— See also
See also
Campbell —
B. Crockett-Stark —
A. deGruyter —
Crockett McDonough —
Crockett Shaffer —
Crockett Sims |
Crockett, A. D. —
of Kingston, Caldwell
County, Mo.
Democrat. Chair of
Caldwell County Democratic Party, 1921.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, A. G. —
Member of Virginia
state senate 5th District, 1912-15.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, A. P. —
of Coeburn, Wise
County, Va.
Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Virginia,
Burial location unknown.
| Crockett,
Allen See J. Allen
Crockett |
Crockett, Alvin —
of Logan, Cache
County, Utah.
of Logan, Utah, 1866-70.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, Amos E. —
of Rockland, Knox
County, Maine.
Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Maine, 1884.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, C. John —
of Yonkers, Westchester
County, N.Y.
Law Preservation candidate for New York
state assembly from Westchester County 5th District, 1933.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, Charles —
of Rockland, Knox
County, Maine.
Republican. Mayor
of Rockland, Maine, 1857.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, D. B. —
of North Norway, Norway, Oxford
County, Maine.
Postmaster at North
Norway, Maine, 1860-61.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, David
(1786-1836) —
also known as Davy Crockett; "King of the Wild
Frontier" —
of Tennessee.
Born in Greene
County, Tenn., August
17, 1786.
Democrat. Member of Tennessee
state house of representatives, 1821; U.S.
Representative from Tennessee, 1827-31, 1833-35 (9th District
1827-31, 12th District 1833-35); served in the Texas Army during the
Texas War of Independence.
Member, Freemasons.
while defending the Alamo, in San Antonio, Bexar
County, Tex., March 6,
1836 (age 49 years, 202
ashes interred at San
Fernando Cathedral, San Antonio, Tex.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of John Crockett and Rebecca (Hawkins) Crockett; married, August
16, 1806, to Mary 'Polly' Finley; married 1815 to
Elizabeth Patton; father of John Wesley
Crockett; first cousin twice removed of Charles
Carroll Walcutt. |
|  | Political family: Crockett-Walcutt
family of Tennessee. |
|  | Crockett counties in Tenn. and Tex. are
named for him. |
|  | The Davy Crockett National
Forest (established 1936), in Houston
and Trinity
counties, Texas, is named for
him. |
|  | Personal motto: "Be sure you're right,
then go ahead." |
|  | See also congressional
biography —
page — Wikipedia article — NNDB
dossier — Find-A-Grave
memorial |
|  | Books by David Crockett: A
Narrative of the Life of David Crockett of the State of
Tennessee |
|  | Books about David Crockett: William C.
Davis, Three
Roads to the Alamo: The Lives and Fortunes of David Crockett, James
Bowie, and William Barret Travis — Constance Rourke,
Crockett — Mike Resnick, ed., Alternate
Presidents [anthology] — Elaine Alphin, Davy
Crockett (for young readers) |
Crockett, David George —
Reform candidate for Presidential Elector for Florida, 2016
(on behalf of Rocky
de la Fuente and Michael
Steinberg); Reform candidate for Presidential Elector for
Florida, 2020
(on behalf of Rocky
de la Fuente and Darcy
G. Richardson).
Still living as of 2020.
| Crockett,
Davy See David Crockett |
Crockett, Donald —
of Macomb
County, Mich.
Republican. Candidate for Michigan
state house of representatives from Macomb County 1st District,
Presumed deceased.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, Dorothy —
of Osceola, Mississippi
County, Ark.
Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Arkansas,
Still living as of 2008.
Crockett, Edmond I. —
of Pueblo, Pueblo
County, Colo.
Democrat. Candidate for U.S.
Representative from Colorado 3rd District, 1926.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, Edward S. —
of Boston, Suffolk
County, Mass.
Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from
Massachusetts, 1896.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, Edwin A. —
of Preston, Franklin
County, Idaho.
of Preston, Idaho, 1943-47.
Presumed deceased.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, Elbert M. —
of Milford, Worcester
County, Mass.
Republican. Member of Massachusetts
state house of representatives Ninth Worcester District, 1923-24.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, Elmer —
of South Bend, St. Joseph
County, Ind.
