Note: This is just one of
family groupings listed on
The Political Graveyard web site.
These families each have three or more politician members,
all linked together by blood, marriage or adoption.
These groupings — even the names of the groupings,
and the areas of main activity — are the
result of a computer algorithm working with the data I have,
not the choices of any historian or genealogist.
John Alexander Bryan (1794-1864) —
also known as John A. Bryan —
of Ellicottville, Cattaraugus
County, N.Y.; Columbus, Franklin
County, Ohio; Milwaukee, Milwaukee
County, Wis.; Menasha, Winnebago
County, Wis.
Born in Berkshire
County, Mass., April
13, 1794.
member of New York
state assembly from Cattaraugus County, 1827; Ohio
auditor of state, 1833-39; U.S. Charge d'Affaires to Peru, 1845.
Member, Freemasons.
Died in Menasha, Winnebago
County, Wis., May 24,
1864 (age 70 years, 41
Interment at Oak
Hill Cemetery, Neenah, Wis.
John B. Weller (1812-1875) —
of San
Francisco, Calif.
Born in Hamilton, Butler
County, Ohio, February
22, 1812.
Democrat. U.S.
Representative from Ohio 2nd District, 1839-45; colonel in the
U.S. Army during the Mexican War; candidate for Governor of
Ohio, 1848; U.S.
Senator from California, 1852-57; Governor of
California, 1858-60; U.S. Minister to Mexico, 1860-61.
Died in New Orleans, Orleans
Parish, La., August
17, 1875 (age 63 years, 176
Original interment at Laurel
Hill Cemetery (which no longer exists), San Francisco, Calif.;
reinterment to unknown location.
Charles Henry Bryan (1822-1877) —
also known as Charles H. Bryan —
of Marysville, Yuba
County, Calif.; Virginia City, Storey
County, Nev.
Born in Ellicottville, Cattaraugus
County, N.Y., October
20, 1822.
to California for the 1849 Gold Rush; member of California
state senate, 1854; justice of
California state supreme court, 1854-55; delegate
to Nevada state constitutional convention, 1863.
Died in Carson
City, Nev., May 14,
1877 (age 54 years, 206
Interment at Lone
Mountain Cemetery, Carson City, Nev.