Warren Robinson Austin (1877-1962) —
also known as Warren R. Austin —
of St. Albans, Franklin
County, Vt.; Burlington, Chittenden
County, Vt.
Born in Highgate Center, Highgate, Franklin
County, Vt., November
12, 1877.
Republican. Lawyer; Franklin
County State's Attorney, 1904-06; mayor
of St. Albans, Vt., 1909; delegate to Republican National
Convention from Vermont, 1928
(member, Committee
to Notify Presidential Nominee), 1944
Senator from Vermont, 1931-46; U.S. Representative to United Nations, 1947-53.
Member, Farm
Bureau; American Bar
Association; American Judicature Society; Sons of
the American Revolution; Society
of the Cincinnati; Loyal
Legion; Freemasons;
Templar; Shriners;
Fellows; Elks; Kappa
Sigma; Rotary.
Died in Burlington, Chittenden
County, Vt., December
25, 1962 (age 85 years, 43
Interment at Lakeview
Cemetery, Burlington, Vt.
Donald H. Hackel (b. 1925) —
of Rutland, Rutland
County, Vt.
Born in Boston, Suffolk
County, Mass., August
1, 1925.
Democrat. Lawyer;
alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Vermont, 1956;
member of Vermont
Democratic State Committee, 1961-67.
Member, American Bar
Association; American Judicature Society.
Presumed deceased.
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of Myer Jacob Hackel and Rose (Milhender) Hackel; married, August
14, 1949, to Stella Bloomberg. |
James Lowell Oakes (b. 1924) —
also known as James L. Oakes —
of Brattleboro, Windham
County, Vt.
Born in Springfield, Sangamon
County, Ill., February
21, 1924.
Republican. Lawyer;
alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Vermont, 1960;
member of Vermont
state senate, 1961-64; Vermont
state attorney general, 1967; U.S.
District Judge for Vermont, 1970; Judge
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, 1971-92.
Member, American Bar
Association; Association
of Trial Lawyers of America; American Judicature Society.
Presumed deceased.
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of James Lowell Oakes ; married to Rosalyn M. Landon. |
Sterry Robinson Waterman (1901-1984) —
also known as Sterry R. Waterman —
of St. Johnsbury, Caledonia
County, Vt.
Born in Taunton, Bristol
County, Mass., June 12,
Republican. Lawyer;
delegate to Republican National Convention from Vermont, 1936
(member, Resolutions
Committee); Judge
of U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, 1955-70.
Member, American Bar
Association; American Judicature Society; Freemasons;
Elks; Rotary;
Psi; Phi
Delta Phi.
Died in 1984
(age about
83 years).
Interment at Mt.
Pleasant Cemetery, St. Johnsbury, Vt.