Dean Gooderham Acheson (1893-1971) —
also known as Dean Acheson —
of Washington,
Born in Middletown, Middlesex
County, Conn., April
11, 1893.
Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War I; lawyer;
private secretary to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis
D. Brandeis, 1919-21; undersecretary of treasury, 1933; U.S.
Secretary of State, 1949-53.
ancestry. Member, American Bar
Association; American
Academy of Arts and Sciences; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Council on
Foreign Relations.
Received the Presidential
Medal of Freedom in 1964; received a Pulitzer
Prize in History, 1970, for his book Present At The Creation:
My Years In The State Department.
Died, probably from a heart
attack, over his desk in his study,
Sandy Spring, Montgomery
County, Md., October
12, 1971 (age 78 years, 184
Interment at Oak
Hill Cemetery, Washington, D.C.
Henry Alfred Bishop (1860-1934) —
also known as Henry A. Bishop —
of Bridgeport, Fairfield
County, Conn.
Born in Bridgeport, Fairfield
County, Conn., December
4, 1860.
Democrat. Ticket agent, purchasing agent, and superintendent of
several railroads;
member of Connecticut
state house of representatives from Bridgeport, 1886; delegate to
Democratic National Convention from Connecticut, 1888
(member, Committee
on Permanent Organization), 1912
(alternate); candidate for secretary
of state of Connecticut, 1888; candidate for Lieutenant
Governor of Connecticut, 1904; president, Clapp Fire Resisting
Paint Co., Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey Power
Co., and Reed Carpet
Co.; vice-president, Brady Brass Co.,
Pacific Iron
Works, Connecticut National Bank, and
Consolidated Telephone
Co.; director, Westchester Street
Railway Co., Western Union Telegraph
Co.; director, Bridgeport Hospital.
Member, Sons of
the American Revolution; Society
of Colonial Wars; Freemasons;
Rite Masons; Knights
Templar; Psi
Upsilon; Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Died in Bridgeport, Fairfield
County, Conn., October
22, 1934 (age 73 years, 322
Interment at Mountain
Grove Cemetery, Bridgeport, Conn.
Joseph Arthur Burr (1850-1915) —
also known as Joseph A. Burr —
of Brooklyn, Kings
County, N.Y.
Born in Brooklyn, Kings
County, N.Y., September
11, 1850.
Republican. Lawyer;
Corporation Counsel, city of Brooklyn, 1896-97; Justice of
New York Supreme Court 2nd District, 1904-15; appointed 1904;
died in office 1915; Justice of the Appellate Division of the New
York Supreme Court, 1909.
Member, Phi
Beta Kappa; Sons of
the Revolution; Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Died, in New York
Hospital, Manhattan, New York
County, N.Y., April
18, 1915 (age 64 years, 219
Interment at Grove
Street Cemetery, New Haven, Conn.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Joseph Arthur Burr and Harriet (Nash) Burr; married to Ella A.
Dawson. |
|  | See also Find-A-Grave
memorial |
George Walker Bush (b. 1946) —
also known as George W. Bush; "Dubya";
"Shrub"; "The Smirking Chimp";
"The Decider" —
of Midland, Midland
County, Tex.; Crawford, McLennan
County, Tex.
Born in New Haven, New Haven
County, Conn., July 6,
Republican. Candidate for U.S.
Representative from Texas 19th District, 1978; delegate to
Republican National Convention from Texas, 1988;
of Texas, 1995-2000; President
of the United States, 2001-09.
Member, Delta Kappa Epsilon; Skull
and Bones.
Still living as of 2025.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of George
Herbert Walker Bush and Barbara
Bush; brother of John
Ellis Bush; married, November
5, 1977, to Laura Welch; married 1977 to Laura
Lane Welch; uncle of George
Prescott Bush; grandson of Prescott
Sheldon Bush; cousin *** of Elizabeth
Walker Field. |
|  | Political family: Bush
family of Texas and Massachusetts. |
|  | Cross-reference: Philip
J. Berg — Dan
Sullivan — Richard
J. Neuhaus |
|  | See also National Governors
Association biography — Wikipedia
article — NNDB
dossier — Internet Movie Database
profile — OurCampaigns
candidate detail |
|  | Books by George W. Bush: A
Charge to Keep (1999) — George
W. Bush on God and Country : The President Speaks Out About Faith,
Principle, and Patriotism (2004) — We
Will Prevail: President George W. Bush on War, Terrorism and
Freedom (2003) |
|  | Books about George W. Bush: J. H.
Hatfield et al, Fortunate
Son : George W. Bush and the Making of An American
President — Roger Simon, Divided
We Stand : How Al Gore Beat George Bush and Lost the
Presidency — Frank Bruni, Ambling
into History : The Unlikely Odyssey of George W.
