The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
Politician members in New York

  M. Plin Beebe (1881-1941) — of Ipswich, Edmunds County, S.Dak. Born in Sandusky, Cattaraugus County, N.Y., September 7, 1881. Republican. Lawyer; banker; member of South Dakota state senate 37th District, 1915-16. Baptist. Member, Phi Delta Theta; Freemasons; Shriners; Elks; Odd Fellows; Woodmen; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Died August 9, 1941 (age 59 years, 336 days). Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Marcus P. Beebe and Leota (Fuller) Beebe; married to Alice Conklin.
  Albert N. Bort (1845-1925) — of Bridgewater, Oneida County, N.Y.; Beloit, Rock County, Wis.; Rock Island, Rock Island County, Ill. Born in Hastings, Oswego County, N.Y., May 10, 1845. Democrat. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; dry goods merchant; bank director; delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1880; investment manager for Modern Woodmen of America. Member, Modern Woodmen of America; Elks; Knights of Pythias; Freemasons. Died in Rock Island, Rock Island County, Ill., January 23, 1925 (age 79 years, 258 days). Interment at Oakwood Cemetery, Beloit, Wis.
  Relatives: Son of Nicholas N. Bort and Elizabeth (Horton) Bort; married, October 15, 1867, to Flora Marcella Williams.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Benjamin Franklin Bradley (1843-1922) — also known as Benjamin F. Bradley — of Midland, Midland County, Mich. Born in Niagara County, N.Y., July 17, 1843. Republican. Express agent; postmaster at Midland, Mich., 1871-83; village president of Midland, Michigan; elected 1884; candidate for mayor of Midland, Mich., 1909. Unitarian. Member, Freemasons; Modern Woodmen of America; Maccabees. Died in Midland, Midland County, Mich., December 31, 1922 (age 79 years, 167 days). Interment at Midland Cemetery, Midland, Mich.
  Presumably named for: Benjamin Franklin
  Relatives: Married 1869 to Mary Larkin.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Charles J. Byrns (b. 1861) — of Ishpeming, Marquette County, Mich. Born in Altona, Clinton County, N.Y., January 6, 1861. Republican. Lumber business; insurance business; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Marquette County 2nd District, 1901-08. Catholic. Member, Woodmen; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Royal Arcanum; Maccabees; Elks; Knights of Columbus; Foresters. Burial location unknown.
William W. Chace William Wallace Chace (1872-1930) — also known as William W. Chace — of Hudson, Columbia County, N.Y. Born in Hudson, Columbia County, N.Y., March 11, 1872. Republican. Lawyer; member of New York state assembly from Columbia County, 1915-17. Christian Reformed. Member, Freemasons; Royal Arch Masons; Royal and Select Masters; Knights Templar; Woodmen; Sons of Veterans. Died in Albany, Albany County, N.Y., January 19, 1930 (age 57 years, 314 days). Interment at Cedar Park Cemetery, Hudson, N.Y.
  Relatives: Son of Frank Benjamin Chace and Mary Zilpha (Bruce) Chace; married, September 7, 1910, to May Agnes Smith.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: New York Red Book 1917
  William F. Condon (1897-1972) — also known as "Big Bill" — of Yonkers, Westchester County, N.Y. Born in Yonkers, Westchester County, N.Y., September 20, 1897. Republican. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War I; deputy sheriff; contractor; member of New York state assembly from Westchester County 5th District, 1928-35; defeated, 1923; member of New York state senate, 1939-64 (26th District 1939-44, 29th District 1945-54, 32nd District 1955-64); defeated, 1964; lobbyist. Catholic. Irish ancestry. Member, Knights of Columbus; Elks; Eagles; American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Friendly Sons of St. Patrick; Modern Woodmen. Died in Yonkers, Westchester County, N.Y., March 19, 1972 (age 74 years, 181 days). Interment at Mt. Hope Cemetery, Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y.
  Relatives: Son of Thomas J. Condon and Bridget Condon; married 1920 to Anne Powers; father of William F. Condon Jr.; first cousin of John J. Condon.
  Political family: Condon family of Yonkers, New York.
