The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
Miller and Grain Dealer Politicians in Minnesota

  Elmer Ellsworth Adams (1861-1950) — also known as Elmer E. Adams — of Fergus Falls, Otter Tail County, Minn. Born in Waterbury, Washington County, Vt., December 31, 1861. Newspaper editor; banker; milling business; member of Minnesota state house of representatives, 1905-10, 1915-16, 1919-20 (District 59 1905-10, District 50 1915-16, 1919-20); member of Minnesota state senate 50th District, 1931-34, 1939-42; defeated, 1934. Died in Otter Tail County, Minn., June 24, 1950 (age 88 years, 175 days). Interment at Oak Grove Cemetery, Fergus Falls, Minn.
  Relatives: Son of D. K. Adams and Olive Anne (Hale) Adams; married to Fanny Cowles and Mary Louise Compton.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial — Minnesota Legislator record
  Gustave A. Boehmke (1876-1939) — also known as Gus Boehmke — of Holland, Pipestone County, Minn. Born in Benton County, Iowa, 1876. Farmer; grain and livestock buyer; banker; member of Minnesota state house of representatives District 12, 1915-16. Died in Pipestone, Pipestone County, Minn., July 13, 1939 (age about 63 years). Interment at Woodlawn Cemetery, Pipestone, Minn.
  Relatives: Son of Emil Boehmke and Anna (Wieben) Boehmke.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial — Minnesota Legislator record
Richard T. Buckler Richard Thompson Buckler (1865-1950) — also known as Richard T. Buckler — of Crookston, Polk County, Minn. Born near Oakland, Coles County, Ill., October 27, 1865. Farmer; director, Farmers Elevator Company (Crookston, Minn.); member of Minnesota state senate 66th District, 1915-18, 1923-26, 1931-34; U.S. Representative from Minnesota 9th District, 1935-43. Baptist. Member, Eagles; Farmers Union; Farm Bureau. Died in Crookston, Polk County, Minn., January 23, 1950 (age 84 years, 88 days). Interment at Oakdale Cemetery, Crookston, Minn.
  Relatives: Son of John Buckler and Harriet (Davis) Buckler; married, November 27, 1890, to Addie Ball.
  Cross-reference: Harold C. Hagen
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Find-A-Grave memorial — Minnesota Legislator record
  Image source: Minnesota Legislative Manual 1917
George W. Burrows George W. Burrows (b. 1867) — of Breckenridge, Wilkin County, Minn. Born in Wright County, Iowa, 1867. Real estate business; abstractor; vice-president, Breckenridge National Bank; treasurer, Breckenridge Telephone Company; director, Farmers' Co-Op Elevator Company; member of Minnesota state house of representatives, 1913-18 (District 60 1913-14, District 49 1915-18). Burial location unknown.
  See also Minnesota Legislator record
  Image source: Minnesota Legislative Manual 1917
Alex S. Campbell Alexander S. Campbell (b. 1858) — also known as Alex S. Campbell — of Austin, Mower County, Minn. Born in Minnesota, 1858. Republican. Flour mill business; mayor of Austin, Minn., 1890; member of Minnesota state senate, 1903-10, 1915-18 (6th District 1903-10, 5th District 1915-18); delegate to Republican National Convention from Minnesota, 1904 (alternate), 1908. Burial location unknown.
  See also Minnesota Legislator record
  Image source: Minnesota Legislative Manual 1917
  Henry Martin Daniel (1829-1908) — also known as Henry M. Daniel — of Fillmore County, Minn.; North Yamhill, Yamhill County, Ore. Born in Danville, Va., March 26, 1829. Democrat. Sawmill and grist mill owner; member of Minnesota state house of representatives District 3, 1873. English ancestry. Member, Freemasons. Suffered a stroke of paralysis, and died four days later, in McMinnville, Yamhill County, Ore., December 16, 1908 (age 79 years, 265 days). Interment at Masonic Cemetery, McMinnville, Ore.
