The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
The Cabinet

Secretaries of State, 1789-1849 (may be Incomplete!)
John Jay 1789-90 Thomas Jefferson 1790-93 Edmund Jenings Randolph 1794-95 Timothy Pickering 1795-1800 Charles Lee 1800 John Marshall 1800-01 Levi Lincoln 1801 James Madison 1801-09 Robert Smith 1809-11 James Monroe 1811-17 John Quincy Adams 1817-25 Henry Clay 1825-29 James A. Hamilton 1829 Martin Van Buren 1829-31 Edward Livingston 1831-33 Louis McLane 1833-34 John Forsyth 1834-41 Daniel Webster 1841-43 Abel Parker Upshur 1843-44 John C. Calhoun 1844-45 James Buchanan 1845-49 John M. Clayton 1849-50

Secretaries of State, 1850-1899 (may be Incomplete!)
John M. Clayton 1849-50 Daniel Webster 1850-52 Edward Everett 1852-53 William L. Marcy 1853-57 Lewis Cass 1857-60 Jeremiah S. Black 1860-61 William H. Seward 1861-69 Elihu B. Washburne 1869 Hamilton Fish 1869-77 William M. Evarts 1877-81 James G. Blaine 1881 Frederick T. Frelinghuysen 1881-85 Thomas F. Bayard, Sr. 1885-89 James G. Blaine 1889-92 John W. Foster 1892-93 Walter Q. Gresham 1893-95 Richard Olney 1895-97 John Sherman 1897-98 William Rufus Day 1898 John Hay 1898-1905

Secretaries of State, 1900-1949 (may be Incomplete!)
John Hay 1898-1905 Elihu Root 1905-09 Philander C. Knox 1909-13 Robert Bacon 1909 William J. Bryan 1913-15 Robert Lansing 1915-20 Bainbridge Colby 1920-21 Charles Evans Hughes 1921-25 Frank B. Kellogg 1925-29 Henry L. Stimson 1929-33 Cordell Hull 1933-44 Edward R. Stettinius, Jr. 1944-45 James F. Byrnes 1945-47 George C. Marshall 1947-49 Dean Acheson 1949-53

Secretaries of State, 1950-2013 (may be Incomplete!)
Dean Acheson 1949-53 John Foster Dulles 1953-59 Christian A. Herter 1959-61 Dean Rusk 1961-69 William P. Rogers 1969-73 Henry A. Kissinger 1973-77 Cyrus R. Vance 1977-80 Edmund S. Muskie 1980-81 Alexander M. Haig, Jr. 1981-82 George P. Shultz 1982-89 James A. Baker III 1989-92 Lawrence Eagleburger 1992-93 Warren Christopher 1993-97 Madeleine K. Albright 1997-2001 Colin L. Powell 2001-05 Condoleezza Rice 2005- Hillary Clinton 2009-13

  • 1844 Feb 28: Abel Parker Upshur, died in office.
  • 1852 Oct 24: Daniel Webster, died in office.
  • 1895 May 28: Walter Q. Gresham, died in office.
  • 1905 Jul 1: John Hay, died in office.

    Secretaries of the Treasury, 1789-1849 (may be Incomplete!)
    Alexander Hamilton 1789-95 Oliver Wolcott, Jr. 1795-1800 Samuel Dexter 1801 Albert Gallatin 1801-14 George W. Campbell 1814 Alexander J. Dallas 1814-16 William H. Crawford 1816-25 Richard Rush 1825-29 Samuel D. Ingham 1829-31 Louis McLane 1831-33 William John Duane 1833 Roger B. Taney 1833-34 Levi Woodbury 1834-41 Thomas Ewing 1841 Walter Forward 1841-43 John C. Spencer 1843-44 George M. Bibb 1844-45 Robert J. Walker 1845-49 William M. Meredith 1849-50

    Secretaries of the Treasury, 1850-1899 (may be Incomplete!)
    William M. Meredith 1849-50 Thomas Corwin 1850-53 James Guthrie 1853-57 Howell Cobb 1857-60 Phillip F. Thomas 1860-61 John A. Dix 1861 Salmon P. Chase 1861-64 William Pitt Fessenden 1864-65 Hugh McCulloch 1865-69 George S. Boutwell 1869-73 William Adams Richardson 1873-74 Benjamin H. Bristow 1874-76 Lot M. Morrill 1876-77 John Sherman 1877-81 William Windom 1881 Charles J. Folger 1881-84 Walter Q. Gresham 1884 Hugh McCulloch 1884-85 Daniel Manning 1885-87 Charles S. Fairchild 1887-89 William Windom 1889-91 Charles Foster 1891-93 John G. Carlisle 1893-97 Lyman J. Gage 1897-1902

    Secretaries of the Treasury, 1900-1949 (may be Incomplete!)
    Lyman J. Gage 1897-1902 Leslie M. Shaw 1902-07 George B. Cortelyou 1907-09 Franklin MacVeagh 1909-13 William G. McAdoo 1913-18 Carter Glass 1918-20 David F. Houston 1920-21 Andrew W. Mellon 1921-32 Ogden L. Mills 1932-33 William H. Woodin 1933 Henry Morgenthau, Jr. 1934-45 Fred M. Vinson 1945-46 John Wesley Snyder 1946-53

    Secretaries of the Treasury, 1950-2007 (may be Incomplete!)
    John Wesley Snyder 1946-53 George M. Humphrey 1953-57 Robert B. Anderson 1957-61 C. Douglas Dillon 1961-65 Henry H. Fowler 1965-69 Joseph W. Barr 1968-69 David M. Kennedy 1969-71 John B. Connally 1971-72 George P. Shultz 1972-74 William E. Simon 1974-77 W. Michael Blumenthal 1977-79 G. William Miller 1979-81 Donald T. Regan 1981-85 James A. Baker III 1985-88 Nicholas F. Brady 1988-93 Lloyd M. Bentsen 1993-94 Robert Rubin 1995-99 Lawrence H. Summers 1999-2001 Paul H. O'Neill 2001-02 John W. Snow 2003-06 Robert M. Kimmitt 2006 Henry M. Paulson 2006-

  • 1884 Sep 4: Charles J. Folger, died in office.
  • 1891 Jan 29: William Windom, died in office.

    Secretaries of War, 1789-1849 (may be Incomplete!)
    Henry Knox 1789-94 Timothy Pickering 1795 James McHenry 1796-1800 Samuel Dexter 1800 Henry Dearborn 1801-09 William Eustis 1809-13 John Armstrong, Jr. 1813-14 James Monroe 1814-15 William H. Crawford 1815-16 George Graham 1816-17 John C. Calhoun 1817-25 James Barbour 1825-28 Peter B. Porter 1828-29 John H. Eaton 1829-31 Lewis Cass 1831-36 Joel Roberts Poinsett 1837-41 John Bell 1841 John C. Spencer 1841-43 James Madison Porter 1843-44 William Wilkins 1844-45 William L. Marcy 1845-49 George Walker Crawford 1849-50

    Secretaries of War, 1850-1899 (may be Incomplete!)
    George Walker Crawford 1849-50 Charles Magill Conrad 1850-53 Jefferson Davis 1853-57 John B. Floyd 1857-60 Simon Cameron 1861-62 Joseph Holt 1861 Edwin M. Stanton 1862-68 John M. Schofield 1868-69 John A. Rawlins 1869 William Tecumseh Sherman 1869 William W. Belknap 1869-76 Alphonso Taft 1876 J. Donald Cameron 1876-77 George W. McCrary 1877-79 Alexander Ramsey 1879-81 Robert Todd Lincoln 1881-85 William C. Endicott 1885-89 Redfield Proctor 1889-91 Stephen B. Elkins 1891-93 Daniel S. Lamont 1893-97 Russell A. Alger 1897-99 Elihu Root 1899-1904

    Secretaries of War, 1900-1947 (may be Incomplete!)
    Elihu Root 1899-1904 William H. Taft 1904-08 Luke E. Wright 1908-09 Jacob M. Dickinson 1909-11 Henry L. Stimson 1911-13 Lindley M. Garrison 1913-16 Newton D. Baker 1916-21 John W. Weeks 1921-25 Dwight F. Davis 1925-29 Patrick J. Hurley 1929-33 James W. Good 1929 George H. Dern 1933-36 Harry H. Woodring 1936-40 Henry L. Stimson 1940-45 Robert P. Patterson 1945-47 Kenneth C. Royall 1947

  • 1869 Sep 6: John A. Rawlins, died in office.
  • 1916 Feb 10: Lindley M. Garrison, resigned.
  • 1929 Nov 18: James W. Good, died in office.
  • 1936 Aug 27: George H. Dern, died in office.

