The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
Ohio: Governors

Governors of Ohio, 1803-2020 (May be incomplete!)
Edward Tiffin 1803-07 Thomas Kirker 1807-08 Samuel H. Huntington 1808-10 Return J. Meigs, Jr. 1810-14 Othneil Looker 1814 Thomas Worthington 1814-18 Ethan A. Brown 1818-22 Allen Trimble 1822 Jeremiah Morrow 1822-26 Allen Trimble 1826-30 Duncan McArthur 1830-32 Robert Lucas 1832-36 Joseph Vance 1836-38 Wilson Shannon 1838-40 Thomas Corwin 1840-42 Wilson Shannon 1842-44 Thomas W. Bartley 1844 Mordecai Bartley 1844-46 William Bebb 1846-49 Seabury Ford 1849-50 Reuben Wood 1850-53 William Medill 1853-56 Salmon P. Chase 1856-60 William Dennison, Jr. 1860-62 David Tod 1862-64 John Brough 1864-65 Charles Anderson 1865-66 Jacob D. Cox 1866-68 Rutherford B. Hayes 1868-72 Edward F. Noyes 1872-74 William Allen 1874-76 Rutherford B. Hayes 1876-77 Thomas L. Young 1877-78 Richard M. Bishop 1878-80 Charles Foster 1880-84 George Hoadly 1884-86 Joseph B. Foraker 1886-90 James E. Campbell 1890-92 William McKinley 1892-96 Asa S. Bushnell 1896-1900 George K. Nash 1900-04 Myron T. Herrick 1904-06 John M. Pattison 1906 Andrew L. Harris 1906-09 Judson Harmon 1909-13 James M. Cox 1913-15 Frank B. Willis 1915-17 James M. Cox 1917-21 Harry L. Davis 1921-23 A. Vic Donahey 1923-29 Myers Y. Cooper 1929-31 George White 1931-35 Martin L. Davey 1935-39 John W. Bricker 1939-45 Frank J. Lausche 1945-47 Thomas J. Herbert 1947-49 Frank J. Lausche 1949-57 John William Brown 1957 C. William O'Neill 1957-59 Michael V. DiSalle 1959-63 James A. Rhodes 1963-71 John J. Gilligan 1971-75 James A. Rhodes 1975-83 Richard F. Celeste 1983-91 George V. Voinovich 1991-98 Nancy P. Hollister 1998-99 Bob Taft 1999-2007 Ted Strickland 2007-11 John R. Kasich 2011-19 Mike DeWine 2019-

Events and Candidates (may be incomplete!)

  • 1806: Nathaniel Massie, defeated.
  • 1808: Thomas Worthington, defeated; Thomas Kirker, defeated.
  • 1810: Thomas Worthington, defeated.
  • 1812: Thomas Scott, defeated.
  • 1814: Othneil Looker, defeated.
  • 1816: Ethan A. Brown, defeated; James Dunlap, defeated.
  • 1818: James Dunlap, defeated.
  • 1820: William Henry Harrison, defeated; Jeremiah Morrow, defeated.
  • 1822: William W. Irvin, defeated.
  • 1822 Oct 8: Allen Trimble, defeated.
  • 1824 Oct 12: Allen Trimble, defeated.
  • 1826: Benjamin Tappan, defeated; Alexander Campbell, defeated; John Bigger, defeated.
  • 1826 Oct 10: Allen Trimble (National Republican), elected.
  • 1828: John W. Campbell, defeated.
  • 1828 Oct 14: Allen Trimble (National Republican), elected.
  • 1830: Robert Lucas, defeated.
  • 1832: Darius Lyman, defeated.
  • 1834: James Findlay, defeated.
  • 1836: Eli Baldwin, defeated.
  • 1838: Joseph Vance, defeated.
  • 1840: Wilson Shannon, defeated.
  • 1842: Thomas Corwin, defeated; Leister King, defeated.
  • 1844: Leister King, defeated; David Fisher, defeated.
  • 1844 Oct 8: David Tod (Dem), defeated.
  • 1846 Oct 13: David Tod (Dem), defeated; Samuel Lewis (Liberty), defeated.
  • 1848: John B. Weller, defeated.
