The Political Graveyard: A Database of American History
San Diego, California
Mayors, Postmasters, Collectors of Customs

Mayors of San Diego, 1850-2024 (may be incomplete!)
Joshua Bean 1850-51 David B. Kurtz 1851-52 George P. Tebbetts 1852 William J. Hunsaker 1888 Martin D. Hamilton 1888-89 Douglas Gunn 1889-91 Mathew Sherman 1891-93 William H. Carlson 1893-97 Daniel C. Reed 1897-99 Edwin M. Capps 1899-1901 Frank P. Frary 1901-05 John L. Sehon 1905-07 John F. Forward, Sr. 1907-09 Conard Grant 1909-11 James E. Wadham 1911-13 Charles F. O'Neall 1913-15 Edwin M. Capps 1915-17 Louis J. Wilde 1917-21 John L. Bacon 1921-27 Harry C. Clark 1927-31 Walter W. Austin 1931-32 John F. Forward, Jr. 1932-34 Rutherford B. Irones 1934-35 Albert W. Bennett 1935 Percy J. Benbough 1935-42 Fred W. Simpson 1942 Howard B. Bard 1942-43 Harley E. Knox 1943-51 John D. Butler 1951-55 Charles C. Dail 1955-63 Frank E. Curran 1963-71 Pete Wilson 1971-83 William E. Cleator, Sr. 1983 Roger Hedgecock 1983-85 Ed Struiksma 1985-86 Maureen O'Connor 1986-92 Susan Golding 1992-2000 Dick Murphy 2000-05 Michael J. Zucchet 2005 Toni G. Atkins 2005 Jerry Sanders 2005-12 Bob Filner 2012-13 Todd Gloria 2013-14 Kevin Faulconer 2014-20 Todd Gloria 2020-

Events and Candidates (may be incomplete!)