    Attorneys General, 1789-1849 (may be Incomplete!)
    Edmund Jenings Randolph 1789-94 William Bradford 1794-95 Charles Lee 1795-1801 Levi Lincoln 1801-05 John Breckinridge 1805-06 Caesar A. Rodney 1807-11 William Pinkney 1811-14 Richard Rush 1814-17 William Wirt 1817-29 John M. Berrien 1829-31 Roger B. Taney 1831-33 Benjamin F. Butler 1833-38 Felix Grundy 1838-39 Henry D. Gilpin 1840-41 Hugh S. Legaré 1841-43 John J. Crittenden 1841 John Nelson 1843-45 John Y. Mason 1845-46 Nathan Clifford 1846-48 Isaac Toucey 1848-49 Reverdy Johnson 1849-50

    Attorneys General, 1850-1899 (may be Incomplete!)
    Reverdy Johnson 1849-50 John J. Crittenden 1850-53 Caleb Cushing 1853-57 Jeremiah S. Black 1857-60 Edwin M. Stanton 1860-61 Edward Bates 1861-64 James Speed 1864-66 Henry Stanberry 1866-68 William M. Evarts 1868-69 E. Rockwood Hoar 1869-70 Amos T. Akerman 1870-71 George H. Williams 1872-75 Edwards Pierrepont 1875-76 Alphonso Taft 1876-77 Charles Devens 1877-81 Wayne MacVeagh 1881 Benjamin Harris Brewster 1882-85 Augustus H. Garland 1885-89 William H. H. Miller 1889-93 Richard Olney 1893-95 Judson Harmon 1895-97 Joseph McKenna 1897-98 John W. Griggs 1898-1901

    Attorneys General, 1900-1949 (may be Incomplete!)
    John W. Griggs 1898-1901 Philander C. Knox 1901-04 William H. Moody 1904-06 Charles Joseph Bonaparte 1906-09 George W. Wickersham 1909-13 James C. McReynolds 1913-14 Thomas W. Gregory 1914-19 A. Mitchell Palmer 1919-21 Harry M. Daugherty 1921-24 Harlan F. Stone 1924-25 John G. Sargent 1925-29 William D. Mitchell 1929-33 Homer S. Cummings 1933-39 Frank Murphy 1939-40 Robert H. Jackson 1940-41 Francis Biddle 1941-45 Tom C. Clark 1945-49 J. Howard McGrath 1949-52

    Attorneys General, 1950-2018 (may be Incomplete!)
    J. Howard McGrath 1949-52 James P. McGranery 1952-53 Herbert Brownell, Jr. 1953-57 William P. Rogers 1957-61 Robert F. Kennedy 1961-64 Nicholas de B. Katzenbach 1965-66 Ramsey Clark 1967-69 John N. Mitchell 1969-72 Richard G. Kleindienst 1972-73 Robert H. Bork 1973-74 Elliot L. Richardson 1973 William B. Saxbe 1973-75 Edward H. Levi 1975-77 Griffin Bell 1977-79 Benjamin Civiletti 1979-81 William French Smith 1981-85 Edwin Meese III 1985-88 Richard L. Thornburgh 1988-91 William Barr 1991-93 Janet Reno 1993-2001 John Ashcroft 2001-05 Alberto R. Gonzales 2005-07 Paul D. Clement 2007 Jeff Sessions 2017-

  • 1795 Aug 23: William Bradford, died in office.
  • 1806 Dec 14: John Breckinridge, died in office.
  • 1843 Jun 20: Hugh S. Legaré, died in office.

    Postmasters General, 1775-1799 (may be Incomplete!)
    Benjamin Franklin 1775-76 Richard Bache 1776-82 Ebenezer Hazard 1782-89 Samuel Osgood 1789-91 Timothy Pickering 1791-95 Joseph Habersham 1795-1801

    Postmasters General, 1800-1849 (may be Incomplete!)
    Joseph Habersham 1795-1801 Gideon Granger 1801-14 Return J. Meigs, Jr. 1814-23 John McLean 1823-29 William T. Barry 1829-35 Amos Kendall 1835-40 John M. Niles 1840-41 Francis Granger 1841 Charles A. Wickliffe 1841-45 Cave Johnson 1845-49 Jacob Collamer 1849-50

    Postmasters General, 1850-1899 (may be Incomplete!)
    Jacob Collamer 1849-50 Nathan K. Hall 1850-52 Samuel D. Hubbard 1852-53 James Campbell 1853-57 Aaron V. Brown 1857-59 Joseph Holt 1859-60 Horatio King 1861 Montgomery Blair 1861-64 William Dennison, Jr. 1864-66 Alexander W. Randall 1866-69 John A. J. Creswell 1869-74 James W. Marshall 1874 Marshall Jewell 1874-76 James Noble Tyner 1876-77 David McKendree Key 1877-80 Horace Maynard 1880-81 Thomas L. James 1881-82 Timothy O. Howe 1882-83 Walter Q. Gresham 1883-84 Frank Hatton 1884-85 William F. Vilas 1885-88 Don M. Dickinson 1888-89 John Wanamaker 1889-93 Wilson S. Bissell 1893-95 William L. Wilson 1895-97 James A. Gary 1897-98 Charles Emory Smith 1898-1902

    Postmasters General, 1900-1971 (may be Incomplete!)
    Charles Emory Smith 1898-1902 Henry C. Payne 1902-04 Robert J. Wynne 1904-05 George B. Cortelyou 1905-07 George V. L. Meyer 1907-09 Frank H. Hitchcock 1909-13 Albert S. Burleson 1913-21 Will H. Hays 1921-22 Hubert Work 1922-23 Harry S. New 1923-29 Walter F. Brown 1929-33 James A. Farley 1933-40 Frank C. Walker 1940-45 Robert E. Hannegan 1945-47 Jesse M. Donaldson 1947-53 Arthur E. Summerfield 1953-61 J. Edward Day 1961-63 John A. Gronouski, Jr. 1963-65 Lawrence F. O'Brien 1965-68 W. Marvin Watson 1968-69 Winton M. Blount 1969-71

  • 1859 Mar 8: Aaron V. Brown, died in office.
  • 1883 Mar 25: Timothy O. Howe, died in office.
  • 1895: Wilson S. Bissell, resigned.
  • 1904 Oct 4: Henry C. Payne, died in office.

    Secretaries of the Navy, 1798-1849 (may be Incomplete!)
    Benjamin Stoddert 1798-1801 Robert Smith 1801-09 Paul Hamilton 1809-12 William Jones 1813-14 Benjamin W. Crowninshield 1815-18 Smith Thompson 1819-23 Samuel L. Southard 1823-29 John Branch 1829-31 Levi Woodbury 1831-34 Mahlon Dickerson 1834-38 James Kirke Paulding 1838-41 George E. Badger 1841 Abel Parker Upshur 1841-43 David Henshaw 1843-44 John Y. Mason 1844-45 Thomas Walker Gilmer 1844 George Bancroft 1845-46 John Y. Mason 1846-49 William B. Preston 1849-50

    Secretaries of the Navy, 1850-1899 (may be Incomplete!)
    William B. Preston 1849-50 William A. Graham 1850-52 John P. Kennedy 1852-53 James C. Dobbin 1853-57 Isaac Toucey 1857-61 Gideon Welles 1861-69 Adolph E. Borie 1869 George M. Robeson 1869-77 Richard W. Thompson 1877-80 William H. Hunt 1881-82 Nathan Goff, Jr. 1881 William E. Chandler 1882-85 William C. Whitney 1885-89 Benjamin F. Tracy 1889-93 Hilary A. Herbert 1893-97 John D. Long 1897-1902

    Secretaries of the Navy, 1900-1961 (may be Incomplete!)
    John D. Long 1897-1902 William H. Moody 1902-04 Paul Morton 1904-05 Charles Joseph Bonaparte 1905-06 Victor H. Metcalf 1906-08 Truman H. Newberry 1908-09 George V. L. Meyer 1909-13 Josephus Daniels 1913-21 Edwin Denby 1921-24 Curtis Dwight Wilbur 1924-29 Charles Francis Adams 1929-33 Claude A. Swanson 1933-39 Charles Edison 1940 Frank Knox 1940-44 James V. Forrestal 1944-47 John B. Connally 1961

  • 1844 Feb 28: Thomas Walker Gilmer, died in office.
  • 1939 Jul 7: Claude A. Swanson, died in office.
  • 1944 Apr 28: Frank Knox, died in office.