  John J. Cooney (b. 1888) — of Brooklyn, Kings County, N.Y. Born in Brooklyn, Kings County, N.Y., August 7, 1888. Democrat. Cable inspector; member of New York state assembly from Kings County 5th District, 1926-34; defeated, 1924. Catholic. Member, Knights of Columbus; Modern Woodmen of America. Burial location unknown.
  William Alexander Ekwall (1887-1956) — also known as William A. Ekwall — of Portland, Multnomah County, Ore.; Bronxville, Westchester County, N.Y. Born in Ludington, Mason County, Mich., June 14, 1887. Republican. Lawyer; served in the U.S. Army during World War I; municipal judge in Oregon, 1922-27; circuit judge in Oregon, 1927-34; U.S. Representative from Oregon 3rd District, 1935-37; defeated, 1936; delegate to Republican National Convention from Oregon, 1940; Associate Judge of U.S. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, 1942-56; died in office 1956. Member, American Legion; Forty and Eight; Delta Theta Phi; Freemasons; Shriners; Elks; Woodmen. Died in Portland, Multnomah County, Ore., October 16, 1956 (age 69 years, 124 days). Entombed at Wilhelm's Portland Memorial, Portland, Ore.
  Relatives: Son of Alexander Ekwall and Emilie Ekwall; married, June 19, 1915, to Lina Moser.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Allen Frank Ferris (1865-1903) — also known as Allen F. Ferris — of Brainerd, Crow Wing County, Minn. Born in Perrysburg, Cattaraugus County, N.Y., July 22, 1865. Republican. Banker; member of Minnesota state house of representatives, 1895-1902 (District 46 1895-98, District 48 1899-1902); delegate to Republican National Convention from Minnesota, 1900; member of Minnesota state senate 48th District, 1903; died in office 1903. Member, Freemasons; Shriners; Elks; Modern Woodmen of America; Eagles; Knights of Pythias; Redmen. Died, from appendicitis and peritonitis, in Brainerd, Crow Wing County, Minn., September 7, 1903 (age 38 years, 47 days). Interment at Evergreen Cemetery, Brainerd, Minn.
  Relatives: Son of William A. Ferris and Beulah A. (Allen) Ferris; married, June 8, 1887, to Anna M. Steege; married 1902 to Helen Barbara Nelson.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial — Minnesota Legislator record
  Roy Gerald Fitzgerald (1875-1962) — also known as Roy G. Fitzgerald — of Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio. Born in Watertown, Jefferson County, N.Y., August 25, 1875. Republican. Lawyer; director, Merchants National Bank; served in the U.S. Army during World War I; U.S. Representative from Ohio 3rd District, 1921-31. Episcopalian. Member, American Bar Association; Freemasons; Scottish Rite Masons; Odd Fellows; Woodmen; Sons of the American Revolution; American Legion. Died in Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, November 16, 1962 (age 87 years, 83 days). Interment at Woodland Cemetery, Dayton, Ohio.
  Relatives: Son of M. G. Fitzgerald and Cornelia M. (Avery) Fitzgerald; married, September 5, 1900, to Caroline L. Wetecamp.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Eugene Foster (1860-1928) — of Gladwin, Gladwin County, Mich. Born in Caroga town, Fulton County, N.Y., August 8, 1860. Republican. Newspaper editor; chair of Gladwin County Republican Party, 1892-1928; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Michigan, 1896; delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention 28th District, 1907-08; member of Michigan state senate 28th District, 1909-12. Methodist. Member, Freemasons; Royal Arch Masons; Order of the Eastern Star; Knights of Pythias; Foresters; Woodmen. Died, probably from heart disease, in his office at the Gladwin County Record newspaper, Gladwin, Gladwin County, Mich., October 2, 1928 (age 68 years, 55 days). Interment at Highland Cemetery, Gladwin, Mich.
  Relatives: Married, September 30, 1916, to Cora W. Mills.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
James A. Garrity James A. Garrity (b. 1878) — of Yonkers, Westchester County, N.Y. Born in Port Griffith, Luzerne County, Pa., October 18, 1878. Democrat. Coal miner; probation officer; insurance broker; bank director; member of New York state senate 26th District, 1935-38; defeated, 1938. Catholic. Member, Knights of Columbus; Rotary; Elks; Modern Woodmen. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Father of Harold T. Garrity.
