- Eastabuchie
- Eastacworth
- Eastalbany
- Eastalburg
- Eastalstead
- Eastalton
- Eastamherst
- Eastandover
- Eastannarbor
- Eastanollee
- Eastarlington
- Eastashford
- Eastashtabula
- Eastatlanta
- Eastatlanticcity
- Eastattleboro
- Eastauburn
- Eastaurora
- Eastbaldwin
- Eastbangor
- Eastbank
- Eastbarnard
- Eastbarnet
- Eastbarre
- Eastbarrington
- Eastbatonrouge
- Eastbeckley
- Eastbend
- Eastbennington
- Eastberkshire
- Eastberlin
- Eastbernard
- Eastberne
- Eastbernstadt
- Eastbethany
- Eastbethel
- Eastbethlehem
- Eastbirmingham
- Eastbloomfield
- Eastboston
- Eastboxford
- Eastbradford
- Eastbrady
- Eastbraintree
- Eastbranch
- Eastbremerton
- Eastbrewster
- Eastbrewton
- Eastbridgewater
- Eastbrighton
- Eastbrimfield
- Eastbrook
- Eastbrookfield
- Eastbrunswick
- Eastbucksport
- Eastburke
- Eastbutler
- Eastcalais
- Eastcambridge
- Eastcamp
- Eastcanaan
- Eastcandia
- Eastcanton
- Eastcaribou
- Eastcarroll
- Eastcarver
- Eastcharleston
- Eastcharlotte
- Eastchattanooga
- Eastchester
- Eastchicago
- Eastchicagoheights
- Eastchina
- Eastchinasea
- Eastclarendon
- Eastcleveland
- Eastclifton
- Eastcohoctah
- Eastconcord
- Eastconemaugh
- Eastconway
- Eastcorinth
- Eastcraftsbury
- Eastcumberland
- Eastdayton
- Eastdedham
- Eastdeerfield
- Eastdeering
- Eastdennis
- Eastderry
- Eastdetroit
- Eastdixfield
- Eastdonegal
- Eastdorset
- Eastdouglas
- Eastdover
- Eastdowningtown
- Eastdubuque
- Eastdummerston
- Eastdunbartonshire
- Kirkintilloch, East Dunbartonshire, Scotland
- Eastearl
- Eastedge
- Eastellijay
- Eastellsworth
- Eastelmhurst
- Eastely
- Eastemporium
- Eastenosburg
- Eastenterprise
- Easterly
- Eastern
- Eastfairfield
- Eastfallschurch
- Eastfalmouth
- Eastfarmingdale
- Eastfarmington
- Eastfeliciana
- Eastfletcher
- Eastflorence
- Eastford
- Eastfork
- Eastfoxboro
- Eastfranklin
- Eastfreedom
- Eastfreetown
- Eastfremont
- Eastgadsden
- Eastgary
- Eastgeorgia
- Eastgilead
- Eastglacierpark
- Eastglastonbury
- Eastgolden
- Eastgoshen
- Eastgrafton
- Eastgranby
- Eastgrandforks
- Eastgrandrapids
- Eastgrantham
- Eastgranville
- Eastgray
- Eastgreenbush
- Eastgreenville
- Eastgreenwich
- Eastgreenwood
- Eastgroveland
- Eastguilford
- Eastgulf
- Easthaddam
- East Haddam, Middlesex
County, Conn.
- Little Haddam, East Haddam, Middlesex
County, Conn.
- Millington, East Haddam, Middlesex
County, Conn.
- Moodus, East Haddam, Middlesex
County, Conn.
- North Plain, East Haddam, Middlesex
County, Conn.
- Eastham
- Easthamburg
- Easthamilton
- Easthampden
- Easthampstead
- Easthampton
- Chatham (now East Hampton), Middlesex
County, Conn.
- Cobalt, Chatham (now East Hampton), Middlesex
County, Conn.
- Cobalt, East Hampton, Middlesex
County, Conn.
- East Hampton, Middlesex
County, Conn.
- Middle Haddam, East Hampton, Middlesex
County, Conn.
- Middle Haddam, Chatham (now East Hampton), Middlesex
County, Conn.
- Easthampton, Hampshire
County, Mass.
- Mount Tom, Easthampton, Hampshire
County, Mass.
- East Hampton, Suffolk
County, Long Island, N.Y.
- Easthanover
- Easthardwick
- Eastharlem
- Eastharpswell
- Easthartford
- Burnside, East Hartford, Hartford
County, Conn.
- East Hartford, Hartford
County, Conn.
- East Hartford Meadow, East Hartford, Hartford
County, Conn.
- Hillstown, East Hartford, Hartford
County, Conn.
- Hockanum, East Hartford, Hartford
County, Conn.
- Silver Lane, East Hartford, Hartford
County, Conn.
- Easthartfordmeadow
- Easthartland
- Eastharwich
- Easthatley
- East Hatley, Compton County, Quebec
- Easthaven
- Easthaverhill
- Easthazelcrest
- Easthebron
- Easthelena
- Easthempstead
- Easthereford
- Hereford (now East Hereford), Quebec
- Eastherkimer
- Easthickman
- Easthickory
- Easthighgate
- Easthills
- Eastholderness
- Eastholland
- Eastholliston
- Easthomer
- Easthoosac
- Easthope
- Easthouston
- Easthubbardton
- Eastislip
- Eastjamaica
- Eastjamestown
- Eastjohnson
- Eastjordan
- Eastkansas
- Eastkansascity
- Eastkeansburg
- Eastkillingly
- Eastkingston
- Eastlake
- Eastlake, Adams
County, Colo.