  • 1850 Oct 8: Reuben Wood (Dem), elected; William Johnston (Whig), defeated; Edward Smith (Free Soil), defeated.
  • 1851 Oct 14: Reuben Wood (Dem), elected; Samuel F. Vinton (Whig), defeated; Samuel Lewis (Free Soil), defeated.
  • 1853 Oct 11: William Medill (Dem), elected; Nelson Barrere (Whig), defeated; Samuel Lewis (Free Soil), defeated.
  • 1855 Oct 9: Salmon P. Chase (Rep), elected; William Medill (Dem), defeated; Allen Trimble (American), defeated.
  • 1857 Oct 13: Salmon P. Chase (Rep), elected; Henry B. Payne (Dem), defeated; Philadelph Van Trump (American), defeated.
  • 1859 Oct 11: William Dennison, Jr. (Rep), elected; Rufus P. Ranney (Dem), defeated.
  • 1861 Oct 8: David Tod (Union), elected; Hugh Jewett (Dem), defeated.
  • 1863 Oct 13: John Brough (Union), elected; Clement L. Vallandigham (Dem), defeated.
  • 1865 Aug 29: John Brough, died in office.
  • 1865 Oct 10: Jacob D. Cox (Rep), elected; George W. Morgan (Dem), defeated; Alexander Long, defeated.
  • 1867 Oct 8: Rutherford B. Hayes (Rep), elected; Allen G. Thurman (Dem), defeated.
  • 1869 Oct 12: Rutherford B. Hayes (Rep), elected; George H. Pendleton (Dem), defeated; Samuel Scott (Prohibition), defeated.
  • 1875: Alphonso Taft (Rep), defeated for nomination.
  • 1879: Thomas Ewing, defeated.
  • 1883: Joseph B. Foraker (Rep), defeated.
  • 1885: Joseph B. Foraker (Rep), elected.
  • 1887: Joseph B. Foraker (Rep), elected.
  • 1889: Joseph B. Foraker (Rep), defeated.
  • 1892: Seth H. Ellis (Prohibition), defeated.
  • 1893: Lawrence T. Neal (Dem), defeated.
  • 1895: Jacob S. Coxey (People's), defeated.
  • 1897 Nov 2: Asa S. Bushnell (Rep), elected; Horace L. Chapman (Dem), defeated; John C. Holliday (Prohibition), defeated; Jacob S. Coxey (People's), defeated; William Watkins (Socialist Labor), defeated; John Richardson (Liberty), defeated; Julius Dexter (Gold Democratic), defeated; Samuel J. Lewis (Negro Protective), defeated.
  • 1899: George M. Hammell (Prohibition), defeated; Seth H. Ellis, defeated; George K. Nash (Rep), elected.
  • 1900: Samuel M. Jones, defeated.
  • 1901: James Kilbourne (Dem), defeated.
  • 1905: Aaron S. Watkins (Prohibition), defeated.
  • 1906 Jun 18: John M. Pattison, died in office.
  • 1908 Nov 3: Judson Harmon (Dem), elected; Andrew L. Harris (Rep), defeated; Robert Bandlow (Socialist), defeated; John B. Martin (Prohibition), defeated; John Kircher (Socialist Labor), defeated; Andrew F. Otte (Ind), defeated.
  • 1910 Nov 8: Judson Harmon (Dem), elected; Warren G. Harding (Rep), defeated; Tom Clifford (Socialist), defeated; Henry A. Thompson (Prohibition), defeated; J. R. Malley (Socialist Labor), defeated.
  • 1912 Nov 5: James M. Cox (Dem), elected; Robert B. Brown (Rep), defeated; Arthur L. Garford (Progressive), defeated; C. E. Ruthenberg (Socialist), defeated; Daniel A. Poling (Prohibition), defeated; John Kircher (Socialist Labor), defeated.
  • 1914 Nov 3: Frank B. Willis (Rep), elected; James M. Cox (Dem), defeated; James R. Garfield (Progressive), defeated; Scott Wilkins (Socialist), defeated.
  • 1916 Nov 7: James M. Cox (Dem), elected; Frank B. Willis (Rep), defeated; Tom Clifford (Socialist), defeated; John H. Dickason (Prohibition), defeated.