  Image source: New York Red Book 1936
  Frank Giorgio (b. 1878) — of Woodhaven, Queens, Queens County, N.Y. Born June 5, 1878. Democrat. Lawyer; member of New York state senate 2nd District, 1923-24; defeated, 1924. Catholic. Member, Knights of Columbus; Woodmen of the World. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married 1906 to Esther Marsh Hobley.
  Wilbur S. Glass (b. 1852) — of Watertown, Codington County, S.Dak. Born in Genesee County, N.Y., April 27, 1852. Lawyer; member of South Dakota state house of representatives 28th District, 1895-1900, 1907-08; U.S. Consul in Kehl, 1897-98. Congregationalist. Member, Knights of Pythias; Modern Woodmen of America; Ancient Order of United Workmen. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Chester F. Glass and Mary (Brown) Glass; married, October 3, 1899, to Kathryn Garner.
Gustave Hartman Gustave Hartman (1880-1936) — of Manhattan, New York County, N.Y. Born in Hungary, August 12, 1880. Republican. Lawyer; member of New York state assembly from New York County 16th District, 1905-06; candidate for U.S. Representative from New York 10th District, 1908; municipal judge in New York, 1913-17, 1921-29; candidate for Justice of New York Supreme Court 1st District, 1923, 1924, 1929; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, 1932. Jewish. Member, American Jewish Congress; B'nai B'rith; Zionist Organization of America; American Arbitration Association; Freemasons; Knights of Pythias; Elks; Woodmen. Founder and president, Israel Orphan Asylum, New York City. Died, of a heart ailment, in Manhattan, New York County, N.Y., November 12, 1936 (age 56 years, 92 days). Interment at Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Glendale, Queens, N.Y.; memorial monument at Hartman Triangle, Manhattan, N.Y.
  Relatives: Son of Kalman Hartman and Sarah 'Sallie' (Luchs) Hartman; married, September 9, 1928, to May Weisser.
  Epitaph: "Beloved husband, devoted brother, a life of service."
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: New York Times, November 13, 1936
  James Hurley (1858-1939) — of Fort Morgan, Morgan County, Colo. Born in New York, 1858. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Colorado, 1936. Catholic. Member, Elks; Woodmen. Died December 11, 1939 (age about 81 years). Interment at Riverside Cemetery, Fort Morgan, Colo.
  Louis E. Lazarus (b. 1877) — of Rochester, Monroe County, N.Y. Born in Rochester, Monroe County, N.Y., April 21, 1877. Republican. Lawyer; member of New York state assembly from Monroe County 3rd District, 1909. Jewish. Member, Woodmen. Burial location unknown.
  Patrick Joseph McMahon (born c.1883) — also known as Patrick J. McMahon — of Bronx, New York County (now Bronx County), N.Y. Born in New York, about 1883. Democrat. Inspector of highways; Master Workman of the Bronx Knights of Labor; lawyer; member of New York state assembly from New York County 34th District, 1913. Catholic. Member, Knights of Labor; Elks; Woodmen; Eagles. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married 1907 to Wilhelmina Hamberg.
Arthur I. Miller Arthur I. Miller (b. 1879) — of Bronx, New York County (now Bronx County), N.Y.; Yonkers, Westchester County, N.Y. Born in England, January 4, 1879. Democrat. Auctioneer; merchant; member of New York state assembly from Westchester County 5th District, 1923-24, 1926-27; defeated, 1927; real estate sales; purchasing agent. Member, Modern Woodmen of America; Knights of Pythias; Elks; Freemasons. Burial location unknown.
  Image source: New York Red Book 1924
  John Henry Naphey (b. 1866) — also known as John H. Naphey — of New Britain, Hartford County, Conn.; Bridgeport, Fairfield County, Conn. Born in Hastings-on-Hudson, Westchester County, N.Y., August 25, 1866. Republican. Candidate for Connecticut state senate 22nd District, 1906. Member, Woodmen of the World. Burial location unknown.