    Secretaries of the Interior, 1849-1899 (may be Incomplete!)
    Thomas Ewing 1849-50 Thomas McKean Thompson McKennan 1850 Alexander H. H. Stuart 1850-53 Robert McClelland 1853-57 Jacob Thompson 1857-61 Caleb B. Smith 1861-62 John Palmer Usher 1863-65 James Harlan 1865-66 Orville H. Browning 1866-69 Jacob D. Cox 1869-70 Columbus Delano 1870-75 Zachariah Chandler 1875-77 Carl Schurz 1877-81 Samuel J. Kirkwood 1881-82 Henry M. Teller 1882-85 Lucius Q. C. Lamar 1885-88 William F. Vilas 1888-89 John W. Noble 1889-93 M. Hoke Smith 1893-96 David R. Francis 1896-97 Cornelius N. Bliss 1897-99 Ethan A. Hitchcock 1899-1907

    Secretaries of the Interior, 1900-1949 (may be Incomplete!)
    Ethan A. Hitchcock 1899-1907 James R. Garfield 1907-09 Richard A. Ballinger 1909-11 Walter L. Fisher 1911-13 Franklin K. Lane 1913-20 John Barton Payne 1920-21 Albert B. Fall 1921-23 Hubert Work 1923-28 Roy O. West 1928-29 Ray L. Wilbur 1929-33 Harold L. Ickes 1933-46 Julius Albert Krug 1946-49 Oscar L. Chapman 1949-53

    Secretaries of the Interior, 1950-2018 (may be Incomplete!)
    Oscar L. Chapman 1949-53 Douglas McKay 1953-56 Fred A. Seaton 1956-61 Stewart Lee Udall 1961-69 Walter J. Hickel 1969-70 Rogers C. B. Morton 1971-75 Stanley K. Hathaway 1975 Thomas S. Kleppe 1975-77 Cecil D. Andrus 1977-81 James G. Watt 1981-83 William P. Clark 1983-85 Donald Hodel 1985-89 Manuel Lujan, Jr. 1989-93 Bruce Babbitt 1993-2001 Gale Norton 2001- Dirk Kempthorne 2006-09 Ken Salazar 2009-13 Ryan Zinke 2017-

  • 1911 Mar 12: Richard A. Ballinger, resigned.

    Secretaries of Agriculture, 1889-2012 (may be Incomplete!)
    Norman J. Colman 1889 Jeremiah M. Rusk 1889-93 J. Sterling Morton 1893-97 James Wilson 1897-1913 David F. Houston 1913-20 Edwin T. Meredith 1920-21 Henry Cantwell Wallace 1921-24 Howard M. Gore 1924-25 William M. Jardine 1925-29 Arthur M. Hyde 1929-33 Henry A. Wallace 1933-40 Claude R. Wickard 1940-45 Clinton P. Anderson 1945-48 Charles F. Brannan 1948-53 Ezra Taft Benson 1953-61 Orville L. Freeman 1961-69 Clifford M. Hardin 1969-71 Earl L. Butz 1971-76 John Albert Knebel 1976-77 Bob Bergland 1977-81 John Rusling Block 1981-86 Richard E. Lyng 1986-89 Clayton K. Yeutter 1989-91 Edward R. Madigan 1991-93 Mike Espy 1993 Dan Glickman 1995-2001 Ann M. Veneman 2001- Mike Johanns 2005-07 Tom Vilsack 2009-

  • 1924 Oct 25: Henry Cantwell Wallace, died in office.

    Secretaries of Commerce and Labor, 1903-1913 (may be Incomplete!)
    George B. Cortelyou 1903-04 Victor H. Metcalf 1904-06 Oscar S. Straus 1906-09 Charles Nagel 1909-13

    Secretaries of Commerce, 1913-1949 (may be Incomplete!)
    William C. Redfield 1913-19 Joshua W. Alexander 1919-21 Herbert Hoover 1921-28 William F. Whiting 1928-29 Robert Patterson Lamont 1929-32 Roy D. Chapin 1932-33 Daniel C. Roper 1933-38 Harry L. Hopkins 1938-40 Jesse H. Jones 1940-45 Henry A. Wallace 1945-46 W. Averell Harriman 1946-48 Charles W. Sawyer 1948-53

    Secretaries of Commerce, 1950-2003 (may be Incomplete!)
    Charles W. Sawyer 1948-53 Sinclair Weeks 1953-58 Lewis L. Strauss 1958-59 Frederick H. Mueller 1959-61 Luther H. Hodges 1961-65 John T. Connor 1965-67 Alexander B. Trowbridge 1967-68 Cyrus Rowlett Smith 1968-69 Maurice H. Stans 1969-72 Peter G. Peterson 1972-73 Frederick B. Dent 1973-75 Rogers C. B. Morton 1975-76 Elliot L. Richardson 1976-77 Juanita Kreps 1977-79 Philip M. Klutznick 1980-81 Malcolm Baldrige 1981-87 C. William Verity 1987-89 Robert Mosbacher 1989-92 Barbara Hackman Franklin 1992-93 Ronald H. Brown 1993-96 Mickey Kantor 1996-97 William M. Daley 1997-2000 Norman Y. Mineta 2000-01 Don Evans 2001-

  • 1987 Jul 25: Malcolm Baldrige, died in office.
  • 1996 Apr 3: Ronald H. Brown, died in office.

    Secretaries of Labor, 1913-2017 (may be Incomplete!)
    William B. Wilson 1913-21 James J. Davis 1921-30 William N. Doak 1930-33 Frances Perkins 1933-45 Lewis B. Schwellenbach 1945-48 Maurice J. Tobin 1948-53 James P. Mitchell 1953-61 Martin Patrick Durkin 1953 Arthur J. Goldberg 1961-62 Willard Wirtz 1962-69 George P. Shultz 1969-70 James D. Hodgson 1970-73 Peter Joseph Brennan 1973-75 John T. Dunlop 1975-76 William Julian Usery, Jr. 1976-77 Freddie Ray Marshall 1977-81 Raymond J. Donovan 1981-85 Bill Brock 1985-87 Ann Dore McLaughlin 1987-89 Elizabeth Dole 1989-90 Lynn Martin 1991-93 Robert B. Reich 1993-97 Alexis Herman 1997-2001 Elaine L. Chao 2001-09 Tom Perez 2013-17

  • 1930 Dec 2: James J. Davis, resigned.
  • 1948 Jun 10: Lewis B. Schwellenbach, died in office.

    Secretaries of Defense, 1947-2003 (may be Incomplete!)
    James V. Forrestal 1947-49 Louis A. Johnson 1949-50 George C. Marshall 1950-51 Robert A. Lovett 1951-53 Charles E. Wilson 1953-57 Neil H. McElroy 1957-59 Thomas S. Gates, Jr. 1959-61 Robert S. McNamara 1961-68 Clark M. Clifford 1968-69 Melvin R. Laird 1969-73 James R. Schlesinger 1973-76 Elliot L. Richardson 1973 Donald Rumsfeld 1975-77 Harold Brown 1977-81 Caspar W. Weinberger 1981-87 Frank C. Carlucci 1987-89 Richard B. Cheney 1989-93 Les Aspin 1993-94 William James Perry 1994-97 William S. Cohen 1997-2001 Donald Rumsfeld 2001-

    Secretaries of Health, Education and Welfare, 1953-1980 (may be Incomplete!)
    Oveta Culp Hobby 1953-55 Marion B. Folsom 1955-58 Arthur S. Flemming 1958-61 Abraham A. Ribicoff 1961-62 Anthony J. Celebrezze 1962-65 John W. Gardner 1965-68 Wilbur J. Cohen 1968-69 Robert H. Finch 1969-70 Elliot L. Richardson 1970-73 Caspar W. Weinberger 1973-75 F. David Mathews 1975-77 Joseph A. Califano, Jr. 1977-79 Patricia Roberts Harris 1979-80

    Secretaries of Housing and Urban Development, 1966-2019 (may be Incomplete!)
    Robert C. Weaver 1966-68 Robert Coldwell Wood 1969 George W. Romney 1969-73 James Thomas Lynn 1973-75 Carla A. Hills 1975-77 Patricia Roberts Harris 1977-79 Moon Landrieu 1979-81 Samuel R. Pierce, Jr. 1981-89 Jack Kemp 1989-93 Henry G. Cisneros 1993-97 Andrew M. Cuomo 1997-2001 Mel Martinez 2001-03 Alphonso Jackson 2004-08 Roy Bernardi 2008 Steve Preston 2008-09 Shaun Donovan 2009-14 Julián Castro 2014-17 Ben Carson 2017-

    Secretaries of Transportation, 1967-2021 (may be Incomplete!)
    Alan S. Boyd 1967-69 John A. Volpe 1969-73 Claude Brinegar 1973-75 William T. Coleman, Jr. 1975-77 Brock Adams 1977-79 Neil Goldschmidt 1979-81 Drew Lewis 1981-83 Elizabeth Dole 1983-87 James Horace Burnley IV 1987-89 Samuel Knox Skinner 1989-91 Andrew H. Card, Jr. 1992-93 Federico F. Pena 1993 Rodney E. Slater 1997- Norman Y. Mineta 2001-06 Elaine L. Chao 2017- Pete Buttigieg 2021-

  • 1979 Jul 20: Brock Adams, resigned.