Republican. Postmaster at South
Bend, Ind., 1889-94.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, Etta M. —
Democrat. Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for Texas, 2016
(on behalf of Hillary
Clinton and Tim
Still living as of 2016.
Crockett, George W. —
of Concord, Merrimack
County, N.H.
Democrat. Postmaster at Concord,
N.H., 1886-88.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, George W. III —
of Wayne
County, Mich.
Democrat. Candidate for Michigan
state house of representatives 93rd District, 1966; circuit
judge in Michigan 3rd Circuit, 2001.
Still living as of 2001.
Crockett, George William, Jr.
(1909-1997) —
also known as George W. Crockett, Jr. —
of Detroit, Wayne
County, Mich.
Born in Jacksonville, Duval
County, Fla., August
10, 1909.
Democrat. Recorder's court judge in Michigan, 1966-78; U.S.
Representative from Michigan 13th District, 1980-91; delegate to
Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1984,
during an anti-apartheid
protest outside the South African Embassy
in Washington, 1984.
ancestry. Member, Kappa
Alpha Psi; National
Lawyers Guild.
Served four months in federal prison
for contempt
of court in 1950, following his defense of a Communist leader on
trial in New York for advocating the overthrow of the government.
Among the founders of the nation's first
interracial law firm.
Ill with bone
cancer in 1997, he suffered a stroke
and died five days later, in Washington Home and Hospice,
D.C., September
7, 1997 (age 88 years, 28
Crockett, Glen M. —
of Kahoka, Clark
County, Mo.
Democrat. Member of Missouri
state house of representatives from Clark County; elected 1964.
Still living as of 1964.
Crockett, Henry B. —
of Pulaski, Pulaski
County, Va.
Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Virginia,
(alternate), 1928.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, Hilary R. —
of Brentwood, Williamson
County, Tenn.
Postmaster at Brentwood,
Tenn., 1907.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, J. Allen
(1906-1994) —
Born in Smithfield, Cache
County, Utah, January
19, 1906.
of Utah state supreme court, 1951-81; chief
justice of Utah state supreme court, 1959-61, 1967-70, 1979-81.
Died in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
County, Utah, November
9, 1994 (age 88 years, 294
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of John A. Crockett and Rachell Maretta (Homer) Crockett; married, February
3, 1934, to E. Eulalia Smith. |
Crockett, J. Strother —
of Welch, McDowell
County, W.Va.
Republican. Candidate for West
Virginia state senate 6th District, 1964.
Still living as of 1964.
Crockett, J. W. —
Democrat. Secretary
of state of Arkansas, 1901-04; delegate to Democratic National
Convention from Arkansas, 1904
(member, Committee
on Rules and Order of Business).
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, Jean Cowan —
of Chinook, Blaine
County, Mont.
Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from
Montana, 1956.
Still living as of 1956.
| Crockett,
John See C. John
Crockett |
Crockett, John —
Libertarian. Candidate for U.S.
Representative from Arizona 1st District, 2004.
Still living as of 2004.
Crockett, John A. —
of Logan, Cache
County, Utah.
of Logan, Utah, 1922-26.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, John H. —
Member of Virginia
state senate, 1922-25 (5th District 1922-23, 19th District
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, John M.
(1816-1887) —
of Dallas, Dallas
County, Tex.
Born December
26, 1816.
of Dallas, Tex., 1857-58, 1859-61, 1865-66; resigned 1861.
Died August
4, 1887 (age 70 years, 221
Interment at Pioneer
Park Cemetery, Dallas, Tex.
Crockett, John Thomas
(1851-1927) —
also known as John T. Crockett —
of Charlottetown, Prince
Edward Island.
Born in Prince
Edward Island, February
2, 1851.
U.S. Vice & Deputy Consul in Charlottetown, 1890-1905.
Died in Prince
Edward Island, September
28, 1927 (age 76 years, 238
Interment at Sherwood Cemetery, Brackley, Prince Edward Island.
Crockett, John Watkins
(1818-1874) —
of Henderson
County, Ky.
Born in Jessamine
County, Ky., May 17,
to Kentucky secession convention, 1861; Representative
from Kentucky in the Confederate Congress, 1862-64.
Died in Madisonville, Hopkins
County, Ky., June 20,
1874 (age 56 years, 34
Interment at Fernwood
Cemetery, Henderson, Ky.