  • 1887: Daniel C. Reed, defeated.
  • 1889 Apr 8: Douglas Gunn, elected.
  • 1903: James E. Wadham, defeated.
  • 1925 Mar 24: John L. Bacon, nominated; Fred A. Heilbron, defeated in primary; George L. Mayne, defeated in primary; Marcus W. Robbins, defeated in primary; William I. Kinsley, defeated in primary.
  • 1925 Apr 7: John L. Bacon, elected unopposed.
  • 1932: C. Leon de Aryan, defeated.
  • 1934 Aug 22: John F. Forward, Jr., resigned; Rutherford B. Irones, appointed.
  • 1942 Nov 4: Percy J. Benbough, died in office.
  • 1942 Nov 30: Howard B. Bard, appointed.
  • 1963 Sep 17: Frank E. Curran, advanced to runoff; Murray D. Goodrich, advanced to runoff; David S. Casey, defeated in primary; Allen Hitch, defeated in primary; Helen R. Cobb, defeated in primary; Donald J. Hartley, defeated in primary; Gerard A. Dougherty, defeated in primary; Joseph Costa, defeated in primary; Kenny Olson, defeated in primary; William Matselboba, Sr., defeated in primary; John B. Schneider, defeated in primary; Juan Rivera=Rosario, defeated in primary.
  • 1963 Nov 5: Frank E. Curran, elected; Murray D. Goodrich, defeated.
  • 1967 Sep 19: Frank E. Curran, advanced to runoff; Allen Hitch, advanced to runoff; John Clayton, defeated in primary; Gerard A. Dougherty, defeated in primary; George Stahlman, defeated in primary; Lloyd W. Gough, defeated in primary; Tom Kane, defeated in primary.
  • 1967 Nov 7: Frank E. Curran, elected; Allen Hitch, defeated.
  • 1971 Sep 21: Pete Wilson, advanced to runoff; Ed Butler, advanced to runoff; Jack Walsh, defeated in primary; Frank E. Curran, defeated in primary; Dan Grady, defeated in primary; Tom Hom, defeated in primary; Virginia W. Taylor, defeated in primary; Gilbert Robledo, defeated in primary; Alan Douglas Littlemore, defeated in primary; Mike Schaefer, defeated in primary; Arthur G. Mannion, defeated in primary; William R. McKinley, defeated in primary; Don Marsh, defeated in primary; Kenny Olson, defeated in primary.
  • 1971 Nov 2: Pete Wilson, elected; Ed Butler, defeated.
  • 1975 Sep 16: Pete Wilson, elected; Lee Hubbard, defeated; Otis L. Jones, defeated; John Kelley, defeated; Kenny Olson, defeated.
  • 1979 Sep 18: Pete Wilson, elected; Simon Casady, defeated; John Kelley, defeated; Charlotte Buchanan, defeated; Michael Gomez, defeated; Jerry Lester, defeated; Raul Gonzalez, defeated.
  • 1983 Mar 15: Maureen O'Connor, nominated; Roger Hedgecock, nominated; William E. Cleator, Sr., defeated in primary; Bill Mitchell, defeated in primary; Rich Reil, defeated in primary; Joe Jaffe, defeated in primary; Don D. Parker, defeated in primary; Rosalyn, defeated in primary; George E. Hollis, defeated in primary; William M. Armstrong, defeated in primary; Paul R. Clark, defeated in primary; Jim Cunradi, defeated in primary; Dan Russell, defeated in primary; Oren Cox, defeated in primary; Jerry Paul Shine, defeated in primary; Alex R. H. Weaver, defeated in primary; John P. Yuskiw, defeated in primary; Art Walters, defeated in primary; Leon A. Haake, defeated in primary; Waletr R. Sweadner, defeated in primary.
  • 1983 May 3: Roger Hedgecock, elected; Maureen O'Connor, defeated.
  • 1984 Jun 5: Roger Hedgecock, nominated; Richard W. Carlson, nominated; Nancy Bradshaw, defeated in primary; Rich Reil, defeated in primary; Warren A. Nielsen, defeated in primary; Don D. Parker, defeated in primary; Robertson Whittemore, defeated in primary; Rose Lynne, defeated in primary; James D. Wyrick, defeated in primary.
  • 1984 Nov 6: Roger Hedgecock, elected; Richard W. Carlson, defeated.
  • 1986 Feb 25: Maureen O'Connor, nominated; William E. Cleator, Sr., nominated; Floyd L. Morrow, defeated in primary; Ed Struiksma, defeated in primary; Mary Christian-Heising, defeated in primary; Loch David Crane, defeated in primary; Robert McCullough, defeated in primary; Raymond E. Peters, defeated in primary; John Kelley, defeated in primary; Warren A. Nielsen, defeated in primary; Vernon E. Watts, Jr., defeated in primary; Nicholas R. Walpert, defeated in primary; Rose Lynne, defeated in primary; Arthur F. Helliwell, defeated in primary.
  • 1986 Jun 3: Maureen O'Connor, elected; William E. Cleator, Sr., defeated.
  • 1988 Jun 7: Maureen O'Connor, elected; Floyd L. Morrow, defeated; Charles Ulmschneider, defeated; John Kelley, defeated; Rose Lynne, defeated.
  • 1992 Jun 2: Peter Navarro, nominated; Susan Golding, nominated; Ron Roberts, defeated in primary; Tom Carter, defeated in primary; Loch David Crane, defeated in primary; Bill Thomas, defeated in primary.
  • 1992 Nov 3: Susan Golding, elected; Peter Navarro, defeated; Jim Turner, defeated.
  • 1996 Mar 26: Susan Golding, elected; Jim Bell, defeated; Patrick Coleman, defeated; Loch David Crane, defeated; Jim Turner, defeated; James Hart, defeated.
  • 2000 Mar 7: Ron Roberts, nominated; Dick Murphy, nominated; Peter Q. Davis, defeated in primary; Barbara Warden, defeated in primary; George Stevens, defeated in primary; Byron Wear, defeated in primary; Jim Bell, defeated in primary; Janice Jordan, defeated in primary; Loch David Crane, defeated in primary; Glen D. Adkins, defeated in primary; Robert H. Schmitt, defeated in primary; James Hart, defeated in primary.
  • 2000 Nov 7: Dick Murphy, elected; Ron Roberts, defeated; H. Diane Dixon, defeated.
  • 2004 Mar 2: Dick Murphy, nominated; Ron Roberts, nominated; Peter Q. Davis, defeated in primary; Jim Bell, defeated in primary.
  • 2004 Nov 2: Dick Murphy, elected; Donna Frye, defeated; Ron Roberts, defeated.
  • 2005 Jul 15: Dick Murphy, resigned.
  • 2005 Jul 26: Donna Frye, nominated; Jerry Sanders, nominated; Steve Francis, defeated in primary; Pat Shea, defeated in primary; Richard Rider, defeated in primary; Myke Shelby, defeated in primary; Shawn A. McMillan, defeated in primary; Jim Bell, defeated in primary; Ed Kolker, defeated in primary; Jeremy Ledford, defeated in primary; Thomas Knapp, defeated in primary.
  • 2005 Nov 8: Jerry Sanders, elected; Donna Frye, defeated.
  • 2008 Jun 3: Jerry Sanders, elected; Steve Francis, defeated; Floyd L. Morrow, defeated; Eric M. Bidwell, defeated; James B. Hart, defeated.
  • 2012 Jun 5: Carl DeMaio, nominated; Bob Filner, nominated; Nathan Fletcher, defeated in primary; Bonnie Dumanis, defeated in primary; Tobia L. Pettus, defeated in primary; John Woodrum, defeated in primary.
  • 2012 Nov 6: Bob Filner, elected; Carl DeMaio, defeated.
  • 2013 Aug 30: Bob Filner, resigned.
  • 2013 Nov 19: Kevin Faulconer, nominated; David Alvarez, nominated; Nathan Fletcher, defeated in primary; Michael J. Aguirre, defeated in primary; Lincoln Pickard, defeated in primary; Bruce Coons, defeated in primary; Sina Moghadam, defeated in primary; Hud Collins, defeated in primary; Michael A. Kemmer, defeated in primary; Harry Dirks, defeated in primary; Tobia L. Pettus, defeated in primary.
  • 2014 Feb 11: Kevin Faulconer, elected; David Alvarez, defeated.
  • 2016 Jun 7: Kevin Faulconer, elected; Lori Saldaña, defeated; Ed Harris, defeated.
  • 2020 Mar 3: Todd Gloria, nominated; Barbara Bry, nominated; Scott Sherman, defeated in primary; Tasha Williamson, defeated in primary; Gita Appelbaum Singh, defeated in primary; Rich Riel, defeated in primary.
  • 2020 Nov 3: Todd Gloria, elected; Barbara Bry, defeated.
  • 2024 Mar 5: Todd Gloria, nominated; Larry Turner, nominated; Genevieve Jones-Wright, defeated in primary; Jane Glasson, defeated in primary; Daniel Smiechowski, defeated in primary.
  • 2024 Nov 5: Todd Gloria, elected; Larry Turner, defeated.