  Michael E. Reiburn (b. 1893) — of Manhattan, New York County, N.Y. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., September 12, 1893. Democrat. Member of New York state assembly from New York County 22nd District, 1921-22; member of New York state senate 20th District, 1923-26. Member, Freemasons; Sigma Alpha Mu; Delta Sigma Rho; Modern Woodmen. Burial location unknown.
  Rudolph I. Roulier (d. 1960) — of Cohoes, Albany County, N.Y. Democrat. Furniture business; soft drink bottler; member of New York state assembly from Albany County 3rd District, 1927-32; defeated, 1925; mayor of Cohoes, N.Y., 1940-59. Member, Modern Woodmen of America; Elks. Died December 17, 1960. Interment at St. Joseph's Cemetery, Waterford, N.Y.
  Relatives: Married to Frances 'Fannie' Laware.
  Carl G. Sherwood (1855-1938) — of Clark, Clark County, S.Dak. Born in Broome County, N.Y., January 18, 1855. Republican. Lawyer; member of South Dakota state senate 29th District, 1889-90; delegate to Republican National Convention from South Dakota, 1896 (member, Committee on Rules and Order of Business); South Dakota Republican state chair, 1912; circuit judge in South Dakota, 1912-17; judge of South Dakota state supreme court 3rd District, 1922-31. Methodist. Member, Freemasons; Knights Templar; Shriners; Odd Fellows; Knights of Pythias; Elks; Modern Woodmen of America; Ancient Order of United Workmen; Kiwanis. Died in Clark, Clark County, S.Dak., August 17, 1938 (age 83 years, 211 days). Interment at Rose Hill Cemetery, Near Clark, Clark County, S.Dak.
  Relatives: Son of George Isaac Sherwood and Mary Ann (Jeffords) Sherwood; married, February 10, 1885, to Nellie Cornelia Fountain; nephew of David B. Sherwood; seventh great-grandnephew of Thomas Welles; third cousin of David Huestis Budlong; third cousin twice removed of Francis William Kellogg; third cousin thrice removed of George Champlin; fourth cousin once removed of Rollin Morse Severance.
  Political family: Sherwood family of New York (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Justus Thorington (1848-1927) — also known as Chet Thorington — of Midland, Midland County, Mich. Born in Prattsville, Greene County, N.Y., February 20, 1848. Democrat. Lumber and timber business; shingle manufacturer; livery business; farmer; Midland County Sheriff, 1891-92; member of Michigan state house of representatives, 1903-04; defeated, 1900; candidate for mayor of Midland, Mich., 1914. Scotch-Irish ancestry. Member, Odd Fellows; Modern Woodmen; Foresters; Maccabees. Died in Midland, Midland County, Mich., September 26, 1927 (age 79 years, 218 days). Interment at Midland Cemetery, Midland, Mich.
  Relatives: Son of John P. Thorington and Alvira (Richmond) Thorington; married, January 26, 1874, to Sarah Jane Crooks.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  James Lucius Whitley (1872-1959) — also known as James L. Whitley — of Rochester, Monroe County, N.Y. Born in Rochester, Monroe County, N.Y., May 24, 1872. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during the Spanish-American War; lawyer; member of New York state assembly from Monroe County 2nd District, 1906-10; member of New York state senate 45th District, 1919-28; U.S. Representative from New York 38th District, 1929-35; defeated, 1934. Episcopalian. Member, American Bar Association; Freemasons; Knights Templar; Shriners; Elks; Odd Fellows; Maccabees; Woodmen of the World; United Spanish War Veterans; Sons of Veterans; Union League. Died in 1959 (age about 87 years). Interment at Mt. Hope Cemetery, Rochester, N.Y.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
The Political Graveyard

The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
  The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
  The listings are incomplete; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.  
  Information on this page — and on all other pages of this site — is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.  
  The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/geo/NY/woodmen.html.  
  Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.  
  If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the alphabetical index of politicians.  
Copyright notices: (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see Feist v. Rural Telephone. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute fair use under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are © 1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a Creative Commons License.
What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.