Crockett, John Wesley
(1807-1852) —
of Tennessee.
Born in Trenton, Gibson
County, Tenn., July 10,
Representative from Tennessee 12th District, 1837-41.
Died in Memphis, Shelby
County, Tenn., November
24, 1852 (age 45 years, 137
Interment at City
Cemetery, Paris, Tenn.
Crockett, Joseph B.
(c.1827-1884) —
of California.
Born about 1827.
of California state supreme court, 1867-80.
Died in Fruitvale, Kern
County, Calif., January
15, 1884 (age about 57
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, Joseph E. —
of Graham (now Bluefield), Tazewell
County, Va.
Democrat. Postmaster at Graham,
Va., 1885-88.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, Joseph M. (d.
1968) —
of Welch, McDowell
County, W.Va.
Republican. Lawyer;
member of West Virginia
Republican State Executive Committee, 1937-41, 1955; chair of
McDowell County Republican Party, 1945-46.
Died in Crockett's Cove, Wythe
County, Va., 1968.
Interment at Crockett
Family Cemetery, Crockett's Cove, Va.
Crockett, Katherine W. —
of Charlotte, Mecklenburg
County, N.C.
Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from
North Carolina, 1972.
Still living as of 1972.
Crockett, Kennedy McCampbell (b.
1920) —
also known as Kennedy M. Crockett —
of Virginia.
Born in Kingsville, Kleberg
County, Tex., January
18, 1920.
Foreign Service officer; U.S. Ambassador to Nicaragua, 1967-70.
Presumed deceased.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, Knott —
of Rockland, Knox
County, Maine.
Whig. Mayor
of Rockland, Maine, 1854-55.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, P. D. —
of Webb City, Jasper
County, Mo.
Democrat. Mayor
of Webb City, Mo., 1978-81.
Still living as of 1981.
Crockett, Paul —
of Yorktown, York
County, Va.
Democrat. Democratic Presidential Elector for Virginia, 1936
(voted for Franklin
D. Roosevelt and John
Nance Garner); member of Virginia
state house of delegates, 1950; alternate delegate to Democratic
National Convention from Virginia, 1952.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, Pliny A. —
of Hollis, York
County, Maine.
Republican. Member of Maine
state senate 1st District, 1931-32.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, R. O. —
Member of Virginia
state senate 3rd District, 1920-21.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, Robert L. —
of Wytheville, Wythe
County, Va.
Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Virginia,
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, Samuel R.
(1831-1913) —
Born in Frankfort, Franklin
County, Ky., May 15,
to Missouri state constitutional convention, 1875.
Died in Nevada, Vernon
County, Mo., November
11, 1913 (age 82 years, 180
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, Samuel Thorne —
Member of Virginia
state senate 19th District, 1926-27.
Burial location unknown.
| Crockett,
Strother See J. Strother
Crockett |
Crockett, Walter H. (b.
1870) —
of Colchester, Chittenden
County, Vt.; Burlington, Chittenden
County, Vt.
Born in Colchester, Chittenden
County, Vt., June 26,
Republican. Lecturer;
editor of university publications; Republican Presidential Elector
for Vermont, 1913;
member of Vermont
state senate from Chittenden County, 1927.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, Webb —
of Arizona.
Republican. Republican Presidential Elector for Arizona, 2000
(voted for George
W. Bush and Richard
B. Cheney); Republican Presidential Elector for Arizona, 2004
(voted for George
W. Bush and Richard
B. Cheney).
Still living as of 2004.
Crockett, William —
of Dover, Strafford
County, N.H.
Republican. Candidate for New
Hampshire state house of representatives from Dover 2nd Ward,
Presumed deceased.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, William —
of Wales, Cavalier
County, N.Dak.
Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from
North Dakota, 1944.
Presumed deceased.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, William J. —
of Graham (now Bluefield), Tazewell
County, Va.
Republican. Postmaster at Graham,
Va., 1921-24 (acting, 1921-22); Bluefield,
Va., 1924-27.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, William R. —
of Nevada, Vernon
County, Mo.
Democrat. Postmaster at Nevada,
Mo., 1886-87.
Burial location unknown.
Crockett, William S. —
of Hampton,
Democrat. Postmaster at Hampton,
Va., 1933-39 (acting, 1933-34).
Burial location unknown.