    Postmasters at San Diego, 1871-1976 (may be incomplete!)
    Columbus Dunham 1871-76 Daniel Choate 1876-81 Henry H. Burton 1881 George D. Copeland 1881-85 Gustave William Jorres 1885-87 Allen D. Norman 1887-90 Howard M. Kutchin 1890-94 Richard V. Dodge 1894-98 Moses A. Luce 1898-1902 John N. Newkirk 1902-08 Charles H. Bartholomew 1908-17 Lucius R. Barrow 1917-21 Ernest W. Dort 1921-34 Donald M. Stewart 1934-35 Donald M. Stewart 1935-48 William E. Krenning 1948-49 William E. Krenning 1949-59 V. Earl Roberts 1959-61 Ralph S. Colonell 1961 Ralph S. Colonell 1961-76

    Collectors of Customs at San Diego, 1854-1947 (may be incomplete!)
    Oliver S. Witherby as of 1854 William W. Bowers 1874-81 John R. Berry as of 1891 William W. Bowers 1899-1906 Frank W. Barnes as of 1907 Walter T. Blake as of 1909-11 Clarence D. Sprigg as of 1921 William H. Ellison as of 1930-32 William B. George as of 1933-41 Clifford W. Pollock as of 1946 Robert E. Noonan as of 1947

  • "Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."
    Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872
    The Political Graveyard

    The Political Graveyard is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.
      The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.  
      The listings are incomplete; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.  
      Information on this page — and on all other pages of this site — is believed to be accurate, but is not guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.  
      The official URL for this page is: https://politicalgraveyard.com/geo/CA/ofc/sandiego.html .  
      Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.  
      If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the alphabetical index of politicians.  
    Copyright notices: (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see Feist v. Rural Telephone. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute fair use under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are © 1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a Creative Commons License.
    What is a "political graveyard"? See Political Dictionary; Urban Dictionary.
    Site information: The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by Lawrence Kestenbaum, who is solely responsible for its structure and content. — The mailing address is The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106. — This site is hosted by HDLmi.com. — The Political Graveyard opened on July 1, 1996; the last full revision was done on February 17, 2025.