The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
Politician members in Pennsylvania

  Freeman P. Hankins (1917-1988) — also known as Freeman Hankins — of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pa. Born in Brunswick, Glynn County, Ga., September 30, 1917. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; funeral director; member of Pennsylvania state house of representatives, 1961-67; member of Pennsylvania state senate 7th District, 1967-88; died in office 1988; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1968. Baptist. African ancestry. Member, American Legion; Amvets; NAACP; Freemasons; American Woodmen; Elks. Died, from heart disease, in the University of Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pa., December 31, 1988 (age 71 years, 92 days). Interment at Fernwood Cemetery, Upper Darby Township, Delaware County, Pa.
  Relatives: Son of Oliver Hankins and Anna (Pyles) Hankins; married, April 20, 1939, to Dorothy Days.
  The Freeman Hankins branch post office, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is named for him.
  See also Wikipedia article
  Frederick H. Hobbs (1934-2005) — also known as Fred Hobbs — of Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pa. Born in Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pa., January 6, 1934. Republican. Lawyer; member of Pennsylvania state senate 29th District, 1967-76. Presbyterian. Member, American Bar Association; Lions; Sons of the American Revolution; Freemasons; Amvets. Died, of emphysema, in Pottsville Hospital, Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pa., July 24, 2005 (age 71 years, 199 days). Cremated; ashes interred at Charles Baber Cemetery, Pottsville, Pa.
  Relatives: Son of Marian (Hause) Hobbs; married to Pamela Watkins (daughter of G. Harold Watkins); father of Christopher Hobbs (son-in-law of James J. Rhoades).
  Political family: Watkins-Rhoades-Hobbs family of Pennsylvania.
  Walter T. Kamyk (1913-1979) — of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa. Born in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa., January 18, 1913. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; auditor; member of Pennsylvania state house of representatives from Allegheny County 3rd District, 1949-63. Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, Polish National Alliance; Polish Roman Catholic Union; Veterans of Foreign Wars; American Legion; Amvets. Died October 26, 1979 (age 66 years, 281 days). Interment at St. Stanislaus Cemetery, Etna, Pa.
  Relatives: Son of Anthony Kamyk and Anna Kamyk; married to Wanda Plucinski.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  George Michael Leader (1918-2013) — also known as George M. Leader — of Dover, York County, Pa.; Camp Hill, Cumberland County, Pa.; Gladwyne, Montgomery County, Pa.; Bryn Mawr, Montgomery County, Pa. Born near York, York County, Pa., January 17, 1918. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; chair of York County Democratic Party, 1946-50; member of Pennsylvania state senate 28th District, 1951-54; candidate for Pennsylvania state treasurer, 1952; Governor of Pennsylvania, 1955-59; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972; candidate for U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, 1958. Lutheran. Member, Tau Kappa Epsilon; American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Elks; Eagles; Freemasons; Odd Fellows; Moose; Amvets; American Political Science Association; American Academy of Political and Social Science. Died in Hershey, Westmoreland County, Pa., May 9, 2013 (age 95 years, 112 days). Interment at Salem Union Cemetery, Jacobus, Pa.
  Relatives: Son of Guy Alvin Leader and Beulah Naomi (Boyer) Leader; married, September 17, 1939, to Mary Jane Strickler.
  Cross-reference: Allison D. Wade
  See also National Governors Association biography — Wikipedia article — NNDB dossier — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Books about George M. Leader: Richard J. Cooper, Politics of Progress : How Governor George M. Leader Modernized Pennsylvania State Government — Kenneth C. Wolensky, The Life of Pennsylvania Governor George M. Leader: Challenging Complacency
  Arthur J. Madar (b. 1905) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Hastings, Cambria County, Pa., May 25, 1905. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; candidate in Republican primary for U.S. Representative from Michigan 14th District, 1948, 1950, 1952; candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 1st District, 1954 (Republican), 1956 (Republican), 1958 (Democratic primary), 1960 (Democratic primary); delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention from Wayne County 1st District, 1961-62; candidate in Democratic primary for Michigan state senate 1st District, 1962; alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, 1964. Catholic. Member, Amvets; American Legion. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Paul Madar and Anna (Seman) Madar; married to Clara Barbara Dettloff.
  William Singer Moorhead (1923-1987) — also known as William S. Moorhead — of Pennsylvania. Born in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa., April 8, 1923. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania, 1959-81 (28th District 1959-63, 14th District 1963-81). Episcopalian. Member, American Legion; Amvets; Veterans of Foreign Wars. Died in Baltimore, Md., August 3, 1987 (age 64 years, 117 days). Burial location unknown.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
Stanley Novak Stanley J. Novak (b. 1911) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in Salemville, Bedford County, Pa., March 9, 1911. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; UAW-CIO international representative; business agent, Boilermakers Union; candidate for Michigan state house of representatives from Wayne County 1st District, 1950, 1952; member of Michigan state senate, 1955-74 (5th District 1955-64, 9th District 1965-74). Catholic. Polish ancestry. Member, United Auto Workers; Elks; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Amvets; NAACP; Polish National Alliance. Burial location unknown.
  Image source: Michigan Manual 1957-58