    Secretaries of Energy, 1977-2003 (may be Incomplete!)
    James R. Schlesinger 1977-79 Charles William Duncan, Jr. 1979-81 James B. Edwards 1981-82 Donald Hodel 1982-85 John Stewart Herrington 1985-89 James David Watkins 1989-93 Hazel Rollins O'Leary 1993 Federico F. Pena 1997-98 Bill Richardson 1998-2001 Spencer Abraham 2001-

    Secretaries of Education, 1979-2021 (may be Incomplete!)
    Shirley Hufstedler 1979-81 Terrel H. Bell 1981-84 Bill Bennett 1985-88 Lauro F. Cavazos 1988-90 Lamar Alexander 1991-93 Richard W. Riley 1993 Roderick R. Paige 2001- Betsy DeVos 2017-21

    Secretaries of Health and Human Services, 1980-2023 (may be Incomplete!)
    Patricia Roberts Harris 1980-81 Richard S. Schweiker 1981-83 Margaret M. Heckler 1983-85 Otis R. Bowen 1985-89 Louis Wade Sullivan 1989-93 Donna E. Shalala 1993-2001 Tommy G. Thompson 2001-05 Michael O. Leavitt 2005-09 Kathleen Sebelius 2009-14 Sylvia Mathews Burwell 2014-17 Tom Price 2017 Alex Azar 2018- Xavier Becerra 2021-

    Secretaries of Veterans Affairs, 1989-2005 (may be Incomplete!)
    Edward J. Derwinski 1989-92 Jesse Brown 1993-97 Togo West 1997-2000 Anthony J. Principi 2001-05

  • 2005 Jan 26: Anthony J. Principi, resigned.

    Secretaries of Homeland Security, 2003-2011 (may be Incomplete!)
    Tom Ridge 2003-05 Michael Chertoff 2005-09 Janet Napolitano 2009-

    Chairmen, Federal Communications Commission, 1934-2008 (may be Incomplete!)
    Eugene O. Sykes 1934-35 Anning S. Prall 1935-37 Frank R. McNinch 1937-39 James Lawrence Fly 1939-44 Ewell K. Jett 1944 Paul A. Porter 1944-46 Charles R. Denny 1946-47 Paul A. Walker 1947 Wayne Coy 1947-52 Paul A. Walker 1952-53 Rosel H. Hyde 1953-54 George C. McConnaughey, Jr. 1954-57 John C. Doerfer 1957-60 Frederick W. Ford 1960-61 Newton N. Minow 1961-63 E. William Henry 1963-66 Rosel H. Hyde 1966-69 Dean Burch 1969-74 Richard E. Wiley 1974-77 Charles D. Ferris 1977-81 Robert E. Lee 1981 Mark S. Fowler 1981-87 Dennis R. Patrick 1987-89 James H. Quello 1993 Reed E. Hundt 1993-97 William E. Kennard 1997-2001 Michael K. Powell 2001-05 Kevin J. Martin 2005-

  • 1937 Jul 23: Anning S. Prall, died in office.

    Chairmen, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 1977-2008 (may be Incomplete!)
    Charles B. Curtis 1977-81 C. M. Butler III 1981-83 Raymond J. O'Connor 1983-86 Anthony G. Sousa 1986 Martha O. Hesse 1986-89 Martin L. Allday 1989-93 Elizabeth Anne Moler 1993-97 James J. Hoecker 1997-2001 Curtis L. Hebert, Jr. 2001 Patrick H. Wood III 2001-05 Joseph T. Kelliher 2005-

    Chairmen, Interstate Commerce Commission, 1913-1921 (may be Incomplete!)
    Edgar E. Clark 1913-14 Edgar E. Clark 1918-21

    Chairmen, National Labor Relations Board, 1935-2009 (may be Incomplete!)
    J. Warren Madden 1935-40 Harry A. Millis 1940-45 Paul M. Herzog 1945-53 Guy Farmer 1953-55 Boyd S. Leedom 1955-61 Frank W. McCulloch 1961-70 Edward B. Miller 1970-74 John H. Fanning 1974-75 Betty S. Murphy 1975-77 John H. Fanning 1977-81 John R. Van de Water 1981-82 John C. Miller 1982-83 Donald L. Dotson 1983-87 James M. Stephens 1987-94 William B. Gould IV 1994-98 Peter J. Hurtgen 1997-2002 John C. Truesdale 1998-2001 Robert J. Battista 2002-07 Peter C. Schaumber 2008-09 Wilma B. Liebman 2009-

    Chairmen, U.S. Maritime Commission, 1938-1946 (may be Incomplete!)
    Emory S. Land 1938-46

    Chairmen, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1950-1975 (may be Incomplete!)
    Gordon E. Dean 1950-53 Lewis L. Strauss 1953-58 Glenn T. Seaborg 1961-71 Dixy Lee Ray 1973-75

    Chairmen, Federal Power Commission, 1930-1977 (may be Incomplete!)
    George Otis Smith 1930-33 Frank R. McNinch 1933-37 Clyde L. Seavey 1937-39 Leland M. Olds 1940-44 Basil Manly 1944-45 Leland M. Olds 1945-47 Nelson Lee Smith 1947-50 Monrad C. Wallgren 1950-51 Thomas C. Buchanan 1952-53 Jerome K. Kuykendall 1953-61 Joseph C. Swidler 1961-65 Lee C. White 1966-69 John N. Nassikas 1969-75 Richard L. Dunham 1975-77 Charles B. Curtis 1977

    Chairmen, U.S. Civil Rights Commission, 1993-1999 (may be Incomplete!)
    Mary Frances Berry 1993-99

    Chairmen, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 1934-2016 (may be Incomplete!)
    Joseph P. Kennedy 1934-35 James M. Landis 1935-37 William O. Douglas 1937-39 Jerome Frank 1939-41 Edward C. Eicher 1941-42 Ganson Purcell 1942-46 James J. Caffrey 1946-47 Edmond M. Hanrahan 1948-49 Harry A. McDonald 1949-52 Donald C. Cook 1952-53 Ralph H. Demmler 1953-55 J. Sinclair Armstrong 1955-57 Edward N. Gadsby 1957-61 William L. Cary 1961-64 Manuel F. Cohen 1964-69 Hamer Budge 1969-71 William J. Casey 1971-73 G. Bradford Cook 1973 Ray Garrett, Jr. 1973-75 Roderick M. Hills 1975-77 Harold M. Williams 1977-81 John S. R. Shad 1981-87 David S. Ruder 1987-89 Richard C. Breeden 1989-93 Arthur Levitt, Jr. 1993-2001 Harvey L. Pitt 2001-03 William H. Donaldson 2003-05 Christopher Cox 2005- Mary Jo White 2013-16

    Chairmen, Federal Trade Commission, 1915-1949 (may be Incomplete!)
    Joseph E. Davies 1915-16 Edward N. Hurley 1916-17 William J. Harris 1917-18 William B. Colver 1918-19 J. Franklin Fort 1919 Victor Murdock 1919-20 Huston Thompson 1920-21 Nelson B. Gaskill 1921-22 Victor Murdock 1922-23 Huston Thompson 1923-24 Vernon W. Von Fleet 1924-25 John F. Nugent 1925-26 Charles W. Hunt 1926-27 William E. Humphrey 1927-28 Abram F. Myers 1928-29 Edgar A. McCulloch 1929 Garland S. Ferguson 1930 Charles W. Hunt 1931 William E. Humphrey 1932 Charles H. March 1933 Garland S. Ferguson 1934 Ewin L. Davis 1935 Charles H. March 1936 William A. Ayres 1937 Garland S. Ferguson 1938 Robert E. Freer 1939 Ewin L. Davis 1940 Charles H. March 1941 William A. Ayres 1942 Garland S. Ferguson 1943 Robert E. Freer 1944 Ewin L. Davis 1945 William A. Ayres 1946 Garland S. Ferguson 1947 Robert E. Freer 1948 Lowell B. Mason 1949-50

    Chairmen, Federal Trade Commission, 1950-2004 (may be Incomplete!)
    Lowell B. Mason 1949-50 James M. Mead 1950-53 Edward F. Howrey 1953-55 John W. Gwynne 1955-59 Earl W. Kintner 1959-61 Paul R. Dixon 1961-69 Caspar W. Weinberger 1970 Everette MacIntyre 1970 Miles W. Kirkpatrick 1970-73 Lewis A. Engman 1973-75 Paul R. Dixon 1976 Calvin J. Collier 1976-77 Michael Pertschuk 1977-81 David A. Clanton 1981 James C. Miller III 1981-85 Terry Calvani 1985-86 Daniel Oliver 1986-89 Janet D. Steiger 1989-95 Robert Pitofsky 1995-2001 Timothy J. Muris 2001-04 Deborah Platt Majoras 2004-