  Relatives: Son of William Daniel and Lucinda (Miller) Daniel; married, September 9, 1851, to Sarah A. Driskell; first cousin of John Warwick Daniel.
  Political family: Daniel family of Lynchburg, Virginia.
  See also Minnesota Legislator record
  Loren Fletcher (1833-1919) — of Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minn. Born in Mt. Vernon, Kennebec County, Maine, April 10, 1833. Republican. Lumber manufacturer; flour mill business; member of Minnesota state house of representatives, 1872-75, 1877, 1881-84 (District 26 1872-75, 1877, 1881-82, District 29 1883-84); Speaker of the Minnesota State House of Representatives, 1881-84; U.S. Representative from Minnesota 5th District, 1893-1903, 1905-07; defeated, 1902. Died in Atlanta, Fulton County, Ga., April 15, 1919 (age 86 years, 5 days). Interment at Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Minn.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial — Minnesota Legislator record
Paris Gibson Paris Gibson (1830-1920) — of Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minn.; Fort Benton, Chouteau County, Mont.; Great Falls, Cascade County, Mont. Born in Brownfield, Oxford County, Maine, July 1, 1830. Democrat. Flour mill business; member of Maine state house of representatives, 1852; founded city of Great Falls, 1882; postmaster at Great Falls, Mont., 1887; mayor of Great Falls, Mont., 1888-89; delegate to Montana state constitutional convention, 1889; member of Montana state senate 16th District, 1891-94; U.S. Senator from Montana, 1901-05; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Montana, 1904. Died December 16, 1920 (age 90 years, 168 days). Interment at Highland Cemetery, Great Falls, Mont.
  Relatives: Son of Abel Gibson and Ann (Howard) Gibson; married, August 23, 1858, to Valeria (Goodenow) Sweat.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: Library of Congress
C. W. Gillam Charles W. Gillam (b. 1861) — of Windom, Cottonwood County, Minn. Born in Omro, Winnebago County, Wis., 1861. Grain and farm implement dealer; real estate business; banker; mayor of Windom, Minn.; member of Minnesota state senate 10th District, 1915-26; defeated, 1926. Burial location unknown.
  See also Minnesota Legislator record
  Image source: Minnesota Legislative Manual 1917
  Archibald Marshall Hayes (1872-1941) — also known as Archie M. Hayes — of Hastings, Dakota County, Minn.; McGregor, Aitkin County, Minn. Born in Minnesota, April 26, 1872. Republican. Flour mill business; member of Minnesota state house of representatives District 30, 1905-06; clerk to U.S. Sen. Knute Nelson, 1910; postmaster of McGregor, Minn., 1922-34. Died October 22, 1941 (age 69 years, 179 days). Interment at Lakeview Cemetery, Aitkin, Minn.
  Relatives: Son of Oren Tracy Hayes and Mary C. (Matthews) Hayes; married to Bessie Deneen; nephew of Archibald M. Hayes.
  Political family: Hayes family of Hastings, Minnesota.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial — Minnesota Legislator record
Asher Howard Asher Howard (b. 1877) — of Minnesota. Born near Webster City, Hamilton County, Iowa, 1877. Grain business; lawyer; Kanabec County Attorney, 1907-10; member of Minnesota state house of representatives District 34, 1917-22. Burial location unknown.
  See also Minnesota Legislator record
  Image source: Minnesota Legislative Manual 1917
  Lucius Frederick Hubbard (1836-1913) — also known as Lucius F. Hubbard — of Red Wing, Goodhue County, Minn.; St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minn. Born in Troy, Rensselaer County, N.Y., January 26, 1836. Republican. General in the Union Army during the Civil War; grain business; railroad builder; member of Minnesota state senate 16th District, 1872-75; Governor of Minnesota, 1882-87; delegate to Republican National Convention from Minnesota, 1896; member of Republican National Committee from Minnesota, 1896; general in the U.S. Army during the Spanish-American War. Member, Grand Army of the Republic; Loyal Legion; Sons of the American Revolution; Freemasons; Royal Arch Masons. Died in Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minn., February 5, 1913 (age 77 years, 10 days). Interment at Oakwood Cemetery, Red Wing, Minn.
