Jaime Benitez=Rexach (1908-2001) —
also known as Jaime Benitez —
of San Juan, San Juan
Municipio, Puerto Rico.
Born in Vieques, Vieques
Municipio, Puerto Rico, October
29, 1908.
professor; chancellor of the University of Puerto Rico,
1942-66; president of the Puerto Rico University System,
1966-71; Resident
Commissioner to U.S. Congress from Puerto Rico, 1973-77;
defeated, 1976; delegate to Democratic National Convention from
Puerto Rico, 1976.
Rican ancestry.
Died, of pneumonia,
in San Juan, San Juan
Municipio, Puerto Rico, May 30,
2001 (age 92 years, 213
Interment at Cementerio
de Santa Maria Magdalena, Santa Maria, Puerto Rico.
Abner McDonald Bryant (1838-1896) —
also known as A. M. Bryant —
of Fort Branch, Gibson
County, Ind.; Wahoo, Saunders
County, Neb.; Gettysburg, Graham
County, Kan.; Republican City, Harlan
County, Neb.; Falls City, Polk
County, Ore.
Born in Ohio
County, Ky., March 1,
Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; minister;
teacher and principal; superintendent
of schools; member of Nebraska
state senate 16th District, 1877; president, McPherson
Normal College, Republican City, Neb., 1886-87.
Member, Grand
Army of the Republic.
Died, of asthma,
in Falls City, Polk
County, Ore., June 4,
1896 (age 58 years, 95
Interment at Falls
City Cemetery, Falls City, Ore.
Arthur Sherwood Flemming (1905-1996) —
also known as Arthur S. Flemming —
of Kingston, Ulster
County, N.Y.; Delaware, Delaware
County, Ohio; Eugene, Lane
County, Ore.
Born in Kingston, Ulster
County, N.Y., June 12,
Republican. Member, U.S. Civil Service Commission, 1939-48;
president, Ohio-Wesleyan University, 1948-53; U.S.
Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, 1958-61; delegate to
Republican National Convention from Ohio, 1960;
president, University of Oregon, 1961-68; president,
Macalester College, 1968-71.
Member, American
Society for Public Administration; Alpha
Sigma Phi; Delta
Sigma Rho; Omicron
Delta Kappa.
Received the Medal
of Freedom in 1994.
Died of acute renal
failure, at a retirement
home in Alexandria,
Va., September
7, 1996 (age 91 years, 87
Interment at Montrepose
Cemetery, Kingston, N.Y.
Willis Chatman Hawley (1864-1941) —
also known as Willis C. Hawley —
of Salem, Marion
County, Ore.
Born near Monroe, Benton
County, Ore., May 5,
Republican. School
principal; college
professor; president, Willamette University, 1893-1902; lawyer; U.S.
Representative from Oregon 1st District, 1907-33.
Member, Woodmen;
Co-sponsor of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff.
Died July 24,
1941 (age 77 years, 80
Interment at City
View Cemetery, Salem, Ore.
Charles Abner Howard (b. 1881) —
also known as Charles A. Howard —
of Monmouth, Polk
County, Ore.
Born in Greenwood
County, Kan., February
17, 1881.
Republican. School
teacher; superintendent
of schools; school
principal; Oregon
superintendent of public instruction, 1927-37; resigned 1937;
president, Eastern Oregon College of Education, 1937-39;
president, Oregon College of Education, from 1939.
Member, Phi
Delta Kappa; Freemasons;
Order of the
Eastern Star; Elks.
Burial location unknown.
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Relatives: Son
of Abner Howard and Catherine Mary (Lough) Howard; married, August
11, 1909, to Cora DeFontaigne Shaw. |