    Chairmen, U.S. Tariff Commission, 1917-1945 (may be Incomplete!)
    Frank W. Taussig 1917-19 Thomas Walker Page 1920-22 Edgar B. Brossard 1930 Raymond B. Stevens 1937-42 Oscar B. Ryder 1945

    Chairmen, U.S. Civil Service Commission, 1921-1959 (may be Incomplete!)
    Martin A. Morrison 1921 Philip Young 1953-57 Harris Ellsworth 1957-59

    Chairs, Commission of Fine Arts, 1910-1950 (may be Incomplete!)
    Daniel H. Burnham 1910-12 Daniel Chester French 1912-15 Charles Moore 1915-37 Gilmore D. Clarke 1937-50

    Chairs, U.S. Shipping Board, 1917-1923 (may be Incomplete!)
    William Denman 1917 Edward N. Hurley 1917-19 John Barton Payne 1919-20 William S. Benson 1920-21 Albert D. Lasker 1921-23 Edward P. Farley 1923

    Chairs, Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 1953-1955 (may be Incomplete!)
    Clarence E. Manion 1953-54 Meyer Kestnbaum 1954-55

    Chairs, President's Commission on the Assassination of President KND, 1963-1964 (may be Incomplete!)
    Earl Warren 1963-64

    Members, Civil Aeronautics Board, 1953-1959 (may be Incomplete!)
    Harmar D. Denny, Jr. 1953-59

    Members, Federal Communications Commission, 1934-1939 (may be Incomplete!)
    Thad H. Brown 1934-40 Norman S. Case 1934-45 Gary Hampson 1934-35 George Henry Payne 1934-43 Irvin Stewart 1934-37 Eugene O. Sykes 1934-39 Paul A. Walker 1934-53 Anning S. Prall 1935-37 T. A. M. Craven 1937-44 Frank R. McNinch 1937-39 Frederick I. Thompson 1939-41 James Lawrence Fly 1939-44

    Members, Federal Communications Commission, 1940-1949 (may be Incomplete!)
    Thad H. Brown 1934-40 Norman S. Case 1934-45 George Henry Payne 1934-43 Paul A. Walker 1934-53 T. A. M. Craven 1937-44 Frederick I. Thompson 1939-41 James Lawrence Fly 1939-44 Ray C. Wakefield 1941-47 Clifford J. Durr 1941-48 Ewell K. Jett 1944-47 Paul A. Porter 1944-46 Charles R. Denny 1945-47 William H. Willis 1945-46 Rosel H. Hyde 1946-69 Edward M. Webster 1947-56 Robert F. Jones 1947-52 Wayne Coy 1947-52 George E. Sterling 1948-54 Frieda B. Hennock 1948-55

    Members, Federal Communications Commission, 1950-1959 (may be Incomplete!)
    Paul A. Walker 1934-53 Rosel H. Hyde 1946-69 Edward M. Webster 1947-56 Robert F. Jones 1947-52 Wayne Coy 1947-52 George E. Sterling 1948-54 Frieda B. Hennock 1948-55 Robert T. Bartley 1952-72 Eugene H. Merrill 1952-53 John C. Doerfer 1953-60 Robert E. Lee 1953-81 George C. McConnaughey, Jr. 1954-57 T. A. M. Craven 1956-63 Frederick W. Ford 1957-64 John S. Cross 1958-62

    Members, Federal Communications Commission, 1960-1969 (may be Incomplete!)
    Rosel H. Hyde 1946-69 Robert T. Bartley 1952-72 John C. Doerfer 1953-60 Robert E. Lee 1953-81 T. A. M. Craven 1956-63 Frederick W. Ford 1957-64 John S. Cross 1958-62 Charles H. King 1960-61 Newton N. Minow 1961-63 E. William Henry 1962-66 Kenneth A. Cox 1963-70 Lee Loevinger 1963-68 James J. Wadsworth 1965-69 Nicholas Johnson 1966-73 H. Rex Lee 1968-73 Dean Burch 1969-74 Robert Wells 1969-71

    Members, Federal Communications Commission, 1970-1979 (may be Incomplete!)
    Robert T. Bartley 1952-72 Robert E. Lee 1953-81 Kenneth A. Cox 1963-70 Nicholas Johnson 1966-73 H. Rex Lee 1968-73 Dean Burch 1969-74 Robert Wells 1969-71 Thomas J. Houser 1971 Charlotte T. Reid 1971-76 Richard E. Wiley 1972-77 Benjamin L. Hooks 1972-77 James H. Quello 1974-97 Glen O. Robinson 1974-76 Abbott M. Washburn 1974-82 Joseph R. Fogarty 1976-83 Margita E. White 1976-79 Charles D. Ferris 1977-81 Tyrone Brown 1977-81 Anne P. Jones 1979-83

    Members, Federal Communications Commission, 1980-1989 (may be Incomplete!)
    Robert E. Lee 1953-81 James H. Quello 1974-97 Abbott M. Washburn 1974-82 Joseph R. Fogarty 1976-83 Charles D. Ferris 1977-81 Tyrone Brown 1977-81 Anne P. Jones 1979-83 Mark S. Fowler 1981-87 Mimi Weyforth Dawson 1981-87 Henry M. Rivera 1981-85 Stephen A. Sharp 1982-83 Dennis R. Patrick 1983-89 Patricia Diaz Dennis 1986-89 Alfred C. Sikes 1989-93 Sherrie P. Marshall 1989-93 Andrew C. Barrett 1989-96

    Members, Federal Communications Commission, 1990-1999 (may be Incomplete!)
    James H. Quello 1974-97 Alfred C. Sikes 1989-93 Sherrie P. Marshall 1989-93 Andrew C. Barrett 1989-96 Ervin S. Duggan 1990-94 Reed E. Hundt 1993-97 Susan Ness 1994-2001 Rachelle B. Chong 1994-97 Harold W. Furchtgott-Roth 1997-2001 William E. Kennard 1997-2001 Michael K. Powell 1997-2005 Gloria Tristani 1997-2001

    Members, Federal Communications Commission, 2000-2009 (may be Incomplete!)
    Susan Ness 1994-2001 Harold W. Furchtgott-Roth 1997-2001 William E. Kennard 1997-2001 Michael K. Powell 1997-2005 Gloria Tristani 1997-2001 Kathleen Q. Abernathy 2001-05 Michael J. Copps 2001- Kevin J. Martin 2001- Jonathan S. Adelstein 2002-09 Deborah Taylor Tate 2006- Robert M. McDowell 2006-

  • 1937 Jul 23: Anning S. Prall, died in office.

    Members, Interstate Commerce Commission, 1887-1949 (may be Incomplete!)
    Walter L. Bragg 1887-91 Thomas M. Cooley 1887-92 William R. Morrison 1887-97 Augustus Schoonmaker, Jr. 1887-90 Aldace F. Walker 1887-89 Wheelock G. Veazey 1889-96 Martin A. Knapp 1891-1910 Judson C. Clements 1892-1917 James W. McDill 1892-94 James D. Yeomans 1894-1905 Charles A. Prouty 1896-1914 William J. Calhoun 1898-99 Joseph W. Fifer 1899-1905 Francis M. Cockrell 1905-10 Edgar E. Clark 1906-21 James S. Harlan 1906-17 Franklin K. Lane 1906-13 Charles C. McChord 1910-26 Balthasar H. Meyer 1910-39 John H. Marble 1913 Winthrop M. Daniels 1914-23 Henry C. Hall 1914-28 George W. Anderson 1917-18 Clyde B. Atchison 1917-52 Robert W. Woolley 1917-20 Joseph B. Eastman 1919-44 Henry J. Ford 1920-21 Mark W. Potter 1920-25 Johnston B. Campbell 1921-30 Frederick I. Cox 1921-26 John J. Esch 1921-28 Ernest I. Lewis 1921-32 Frank McManamy 1923-39 Thomas F. Woodlock 1925-30 Richard V. Taylor 1926-29 Ezra Brainerd, Jr. 1927-33 Patrick J. Farrell 1928-34 Claude R. Porter 1928-46 William E. Lee 1930-53 Charles D. Mahaffie 1930-54 Hugh M. Tate 1930-37 Carroll Miller 1933-49 Walter M. W. Splawn 1934-53 Marion M. Caskie 1935-40 John L. Rogers 1937-52 J. Haden Alldredge 1939-55 William J. Patterson 1939-53 J. Monroe Johnson 1940-56 George M. Barnard 1944-49 Richard F. Mitchell 1947-59 Hugh W. Cross 1949-55