Bush — Bryan Laberge, George
W. Bush : In the Whirlwind — Lou Dubose et al, Boy
Genius: Karl Rove, the Brains Behind the Remarkable Political Triumph
of George W. Bush — Bill Sammon, Misunderestimated:
The President Battles Terrorism, John Kerry, and the Bush
Haters — David Aikman, A
Man of Faith: The Spiritual Journey of George W.
Bush — Bob Woodward, Bush
at War — Bob Woodward, Plan
of Attack — Craig Unger, House
of Bush, House of Saud: The Secret Relationship Between the World's
Two Most Powerful Dynasties — Stephen Mansfield, The
Faith of George W. Bush — Ronald Kessler, A
Matter of Character : Inside the White House of George W.
Bush — Paul Kengor, God
and George W. Bush : A Spiritual Life — Carolyn B.
Thompson & James W. Ware, The
Leadership Genius of George W. Bush: 10 Common Sense Lessons from the
Commander-in-Chief — Donald F. Kettl, Team
Bush : Leadership Lessons from the Bush White House —
Sandra J. Kachurek, George
W. Bush (for young readers) — Tim O'Shei & Joe Marren,
W. Bush (for young readers) |
|  | Critical books about George W. Bush:
Molly Ivins, Shrub:
The Short But Happy Political Life of George W. Bush —
David Corn, The
Lies of George W. Bush : Mastering the Politics of
Deception — Kevin Phillips, American
Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the
House of Bush — Kitty Kelly, The
Family : The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty — John W.
Dean, Worse
Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W.
Bush — Ron Suskind, The
Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education
of Paul O'Neill — Robert C. Byrd, Losing
America: Confronting a Reckless and Arrogant
Presidency — Jack Huberman, The
Bush - Haters Handbook: A Guide to the Most Appalling Presidency of
the Past 100 Years — Ian Williams, Deserter
: George Bush's War on Military Families, Veterans, and His
Past — Dan Piraro, The
Three Little Pigs Buy the White House |
Edward Marvin Day (1872-1947) —
also known as Edward M. Day —
of Colchester, New London
County, Conn.; Hartford, Hartford
County, Conn.
Born in Colchester, New London
County, Conn., August
20, 1872.
Republican. Lawyer;
member of Connecticut
state house of representatives from Colchester, 1897-98.
Member, Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Died in 1947
(age about
74 years).
Interment at Linwood
Cemetery, Colchester, Conn.
Edward J. Gavegan (b. 1863) —
of Manhattan, New York
County, N.Y.
Born in Windsor, Hartford
County, Conn., April 5,
of New York Supreme Court 1st District, 1910-33.
Member, Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Matthew Gavegan and Helen J. Gavegan; married, October
14, 1897, to Anna J. Walters. |
Oliver Gould Jennings (1865-1936) —
also known as Oliver G. Jennings —
of Fairfield, Fairfield
County, Conn.
Born in New York, New York
County, N.Y., April
27, 1865.
Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from
Connecticut, 1916;
Republican Presidential Elector for Connecticut, 1921;
member of Connecticut
state house of representatives from Fairfield, 1923-24; director,
U.S. Industrial Alcohol Company; director, Bethlehem Steel
Corporation; director, Grocery Store
Products, Inc.
Member, Delta Kappa Epsilon; Skull
and Bones.
Died, of bronchial
pneumonia, in the Harbor Sanitarium,
Manhattan, New York
County, N.Y., October
13, 1936 (age 71 years, 169
Interment at Oak
Lawn Cemetery, Fairfield, Conn.
Everett John Lake (1871-1948) —
also known as Everett Lake —
of Hartford, Hartford
County, Conn.; West Hartford, Hartford
County, Conn.
Born in Woodstock, Windham
County, Conn., February
8, 1871.
Republican. Lumber
business; bank
director; member of Connecticut
state house of representatives from Hartford, 1903-04; member of
state senate, 1905-06; Lieutenant
Governor of Connecticut, 1907-09; delegate to Republican National
Convention from Connecticut, 1912;
of Connecticut, 1921-23.
Member, Delta Kappa Epsilon; Freemasons.
Died September
16, 1948 (age 77 years, 221
Interment at Westford
Cemetery, Ashford, Conn.
Wesley Ulysses Pearne (b. 1851) —
also known as Wesley U. Pearne —
of Middletown, Middlesex
County, Conn.
Born in New York, New York
County, N.Y., April 1,
Republican. Lawyer;
member of Connecticut
state house of representatives from Middletown, 1901-02, 1905-06;
defeated, 1902.
Member, Delta Kappa Epsilon; Freemasons;
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Benjamin Marshall Pearne and Emily Ann (Swathel) Pearne; married,
25, 1883, to Harriette Cornelia Arnold. |