Note: This is just one of
family groupings listed on
The Political Graveyard web site.
These families each have three or more politician members,
all linked together by blood, marriage or adoption.
These groupings — even the names of the groupings,
and the areas of main activity — are the
result of a computer algorithm working with the data I have,
not the choices of any historian or genealogist.
James Harrison Cravens (1802-1876) —
of Harrisonburg,
Va.; Franklin, Venango
County, Pa.; Madison, Jefferson
County, Ind.; Ripley
County, Ind.
Born in Harrisonburg,
Va., August
12, 1802.
member of Indiana
state house of representatives, 1831-33, 1846-47; member of Indiana
state senate, 1839-41; candidate for Presidential Elector for
Indiana; U.S.
Representative from Indiana 4th District, 1841-43; candidate for
of Indiana, 1849, 1852 (Free Soil); candidate for delegate
to Indiana state constitutional convention, 1850; candidate for
state attorney general, 1856; colonel in the Union Army during
the Civil War.
Died in Osgood, Ripley
County, Ind., December
4, 1876 (age 74 years, 114
Interment at Cliff
Hill Cemetery, Versailles, Ind.
James Addison Cravens (1818-1893) —
also known as James A. Cravens —
of Hardinsburg, Washington
County, Ind.
Born in Rockingham
County, Va., November
4, 1818.
Democrat. Candidate for Presidential Elector for Indiana; major in
the U.S. Army during the Mexican War; member of Indiana
state house of representatives, 1848-50; member of Indiana
state senate, 1850-52; U.S.
Representative from Indiana 2nd District, 1861-65; delegate to
Democratic National Convention from Indiana, 1868,
Member, Freemasons.
Died in Hardinsburg, Washington
County, Ind., June 22,
1893 (age 74 years, 230
Interment at Hardin
Cemetery, Hardinsburg, Ind.
Aaron Asbury Cravens (b. 1844) —
of Indiana.
Born in Madison Township, Washington
County, Ind., July 26,
Candidate for Presidential Elector for Indiana; member of Indiana
state house of representatives, 1893, 1899.
Member, Freemasons.
Burial location unknown.