Note: This is just one of
family groupings listed on
The Political Graveyard web site.
These families each have three or more politician members,
all linked together by blood, marriage or adoption.
These groupings — even the names of the groupings,
and the areas of main activity — are the
result of a computer algorithm working with the data I have,
not the choices of any historian or genealogist.
John Prat Hopley (1821-1904) —
also known as John Hopley —
of Bucyrus, Crawford
County, Ohio.
Born in Whitstable, Kent, England,
21, 1821.
teacher; superintendent
of schools; lawyer; bank
examiner; newspaper
publisher; postmaster at Bucyrus,
Ohio, 1870-79, 1890-94.
Died in Bucyrus, Crawford
County, Ohio, June 3,
1904 (age 83 years, 13
Interment at Oakwood
Cemetery, Bucyrus, Ohio.
John Edward Hopley (1850-1927) —
also known as John E. Hopley —
of Bucyrus, Crawford
County, Ohio.
Born in Elkton, Todd
County, Ky., August
25, 1850.
Republican. Newspaper
editor; lawyer;
campaign manager and then private secretary to U.S. Rep. Stephen
R. Harris, 1895-97; U.S. Consul in Southampton, 1898-1903; Montevideo, 1903-05; candidate for Presidential Elector for
Ohio; candidate for U.S.
Representative from Ohio 8th District, 1914.
Member, Freemasons;
Arch Masons; Royal
and Select Masters; Order of the
Eastern Star; Knights
Templar; Elks.
As a bedridden invalid, smoking a pipe, he accidentally dropped the
pipe, his clothes caught
fire, and he was badly burned; his burns became infected,
leading to his death a few days later, in Bucyrus, Crawford
County, Ohio, July 10,
1927 (age 76 years, 319
Interment at Oakwood
Cemetery, Bucyrus, Ohio.
Thomas Prat Hopley (1854-1934) —
also known as Thomas P. Hopley —
of Enid, Garfield
County, Okla.
Born in Logan, Hocking
County, Ohio, November
13, 1854.
editor; Independent candidate for U.S.
Representative from Oklahoma 8th District, 1922; Independent
candidate for U.S.
Senator from Oklahoma, 1926, 1930, 1932.
Died in Enid, Garfield
County, Okla., March
14, 1934 (age 79 years, 121
Interment at Oakwood
Cemetery, Bucyrus, Ohio.
James Richard Hopley (1863-1954) —
also known as James R. Hopley —
of Bucyrus, Crawford
County, Ohio.
Born in Bucyrus, Crawford
County, Ohio, August
1, 1863.
Republican. Postmaster at Bucyrus,
Ohio, 1911; candidate for U.S.
Representative from Ohio 8th District, 1926; alternate delegate
to Republican National Convention from Ohio, 1928.
Died in Bucyrus, Crawford
County, Ohio, August
9, 1954 (age 91 years, 8
Interment at Oakwood
Cemetery, Bucyrus, Ohio.