    Members, Interstate Commerce Commission, 1950-1995 (may be Incomplete!)
    Clyde B. Atchison 1917-52 William E. Lee 1930-53 Charles D. Mahaffie 1930-54 Walter M. W. Splawn 1934-53 John L. Rogers 1937-52 J. Haden Alldredge 1939-55 William J. Patterson 1939-53 J. Monroe Johnson 1940-56 Richard F. Mitchell 1947-59 Hugh W. Cross 1949-55 James K. Knudson 1950-54 Anthony F. Arpaia 1952-60 Kelso Elliott 1952-56 Owen Clarke 1953-58 Howard G. Freas 1953-66 Kenneth H. Tuggle 1953-75 John H. Winchell 1954-61 Everett Hutchinson 1955-65 Rupert L. Murphy 1955-78 Donald P. McPherson, Jr. 1956-63 Robert W. Minor 1956-58 Laurence K. Walrath 1956-72 Abe McGregor Goff 1958-67 Charles A. Webb 1958-67 Clyde E. Herring 1959-64 John W. Bush 1961-72 William H. Tucker 1961-67 Paul J. Tierney 1963-70 Virginia Mae Brown 1964-79 Willard Deason 1965-75 Dale W. Hardin 1967-77 George M. Stafford 1967-80 Grant E. Syphers 1967-68 Wallace R. Burke 1968-69 Robert C. Gresham 1969-82 Donald L. Jackson 1969-72 W. Donald Brewer 1970-74 Alfred T. McFarland 1972-77 Rodoifo Montejano 1972-73 Chester M. Wiggin, Jr. 1972-73 A. Daniel O'Neal 1973-79 Charles L. Clapp 1974-82 Robert J. Corber 1975-76 Betty Jo Christian 1976-79 Marcus Alexis 1979-81 Darius W. Gaskins, Jr. 1979-81 Thomas A. Trantum 1979-81 Reginald E. Gilliam, Jr. 1980-83 Reese H. Taylor, Jr. 1981-85 Frederic N. Andre 1982-89 Heather J. Gradison 1982-90 Joseph Jacob Simmons 1982-83 Malcolm M. B. Sterrett 1982-88 Paul H. Lamboley 1984-90 Joseph Jacob Simmons 1984-95 Andrew J. Strenio, Jr. 1984-85 Karen B. Phillips 1988-94 Edward M. Emmett 1989-92 Gail C. McDonald 1990-95 Edward J. Philibin 1990-94 Gregory Stewart Walden 1993 Linda J. Morgan 1994-95 Gus A. Owen 1994-95

  • 1894 Feb 28: James W. McDill, died in office.
  • 1949 Jan 2: George M. Barnard, died in office.

    Members, National Labor Relations Board, 1935-2009 (may be Incomplete!)
    John M. Carmody 1935-36 J. Warren Madden 1935-40 Edwin S. Smith 1935-41 Donald W. Smith 1936-39 William M. Leiserson 1939-43 Harry A. Millis 1940-45 Gerard D. Reilly 1941-46 John M. Houston 1943-53 Paul M. Herzog 1945-53 James J. Reynolds, Jr. 1946-51 J. Copeland Gray 1947-49 Abe Murdock 1947-57 Paul L. Styles 1950-53 Ivar H. Peterson 1952-56 Guy Farmer 1953-55 Philip Ray Rodgers 1953-63 Albert C. Beeson 1954 Boyd S. Leedom 1955-64 Stephen S. Bean 1955-60 Joseph Alton Jenkins 1957-61 John H. Fanning 1957-82 Arthur A. Kimball 1960-61 Frank W. McCulloch 1961-70 Gerald A. Brown 1961-71 Howard Jenkins, Jr. 1963-83 Sam Zagoria 1965-69 Edward B. Miller 1970-74 Ralph E. Kennedy 1970-75 John A. Penello 1972-81 Betty S. Murphy 1975-79 Peter D. Walther 1975-77 John C. Truesdale 1977-80 Don A. Zimmerman 1980-84 John C. Truesdale 1980-81 Robert P. Hunter 1981-85 John R. Van de Water 1981-82 John C. Miller 1982-83 Donald L. Dotson 1983-87 Patricia Diaz Dennis 1983-86 Wilford W. Johansen 1985-89 Marshall B. Babson 1985-88 James M. Stephens 1985-95 Mary M. Cracraft 1986-91 John E. Higgins, Jr. 1988-89 Dennis M. Devaney 1988-94 Clifford R. Oviatt 1989-93 John N. Raudabaugh 1990-93 John C. Truesdale 1994 William B. Gould IV 1994-98 Margaret A. Browning 1994-97 Charles I. Cohen 1994-96 John C. Truesdale 1994-96 Sarah M. Fox 1996-2000 John E. Higgins, Jr. 1996-97 Peter J. Hurtgen 1997-2002 Wilma B. Liebman 1997- J. Robert Brame III 1997-2000 John C. Truesdale 1998-2001 Dennis P. Walsh 2000-01 Michael J. Bartlett 2002 William B. Cowen 2002 R. Alexander Acosta 2002-03 Robert J. Battista 2002-07 Peter C. Schaumber 2002- Dennis P. Walsh 2002-04 Ronald E. Meisburg 2004 Peter N. Kirsanow 2006-07 Dennis P. Walsh 2006-07

  • 1997 Feb 28: Margaret A. Browning, died in office.

    Members, U.S. Maritime Commission, 1937-1950 (may be Incomplete!)
    Edward C. Moran, Jr. 1937-40 John M. Carmody 1941-46 Joseph K. Carson, Jr. 1947-50

    Members, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1946-1975 (may be Incomplete!)
    Lewis L. Strauss 1946-50 Gordon E. Dean 1949-53 Willard Libby 1954 Mary I. Bunting 1964 Dixy Lee Ray 1972-75

    Members, Federal Power Commission, 1930-1956 (may be Incomplete!)
    Claude L. Draper 1930-56 Marcell Garsaud 1930-32 George Otis Smith 1930-33 Frank R. McNinch 1930-37 Ralph B. Williamson 1930-32 Herbert J. Drane 1933-37 Basil Manly 1933-45 Clyde L. Seavey 1934-43 John W. Stott 1937-45 Leland M. Olds 1939-44 Thomas C. Buchanan 1948-53

    Members, U.S. Civil Rights Commission, 1957-2004 (may be Incomplete!)
    Theodore Hesburgh 1957-72 Spottswood W. Robinson III 1961-63 Mary Frances Berry 1978-2004 Morris Abram 1984-86

    Members, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 1934-1939 (may be Incomplete!)
    Robert E. Healy 1934-46 Joseph P. Kennedy 1934-35 James M. Landis 1934-37 George C. Mathews 1934-40 Ferdinand Pecora 1934-35 J. D. Ross 1935-37 William O. Douglas 1936-39 Jerome Frank 1937-41 John W. Hanes 1938 Edward C. Eicher 1938-42 Leon Henderson 1939-41

    Members, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 1940-1949 (may be Incomplete!)
    Robert E. Healy 1934-46 George C. Mathews 1934-40 Jerome Frank 1937-41 Edward C. Eicher 1938-42 Leon Henderson 1939-41 Sumner T. Pike 1940-46 Edmund Burke, Jr. 1941-43 Ganson Purcell 1941-46 Robert H. O'Brien 1942-44 Robert K. McConnaughey 1943-49 James J. Caffrey 1945-47 Edmond M. Hanrahan 1946-49 Richard B. McEntire 1946-53 Harry A. McDonald 1947-52 Paul R. Rowen 1948-55 Donald C. Cook 1949-53 Edward T. McCormick 1949-51

    Members, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 1950-1959 (may be Incomplete!)
    Richard B. McEntire 1946-53 Harry A. McDonald 1947-52 Paul R. Rowen 1948-55 Donald C. Cook 1949-53 Edward T. McCormick 1949-51 Robert I. Millonzi 1951-52 Clarence H. Adams 1952-56 J. Howard Rossbach 1952-53 J. Sinclair Armstrong 1953-57 Ralph H. Demmler 1953-55 A. Jack Goodwin, Jr. 1953-55 Andrew Downey Orrick 1955-60 Harold C. Patterson 1955-60 Earl F. Hastings 1956-61 James C. Sargent 1956-60 Edward N. Gadsby 1957-61

    Members, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 1960-1969 (may be Incomplete!)
    Andrew Downey Orrick 1955-60 Harold C. Patterson 1955-60 Earl F. Hastings 1956-61 James C. Sargent 1956-60 Edward N. Gadsby 1957-61 Daniel J. McCauley 1960-61 Byron D. Woodside 1960-67 William L. Cary 1961-64 Manuel F. Cohen 1961-69 J. Allen Frear, Jr. 1961-63 Jack M. Whitney II 1961-64 Hamer Budge 1964-71 Hugh F. Owens 1964-73 Francis M. Wheat 1964-69 Richard B. Smith 1967-71 Albert S. Herlong, Jr. 1969-73 James J. Needham 1969-72

