The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
San Antonio, Texas
Mayors, Postmasters, Collectors of Customs

Mayors of San Antonio, 1837-2023 (may be incomplete!)
John W. Smith 1837-38 William H. Daingerfield 1838 Antonio Menchaca 1838-39 Samuel A. Maverick 1839-40 John W. Smith 1840-41 Juan N. Seguin 1841 Francis Gilbeau 1841 Juan N. Seguin 1841-42 John W. Smith 1842-44 Edward Dwyer 1844-46 Bryan Callaghan 1846-47 Charles F. King 1847 S. S. Smith 1847-48 Charles F. King 1848 S. S. Smith 1848-49 J. M. Devine 1849-51 J. S. McDonald 1851-52 Charles F. King 1852-53 J. M. Devine 1853-54 John M. Carolan 1854-55 James R. Sweet 1855-56 J. M. Devine 1856-57 J. H. Beck 1857 A. A. Lockwood 1857-59 James R. Sweet 1859-62 Samuel A. Maverick 1862-63 P. L. Buquor 1863-65 J. H. Lyons 1865 Daniel Cleveland 1865-66 J. H. Lyons 1866-67 W. C. A Thielepape 1867-72 S. G. Newton 1872 F. Giraud 1872-75 James H. French 1875-85 Bryan V. Callaghan, Jr. 1885-92 A. I. Lockwood 1892-93 George Paschal 1893-94 Henry Elmendorf 1894-97 Bryan V. Callaghan, Jr. 1897-99 Marshall Hicks 1899-1903 Frederick Terrell 1903 John S. Campbell 1903-05 Bryan V. Callaghan, Jr. 1905-12 William L. Richter 1912 A. H. Jones 1912-13 Albert Steves 1913 Clinton G. Brown 1913-17 Sam C. Bell 1917-21 O. B. Black 1921-23 John W. Tobin 1923-27 Phil Wright 1927 C. M. Chambers 1927-33 C. K. Quin 1933-39 Maury Maverick 1939-41 C. K. Quin 1941-43 Gus B. Mauerman 1943-47 Alfred Callaghan 1947-49 A. C. 'Jack' White 1949-52 Sam Bell Steves 1952-53 A. C. 'Jack' White 1953-54 R. L. Lester 1954 R. N. White, Sr. 1954-55 J. Edwin Kuykendall 1955-61 Walter W. McAllister 1961-71 John Gatti 1971-73 Charles L. Becker 1973-75 Lila Cockrell 1975-81 Henry G. Cisneros 1981-89 Lila Cockrell 1989-91 Nelson W. Wolff 1991-95 William E. Thornton 1995-97 Howard W. Peak 1997-2001 Ed Garza 2001-05 Phil Hardberger 2005-09 Julián Castro 2009-14 Ivy R. Taylor 2014-17 Ron Nirenberg 2017-

Events and Candidates (may be incomplete!)

