Democratic National Convention, 1912 ; president, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1914-36. Presbyterian. Died in Princeton, Mercer County, N.J., August 13, 1939 (age 73 years, 165 days). Interment at Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, N.J.
  Relatives: Son of Rev. Ross Stevenson and Martha A. (Harbison) Stevenson; married, May 16, 1899, to Florence Day.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Wilbur G. Williams (1852-1897) — of Meadville, Crawford County, Pa.; Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio; St. Louis, Mo. Born in Coshocton County, Ohio, 1852. Republican. Pastor; president, Allegheny College; offered prayer, Republican National Convention, 1896. Methodist. Died in St. Louis, Mo., April 16, 1897 (age about 44 years). Interment at Bellefontaine Cemetery, St. Louis, Mo.
  Relatives: Son of Heslip Williams and Charlotte Williams; married, July 28, 1880, to Caroline Kitchell Wythe.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
The Political Graveyard

The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
  The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
  The listings are incomplete; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.  
  Information on this page — and on all other pages of this site — is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.  
  The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/geo/PA/univpres.html.  
  Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.  
  If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the alphabetical index of politicians.  
Copyright notices: (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see Feist v. Rural Telephone. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute fair use under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are © 1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a Creative Commons License.
What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.