John Deere (1804-1886) —
of Moline, Rock
Island County, Ill.
Born in Rutland, Rutland
County, Vt., February
7, 1804.
of the first successful steel plow; founder of John Deere &
Company, manufacturers of farm implements; president, National
Bank of
Moline; mayor of
Moline, Ill., 1873-75.
Died in Moline, Rock Island
County, Ill., May 17,
1886 (age 82 years, 99
Interment at Riverside
Cemetery, Moline, Ill.; statue at John
Deere Historic Site, Grand Detour, Ill.
Albert Y. Gray (b. 1844) —
of Middletown Springs, Rutland
County, Vt.
Born in Middletown (now Middletown Springs), Rutland
County, Vt., July 22,
Republican. Threshing machine manufacturer; vice-president,
Gray National Bank;
member of Vermont
state house of representatives from Middletown Springs, 1876;
member of Vermont
state senate from Rutland County, 1886.
Burial location unknown.
Charles F. Leonard (b. 1842) —
Born in Brattleboro, Windham
County, Vt., March
16, 1842.
Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; superintendent, Iowa
Incubator Company; U.S. Consular Agent in Peterborough, 1910-16.
Burial location unknown.
Donald Malcolm McLean (b. 1862) —
also known as Donald M. McLean —
of Wheelock, Caledonia
County, Vt.
Born in Bury, Quebec,
28, 1862.
Republican. Flour and
feed business; member of Vermont
state house of representatives from Wheelock, 1910.
Burial location unknown.
David E. Myrick (b. 1863) —
of Bridport, Addison
County, Vt.
Born in Bridport, Addison
County, Vt., June 30,
Republican. Farmer;
livestock dealer; member of Vermont
state house of representatives from Bridport, 1910.
Burial location unknown.
Charles Otis Nason (1828-1903) —
also known as Charles O. Nason —
of Moline, Rock
Island County, Ill.
Born in Hartford, Windsor
County, Vt., September
20, 1828.
Republican. Superintendent of wood department, John Deere Co. Plow
Works; director and treasurer, Moline Plow Works;
treasurer, People's Power
Company; mayor of
Moline, Ill., 1887-89.
Died in Portsmouth, Rockingham
County, N.H., December
7, 1903 (age 75 years, 78
Interment at Pleasant
Street Cemetery, Claremont, N.H.
David K. Patrick (b. 1840) —
of Hinesburg, Chittenden
County, Vt.
Born in Hinesburg, Chittenden
County, Vt., July 14,
Republican. Manufacturer of agricultural implements; member of
state house of representatives from Hinesburgh, 1888.
Burial location unknown.
C. F. Porter (b. 1861) —
of Wilmot, Roberts
County, S.Dak.
Born in New Haven, Addison
County, Vt., October
24, 1861.
Republican. Farm implement dealer; banker; real estate
business; member of South
Dakota state senate 34th District, 1903-04.
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Image source:
South Dakota Legislative Manual, 1903 |
Azro Andrus Reed (b. 1865) —
also known as A. A. Reed —
of Williamstown, Orange
County, Vt.
Born in Brookfield, Orange
County, Vt., January
6, 1865.
Republican. Horse and cattle dealer; lumber
business; deputy
sheriff; member of Vermont
state house of representatives from Williamstown, 1910.
Burial location unknown.
William W. Smith (b. 1865) —
of Shrewsbury, Rutland
County, Vt.
Born in Shrewsbury, Rutland
County, Vt., October
9, 1865.
Republican. Farmer;
cattle dealer; member of Vermont
state house of representatives from Shrewsbury, 1910.
Burial location unknown.
William H. Stoddard —
of Hurley, Turner
County, S.Dak.
Born in Rutland
County, Vt.
Republican. Farmer;
livestock dealer; member of South
Dakota state house of representatives 5th District, 1899-1900;
member of South
Dakota state senate 6th District, 1901-06.
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Image source:
South Dakota Legislative Manual, 1903 |
Oscar C. Woodruff (b. 1852) —
of West Burke, Burke, Caledonia
County, Vt.
Born in Lyndon, Caledonia
County, Vt., January
22, 1852.
Republican. Drover; deputy
sheriff; member of Vermont
state house of representatives from Burke, 1910.
Burial location unknown.