  • 1975 Apr 1: Lila Cockrell, advanced to runoff; John J. Monfrey, advanced to runoff; Eloy Centeno, defeated; Glenn B. Lacy, defeated; Perry E. Salinas, defeated; Albert U. Trevino, defeated; Bill Healey, defeated; L. C. Glasco, defeated; Howard L. Atwell, defeated; Patrick S. Mele, defeated.
  • 1975 Apr 15: Lila Cockrell, elected; John J. Monfrey, defeated.
  • 1977 Apr 2: Lila Cockrell, advanced to runoff; John J. Monfrey, advanced to runoff; Jose San Martin, defeated; James C. Willingham, defeated; L. C. Glasco, defeated; Paul Rodriguez, defeated; Susan Garry, defeated; George A. Bigley, defeated; Saul Edward Jasso, defeated.
  • 1977 Apr 16: Lila Cockrell, elected; John J. Monfrey, defeated.
  • 1979 Apr 7: Lila Cockrell, elected; Charles L. Becker, defeated; José Olivares, defeated; Gene Elder, defeated; Juan Dario Sauceda, defeated; Howard Curry, defeated; Andrea Doorack, defeated; Andy Carr, defeated; Robert W. Leahey, defeated.
  • 1981 Apr 4: Henry G. Cisneros, elected; John Steen, defeated; Jose San Martin, defeated; Howard Curry, defeated; Tony Prince, defeated; José Olivares, defeated; Mike Quillian, defeated; Kenneth B. Winter, defeated.
  • 1983 Apr 2: Henry G. Cisneros, elected; Karl Wurz, defeated; Stephanie Brooks, defeated; José Olivares, defeated; Thomas Edward Leggett, Jr., defeated; Juan Dario Sauceda, defeated.
  • 1985 Apr 6: Henry G. Cisneros, elected; Phil Pyndus, defeated; José Olivares, defeated; Will Camps, defeated; Henry Krawiec, defeated; Ramon Guevara, defeated.
  • 1987 Apr 4: Henry G. Cisneros, elected; Phil Pyndus, defeated; José Olivares, defeated; Steve Doubleday, defeated; Will Camps, defeated.
  • 1989 May 6: Lila Cockrell, elected; Carl S. Mauthe, defeated; Manuel Obregón=Flores, defeated; Julius Sadowsky, Jr., defeated; Joseph V Rodriguez=de=Cisneros, defeated; José Olivares, defeated; Will Camps, defeated.
  • 1991 May 4: Maria Antonietta Berriozabal, advanced to runoff; Nelson W. Wolff, advanced to runoff; Lila Cockrell, defeated; Van Archer, defeated; Kay Turner, defeated; Jimmy Hasslocher, defeated; José Olivares, defeated; Victor T. Hernandez, defeated; Eugenio Macias, defeated; Lowell Embs, defeated; Will Camps, defeated.
  • 1991 May 25: Nelson W. Wolff, elected; Maria Antonietta Berriozabal, defeated.
  • 1993 May 1: Nelson W. Wolff, elected; Patrick R. Morales, defeated; Joseph V Rodriguez=de=Cisneros, defeated; David L. Alvarado, defeated.
  • 1995 May 6: William E. Thornton, advanced to runoff; Kay Turner, advanced to runoff; Joseph V Rodriguez=de=Cisneros, defeated; Louis Podesta, defeated; Bill Coward, defeated; Dave Leitt, defeated.
  • 1995 May 30: William E. Thornton, elected; Kay Turner, defeated.
  • 1997 May 3: Kay Turner, advanced to runoff; Howard W. Peak, advanced to runoff; William E. Thornton, defeated; Maria Elena Torralva, defeated; Henry Avila, defeated; Joseph V Rodriguez=de=Cisneros, defeated; Hardeman Smyer, defeated.
  • 1997 May 27: Howard W. Peak, elected; Kay Turner, defeated.
  • 1999 May 1: Howard W. Peak, elected; Tony R. Garza, defeated; Louis Podesta, defeated; Eloy Centeno, defeated; Joseph V Rodriguez=de=Cisneros, defeated.
  • 2001 May 6: Ed Garza, elected; Tim Bannwolf, defeated; Art Hall, defeated; Shirley C. Thompson, defeated; Al Rohde, defeated; Mike Yates, defeated; Julie Iris Oldham, defeated; Andrew Fernandez=Vicencio, defeated; Drew Warthen, defeated; Michael Idrogo, defeated; Fanny Mayahuel-Thomas, defeated.
  • 2003 May 3: Ed Garza, elected; Shirley C. Thompson, defeated; Michael Idrogo, defeated.
  • 2005 May 7: Julián Castro, advanced to runoff; Phil Hardberger, advanced to runoff; Carroll W. Schubert, defeated; Julie Iris Oldham, defeated; Everett Caldwell, defeated; Rhett R. Smith, defeated; Michael Idrogo, defeated.
  • 2005 Jun 7: Phil Hardberger, elected; Julián Castro, defeated.
  • 2007 May 12: Phil Hardberger, elected; Patrick McCurdy, defeated; Eiginio Rodriguez, defeated; Julie Iris Oldham, defeated; R. G. Griffing, defeated; Michael Idrogo, defeated; Rhett R. Smith, defeated.
  • 2009 May 9: Julián Castro, elected; Trish DeBerry-Mejia, defeated; Diane Cibrian, defeated; Sheila D. McNeil, defeated; Rhett R. Smith, defeated; Lauro A. Bustamante, defeated; Julie Iris Oldham, defeated; Michael Idrogo, defeated; Napoleon Madrid, defeated.
  • 2011 May 14: Julián Castro, elected; Will McLeod, defeated; Rhett R. Smith, defeated; James Rodriguez, defeated; Michael Idrogo, defeated.
  • 2013 May 11: Julián Castro, elected; Rhett R. Smith, defeated; Jesus G. Reyes, defeated; Michael Idrogo, defeated; Raymond Zavala, defeated; Irma Rosas, defeated; Sergio Falcon, defeated.
  • 2015 May 9: Leticia Van de Putte, advanced to runoff; Ivy R. Taylor, advanced to runoff; Michael Villarreal, defeated; Tommy Adkisson, defeated; Paul A. Martinez, defeated; Cynthia Brehm, defeated; Douglas S. Emmett, defeated; Michael Idrogo, defeated; Cynthia T. Cavazos, defeated; Raymond Zavala, defeated; Rhett R. Smith, defeated; Julie Iris Oldham, defeated; Gerard X. Ponce, defeated; Pogo Mochello Reese, defeated.
  • 2015 Jun 13: Ivy R. Taylor, elected; Leticia Van de Putte, defeated.
  • 2017 May 6: Ivy R. Taylor, advanced to runoff; Ron Nirenberg, advanced to runoff; Manuel Medina, defeated; Kevin Roles, defeated; Antonio Díaz, defeated; Will McLeod, defeated; Felicio Hernandez Flores II, defeated; John M. Velasquez, defeated; Gerard X. Ponce, defeated; Michael Idrogo, defeated; Rhett R. Smith, defeated; Stephen Lucke, defeated; Julie Iris Oldham, defeated; Napoleon Madrid, defeated.
  • 2017 Jun 10: Ron Nirenberg, elected; Ivy R. Taylor, defeated.
  • 2019 May 4: Ron Nirenberg, advanced to runoff; Greg Brockhouse, advanced to runoff; John M. Velasquez, defeated; Antonio Díaz, defeated; Tim Atwood, defeated; Matt Pina, defeated; Bert T. Cecconi, defeated; Michael Idrogo, defeated; Carlos Castanuela, defeated.
  • 2019 Jun 8: Ron Nirenberg, elected; Greg Brockhouse, defeated.
  • 2021 May 1: Ron Nirenberg, elected; Greg Brockhouse, defeated; Denise Gutierrez-Homer, defeated; Gary Allen, defeated; Antonio Díaz, defeated; Tim Atwood, defeated; Jacq'ue Miller, defeated; Ray Basaldua, defeated; Michael Idrogo, defeated; John M. Velasquez, defeated; Dan Martinez, defeated; Frank Adam Muniz, defeated; Justin Macaluso, defeated; Joshua James Galvan, defeated.
  • 2023 May 6: Ron Nirenberg, elected; Christopher T. Schuchardt, defeated; Gary Allen, defeated; Michael Samaniego, defeated; Diana Flores=Uriegas, defeated; Christopher Longoria, defeated; Ray Basaldua, defeated; Armando Dominguez, defeated; Michael Idrogo, defeated.