  • 1918 Nov 5: James M. Cox (Dem), elected; Frank B. Willis (Rep), defeated.
  • 1920 Aug 10: A. Vic Donahey (Dem), nominated unopposed.
  • 1920 Aug 10: Harry L. Davis (Rep), nominated; Ralph D. Cole (Rep), defeated in primary; Roscoe C. McCulloch (Rep), defeated in primary; David Wesley Wood (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 1920 Nov 2: Harry L. Davis (Rep), elected; A. Vic Donahey (Dem), defeated; Frank B. Hamilton (Socialist), defeated; Earl H. Foote (Single Tax), defeated.
  • 1922 Nov 7: A. Vic Donahey (Dem), elected; Carmi A. Thompson (Rep), defeated; Ed H. Moore, defeated; Aaron S. Watkins (Prohibition), defeated.
  • 1924 Aug 12: A. Vic Donahey (Dem), nominated; James C. B. Beatty (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1924 Aug 12: Harry L. Davis (Rep), nominated; Joseph B. Sieber (Rep), defeated in primary; James A. White (Rep), defeated in primary; C. Homer Durand (Rep), defeated in primary; J. F. Burke (Rep), defeated in primary; George B. Harris (Rep), defeated in primary; John L. Cable (Rep), defeated in primary; Harry C. Smith (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 1924 Nov 4: A. Vic Donahey (Dem), elected; Harry L. Davis (Rep), defeated; Virgil D. Allen (Commonwealth Land), defeated; Felix J. Catlin (Socialist Labor), defeated.
  • 1926 Aug 10: A. Vic Donahey (Dem), nominated; J. H. Kauffman (Dem), defeated in primary; A. P. Sandles (Dem), defeated in primary; James C. B. Beatty (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1926 Aug 10: Myers Y. Cooper (Rep), nominated; Grant Beam (Rep), defeated in primary; Ross P. Buchanan (Rep), defeated in primary; Harry S. Day (Rep), defeated in primary; Charles J. Dircks (Rep), defeated in primary; Harry C. Gibson (Rep), defeated in primary; Harry A. Shanley (Rep), defeated in primary; Joseph B. Sieber (Rep), defeated in primary; Harry C. Smith (Rep), defeated in primary; Evalyn Frances Snow (Rep), defeated in primary; Thad H. Brown (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 1926 Nov 2: A. Vic Donahey (Dem), elected; Myers Y. Cooper (Rep), defeated; Joseph W. Sharts (Socialist), defeated; Anna K. Storck (Socialist Labor), defeated.
  • 1928 Aug 14: Earl D. Bloom (Dem), defeated in primary; Martin L. Davey (Dem), nominated; James C. B. Beatty (Dem), defeated in primary; Peter Witt (Dem), defeated in primary; Herman R. Witter (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1928 Aug 14: Myers Y. Cooper (Rep), nominated; James T. Begg (Rep), defeated in primary; Frederick Kohler (Rep), defeated in primary; Harry A. Shanley (Rep), defeated in primary; Harry C. Smith (Rep), defeated in primary; Edward C. Turner (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 1928 Nov 6: Myers Y. Cooper (Rep), elected; Martin L. Davey (Dem), defeated; Joseph W. Sharts (Socialist), defeated; William Patterson (Workers Communist), defeated; John D. Goerke (Socialist Labor), defeated; Frank W. Stanton (Prohibition), defeated.
  • 1930 Aug 12: George White (Dem), nominated; Stephen M. Young (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1930 Nov 4: George White (Dem), elected; Myers Y. Cooper (Rep), defeated.
  • 1932 Aug 12: Myers Y. Cooper (Rep), nominated unopposed.
  • 1932 Nov 8: George White (Dem), elected; David S. Ingalls (Rep), defeated; Joseph W. Sharts (Socialist), defeated; Aaron S. Watkins (Prohibition), defeated; John Marshall (Communist), defeated; William Woodhouse (Socialist Labor), defeated.
  • 1934: Charles W. Sawyer (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1934 Nov 6: Martin L. Davey (Dem), elected; Clarence J. Brown (Rep), defeated; I. O. Ford (Communist), defeated.
