The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
Lutheran Politicians in Nebraska

  Allen Jay Beermann (b. 1940) — also known as Allen J. Beermann — of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Neb. Born in Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa, January 14, 1940. Lawyer; secretary of state of Nebraska, 1971-. Lutheran. Member, American Bar Association; American Legion; Elks; American Judicature Society; Pi Kappa Delta; Phi Alpha Delta; Newcomen Society. Still living as of 2001.
  Ralph Frederick Beermann (1912-1977) — of Dakota City, Dakota County, Neb. Born near Dakota City, Dakota County, Neb., August 13, 1912. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; U.S. Representative from Nebraska, 1961-65 (3rd District 1961-63, 1st District 1963-65). Lutheran. Member, Veterans of Foreign Wars; American Legion; Farm Bureau; Kiwanis. Died in an airplane crash at the Municipal Airport in Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa, February 17, 1977 (age 64 years, 188 days). Interment at Dakota City Cemetery, Dakota City, Neb.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  Douglas Kent Bereuter (b. 1939) — also known as Doug Bereuter — of Utica, Seward County, Neb.; Lincoln, Lancaster County, Neb.; Cedar Bluffs, Saunders County, Neb. Born in York, York County, Neb., October 6, 1939. Republican. Member of Nebraska unicameral legislature, 1975-78; U.S. Representative from Nebraska 1st District, 1979-2004; resigned 2004; delegate to Republican National Convention from Nebraska, 1992. Lutheran. Member, Council on Foreign Relations; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Still living as of 2014.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page — NNDB dossier
  Emil E. Beyer Jr. (b. 1929) — of Gretna, Sarpy County, Neb. Born May 20, 1929. Member of Nebraska unicameral legislature 3rd District, 1981. Lutheran. Member, American Legion; Optimist Club. Still living as of 1993.
  Lawrence Brock (1906-1968) — of Wakefield, Dixon County, Neb. Born near Columbus, Platte County, Neb., August 16, 1906. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Nebraska, 1952, 1956; Nebraska Democratic state chair, 1954-56; U.S. Representative from Nebraska 3rd District, 1959-61. Lutheran. Died in Zion, Lake County, Ill., August 28, 1968 (age 62 years, 12 days). Interment at Wakefield Cemetery, Wakefield, Neb.
  Relatives: Son of John Brock and Mary (Moeller) Brock; married, June 26, 1929, to Roenna Utemark.
  See also congressional biography — Govtrack.us page
  John Havekost (1872-1950) — of Hooper, Dodge County, Neb. Born in Logan Township, Dodge County, Neb., July 30, 1872. Progressive. Candidate for U.S. Representative from Nebraska 3rd District, 1922; member of Nebraska state house of representatives, 1927-32; Nebraska state treasurer, 1939-41. Lutheran. Member, Freemasons. Died in Hooper, Dodge County, Neb., April 20, 1950 (age 77 years, 264 days). Interment at Hooper Cemetery, Hooper, Neb.
  Augustus Kountze (1826-1892) — of Omaha, Douglas County, Neb. Born in Stark County, Ohio, November 19, 1826. Republican. Banker; real estate investor; treasurer of Nebraska Territory, 1861-67; director, Union Pacific Railroad; Nebraska state treasurer, 1867-69. Lutheran. German ancestry. Died in New York, New York County, N.Y., April 30, 1892 (age 65 years, 163 days). Interment at Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, N.Y.
  Relatives: Son of Christian Gottlieb Kountze and Margaret (Zerbe) Kountze; married to Catharine Ruth; uncle of William DeLancey Kountze.
  Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church, in Omaha, Nebraska, is named for him.
  See also Wikipedia article — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Karl Harold Phillip LeVander (1910-1992) — also known as Harold LeVander — of South St. Paul, Dakota County, Minn. Born in Swede Home, Polk County, Neb., October 10, 1910. Republican. Lawyer; Governor of Minnesota, 1967-71; delegate to Republican National Convention from Minnesota, 1968. Lutheran. Swedish ancestry. Member, Kiwanis; American Bar Association; Gamma Eta Gamma; Pi Kappa Delta. Died in St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minn., March 30, 1992 (age 81 years, 172 days). Interment at Acacia Park Cemetery, Mendota Heights, Minn.
