Richard Crane (1882-1938) —
of Chicago, Cook
County, Ill.; Westover, Arlington, Arlington
County, Va.
Born in Denver,
Colo., August
12, 1882.
Democrat. President, Crane Valve Company, Chicago, 1910-14; private
secretary to U.S. Secretary of State Robert
Lansing, 1915-19; U.S. Minister to Czechoslovakia, 1919-21; delegate to Democratic National
Convention from Virginia, 1924
(alternate), 1928
(member, Committee
on Permanent Organization); real estate
Member, Council on Foreign Relations.
Died October
3, 1938 (age 56 years, 52
Interment at Westover Plantation Cemetery, Charles City County, Va.
William Sharpless Jackson (b. 1889) —
also known as William S. Jackson —
of Colorado Springs, El Paso
County, Colo.; Denver,
Born in Colorado Springs, El Paso
County, Colo., March
22, 1889.
of Colorado state supreme court, 1942-53; chief
justice of Colorado Supreme Court, 1951-53.
Member, American Bar
Association; American
Judicature Society; Kiwanis;
Council on Foreign Relations.
Burial location unknown.
John Forbes Kerry (b. 1943) —
also known as John F. Kerry;
"Liveshot" —
of Boston, Suffolk
County, Mass.
Born in Fitzsimmons Army Hospital,
Aurora, Adams
County, Colo., December
11, 1943.
Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War; lawyer;
candidate for U.S.
Representative from Massachusetts 5th District, 1972; Lieutenant
Governor of Massachusetts, 1983-85; U.S.
Senator from Massachusetts, 1985-2013; delegate to Democratic
National Convention from Massachusetts, 1996,
speaker, 1988;
candidate for President
of the United States, 2004.
and Jewish
ancestry. Member, Council on Foreign Relations; Skull
and Bones.
Still living as of 2020.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Rosemary Isabel (Forbes) Kerry and Richard John Kerry; married, May 23,
1970, to Julia Stimson Thorne; married, May 26,
1995, to Teresa (Simoes-Ferreira) Heinz (widow of Henry
John Heinz III); second great-grandson of Robert
Charles Winthrop; third great-grandson of Thomas
Lindall Winthrop and Jeremiah
Mason; third great-grandnephew of John
Murray Forbes (1771-1831); fourth great-grandnephew of George
Cabot; fifth great-grandson of James
Bowdoin; fifth great-grandnephew of Timothy
Pickering; sixth great-grandnephew of Fitz-John
Winthrop; seventh great-grandson of John
Winthrop (1606-1676); first cousin four times removed of David
Sears, Jane
Pierce and John
Murray Forbes (1813-1898); first cousin seven times removed of John
Alsop; second cousin twice removed of John
Lee Saltonstall; second cousin five times removed of Dudley
Leavitt Pickman; third cousin once removed of Leverett
Saltonstall, Richard
Saltonstall, William
Gurdon Saltonstall and John
Lee Saltonstall Jr.; third cousin twice removed of William
Cameron Forbes; third cousin thrice removed of Henry
Cabot Lodge, John
Gardner Coolidge and Augustus
Peabody Gardner; fourth cousin of William
Amory Gardner Minot, Marietta
Peabody Tree, Endicott
Peabody and William
Lawrence Saltonstall; fourth cousin once removed of Charles
Francis Adams and Malcolm
Stevenson Forbes; eighth great-grandson of John
Winthrop (1588-1649). |
|  | Political families:Four
Thousand Related Politicians). |
|  | Cross-reference: Leslie
L. Farr II |
|  | See also congressional
biography — Govtrack.us
page — Wikipedia article — NNDB
dossier — Internet Movie Database
profile — OurCampaigns
candidate detail |
|  | Books by John F. Kerry: A
Call to Service : My Vision for a Better America
(2003) — The
New War: The Web of Crime That Threatens America's Security
(1997) — Our
Plan for America: Stronger at Home, Respected in the World, with
John Edwards (2004) |
|  | Books about John F. Kerry: Douglas
Brinkley, Tour
of Duty : John Kerry and the Vietnam War — Michael
Kranish et al, John
F. Kerry: The Complete Biography By The Boston Globe Reporters Who
Know Him Best — Paul Alexander, The
Candidate: Behind John Kerry's Remarkable Run for the White
House — George Butler, John
Kerry: A Portrait — Scott Farris, Almost
President: The Men Who Lost the Race but Changed the
Nation |
|  | Critical books about John F. Kerry:
John E. O'Neill & Jerome R. Corsi, Unfit
for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John
Kerry — David N. Bossie, The
Many Faces of John Kerry |
Howard Alexander Smith (1880-1966) —
also known as H. Alexander Smith —
of Colorado Springs, El Paso
County, Colo.; Princeton, Mercer
County, N.J.
Born in New York, New York
County, N.Y., January
30, 1880.
Republican. Lawyer; treasurer of
New Jersey Republican Party, 1934-41; delegate to Republican
National Convention from New Jersey, 1940
(alternate), 1948,
(member, Resolutions
Committee); New Jersey
Republican state chair, 1941-43; member of Republican
National Committee from New Jersey, 1942-44; U.S.
Senator from New Jersey, 1944-59.
Member, Council on Foreign Relations; Society
of Colonial Wars.
Died in Princeton, Mercer
County, N.J., October
27, 1966 (age 86 years, 270
Interment at Princeton
Cemetery, Princeton, N.J.
Timothy Endicott Wirth (b. 1939) —
also known as Timothy E. Wirth —
of Denver,
Born in Santa Fe, Santa Fe
County, N.M., September
22, 1939.
Democrat. U.S.
Representative from Colorado 2nd District, 1975-87; U.S.
Senator from Colorado, 1987-93.
Member, Council on Foreign Relations.
Still living as of 2014.