Irwin R. Brownstein (1930-1996) —
of Brooklyn, Kings
County, N.Y.
Born in Manhattan, New York
County, N.Y., November
4, 1930.
law partner of Sebastian
Leone; member of New York
state assembly from Kings County 16th District, 1960-63; member
of New
York state senate, 1964-66 (15th District 1964-65, 23rd District
1966); civil court judge in New York, 1967-68; Justice of
New York Supreme Court 2nd District, 1969-80.
Member, B'nai B'rith.
Died of a heart
attack in Miami Beach, Miami-Dade
County, Fla., March
24, 1996 (age 65 years, 141
Burial location unknown.
Steven Effman (b. 1950) —
also known as Steve Effman —
of Sunrise, Broward
County, Fla.
Born in New York, New York
County, N.Y., October
13, 1950.
Democrat. Lawyer; mayor
of Sunrise, Fla., 1993-96; member of Florida
state house of representatives 98th District, 1997-; delegate to
Democratic National Convention from Florida, 2000.
Member, B'nai B'rith.
in 2003 to inappropriate
with three divorce clients; suspended
from the practice of law for 91 days.
Still living as of 2003.
Harold Lawrence Frankel (1916-2002) —
also known as Harold L. Frankel —
of Huntington, Cabell
County, W.Va.; Cape Coral, Lee
County, Fla.
Born October
25, 1916.
owner; merchant;
of Huntington, W.Va., 1957-59, 1974-75, 1977-78; Cabell
County Sheriff and Treasurer, 1961-64.
Member, B'nai B'rith.
Died, in a hospice
at Pembroke Pines, Broward
County, Fla., February
18, 2002 (age 85 years, 116
Burial location unknown.
Alberto Gutman (b. 1959) —
also known as Al Gutman —
of Florida.
Born in Havana (La Habana), Cuba,
4, 1959.
Republican. Member of Florida
state house of representatives, 1984-92; member of Florida
state senate 34th District, 1992-99.
ancestry. Member, Phi
Theta Kappa; Phi
Kappa Phi; B'nai B'rith; Freemasons.
In 1999, he was indicted,
along with his wife and 23 others, on charges of Medicaid
fraud and conspiracy; pleaded
guilty to felony conspiracy charges
that he helped set up home health care companies that never did any
legitimate business, got names of purported patients from voter
lists, and received over $800,000 in Medicare payments; resigned
from the Florida Senate as part of the plea bargain; sentenced
in 2000 to five years in prison,
and ordered to pay restitution.
Still living as of 1999.
Curtis Levine (b. 1947) —
also known as Curt Levine —
of Florida.
Born in New Britain, Hartford
County, Conn., November
21, 1947.
Democrat. Lawyer;
member of Florida
state house of representatives 89th District, 1999-; delegate to
Democratic National Convention from Florida, 2000.
Member, Phi
Alpha Delta; B'nai B'rith; Jewish
War Veterans.
Still living as of 2000.
Simon J. Liebowitz (c.1906-1998) —
of Brooklyn, Kings
County, N.Y.
Born in Brooklyn, Kings
County, N.Y., about 1906.
Democrat. Lawyer;
member of New York
state senate, 1960-68 (10th District 1960-65, 18th District 1966,
15th District 1967-68); Justice of
New York Supreme Court, 1969-75.
Member, Odd
Fellows; B'nai B'rith; Knights
of Pythias.
Died at Good Samaritan Hospital
in Palm Beach, Palm Beach
County, Fla., May 24,
1998 (age about 92
Burial location unknown.
Harold Shapiro (1906-1981) —
of Miami Beach, Dade County (now Miami-Dade
County), Fla.
Born in Pereyaslov, Russia,
1, 1906.
Naturalized U.S. citizen; lawyer;
served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; mayor
of Miami Beach, Fla., 1953-55.
Member, American Bar
Association; Federal
Bar Association; American
Legion; Jewish
War Veterans; Zionist
Organization of America; Alpha
Epsilon Pi; Freemasons;
Elks; Moose;
B'nai B'rith.
Died in May, 1981
(age about
74 years).
Burial location unknown.
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Relatives: Son
of Max Shapiro and Fannie (Bernstein) Shapiro; married, June 14,
1953, to Sylvia Simha Chinio. |