  W. Reed Orr (1910-1975) — of Battle Creek, Calhoun County, Mich. Born in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa., June 3, 1910. Republican. Lawyer; served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; Calhoun County Circuit Court Commissioner; member of Michigan state house of representatives from Calhoun County 2nd District, 1951-54. Episcopalian. Member, Freemasons; American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Amvets; Kiwanis. Died in 1975 (age about 65 years). Interment at Memorial Park Cemetery, Battle Creek, Mich.
  Relatives: Married 1934 to Helen Gustine.
  Frederick Bernard Rooney (b. 1925) — also known as Fred B. Rooney — of Northampton County, Pa. Born in Bethlehem, Northampton County, Pa., November 6, 1925. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; member of Pennsylvania state senate 18th District, 1959-63; resigned 1963; U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania 15th District, 1963-79; defeated, 1978. Catholic. Member, Knights of Columbus; American Legion; Amvets; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Catholic War Veterans. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  John Phillips Saylor (1908-1973) — also known as John P. Saylor — of Johnstown, Cambria County, Pa. Born in Conemaugh Township, Somerset County, Pa., July 23, 1908. Republican. Lawyer; served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania, 1949-73 (26th District 1949-53, 22nd District 1953-73, 12th District 1973); died in office 1973; delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1972. Evangelical and Reformed Church; later United Church of Christ. Member, Elks; American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Amvets; Freemasons; Shriners; American Bar Association; Eagles. Died in Houston, Harris County, Tex., October 28, 1973 (age 65 years, 97 days). Interment at Grandview Cemetery, Southmont, Pa.
  Relatives: Son of Tillman Kulp Saylor and Minerva Jane (Phillips) Saylor; married 1937 to Grace Doerstler.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Richard Schultz Schweiker (1926-2015) — also known as Richard S. Schweiker — of Worcester, Montgomery County, Pa.; Lansdale, Montgomery County, Pa. Born in Norristown, Montgomery County, Pa., June 1, 1926. Republican. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1952 (alternate), 1956 (alternate), 1972; U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania 13th District, 1961-69; U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, 1969-81; U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, 1981-83. Member, Veterans of Foreign Wars; Amvets; Sons of the American Revolution; Lions; Kiwanis; American Legion. Died, from complications of an infection, in AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, Pomona, Atlantic County, N.J., July 31, 2015 (age 89 years, 60 days). Burial location unknown.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — Wikipedia article — NNDB dossier
  Hugh Doggett Scott Jr. (1900-1994) — also known as Hugh Scott — of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pa. Born in Fredericksburg, Va., November 11, 1900. Republican. Lawyer; U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania, 1941-45, 1947-59 (7th District 1941-45, 6th District 1947-59); defeated, 1944; served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; Chairman of Republican National Committee, 1948-49; delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1960, 1964, 1972 (delegation chair); speaker, 1956; U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, 1959-77. Episcopalian. Member, American Bar Association; American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Amvets; Sons of the American Revolution; Lions; Society of the Cincinnati; Friendly Sons of St. Patrick; Alpha Chi Rho; Tau Kappa Alpha; Patriotic Order Sons of America. Died July 21, 1994 (age 93 years, 252 days). Interment at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.
  Relatives: Married to Marian Chase.
  Cross-reference: Robert L. Kunzig
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — NNDB dossier
  Ronald L. Thompson (b. 1899) — of Mt. Lebanon, Allegheny County, Pa. Born in Shamokin, Northumberland County, Pa., August 19, 1899. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; member of Pennsylvania state house of representatives from Allegheny County 15th District, 1941-42, 1949-60; served in the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II. Member, American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Amvets; Disabled American Veterans; Freemasons; Elks; Eagles. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Willis D. Thompson and Elizabeth (Taylor) Thompson; married to Elsie Marie Calvert.
  John J. Vaughan (born c.1908) — of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa. Born in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa., about 1908. Republican. Played professional football with the Pittsburgh Steelers in the early 1930s; investigator; member of Pennsylvania state house of representatives, 1947-48, 1953-58 (Allegheny County 8th District 1947-48, 1953-54, Allegheny County 12th District 1955-58); defeated, 1960 (Allegheny County 12th District), 1964 (Allegheny County 1st District); alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, 1964, 1972. Catholic. Irish ancestry. Member, Elks; Moose; Eagles; Knights of Equity; American Legion; Amvets; Catholic War Veterans. Burial location unknown.

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
The Political Graveyard

The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
  The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
  The listings are incomplete; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.  
  Information on this page — and on all other pages of this site — is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.  
  The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/geo/PA/amvets.html.  
  Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.  
  If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the alphabetical index of politicians.  
Copyright notices: (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see Feist v. Rural Telephone. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute fair use under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are © 1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a Creative Commons License.
What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.