  Relatives: Son of Charles F. Hubbard and Margaret (Van Valkenberg) Hubbard; married, April 17, 1868, to Amelia Thomas.
  Hubbard County, Minn. is named for him.
  See also National Governors Association biography — Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial — Minnesota Legislator record
  John A. Johnson (b. 1883) — of Hancock, Stevens County, Minn.; Preston, Fillmore County, Minn. Born in Litchfield, Meeker County, Minn., July 9, 1883. Bookkeeper; grain elevator manager; hardware store owner; member of Minnesota state house of representatives District 1, 1921-30, 1939-48; Speaker of the Minnesota State House of Representatives, 1925-26; member of Minnesota state senate 1st District, 1949-58; defeated, 1958. Burial location unknown.
  See also Minnesota Legislator record
Magnus Johnson Magnus Johnson (1871-1936) — also known as Magnus Janson — of Litchfield, Meeker County, Minn.; Kimball, Stearns County, Minn. Born in Värmland, Sweden, September 19, 1871. Naturalized U.S. citizen; farmer; vice-president, Equity Co-operative Grain Exchange; member of Minnesota state house of representatives District 26, 1915-18; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Minnesota, 1916; member of Minnesota state senate 26th District, 1919-22; candidate for Governor of Minnesota, 1922 (Farmer-Labor), 1926; U.S. Senator from Minnesota, 1923-25; defeated (Farmer-Labor), 1924; U.S. Representative from Minnesota at-large, 1933-35. Lutheran. Swedish ancestry. Died in Litchfield, Meeker County, Minn., September 13, 1936 (age 64 years, 360 days). Interment at Dassel Cemetery, Dassel, Minn.
  Relatives: Son of Johannes Janson; married, February 7, 1900, to Harriet Winnifred Dorman.
  Epitaph: "He fought for the common people."; "Going to another meeting."
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial — Minnesota Legislator record
  Image source: Minnesota Legislative Manual 1917
John A. Rystrom John Andrew Rystrom (b. 1855) — also known as John A. Rystrom — of North Branch, Chisago County, Minn. Born in Sweden, December, 1855. Republican. Farmer; flour mill manager; alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Minnesota, 1908; member of Minnesota state senate 56th District, 1915-18. Swedish ancestry. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Peter Rystrom and Christina Rystrom; married 1882 to Ida Christina Peterson.
  Image source: Minnesota Legislative Manual 1917
J. W. Seney J. W. Seney (b. 1851) — of Sheffield, Franklin County, Iowa; Pope County, Minn.; Howard, Miner County, S.Dak. Born in Port Hope, Ontario, January 31, 1851. Republican. Machinist; flour mill business; lumber dealer; member of South Dakota state senate 17th District, 1903-04. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Married, December 25, 1872, to Eliza Anderson.
  Image source: South Dakota Legislative Manual, 1903
  Benjamin Dexter Sprague (1827-1893) — also known as Benjamin D. Sprague — of Lansing, Mower County, Minn.; Rushford, Fillmore County, Minn. Born in Bedford, Hillsborough County, N.H., December 6, 1827. Farmer; miller; member of Minnesota state house of representatives District 15, 1863; member of Minnesota state senate, 1864-65, 1870 (15th District 1864-65, 14th District 1870). Died in Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minn., July 26, 1893 (age 65 years, 232 days). Interment at Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Minn.
  Relatives: Son of Lowell Sprague and Hephzibah (Flint) Sprague; married to Lucy Ann McCall; first cousin four times removed of Benjamin Franklin; third cousin twice removed of Richard Bache Jr.; fourth cousin once removed of Walter Folger Jr., Frank Putnam Flint and Motley H. Flint.