    Postmasters at San Antonio, 1846-1970 (may be incomplete!)
    James L. Trueheart 1846-47 O. C. Woodward 1847 Ralph William Peacock 1847-48 John Bowen 1848-55 Alexander G. Brown 1855-56 Henry L. Radaz 1856-61 E. C. Dewey 1861-65 Sidney P. Gambie 1865-76 Margaret E. Norris 1876-79 John C. Manning 1879-83 James P. Newcomb 1883-85 Henry P. Howard 1885-89 Samuel M. Johnson 1889-94 Joseph M. George 1894-98 George Gay Clifford 1898-1906 John J. Stevens 1906-14 George D. Armistead 1914-21 Joseph J. Fuller 1921-22 Peter G. Lucas 1922-34 Daniel J. Quill 1934-35 Daniel J. Quill 1935-70

    Collectors of Customs at San Antonio, 1917-32 (may be incomplete!)
    Thomas A. Coleman as of 1917 Roy Campbell as of 1927-32

  • "Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
    Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
    The Political Graveyard

    The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
      The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
      The listings are incomplete; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.  
      Information on this page — and on all other pages of this site — is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.  
      The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/geo/TX/ofc/sanantonio.html .  
      Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.  
      If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the alphabetical index of politicians.  
    Copyright notices: (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see Feist v. Rural Telephone. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute fair use under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are © 1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a Creative Commons License.
    What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
    Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.