  • 1936: Stephen M. Young (Dem), defeated for nomination.
  • 1936 Nov 3: Martin L. Davey (Dem), elected; John W. Bricker (Rep), defeated; Andrew R. Onda (Communist), defeated.
  • 1938 Aug 9: Charles W. Sawyer (Dem), nominated; Martin L. Davey (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1938 Aug 9: John W. Bricker (Rep), nominated unopposed.
  • 1938 Nov 8: John W. Bricker (Rep), elected; Charles W. Sawyer (Dem), defeated.
  • 1940 Nov 5: John W. Bricker (Rep), elected; Martin L. Davey (Dem), defeated.
  • 1942 Nov 3: John W. Bricker (Rep), elected; John McSweeney (Dem), defeated; Louis P. Wettstein (Socialist Labor), defeated.
  • 1944: Martin L. Sweeney, defeated for nomination.
  • 1944 Nov 7: Frank J. Lausche (Dem), elected; James G. Stewart (Rep), defeated.
  • 1946 Nov 5: Thomas J. Herbert (Rep), elected; Frank J. Lausche (Dem), defeated; Arla A. Albaugh (Socialist Labor), defeated.
  • 1948 Nov 2: Frank J. Lausche (Dem), elected; Thomas J. Herbert (Rep), defeated.
  • 1950: James A. Rhodes (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 1950 Nov 7: Frank J. Lausche (Dem), elected; Don H. Ebright (Rep), defeated.
  • 1952 Nov 4: Frank J. Lausche (Dem), elected; Charles P. Taft (Rep), defeated.
  • 1954 Nov 2: Frank J. Lausche (Dem), elected; James A. Rhodes (Rep), defeated.
  • 1956 Nov 6: C. William O'Neill (Rep), elected; Michael V. DiSalle (Dem), defeated.
  • 1958: Albert S. Porter (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1958: Charles P. Taft (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 1958 Nov 4: Michael V. DiSalle (Dem), elected; C. William O'Neill (Rep), defeated.
  • 1962 Nov 6: James A. Rhodes (Rep), elected; Michael V. DiSalle (Dem), defeated.
  • 1966 Nov 8: James A. Rhodes (Rep), elected; Frazier Reams, Jr. (Dem), defeated.
  • 1970: Paul W. Brown (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 1970 Nov 3: John J. Gilligan (Dem), elected; Roger Cloud (Rep), defeated; Edwin T. Lawton (American Independent), defeated; Joseph Pirincin (Socialist Labor), defeated.
  • 1974 Nov 5: James A. Rhodes (Rep), elected; John J. Gilligan (Dem), defeated; Nancy B. Lazar, defeated.
  • 1978: Richard F. Celeste (Dem), defeated.
  • 1982: Jerry Springer (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1982: Seth C. Taft (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 1982: Clarence J. Brown, Jr. (Rep), defeated.
  • 1986 May 6: Richard F. Celeste (Dem), nominated; Guy Templeton Black (Dem), defeated in primary.
  • 1986 May 6: James A. Rhodes (Rep), nominated; Paul E. Gillmor (Rep), defeated in primary; Paul E. Pfeifer (Rep), defeated in primary.
  • 1986 Nov 4: Richard F. Celeste (Dem), elected; James A. Rhodes (Rep), defeated; Thomas V. Brown, defeated; Guy Templeton Black, defeated; Roberta L. Scherr, defeated.
  • 1990: Anthony J. Celebrezze, Jr. (Dem), defeated.
  • 1998: Bob Taft (Rep), elected; Lee I. Fisher (Dem), defeated.
  • 2002: Bob Taft (Rep), elected.
  • 2006: Ken Blackwell (Rep), defeated; Ted Strickland (Dem), elected.
  • 2006 May 2: James M. Petro (Rep), defeated in primary.

  • "Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
    Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
    The Political Graveyard

    The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
      The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
      The listings are incomplete; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.  
      Information on this page — and on all other pages of this site — is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.  
      The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/geo/OH/ofc/gov.html.  
      Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.  
      If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the alphabetical index of politicians.  
    Copyright notices: (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see Feist v. Rural Telephone. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute fair use under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are © 1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a Creative Commons License.
    What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
    Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.