John Andrew Banderob (1838-1921) —
also known as John Banderob —
of Oshkosh, Winnebago
County, Wis.
Born in Holstein, Germany,
23, 1838.
Republican. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War;
furniture manufacturer; mayor
of Oshkosh, Wis., 1905-09, 1911-12; defeated, 1909, 1912 (
ancestry. Member, Grand
Army of the Republic; Odd
Died in Oshkosh, Winnebago
County, Wis., April
24, 1921 (age 82 years, 244
Interment at Riverside
Cemetery, Oshkosh, Wis.
Alfred A. Laun Jr. (b. 1905) —
of Kiel, Manitowoc
County, Wis.
Born in New Holstein, Calumet
County, Wis., February
14, 1905.
Republican. Furniture business; delegate to Republican
National Convention from Wisconsin, 1952
(alternate), 1956
(member, Credentials
Committee); Republican Presidential Elector for Wisconsin, 1952;
member of Wisconsin
state senate 1st District, 1955-59.
Burial location unknown.
M. W. Perry (b. 1864) —
of Algoma, Kewaunee
County, Wis.
Born in Racine, Racine
County, Wis., February
26, 1864.
Republican. Manager and secretary, Ahnapee Veneer and
Seating Co.; delegate to Republican National Convention from
Wisconsin, 1904
(alternate), 1916;
mayor of Algoma, Wisconsin 1910; member of Wisconsin
state senate 1st District, 1911-18.
Burial location unknown.
Walter Polakowski (b. 1888) —
of Milwaukee, Milwaukee
County, Wis.
Born in Buffalo, Erie
County, N.Y., January
18, 1888.
Socialist. Upholsterer; member,
Federated Trades Council of Milwaukee; member of Wisconsin
state assembly, 1921-22; member of Wisconsin
state senate 3rd District, 1923-33; candidate for U.S.
Representative from Wisconsin 4th District, 1928, 1932.
Burial location unknown.
Herman C. Wipperman (b. 1853) —
of Grand Rapids (now Wisconsin Rapids), Wood
County, Wis.
Born in Moselle town, Sheboygan
County, Wis., 1853.
Republican. Furniture business; lawyer;
member of Wisconsin
state assembly from Wood County, 1895-98; Wood
County District Attorney, 1901-02; member of Wisconsin
state senate 9th District, 1903-06.
Burial location unknown.