Henry de Forest Baldwin (1862-1947) —
of Pelham Manor, Westchester
County, N.Y.; Manhattan, New York
County, N.Y.
Born in Clinton, Clinton
County, Iowa, November
7, 1862.
candidate for Justice of
New York Supreme Court 1st District, 1911.
Member, Council on Foreign Relations; Skull
and Bones.
Died, following a stroke,
in Manhattan, New York
County, N.Y., May 18,
1947 (age 84 years, 192
Interment at Woodlawn
Cemetery, Bronx, N.Y.
James Albert Smith Leach (b. 1942) —
also known as Jim Leach —
of Davenport, Scott
County, Iowa; Iowa City, Johnson
County, Iowa.
Born in Davenport, Scott
County, Iowa, October
15, 1942.
Republican. Staff, U.S. Rep. Donald
Rumsfeld, 1965-66; Foreign Service officer; U.S.
Representative from Iowa, 1977-2006 (1st District 1977-2003, 2nd
District 2003-06); defeated, 1974.
Member, Council on Foreign Relations; Trilateral
Commission; Moose; Rotary;
Still living as of 2014.
William Robert Rivkin (1919-1967) —
also known as William R. Rivkin —
of Illinois.
Born in Muscatine, Muscatine
County, Iowa, 1919.
Colonel in the U.S. Army during World War II; U.S. Ambassador to Luxembourg, 1962-65; Senegal, 1966-67, died in office 1967; Gambia, 1966-67, died in office 1967.
Member, Phi
Beta Kappa; Council on Foreign Relations.
Died, of a heart
attack, in Dakar, Senegal,
19, 1967 (age about 47
Interment at Arlington
National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.