Edgar Bernard Brossard (b. 1889) —
also known as Edgar B. Brossard —
of Utah; Washington,
Born in Oxford, Bannock
County, Idaho, April 1,
Republican. College professor; economist;
member, U.S. Tariff Commission, 1925-45; chair, U.S. Tariff
Commission, 1930.
Member, American
Economic Association; Grange;
Kappa Phi; Alpha
Zeta; Pi
Kappa Alpha.
Burial location unknown.
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Relatives: Son
of Amable Alphonse Brossard and Mary Catherine (Hobson) Brossard;
married, August
25, 1915, to Laura P. Crowley. |
Claude J. Burtenshaw (b. 1918) —
of Rexburg, Madison
County, Idaho; Logan, Cache
County, Utah.
Born in Bonneville
County, Idaho, February
24, 1918.
Democrat. School
teacher; farmer;
served in the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II; member of Idaho
Democratic State Committee, 1948-50; candidate for U.S.
Senator from Idaho, 1950; member of Idaho
state house of representatives, 1952; alternate delegate to
Democratic National Convention from Idaho, 1952;
of Madison County Democratic Party, 1954; member of Idaho
state senate, 1958-59; university professor; candidate
for mayor of
Logan, Utah, 1989.
Member, Kiwanis;
Presumed deceased.
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of W. F. Burtenshaw and Olive (Humphrey) Burtenshaw; married, May 27,
1942, to Frances Davis. |
Oswald Christensen —
of Rexburg, Madison
County, Idaho.
College professor; candidate for mayor
of Rexburg, Idaho, 1933, 1943 (Progressive).
Burial location unknown.
William Marion Jardine (1879-1955) —
also known as William M. Jardine —
of Manhattan, Riley
County, Kan.; Wichita, Sedgwick
County, Kan.
Born in Oneida
County, Idaho, January
16, 1879.
College professor; agronomist;
Kansas State Agricultural College, 1918-25; U.S.
Secretary of Agriculture, 1925-29; U.S. Minister to Egypt, 1930; Kansas
state treasurer, 1933-34; appointed 1933; resigned 1934.
Member, Sigma
Xi; Beta
Theta Pi; Alpha
Zeta; Phi
Kappa Phi; Gamma
Sigma Delta; Freemasons;
Forestry Association; Farm
Died January
17, 1955 (age 76 years, 1
Interment at Logan
City Cemetery, Logan, Utah.
Thomas A. Leupp —
of Nampa, Canyon
County, Idaho.
College professor; mayor of
Nampa, Idaho, 1958-60.
Presumed deceased.
Burial location unknown.
Lawrence H. Merk (born c.1929) —
of Moscow, Latah
County, Idaho.
Born about 1929.
University professor; mayor of
Moscow, Idaho, 1970.
Still living as of 1970.
Albert Peiper —
of Rexburg, Madison
County, Idaho.
College professor; candidate for mayor
of Rexburg, Idaho, 1973.
Still living as of 1973.
William Marshall Thomas (b. 1941) —
also known as William M. Thomas; Bill
Thomas —
of Bakersfield, Kern
County, Calif.
Born in Wallace, Shoshone
County, Idaho, December
6, 1941.
Republican. College professor; member of California
state assembly, 1975-78; U.S.
Representative from California, 1979-2007 (18th District 1979-83,
20th District 1983-93, 21st District 1993-2003, 22nd District
Still living as of 2014.