  Political family: Bache-Dallas-Chew-Howard family of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial — Minnesota Legislator record
S. J. Swanson S. J. Swanson (b. 1857) — of Cokato, Wright County, Minn. Born in Carver County, Minn., January 15, 1857. Vice-president, State Bank of Cokato; president, Cokato Elevator Company; director, Cokato Telephone Company; member of Minnesota state house of representatives, 1893-96, 1917-20 (District 38 1893-96, District 27 1917-20); postmaster. Burial location unknown.
  Image source: Minnesota Legislative Manual 1917
Alexander W. Thornely Alexander Wild Thornely (1845-1908) — also known as Alexander W. Thornely; John Alexander Wylde Thornely — of La Crosse, La Crosse County, Wis.; Long Prairie, Todd County, Minn.; Tacoma, Pierce County, Wash. Born in Wrexham, Denbighshire, Wales, March, 1845. Naturalized U.S. citizen; bookkeeper; feed and grain business; customs broker; secretary, Crescent Coal Company; Vice-Consul for Mexico in Tacoma, Wash., 1906-08. English ancestry. Shot in the head by two robbers, and died four days later in Fannie Paddock Hospital, Tacoma, Pierce County, Wash., January 24, 1908 (age 62 years, 0 days). Interment at Tacoma Cemetery, Tacoma, Wash.
  Relatives: Son of Sarah (Roberts) Thornely and Robert Thornely; married, September 6, 1881, to Louise Lavinia Hinkley.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: Tacoma (Wash.) News Tribune, January 21, 1908
  William Drew Washburn (1831-1912) — also known as William D. Washburn — of Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minn. Born in Livermore, Androscoggin County, Maine, January 14, 1831. Republican. U.S. Surveyor-General for Minnesota, 1861-65; miller; lumber business; railroad promoter; member of Minnesota state house of representatives District 5, 1871; U.S. Representative from Minnesota, 1879-85 (3rd District 1879-83, 4th District 1883-85); U.S. Senator from Minnesota, 1889-95. Universalist. Died in Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minn., July 29, 1912 (age 81 years, 197 days). Interment at Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Minn.
  Relatives: Son of Israel Washburn and Martha (Benjamin) Washburn; brother of Israel Washburn Jr., Elihu Benjamin Washburne, Cadwallader Colden Washburn and Charles Ames Washburn; married, April 19, 1859, to Elizabeth M. Muzzy; father of William Drew Washburn Jr. and Stanley Washburn; nephew of Reuel Washburn; uncle of Charles Fox Washburn, Hempstead Washburne and Robert Charles Washburn; fourth cousin once removed of Charles Sumner and Dwight May Sabin.
  Political family: Washburn family of Raynham, Massachusetts (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial — Minnesota Legislator record
W. D. Washburn William Drew Washburn Jr. (1863-1929) — also known as W. D. Washburn, Jr. — of Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minn. Born in St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minn., April 3, 1863. Newspaper work; engaged in flour, lumber, and railroad businesses; member of Minnesota state house of representatives, 1901-02, 1905-06, 1909-12, 1917-18, 1921-26 (District 41 1901-02, 1905-06, 1909-12, District 31 1917-18, 1921-26). Died in Hennepin County, Minn., October 10, 1929 (age 66 years, 190 days). Interment at Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Minn.
  Relatives: Son of William Drew Washburn and Elizabeth (Muzzy) Washburn; brother of Stanley Washburn; nephew of Israel Washburn Jr., Elihu Benjamin Washburne, Cadwallader Colden Washburn and Charles Ames Washburn; grandson of Israel Washburn; grandnephew of Reuel Washburn; first cousin of Charles Fox Washburn, Hempstead Washburne and Robert Charles Washburn.
  Political family: Washburn family of Raynham, Massachusetts (subset of the Four Thousand Related Politicians).
  See also Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Image source: Minnesota Legislative Manual 1917

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
The Political Graveyard

The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
  The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
  The listings are incomplete; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.  
  Information on this page — and on all other pages of this site — is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.  
  The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/geo/MN/grain.html.  
  Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.  
  If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the alphabetical index of politicians.  
Copyright notices: (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see Feist v. Rural Telephone. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute fair use under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are © 1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a Creative Commons License.
What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.