    Members, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 1970-1979 (may be Incomplete!)
    Hamer Budge 1964-71 Hugh F. Owens 1964-73 Richard B. Smith 1967-71 Albert S. Herlong, Jr. 1969-73 James J. Needham 1969-72 William J. Casey 1971-73 Philip A. Loomis, Jr. 1971-82 John R. Evans 1973-83 A. A. Sommer, Jr. 1973-76 G. Bradford Cook 1973 Ray Garrett, Jr. 1973-75 Irving M. Pollack 1974-80 Roderick M. Hills 1975-77 Roberta S. Karmel 1977-80 Harold M. Williams 1977-81

    Members, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 1980-1989 (may be Incomplete!)
    Philip A. Loomis, Jr. 1971-82 John R. Evans 1973-83 Irving M. Pollack 1974-80 Roberta S. Karmel 1977-80 Harold M. Williams 1977-81 Stephen J. Friedman 1980-81 Barbara S. Thomas 1980-83 Bevis Longstreth 1981-84 John S. R. Shad 1981-87 James C. Treadway, Jr. 1982-85 Charles C. Cox 1983-89 Charles L. Marinaccio 1984-85 Aulana L. Peters 1984-88 Joseph A. Grundfest 1985-90 Edward H. Fleischman 1986-92 David S. Ruder 1987-89 Mary L. Schapiro 1988-94 Richard C. Breeden 1989-93

    Members, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 1990-1999 (may be Incomplete!)
    Joseph A. Grundfest 1985-90 Edward H. Fleischman 1986-92 Mary L. Schapiro 1988-94 Richard C. Breeden 1989-93 Philip R. Lochner, Jr. 1990-91 Richard Y. Roberts 1990-95 J. Carter Breese, Jr. 1992-94 Arthur Levitt, Jr. 1993-2001 Steven Wallman 1994-97 Isaac C. Hunt, Jr. 1996-2002 Norman S. Johnson 1996-2000 Paul R. Carey 1997-2001 Laura S. Unger 1997-2002

    Members, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 2000-2008 (may be Incomplete!)
    Arthur Levitt, Jr. 1993-2001 Isaac C. Hunt, Jr. 1996-2002 Norman S. Johnson 1996-2000 Paul R. Carey 1997-2001 Laura S. Unger 1997-2002 Harvey L. Pitt 2001-03 Paul Atkins 2002-08 Roel Campos 2002-07 Cynthia Glassman 2002-06 Harvey Goldschmid 2002-05 William H. Donaldson 2003-05 Christopher Cox 2005- Annette L. Nazareth 2005-08 Kathleen L. Casey 2006- Luis A. Aguilar 2008- Troy A. Paredes 2008- Elisse B. Walter 2008-

    Members, Federal Trade Commission, 1915-1949 (may be Incomplete!)
    Joseph E. Davies 1915-18 William J. Harris 1915-18 Edward N. Hurley 1915-17 Will H. Parry 1915-17 George Rublee 1915-16 J. Franklin Fort 1917-19 William B. Colver 1917-20 Victor Murdock 1917-24 Huston Thompson 1919-26 Nelson B. Gaskill 1920-25 John Garland Pollard 1920-21 John F. Nugent 1921-27 Vernon W. Von Fleet 1922-26 Charles W. Hunt 1924-32 William E. Humphrey 1925-33 Abram F. Myers 1926-29 Edgar A. McCulloch 1927-33 Garland S. Ferguson 1927-49 Charles H. March 1929-45 Ewin L. Davis 1933-49 Raymond B. Stevens 1933 James M. Landis 1933-34 George C. Mathews 1933-34 William A. Ayres 1934-52 Robert E. Freer 1935-48 Lowell B. Mason 1945-56 John Carson 1949-53 James M. Mead 1949-55

    Members, Federal Trade Commission, 1950-2004 (may be Incomplete!)
    William A. Ayres 1934-52 Lowell B. Mason 1945-56 John Carson 1949-53 James M. Mead 1949-55 Stephen J. Spingarn 1950-53 Albert A. Carretta 1952-54 Edward F. Howrey 1953-55 John W. Gwynne 1953-59 Robert T. Secrest 1954-61 Sigurd Anderson 1955-64 William C. Kern 1955-62 Edward T. Tait 1956-60 Earl W. Kintner 1959-61 Edward K. Mills, Jr. 1960-61 Paul R. Dixon 1961-81 Philip Elman 1961-70 Everette MacIntyre 1961-73 A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr. 1962-64 John R. Reilly 1964-67 Mary Gardiner Jones 1964-73 James M. Nicholson 1967-69 Caspar W. Weinberger 1969-70 Miles W. Kirkpatrick 1970-73 David J. Dennison, Jr. 1970-73 Lewis A. Engman 1973-75 Mayo J. Thompson 1973-75 Elizabeth Dole 1973-79 Stephen A. Nye 1974-76 Calvin J. Collier 1976-77 David A. Clanton 1976-83 Michael Pertschuk 1977-84 Robert Pitofsky 1978-81 Patricia P. Bailey 1979-88 James C. Miller III 1981-85 George W. Douglas 1982-85 Terry Calvani 1983-90 Mary L. Azcuenaga 1984-98 Andrew J. Strenio, Jr. 1986-91 Daniel Oliver 1986-89 Margot E. Machol 1988-89 Janet D. Steiger 1989-97 Deborah K. Owen 1989-94 Roscoe B. Starek III 1990-97 Dennis A. Yao 1991-94 Christine A. Varney 1994-97 Robert Pitofsky 1995-2001 Sheila F. Anthony 1997-2003 Mozelle W. Thompson 1997-2004 Orson Swindle 1997-2004 Thomas B. Leary 1999- Timothy J. Muris 2001-04 Pamela Jones Harbour 2003- Deborah Platt Majoras 2004- Jon Leibowitz 2004-

  • 1917 Apr 21: Will H. Parry, died in office.
  • 1949 Oct 23: Ewin L. Davis, died in office.
  • 1952 Feb 17: William A. Ayres, died in office.

    Members, U.S. Tariff Commission, 1918-1947 (may be Incomplete!)
    Thomas Walker Page 1918-22 William S. Culbertson 1921-25 David J. Lewis 1921 Thomas O. Marvin 1921-26 Edgar B. Brossard 1925-45 Sherman J. Lowell 1926 Edward P. Costigan 1927-28 James W. Collier 1933 E. Dana Durand 1935-47 Raymond B. Stevens 1935-42 A. Manuel Fox 1940 Oscar B. Ryder 1940-45 Lynn R. Edminster 1942-45 George Z. Barnes 1945 George McGill 1945

  • 1933 Sep 28: James W. Collier, died in office.

    Members, U.S. Civil Service Commission, 1893-1948 (may be Incomplete!)
    John R. Procter 1893-1903 William Dudley Foulke 1901-03 James R. Garfield 1902-03 John C. Black 1903-07 Henry F. Greene 1903-07 John A. McIlhenny 1906-19 Helen H. Gardener 1921 Martin A. Morrison 1921 George R. Wales 1921-32 Thomas E. Campbell 1932 Arthur S. Flemming 1939-48 Lucille Foster McMillin 1945 Harry B. Mitchell 1945

  • 1903 Dec 12: John R. Procter, died in office.

    Members, Commission of Fine Arts, 1910-1919 (may be Incomplete!)
    Daniel H. Burnham 1910-12 Daniel Chester French 1910-15 Cass Gilbert 1910-16 Thomas Hastings 1910-17 Francis D. Millet 1910-12 Charles Moore 1910-40 Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. 1910-18 Peirce Anderson 1912-16 Edwin H. Blashfield 1912-16 Herbert Adams 1915-20 William Mitchell Kendall 1916-21 Charles A. Platt 1916-21 J. Alden Weir 1916-19 John Russell Pope 1917-22 James L. Greenleaf 1918-27

    Members, Commission of Fine Arts, 1920-1929 (may be Incomplete!)
    Charles Moore 1910-40 Herbert Adams 1915-20 William Mitchell Kendall 1916-21 Charles A. Platt 1916-21 John Russell Pope 1917-22 James L. Greenleaf 1918-27 James E. Fraser 1920-25 William Sergeant Kendall 1920-21 Louis Ayres 1921-25 Henry Bacon 1921-24 H. Siddons Mowbray 1921-28 Milton B. Medary, Jr. 1922-27 William Adams Delano 1924-28 Abram Garfield 1925-30 Lorado Taft 1925-29 Benjamin W. Morris III 1927-31 Ferruccio Vitale 1927-32 John W. Cross 1928-33 Ezra Winter 1928-33 Adolph Weinman 1929-33

