John Fletcher Bruton (b. 1861) —
of Wilson, Wilson
County, N.C.
Born in Wentworth, Rockingham
County, N.C., May 29,
Democrat. Lawyer;
vice-president, North Carolina Home Insurance
Co.; director, Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Co.;;
of Wilson, N.C., 1894-96.
Member, American Bar
Association; Alpha
Tau Omega; Odd
Burial location unknown.
|  |
Relatives: Son
of David Rasbury Bruton and Margaret G. (Nixon) Bruton; married, November
15, 1887, to Hattie Tartt Barnes. |
James Fenimore Cooper Griggs (1862-1924) —
also known as James F. C. Griggs —
of Apalachicola, Franklin
County, Fla.
Born in Columbus, Muscogee
County, Ga., August
21, 1862.
Democrat. Half-owner of Apalachicola's electric
light and telephone systems; delegate to Democratic
National Convention from Florida, 1912
(alternate); U.S.
Collector of Customs at Tampa, Fla., Florida, 1913-21.
Member, Rotary.
Died, from diabetes
and heart
disease, in Hendersonville, Henderson
County, N.C., November
4, 1924 (age 62 years, 75
Interment at Chestnut
Cemetery, Apalachicola, Fla.
Edmund Alexander Hawes Jr. (b. 1880) —
also known as E. A. Hawes —
of Atkinson, Pender
County, N.C.
Born in Atkinson, Pender
County, N.C., December
8, 1880.
Democrat. Merchant;
president, Pender Telephone Company; bank
director; member of North
Carolina state house of representatives from Pender County,
1905-06; member of North
Carolina state senate, 1909-10, 1913-14 (10th District 1909-10,
9th District 1913-14).
Burial location unknown.
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Relatives: Son
of Edmund A. Hawes and Virginia E. (Russ) Hawes. |
David Franklin Houston (1866-1940) —
also known as David F. Houston —
of Manhattan, New York
County, N.Y.
Born in Monroe, Union
County, N.C., February
17, 1866.
of schools; university
professor; president,
Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, 1902-05; president,
University of Texas, 1905-08; chancellor,
Washington University, St. Louis, 1908-16; U.S.
Secretary of Agriculture, 1913-20; U.S.
Secretary of the Treasury, 1920-21; vice president, American
Telephone and Telegraph Co. and president, Bell
Telephone Securities Co.; president, Mutual Life
Insurance Company of New York, 1930-1940; director, United States
Member, American
Economic Association.
Died, from heart
disease, at the Harkness Pavilion of the Columbia Presbyterian Medical
Center, Manhattan, New York
County, N.Y., September
2, 1940 (age 74 years, 198
Interment at Memorial
Cemetery of St. John's Church, Laurel Hollow, Long Island, N.Y.