  Relatives: Son of Rev. Peter Magni LeVander and Laura Marie (Lovene) LeVander; married to Iantha Powrie.
  Cross-reference: David F. Durenberger
  See also National Governors Association biography — Wikipedia article — NNDB dossier — Find-A-Grave memorial
  Wesley C. Mues (1948-1999) — of Kearney, Buffalo County, Neb. Born in McCook, Red Willow County, Neb., May 5, 1948. Lawyer; Judge, Nebraska Court of Appeals, 1994-99; died in office 1999. Lutheran. Member, Sertoma. Injured in a traffic accident on Highway 281, and died soon after, at St. Francis Medical Center, Grand Island, Hall County, Neb., October 25, 1999 (age 51 years, 173 days). Interment at Kearney Cemetery, Kearney, Neb.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Norman A. Otto (b. 1918) — Born in Gering, Scotts Bluff County, Neb., July 5, 1918. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II; member of Nebraska unicameral legislature, 1955-61; candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Nebraska, 1960; chief of staff to Gov. Frank Morrison, 1961-64, and to Gov. J. James Exon, 1971-79. Lutheran. German ancestry. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown.
  Frederick Valdemar Erastus Peterson (1903-1983) — also known as Val Peterson — of Elgin, Antelope County, Neb.; Hastings, Adams County, Neb. Born in Oakland, Burt County, Neb., July 18, 1903. Republican. School teacher; athletic coach; newspaper publisher; secretary to Gov. Dwight Griswold, 1941-42; served in the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II; Governor of Nebraska, 1947-53; member, Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 1953-55; U.S. Ambassador to Denmark, 1957-61; Finland, 1969-73; delegate to Republican National Convention from Nebraska, 1960, 1972; insurance executive. Lutheran. Member, Rotary; Freemasons; Shriners; Jesters; Eagles; American Legion; Veterans of Foreign Wars. Died, from Alzheimer's disease and respiratory failure, in Fremont, Dodge County, Neb., October 17, 1983 (age 80 years, 91 days). Interment at Oakdale Cemetery, Oakdale, Neb.
  Relatives: Son of Henry C. Peterson and Hermanda (Swanberg) Peterson; married, June 6, 1929, to Elizabeth Howells Pleak.
  See also National Governors Association biography — Wikipedia article — U.S. State Dept career summary — NNDB dossier — Internet Movie Database profile
  Franz Christopher Radke (1889-1966) — also known as Francis Radke — of Hartington, Cedar County, Neb.; Tecumseh, Johnson County, Neb. Born near Wynot, Cedar County, Neb., June 23, 1889. Democrat. Lawyer; member of Nebraska state house of representatives, 1917; delegate to Nebraska state constitutional convention, 1919-20; private secretary to Gov. Charles W. Bryan, 1923-25; Johnson County Judge, 1925. Lutheran. Member, Freemasons; Izaak Walton League; Forty and Eight; Modern Woodmen of America; Kiwanis. Died in Lincoln, Lancaster County, Neb., April 3, 1966 (age 76 years, 284 days). Interment at Wyuka Cemetery, Lincoln, Neb.
  Relatives: Son of Carl Radke and Ottillo (Reips) Radke; married, June 26, 1921, to Magdeleene Craft.
  See also Find-A-Grave memorial
  Hermann Godfrey Wellensiek (b. 1884) — of Grand Island, Hall County, Neb. Born in Syracuse, Otoe County, Neb., September 28, 1884. Republican. Lawyer; banker; member of Nebraska state senate, 1928-32; member of Nebraska Republican State Central Committee, 1934-38. Lutheran. Member, American Bar Association; Elks; Freemasons; Shriners. Burial location unknown.
  Relatives: Son of Henry F. Wellensiek and Maria Katharine (Kampeter) Wellensiek; married, October 5, 1915, to Adah Lanham; married, September 12, 1925, to Anna Blanche Swartwood.

"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
The Political Graveyard

The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
  The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
  The listings are incomplete; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.  
  Information on this page — and on all other pages of this site — is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.  
  The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/geo/NE/lutheran.html.  
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What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.