    Members, Commission of Fine Arts, 1930-1939 (may be Incomplete!)
    Charles Moore 1910-40 Abram Garfield 1925-30 Benjamin W. Morris III 1927-31 Ferruccio Vitale 1927-32 John W. Cross 1928-33 Ezra Winter 1928-33 Adolph Weinman 1929-33 John L. Mauran 1930-33 Egerton Swartwout 1931-36 Gilmore D. Clarke 1932-50 Charles A. Coolidge 1933-36 John Mead Howells 1933-37 Lee Lawrie 1933-37 Eugene F. Savage 1933-41 Charles L. Borie, Jr. 1936-40 Henry R. Shepley 1936-40 William F. Lamb 1937-45 Paul Manship 1937-41

    Members, Commission of Fine Arts, 1940-1950 (may be Incomplete!)
    Charles Moore 1910-40 Gilmore D. Clarke 1932-50 Eugene F. Savage 1933-41 Charles L. Borie, Jr. 1936-40 Henry R. Shepley 1936-40 William F. Lamb 1937-45 Paul Manship 1937-41 Edward Bruce 1940-43 Paul P. Cret 1940-45 John A. Holabird 1940-45 Henry V. Poor 1941-45 Lee Lawrie 1945-50

    Members, U.S. Shipping Board, 1917-1926 (may be Incomplete!)
    Bernard N. Baker 1917 Theodore Brent 1917 William Denman 1917 John B. White 1917 John A. Donald 1917-21 Raymond B. Stevens 1917-20 Edward N. Hurley 1917-19 Bainbridge Colby 1917-19 Charles R. Page 1917-19 Henry M. Robinson 1919 John Barton Payne 1919-20 T. A. Scott 1919-20 William S. Benson 1920- Guy D. Goff 1920-21 Chester H. Rowell 1920-21 Charles Sutter 1920-21 Joseph Nathan Teal 1920-21 Frederick I. Thompson 1920- George E. Chamberlain 1921-23 Albert D. Lasker 1921-23 Meyer Lissner 1921- T. V. O'Connor 1921- Edward C. Plummer 1921- Edward P. Farley 1923- Bert E. Haney 1923-26

  • 1917 Jan 27: Bernard N. Baker, resigned.
  • 1917 Jul 24: John B. White, resigned; William Denman, resigned.
  • 1917 Jul 26: Theodore Brent, resigned.
  • 1919 Mar 4: Bainbridge Colby, resigned.
  • 1919 May 15: Charles R. Page, resigned.
  • 1919 Jul 31: Edward N. Hurley, resigned.
  • 1919 Sep 15: Henry M. Robinson, resigned.
  • 1920 Mar 13: John Barton Payne, resigned.
  • 1920 Apr 5: T. A. Scott, resigned.
  • 1920 Jun 15: Raymond B. Stevens, resigned.
  • 1923 Jun 19: Albert D. Lasker, resigned.

    Members, Federal Radio Commission, 1927-1934 (may be Incomplete!)
    Henry A. Bellows 1927 William H. G. Bullard 1927 Orestes H. Caldwell 1927-29 John F. Dillon 1927 Eugene O. Sykes 1927-34 Harold A. Lafount 1927-34 Sam Pickard 1927-29 Ira E. Robinson 1927-32 Charles McKinley Saltzman 1929-32 W. D. L. Starbuck 1929-34 James H. Hanley 1932-34 Thad H. Brown 1932-34

  • 1927 Oct 9: John F. Dillon, died in office.
  • 1927 Oct 31: Henry A. Bellows, resigned.
  • 1927 Nov 24: William H. G. Bullard, died in office.
  • 1929 Feb 23: Orestes H. Caldwell, resigned.
  • 1932: Ira E. Robinson, resigned; Charles McKinley Saltzman, resigned.

    Members, Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 1953-1955 (may be Incomplete!)
    William Anderson 1953-55 Lawrence A. Appley 1953-55 John S. Battle 1953-55 John E. Burton 1953-55 Guy Cordon 1953-54 John D. Dingell 1953-55 James I. Dolliver 1953-55 Alfred E. Driscoll 1953-55 Marion B. Folsom 1953-55 Brooks Hays 1953-55 Charles P. Henderson 1953-55 Robert C. Hendrickson 1953-54 Oveta Culp Hobby 1953-55 Clyde R. Hoey 1953-54 Hubert H. Humphrey 1953-55 Sam H. Jones 1953-55 Clark Kerr 1953-55 Alice K. Leopold 1953-55 Noah M. Mason 1953-54 Harold C. Ostertag 1953-55 Val Peterson 1953-55 Andrew F. Schoeppel 1953-55 Allan Shivers 1953-55 Daniel I. J. Thornton 1953-55 Angier L. Goodwin 1954-55 Alan Bible 1955 John M. Butler 1955 Wayne L. Morse 1955

  • 1954 Feb 18: Noah M. Mason, resigned.
  • 1954 May 12: Clyde R. Hoey, died in office.

    Members, President's Commission on the Status of Women, 1961-1962 (may be Incomplete!)
    Eleanor Roosevelt 1961-62

    Members, President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kenn, 1963-1964 (may be Incomplete!)
    Hale Boggs 1963-64 John Sherman Cooper 1963-64 Allen W. Dulles 1963-64 Gerald R. Ford 1963-64 John J. McCloy 1963-64 Richard B. Russell, Jr. 1963-64

    Comptrollers of the Currency, 1863-2020 (may be Incomplete!)
    Hugh McCulloch 1863-65 Freeman Clarke 1865-66 Hiland R. Hulburd 1867-72 John Jay Knox 1872-84 Henry W. Cannon 1884-86 William L. Trenholm 1886-89 Edward S. Lacey 1889-92 A. Barton Hepburn 1892-93 James H. Eckels 1893-97 Charles G. Dawes 1898-1901 William B. Ridgely 1901-08 Lawrence O. Murray 1908-13 John Skelton Williams 1914-21 Daniel R. Crissinger 1921-23 Henry M. Dawes 1923-24 Joseph W. McIntosh 1924-28 John W. Pole 1928-32 J. F. T. O'Connor 1933-38 Preston Delano 1938-53 Ray M. Gidney 1953-61 James J. Saxon 1961-66 William B. Camp 1966-73 James E. Smith 1973-76 John G. Heimann 1977-81 C. Todd Conover 1981-85 Robert L. Clarke 1985-92 Eugene A. Ludwig 1993-98 John D. Hawke, Jr. 1998-2004 John C. Dugan 2005-10 John G. Walsh 2010-12 Thomas J. Curry 2012-17 Keith A. Noreika 2017 Joseph M. Otting 2017-20

    Solicitors General, 1870-1899 (may be Incomplete!)
    Benjamin H. Bristow 1870-72 Samuel F. Phillips 1872-85 John Goode, Jr. 1885-86 George A. Jenks 1886-89 Orlow W. Chapman 1889-90 William H. Taft 1890-92 Charles H. Aldrich 1892-93 Lawrence Maxwell, Jr. 1893-95 Holmes Conrad 1895-97 John K. Richards 1897-1903

    Solicitors General, 1900-1949 (may be Incomplete!)
    John K. Richards 1897-1903 Henry M. Hoyt 1903-09 Lloyd W. Bowers 1909-10 Frederick W. Lehmann 1910-12 William Marshall Bullitt 1912-13 John W. Davis 1913-18 Alexander C. King 1918-20 William L. Frierson 1920-21 James M. Beck 1921-25 William D. Mitchell 1925-29 Charles Evans Hughes, Jr. 1929-30 Thomas D. Thacher 1930-33 James Crawford Biggs 1933-35 Stanley F. Reed 1935-38 Robert H. Jackson 1938-40 Francis Biddle 1940-41 Charles Fahy 1941-45 J. Howard McGrath 1945-46 Philip B. Perlman 1947-52

    Solicitors General, 1950-2008 (may be Incomplete!)
    Philip B. Perlman 1947-52 Walter J. Cummings, Jr. 1952-53 Simon E. Sobeloff 1954-56 J. Lee Rankin 1956-61 Archibald Cox 1961-65 Thurgood Marshall 1965-67 Erwin N. Griswold 1967-73 Robert H. Bork 1973-77 Wade H. McCree, Jr. 1977-81 Rex E. Lee 1981-85 Charles Fried 1985-89 Kenneth W. Starr 1989-93 Drew S. Days III 1993-96 Walter E. Dellinger III 1996-97 Seth P. Waxman 1997-2001 Theodore B. Olson 2001-04 Paul D. Clement 2005-08 Gregory G. Garre 2008-

  • 1890 Jan 19: Orlow W. Chapman, died in office.
  • 1910 Sep 9: Lloyd W. Bowers, died in office.

  • "Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
    Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
    The Political Graveyard

    The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
      The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
      The listings are incomplete; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.  
      Information on this page — and on all other pages of this site — is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.  
      The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/offices/cabinet1.html.  
      Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.  
      If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the alphabetical index of politicians.  
    Copyright notices: (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see Feist v. Rural Telephone. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute fair use under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are © 1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a Creative Commons License.
    What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
    Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.