- Eastlake, Manistee
County, Mich.
- East Lake, Aitkin
County, Minn.
- Eastlake, Lake County,
- Eastlake, Hamilton
County, Tenn.
- Eastlampeter
- Eastland
- Eastlansdowne
- Eastlansing
- Eastlasvegas
- Eastleake
- Eastleavenworth
- Eastlebanon
- Eastlee
- Eastlempster
- Eastleroy
- Eastleverett
- Eastlewiston
- Eastlexington
- Eastliberty
- Eastlincoln
- Eastlinden
- Eastlitchfield
- Eastlivermore
- Eastliverpool
- Eastlondon
- Eastlongmeadow
- Eastlosangeles
- Eastlothian
- Eastlyme
- Crescent, East Lyme, New London
County, Conn.
- Crescent Beach, East Lyme, New London
County, Conn.
- East Lyme, New London
County, Conn.
- Flanders, East Lyme, New London
County, Conn.
- Niantic, East Lyme, New London
County, Conn.
- Eastlyndon
- Eastlynn
- Eastlynne
- Eastmachias
- Eastmadison
- Eastmahoning
- Eastman
- Eastmanchester
- Eastmansfield
- Eastmanville
- Eastmauchchunk
- Eastmcdowell
- Eastmckeesport
- Eastmeadow
- Eastmemphis
- Eastmerrick
- Eastmiddlebury
- Eastmiddletown
- Eastmilan
- Eastmilford
- Eastmillinocket
- Eastmillsboro
- Eastmillstone
- Eastmilton
- Eastmoline
- Eastmonkton
- Eastmonongahela
- Eastmontpelier
- Eastmontpeliercenter
- Eastmoriches
- Eastmorris
- Eastnantmeal
- Eastnewark
- Eastnewmarket
- Eastnewyork
- Eastnorfolk
- Eastnorriton
- Eastnorthfield
- Eastnorthport
- Eastnorton
- Eastnorwalk
- Eastnorwich
- Eastnottingham
- Easton
- Easton (now part of Burlingame), San Mateo
County, Calif.
- Easton, Fairfield
County, Conn.
- Weston (part now in Easton), Fairfield
County, Conn.
- Easton, Mason
County, Ill.
- Easton, Leavenworth
County, Kan.
- Easton, Evangeline
Parish, La.
- Easton, Aroostook
County, Maine
- near Easton, Talbot
County, Md.
- Easton, Talbot
County, Md.
- Easton, Bristol
County, Mass.
- Eastondale, Easton, Bristol
County, Mass.
- North Easton, Easton, Bristol
County, Mass.
- South Easton, Easton, Bristol
County, Mass.
- Easton, Ionia
County, Mich.
- Easton, Shiawassee
County, Mich.
- Easton Township, Ionia
County, Mich.
- Easton, Faribault
County, Minn.
- Easton, Buchanan
County, Mo.
- Easton, Grafton
County, N.H.
- Landaff (part now in Easton), Grafton
County, N.H.
- Easton, Washington
County, N.Y.
- Easton, Northampton
County, Pa.
- near Easton, Northampton
County, Pa.
- South Easton (now part of Easton), Northampton
County, Pa.
- Easton town, Marathon
County, Wis.
- Eastondale
- Eastonpoint
- Eastorange
- Eastorleans
- Eastotis
- Eastotto
- Eastover
- Eastpalestine
- Eastpaloalto
- Eastparis
- Eastpatchogue
- Eastpaterson
- Eastpeacham
- Eastpembroke
- Eastpennsboro
- Eastpeoria
- Eastpepperell
- Eastperu
- Eastpetersburg
- Eastpittsburgh
- Eastpittsford
- Eastplainfield
- Eastpleasantplain
- Eastpoint
- Eastpointe
- Eastpoland
- Eastport
- Eastportal
- Eastportchester
- Eastpoultney
- Eastprairie
- Eastprinceton
- Eastprospect
- Eastprovidence
- East Providence, Bedford
County, Pa.
- Bowden Heights, East Providence, Providence
County, R.I.
- Bullocks Point, East Providence, Providence
County, R.I.
- Crescent Park, East Providence, Providence
County, R.I.
- East Providence, Providence
County, R.I.
- Fort Hill, East Providence, Providence
County, R.I.
- Kent Heights, East Providence, Providence
County, R.I.
- Narragansett Terrace, East Providence, Providence
County, R.I.
- Omega, East Providence, Providence
County, R.I.
- Phillipsdale, East Providence, Providence
County, R.I.
- Riverside, East Providence, Providence
County, R.I.
- Rumford, East Providence, Providence
County, R.I.
- Silver Spring, East Providence, Providence
County, R.I.
- Squantum, East Providence, Providence
County, R.I.
- Watchemoket, East Providence, Providence
County, R.I.
- Eastputnam
- Eastputney